Coach Fox writes our group class programming, and he’s a Danzig fan, so if you wanna find hell with him, he can show you what it’s like
- SCHEDULE CHANGE: Tonight’s 6:30 Active Recovery class is CANCELLED. Still want to do something other than group class? Check out Pilates with KH at 7:30pm.
Register for the 2016 CrossFit Open
Yesterday we encouraged you to register for the 2016 CrossFit Open. Today we’re going to explain why you should register. First, as of last year, the Open includes both Rx’d and Scaled divisions, so don’t fret if you don’t have Muscle-Ups yet. Second, registering for the Open is good for the whole CFSBK community. As befits our spirit of inclusiveness, we usually have one of the biggest Open teams in the world, and we’d love to have an even bigger team this year. Even if you do only one rep for one of the WODs, it won’t bring the team down. The third reason is a little more complicated. What if—like your CFSBK blog Editor—you’re not naturally competitive because you were always large for your age and thus a big, slow target in dodgeball? To answer this last question (or some version of it), we’re reposting Coach Fox’s terrific “Why Compete?” Enjoy!
Why Compete?
By Chris Fox
Originally posted on 12.1.2012
As a youth I was not very involved in competitive sports, so I can’t speak to that angle on why competition is a healthy aspect of training as an adult. Sure, I’ve played some pick up football, basketball, rugby, baseball, etc… but the consequences were only week to week, never having long lasting meaning to me. As an adult I have found new meaning in what training and testing mean to me. I’ve trained with intention and set performance goals for more than a decade and found CrossFit within the past 6 years. CrossFit was the first time that I had ever really tested my performance in a competition setting. The beauty of Crossfit, and the related fitness sports that go along with it like powerlifting, olympic lifting, strongman/women, adventure races, etc… is that while you are ‘competing’ with the people you’re sharing floor/track/trail/platform space with, you must also compare your performance to your own previous performances. Sometimes the goal may be to only finish an event. First time out? Just get through it with success. Other times it may be to best your previous years placement or possibly to achieve a top place in an event. In my case the goal is to get better as an athlete and to not slip backward as the competitive environment gets more and more, well, competitive.
I have no illusions of winning any powerlifting meets, Olympic meets, the CrossFit Games, or even any of the local throwdown style events. Does that mean that my participation is silly? Hell NO! I get to hang with some cool folks, push my limits, and measure where I lay not only in comparison to my fellow athletes but also in relation to my previous self. As a (very) soon to be 40 year old male, society would have me believe that my best days are behind me. I respond with a resounding “NOT” and strive year after year to be a bit better that the me from the year before. I enjoy the process, the goal setting, and the satisfaction of knowing that I prepared for an event as best as I could. Or, in learning what I might do differently the next go around.
We test ourselves day in, day out at CFSBK. There are metrics to be recorded for sure, and you should be tracking them regularly. I encourage you all, however, to step outside of your comfort zone once in a while and and test your performance in those not so cozy places where the others are. You might find out that you hate it, but you might also find out that it inspires you to be better or at least have some outside of the box fun. At the very least you’ll have learned something about yourself.
CFSBK’s Community Potluck: Saturday, January 23rd at 7pm
We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of normal classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look Feel Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come. Check out the event page for guidelines and more info. Bring your favorite Paleo dish! We can’t wait to see you there!
Leonid Zhabotinsky, Strongman for the Ages, Dies at 77 The New York Times
Destroy Your Safe and Happy Lives: A Poet’s Guide to Metal Harper’s
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat/Front Squat
Heavy: Back Squat 85% x 2 x 2, Front Squat 85x% x 2 x 2
Based on 1RM.
Back Squat 2 x 5, Front Squat 2 x 5
Same load as last week.
As Many Rounds as Possible for 10 Minutes:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Box Jumps 24/20
10 Knees-to-Elbows
Rx the Dumbbell Thrusters at about 45% (total) of bodyweight. So, if you weigh 150, you'd use 30 or 35 pound dumbbells. For many that may be aggressive, so scale such that you could get through the first 2-3 rounds unbroken, but working for it
I haven't registered for the Open yet, but am really excited for it this year. It's going to be a blast!
Did the HSPU work and some other stuff after classes yesterday. Skipped the metcon and looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!
