Back Squat/Front Squat
Heavy: Back Squat 87.5% x 2 x 2, Front Squat 87.5% x 2 x 2
Based on 1RM.
Back Squat 2×5, Front Squat 2×5
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 13 of 16.
For Time:
20 Deadlifts 135/95
20 Ring Push-Ups
15 Deadlifts 225/155
15 Ring Push-Ups
10 Deadlifts 315/205
10 Ring Push-Ups
Have the necessary plates nearby to make efficient weight changes. Must use clips. Scale the ascending loads on the Deadlift so that it starts very light and finishes on the heavy side for you. For the Ring Push-Ups, scale volume as necessary or scale degree of difficulty by performing regular or modified Push-Ups.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Brandon R. takes a breath between Thrusters
- Lots of good stuff in the Lost and Found right now. Let’s see… wrist wraps, lifters, gloves, shoes, several cool t-shirts. Claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in two weeks!
Register for the 2016 CrossFit Open!
Registration for the 2016 CrossFit Open went live last week, and there are just 29 days until the annoucement of Open Workout 16.1. Get crackin’! There will be Rx’d and scaled versions of each workout, so you can only help CFSBK’s team by signing up. Even if you do one rep for one of the WODs, it won’t bring the team down. We just want you to join us! Why should you register? We’re glad you asked!
Join Jacklyn K. For Yoga Tomorrow at 9am
Jaclyn has always had a love for fitness and overall health. She started practicing yoga as her source of recovery both physically and mentally. Her love for yoga drove her to get her first certification in 2007. Since, she has been teaching both Bikram and Vinyasa in the tri-state area. With her extensive study in many lineages of yoga, Jaclyn takes aspects from each creating a flow both challenging and accessible for everyone.
For Jaclyn, CrossFit and yoga are a brilliant team. She uses her yoga practice not only for added mobility but for strength, focus, and breath work as well. When Jaclyn works with athletes, she will gear her class around these principles while still keeping things light and fun in the same spirit that a CrossFit class has. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or brand new to a yoga mat, Jaclyn will offer plenty of options so everyone feels challenged yet still comfortable in this Vinyasa flow class.
When: Thursdays at 9am
Cost: Free as part of our Unlimited Membership option, or counts as one of your regular group classes
Scheduling Note: Jaclyn’s Yoga class will be cancelled next Thursday, February 4th and all Thursdays in March
Gym Etiquette Tip of the Week: Put Your Stuff Away!
Art by Jen Murray
From kettlebells (like this poor guy) to barbells to bumps to bands to all of our cool mobility toys, everything has its place on Captain Osorio’s ship, the S.S. South Brooklyn. We love that you take advantage of all this equipment. Please return it to its proper home so that someone else can use it next!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Take Out Your Rage On The Rowing Machine Deadspin
The Life, Death, and Rebirth of “New York’s Coffee Cup” Anthora Hopes&Fears
6am with NickDowell
HBBS – 275x2x2 – Happy to be able to do these without a belt and still moving pretty quickly
FSQ – 232.5x2x2 – Felt about the same as the HBBS did – not light but still very doable
Metcon in 3:51 Rx'd. Everything unbroken except for the last round of DL, which was 7-3
Realized when I woke up that my 3rd deadlift weight was 185#, not 175#. I have been tracking my workouts only on the blog these days and this is a substantial difference for me.
When you guys post your workouts here do you also use a notebook or MyWOD?
Wait. What! Dan L – under 4 mins!!?? That's amazing. Unless I was looking at the wrong clock it took me 17:49. Scaled. Nice work!
6am with NickDowell. Perf. back squats at 245x2x2 and front squats at 185x2x2. These reps all felt great. I love Wednesday squatting.
I did the metcon in 6:26 with push-ups and the bar at 135-185-225. First set of DLs were unbroken, second set was 8-7 and the third set was 6-4. I should have maybe tried this with ring push-ups, but it was fun jamming through this.
Cashed out with some double under practice. These are coming along nicely – I'm consistently stringing together 8-10. We'll see how that translates to an actual workout scenario.
Back Squats 265# x2x2.
Front Squats 220# x2x2
Back Squats felt very heavy and Front Squats felt fast and light.
WOD Rx'd in 7:09.
Deadlifts were 20, 5/5/3/2, 1/1/1/1etc…
Ring Push Ups were 20, 10/5, 10
315# was HEAVY!
Hopefully this will be my last strength cycle morning after getting home at midnight. (I was in Dallas for like 36 hours. Don't ask me what the point of that was.) Everything felt heavy as all get-out, but I made all my reps so I feel pretty good about it.
Squat 195x5x3. It's hard to believe I have done more than this for 3×5 in the past. Then again, in the past my depth was questionable, and it was pretty solid today.
Press 80x5x3. This ties the most I've done for a 3×5, and I think the bar moved better this time than that time, given that I have the word "UGLY" written underneath it in my previous logbook entry. 😛
Kroc rows 45x10x3/side. Jeremy says I may stay at that weight next week. Fine with me, especially since I don't think there are even any 50# DBs at 608!