Foam Rolled a bit
Crossover Symmetry
2 Rounds
12 Squats
12 GHD Hip Extensions
12 GHD Sit-Ups
HSPU warm-ups
Started at a high abmat and worked down to the floor
5 Rounds:
1:00 Max Reps Strict HSPU
1:00 Rest
R1: 11 (3-3-3-2)
R2: 12 (3-3-3-2)
R3: 11 (4-3-2-2)
R4: 11 (4-3-3-1)
R5: 9 (4-2-2-1-1)
54 Total Reps. Totally spaced and thought this was 5 rounds, not 7. Didn't let myself fail any attempts.
Did 3 sets of 8 on lying triceps extension with a 45lb Dumbbell
Did a few chin-ups
A. Box Jumps
B. EMOM 10
Even 7 T2B/Knees to Elbows
Odd 10 alternating inverted shoulder taps
2 min max double under
rest :30
2 min max Pull ups
rest :30
2 min max split jumps
rest :30
2 min max push ups
Registered!!! The first year I did it in 2014, it was an incredible experience! I got my first C2B chin-up and my first T2B and it was the first time I did not count DU attempts in a workout. I totally surprised myself on the deadlift/ box jump workout but I missed the final workout because I hurt my shoulder.
Last year was not quite as much fun as I fell somewhere in between scaled and rx for most workouts (aside from the scaled one with pull-ups in it?!) and again, I missed the final workout. I'm hoping that HQ has put a little more thought into programming the scaled division this year as that is likely where I'll be again. The goal for me is to simply do all five workouts this year and hopefully Rx one or two. I've acquired a few new skills since last year, thanks to AG, so I'm excited to put them to the test!!
Josh- I'm LOVING your writing so far!!
6am with Jess
HSPU – with a blue plate deficit (2" or so I think)
Big drop-off. These went away quickly. HSPU are a weakness for me though so I was pretty pleased to get this many with a deficit.
Metcon -Rx'd
Finished the rows in :45 – :50. KBS were ~:35. Burpees ~:35 and Bar Muscle-ups all unbroken in ~:15 Those got tough at the end.
Fun WOD – surprised myself by being able to string together 5 Bar Muscle-ups for 4 rounds
7am with FoxDowell and not enough Danzig
BSQ – 165 x 2 x 2
FSQ – 160 x 2 x 2
As I've been thinking the last few weeks, these were easy. Fox said I definitely have more weight in me. I agree. Now to find a time to come in and test it…
Metcon Rx-ish – 37# DB would have been 45%, but I went for the 35#-ers. Been getting pretty winded early during conditioning lately. 4 rounds + 13. Shoulda been 5 I took my foot off the gas a couple times.
6am squats with McD
HBBS – 250 x 5 x 2
FSQ – 225 x 5 x 2
Was nervous about these today since I tweaked my hip last week at that weight but everything felt good and moved well this morning. Barbells in 608 were FREEZING this morning. I wanted to wear my mittens while squatting.
WOD 4 rounds + 20 Rx'd with 40# db.
Legs had no gas in them after those squats so just tried to hang with it. Thrusters unbroken first 4 rounds then 6-4. Box jumps were slow, knees to elbows unbroken first 4 with a nice kip then 8-2.
6am doing yesterday's work with Jess. I did the hspu's with 2 abmats. I did 4 reps the first five rounds and 3 reps the last two. It's just doesn't take any time at all for these to go away.
The metcon kicked me right in the ass. I used a 20kg kettlebell and did it with jumping bar muscle ups (which were super fun, by the way). The first round I rowed 20 cals, the second round I rowed 17 and the last two I rowed 15. I also scaled to 12 burpees on the last two rounds. I did not expect to feel as shitty as I did after this one. I actually went home and took a nap.
McDiezzzz today at 11:04
Warm up interval row
3 rounds
DB carry length of gym and back — one OH one at side 20#/40#, 25#/50# x 2
Monster walks forward and back
10 inch worms to push up x 2 only
Bar MU work
Swings, MRS with box, attempts ..Fun! Until palm tear
3 rounds
20 good mornings black band
16 split squats 25# DBs
Then a little conditioning w Todd
5 rounds
DU practice
8 false grip ring rows (instead of butterfly practice bc palm issue)
10 min of Mobility later on
Monday's Programming
Presses (instead of HSPUs) 95#
WOD: 5 Strict PUs (instead of Bar MUs)
Rowing then Kettlebells then Burpees = Very nasty. I never reached 20cals in any of my Rows.
Regarding the Open
My shoulder is just getting to about 80% where I can do slow PUs, and the hip is feeling better, but it's still not ready to return to any type of Squating, so I'm not sure registering is worth it or even a good idea. Any contrary opinions… anyone?
Wednesday's work @5:30 with Whitney. Back squat 225.2 front 187.2. WOD with 40 lb dumbells 4 rounds and some box jumps.
Then I went to AR, where there was no coach. So we elected Chris as coach. He was reluctant for about 60 seconds but then dove head first into his new leadership position. For example, he used the word "fascia", led us through intros and a question of the day, and answered questions about CFSBK history. Excellent class. I feel great. Thanks Chris.
Monday's work with Jess.
That metcon really sucked. Wow.
7:30 with Katie
Warm up included some kipping HSPU with 1 ab mat. I'm surprised to say these are starting to feel pretty consistent. Not exact fast at the transition though.
HBBS: 178x2x2
FS: 148x2x2
Both belted.
WOD with 30# dumbbells, 20" box, Kipping knees to elbows (missed by an inch several times).
Got through 3 rounds + 27 reps.
Moday's HSPU work with Jess-
Once again, the fitness piked hspus were so much more challenging to get that full range of motion. Great tips from Jess about really staying in that L shape with my head directly over my hands.
Row- Never made it to 16 cals. 12-15 every round. Then I quit on the minute mark ๐
KB-16kg; def the easiest part, good to practice pulling the bar down.
Burpees: :38-:40 seconds/ round
5 bar muscle ups from box. SO fun, but I can only imagine how impossible a *real* bar muscle up would be. Even these easy things were tiring!
AG: Survived thanks to the BCAAs again. Love those things. Not to mention, I was ALL about the 90s alternative playlist; hearing radiohead/smashing pumpkins/oasis was EXACTLY what I needed ๐
-Great box jump practice, not so scared of bounding.
-Shoulder taps & TTB felt great.
-Fun 2:00/:30 rest wod of DUs (did quite a few single/DU/single/DU), pullups (only 11 boo), split lunges (64 BURNNN), pushups (25)
Never skip crossfit, guys! It WORKS MIRACLES
Music was on point tonight in 608.
LBBS: 210 x 2 x 2
FSQ: 165 x 2 x 2
The second set felt better than the first on each of these. Very helpful cues from Whitney to not get too soft at the bottom and keep thinking up when ascending.
WOD: 4 rounds + 12 reps with 30# DBs. Thrusters were unbroken for 1st, 2nd, and 5th sets, broken into two sets otherwise. Could actually kip the K2E in the beginning (which shocked me as I pulled 5 in a row), but died quickly. Still pleasantly surprised.
Onto AG with more box jumps and toes/knees to bar. Big fan of the step up/bound down when doing big sets of Box Jumps. Good to practice the swinging rhythm for T2B.
WOD: 118 DUs, 6-7 pull-ups, ~70 split lunges, 31 pushups. Burn.
6:30 pm AR with Chris. The MAN took the class and ran with it.
7:30 pm Pilates with Kristin. Core on FIRE.
Strict pull-ups
Box jump practice- bounding actually felt fast. I need to practice this more. It's a little scary though.
Practiced kipping K2E and wow I got the kip!!! Yay! I get to practice it more tomorrow ๐
WOD- 120 DU, I think 20 pull-ups in 3's and 2's, not sure how many split jumps maybe 40? Was trying to take it slow as I squat tomorrow but they are kinda hard to do slowly. 37 push-ups- 20 unbroken and then it stopped being easy.
Gals, glad you liked the music at 608 tonight and that it stayed on! I had a conversation with a client of mine today about her upcoming 25th high school reunion and I got all nostalgic about my high school days. Decided to play the 90's spotify station at 608 with my 5:30pm clients and it was everything I wanted it to be. ๐
1) Bench: (45×10, 75×5) 95×10, 92.5x10x2
-made a 5# jump from last week but thought it felt too heavy to complete all 3 sets. Dropped 2.5# for the last 2 sets. Will hit 95x10x3 next week.
2) Close Grip Bench: 77.5x10x3
-no problem here. probably could have done 80 but decided to play it safe.
3) Muscle Up Practice 3×5 on the following:
a) False Grip High Ring Hang 2x:05, b) False Grip Ring Row (2) + Transition (1), c) Ring Dips (thin blue band), d) Proximal Transition Strength
-today's muscle up work didn't feel as strong as it has in the past few times.
4) Crash B's: 3x2000m with 5 min rest
a) 8:36.4, 2:09.1avg, 28s/m
b) 8:34.2, 2:08.5avg, 27s/m
c) 8:33.0, 2:08.2avg, 29s/m
-all of these were faster than last week and my fastest was only 12 secs off of my best. next 2K test is next week and I hope/plan to get into the 8 and teens range.
-also, I can't believe I've rowed 6(!) 2k's in 2 weeks!
1) HBBS: (45×10, 135×5, 165×3) 180x10x3
-these are getting really hard! no belt still though. back was pretty fatigued from Sunday's wod so might have to start taking Sunday's as rest days. ๐
2) FSQ: 145x10x3
-same weight as last week but got all 10 reps each round. borrowed Cam's beautiful blue belt (thanks Cam!) for the last 2 sets because I really didn't want to crap out. I'm strong enough to do this but it takes so much mental grit to fight the reps out.
3a) GHD Situps 3×10
3b) Pallof Hold 3x:20ea.
4) Crash B's
-4×6 Strokes at 20/22/24/26/28/30spm each with about 2min rest in between. I'm pretty sure I messed up this workout so will have to sort it out with Nick. Either way, I spent 45mins on the erg doing something. ๐