PS LOVE the lonely kettlebell!
Back Squats 295# x2x2.
Front Squats 232.5# x2x2
My programming is all over the place as I work back to heavier weights. Did the first set of back squats paused.
WOD Rx'd in 6:27.
Deadlifts were 20, 10/5, 6/4
Ring Push Ups were 10/5/5, 5/5/3/2, 5/3/2
Ring pushups were definitely the limiter on this for me.
@lauren- same. I've been using a notebook again since about two weeks ago though. It's definitely nice to use paper.
@lauren – I use a notebook, the blog, and BeyondTheWhiteBoard
7am with NickDowell
BSQ – 170 x 2 x 2
FSQ – 160 x 2 x 2
Backs were heavy. Fronts moved well.
WOD in ~7:18 @ 135 / 185 / 215
Was gonna do 235# for the last round and probably should have. First round unbroken, second in 6 / 5 / 4 and last in 6 / 4. Ring push ups 10 / 5 / 5, 10 / 5, 6 / 4. I enjoyed this one.
I love how Sarah M can make jazz hands for wall balls look convincing!
7 am with Nick and McDowell and then just McDowell
LBBS 2×5 at 135# This is a 5 rep max for me and a little scary but with spotters and encouragement from Jynne, it all felt doably good. I'm shallow on my last rep. Always. I need to think set of six to get a good set of five.
Front squat was a bust at 115. I've lifted 115 before but today bailed on 2nd rep of first set. Called it a day because (and I think I have to plan better) I was in the gym 3 hours Saturday (Group Class, OG dead lift and bench practice with the indefatigable Allie) then AR. Then group classes Sunday, Monday, AG Tuesday night and today. Rest days are there for a reason, yes?
Wod 7:11 AT 75, 95, 115.
AG with Ro
Ring dips
Better than expected and will work on the pull.
I got these kipping no ab mat. However, when arms tire head comes down hard.
Double unders/ Burpees
got to 30 (attempts mostly made and up to 5 consecutive) and 10 burpees.
So fun.
Makeup from 5:30 – my class times are going to be all over the place this week.
Went home to discover that I have a lump on the side of my head from a fallen pizza during the warm up. It's a dangerous game.
LBBS: 215x2x2
FSQ: 170x2x2
Last week felt easy, this week felt super heavy. Hoping its just my cold that is bringing me down.
WOD: 8:04 Rx. Knew that deadlifts would be no problem, but thought I would have to scale the ring pushups. Pleasantly surprised that these all happened (even though all sets ended in many singles, but they happened!)
@Lauren, you were definitely looking at the wrong clock because I'm pretty sure you finished before me (or around my time).
@lauren – google doc, and it's awesome for globally searching for your past performance on specific movements and such…especially if you keep somewhat particular naming conventions
Lauren, you were looking at the wrong clock yesterday! Your time was no where near 18:00. It was very fast as usual!
I use myWOD and I love it, especially how you can track your lifts so easily
HBBS: 262.5x2x2
FSQ: 232.5.x2x2
Unfortunately, my lower back spasmed a little bit forcing me to skip the WOD. I hope this shit clears up soon.
Hatch Week 11 Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 165 x 5, 195 x 3, 220 x 2, 250 x 2, 260 x 1, 275 x 1, 285 x F(103%)
Ugh I feel so stupid. I misloaded the bar and did 275 instead of 285 and then failed 285 which I should have had!!!! On the bright side I now know what happens when I fail in the cage and it's not scary at all so I'm gonna try this again on Saturday and I know I'll get it!! Hopefully this will sort out my depth/fear thing lol!
Big thanks to Ro and McDowell and Jason for spotting and encouraging 🙂
Front Squat
125 x 5, 145 x 5, 160 x 5 x 2
Noon WOD with McDowell and Ro.
5:25 Rx
Deadlifts fast and unbroken. First time doing ring push-ups. They were hard and not unbroken.
Loved this!!!
That pood needs another pood to keep him company.
225, 245, 275, 295, 305×5
WOD (Sunday's)
Scaled to 5 rounds, 5 reps and hanging leg raises – shoulder still cannot take too much weight
@Lauren : The real question is how could you perceive about 8 minutes of workout time as 18 minutes? Does the experience of time passing shift for you during all WODs? What's it like to enter an alternate universe of fit-minutes while you are lifting things up and putting them down??
Out of town for work today, so got my squats in at yesterday's 8 am class with Jess:
LBBS 180 x 5 x 2
FSQ 155 x 5 x 2
These were very tough. My old 5RM for back squat is 190. Hope I can at least match it next week.
WOD in 9:17
Thought I was going to have to scale volume on the ring push-ups, but they weren't as bad as I expected.
Deadlift sets were 11-9, then 5-5-5, and then ten bailed singles. High rep deadlifts are my nemesis.
Tonight, a friend has convinced me to go with him to a [solidcore] class in DC. Has anyone heard of this? It involves a strange machine with lots of pulleys and I'm scared.
Hope you have a fab vacation, Foxes!
Performance squats:
LBBS: 185x2x2 Felt heavier than expected, hip is still hurting
FSQT: 140x2x2 Tipping over
WOD modified in 6:11
DLs: 95 (unbroken)- 155 (8-7 or 10-5, don't remember), 185 (6-4) Probably should have tried 190 or 195 on the DL
Ring pushups: 5s for the rounds of 20 and 15, then 5-3-2 for the round of 10. Strangely easier than regular pushups? Or maybe my pushups have improved.
3×10 tempo seated DB presses with 15# DBs
LBBS: 157 x 2 x 2 – easy. good depth. felt almost speedy, McD reminded me knees out!
FSQT: 122 x 2 x 2 – mod heavy but fine
WOD: 5:53 with Scaled DL
20 DL 95# (unbroken)
20 Push up (5/5/5/5)
15 DL 145# (8/7)
15 Push up (5/5/3/2)
10 DL 175# (5/5)
10 Push up (3/2/3/2)
My triceps are SORE as heck from Monday's push press, glad to have conquered this.
5:30 with McDowellzzzzz
240 / 215 squats
Metcon at 135/225/275
Pushups were surprisingly good.
HBBS: 183x2x2 felt pretty good
FS: 150x2x2. felt heavy.
WOD with 95,155,185 and ring pushups in 7:40.
That last set of deadlifts man.. yikes. ring pushups were fine- sets of 5-8 reps.
6:30pm class:
HBBS 2×2@305
FSQ 2×2@225
Back squat felt OK…but I went lower than planned on my front squat. I just felt tired and really off today.
The WOD went ok. I haven't deadlifted consistently in a while so these were a welcomed challenge. I just did regular push ups because I didn't feel my shoulder was stable enough to try them on the rings. That's something I'm gonna try to work on during OG. Finished it in 8:45.
Side note: if anyone could help me come up with an accessory work program that I can do once or twice a week during OG would be greatly appreciated.
::gasp:: I forgot to post on the whiteboard. We're all human…
HBBS: 130 2×2 Felt good
FSQ: …was on a field trip from 11:30-6:00. Ate a questbar at 6:30 which made for an interesting crossfit experience & bad squat form. Heh. 😉
WOD: 95×20, 115×15, 135×10
Ring push-ups (easy!) Didn't need to break up first sets.
Gotta get legit on my deadlifts. Why I lift so light? >:(
Hang Snatch 70%
Back Squat, 86%x4x5
430×3, didnt have the fourth
Oh, FSQ 120 2×2— will do 122.5 next week just to make sure form is good.
BSQ 250 2 x 5
FSQ 225 1 x 4, 1 x 3 Never really felt awesome doing these today…
Metcon Rx 5:56
Deadlifts 20 @ 135 unbroken
Ring Push-ups 20 unbroken
Deadlifts 15 @ 225 unbroken
Ring Push-ups 7-8
Deadlifts 10 @ 315 5,5
Ring Push-ups 6,4
Was so focused on getting through those last 10 deads that it took me about 15 seconds before I remembered to hit my last 10 push-ups. Turned out I needed the rest anyhow.
Really enjoyed today's metcon.
Power clean + clean
60kg x 4
Clean Pulls
76kg x 4 x 5
80% 5 x 2
85% 4 x 3
3 Rounds:
Dancing to Ro's playlist
Weighted sit-ups x 10
Chin ups–ish
Fun being back with the squad. Almost a week since I've seen them.
You could email me what you're specifically interested in working on during OG and I'll give you some advice. David@CrossFitSou..
Thanks guys for your input on logging workouts .. and for reassuring me that I wasn't the world's slowest at today's workout.
@Whit – 🙂 Maybe if there are more fit minutes per minute you get more fit?
It is alarming that I had zero concept of time – although when Siena & Elaina are there half my brain is on what they're doing (or shouldn't be doing).
Warmed up with shoulder and hip openers..
2 Snatches from the High-hang
45kg – 1,miss (90%)
45kg – miss,1
45kg – 1,miss
3 sets of 2 at 35kg
Accessory stuff – 3 rounds:
12 GHD
8 Pendlay rows
Took an hour to do some work at a recovery pace:
3 rounds:
7 butterfly pullups
4 each side pistols
:10 L-sit (paralette, straight legs)
mixed in some crossover symmetry and other paralette fun stuff
For Time:
25 cal row
12 forward stationary lunges (20# DB's overhead)
20 cal row
12 lunges
15 cal row
12 lunges
10 cal row
Time = 9:00
lunges unbroken. sometimes I really suck at rowing hard.
cash out: played with some handstand walks and attempts at handstand press-ups
Thank you David. I'll get that email out to you sometime today.