Power Clean
1a) Work up to a max for the day in 12 minutes.
1b) AMRAP Power Cleans in 3 Minutes at 80% of your max from 1a.
Exposure 4 of 8.
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Burpees
800m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
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Price: $150 for 6 weeks
Cap: 8 participants REGISTER HERE!
Week 1
Forward/backward rolls
Week 2
Forward/backward rolls
Muscle up
Week 3
Forward/backward rolls
Muscle ups
Week 4
Forward/backward rolls
L Seats – Rings/Parellettes
Muscle ups
Week 5
Forward/backward rolls
Cartwheels/Round off
L Seats – Rings/Parellettes
Muscle ups
Week 6
Forward/backward rolls
Cartwheels/Round off
L Seats – Rings/Parellettes
Muscle ups
Ken’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
The Easiest Way to Lose 125 Pounds Is to Gain 175 Pounds Medium
Crossfit.com in 2001 The Wayback Machine
5 L Pullups/Pullup Negatives
10 Box Pistols
15 Hollow Rocks
EMOM 16 Minutes:
Even: 5 Tempo T2B
Odd: 5 Box Jumps with Step Down
C. Lil Mary
10 Min AMRAP
10 Pistols
15 Pullups
2 Min T Spine/2 Min Samson/ 5 min Handstand Practice
10am with Fox
Worked up to 255 on the Power Clean, which was a surprise 20# PR. Was hoping for 235 or 245. Was regretting that when I realized I now had to do 205 for the AMRAP, but managed 23 reps on that.
Metcon was one of those you just need to push through. 10:36 – last run took about 400m to settle in and before I knew it, it was over.
9am with the Foxes and their pups
Power clean – worked up to 190#, surprising power clean PR. Jess said I had great bar speed and front rack, probably could have squeaked out a little more but very happy with 190.
Amrap – 21 reps at 155. Touch and go doubles until 14 when I caught one a little weird in my low back. Bailed singles after that with emphasis on bracing.
Wod – 11:35 Rx. Row at 1:45-1:50 pace. Burpees were a slow, awful, drool fest where I questioned my will to live. Run at a slow pace for me.
Power clean: Worked up to 143#, a PR. Attempted 148 but failed before I even started (just deadlifted it up). Need to be more patient in the beginning, as Fox pointed out, because I move at all one speed throughout.
AMRAP: 30 reps at 113#. While I was excited to PR, that meant a boost for this. Started by cycling 3, then a few doubles, then singles for the rest. KLove's encouragement definitely got me through the 20s.
WOD: 12:15. Just tried to keep moving.
Deadlifted after. Worked up to 265×5.
Power Cleans: 83-93-103-113-118×3(f)
Bar was definitely high enough, elbows were too slow and I wasn't dropping enough.
25 cleans at 93#.
I was so focused on trying to move my elbows faster that I kept going after time was called.
It was fun being paired with Kayleigh and watching her lift all the big weights.
WOD in 13:33 (-13s because I had rower problems and didn't start right away)
Row: kept pace at 2:10-2:15 for the first half, second half was around 2:18- 2:23 then 2:10 for the last 100-200m.
Burpees- consistent
Run- always slow…unless I'm chasing a field hockey ball.
Cash out: macaroon baking class (scheduled two months ago- well before I signed up for the challenge)
Forgot to post yesterday!
3 Rounds (ala Lady Fox)
12 KB Cleans
10 KB Presses
8 Log Rolls
BSQ 175x12x2
FSQ 145x12x2 synchronized with Morgan!
Was going to do the performance Metcon but Comp class had comandeered all the available space for rings in 597 so I attempted the following
Hang Squat Clean 185
Strict HSPU
Started the HSPUs with my hands on the top of 100lb DBs which is about 6". Shoulders were not cooperating and started missing almost immediately. Made it through 2 rounds then just went to normal HSPUs Cleans felt really heavy right away and were all singles
Kind of a shit show where nothing went as anticipated. Only got to 4 reps on the clean in the 5th round in 10 minutes. Oh well.
Fun 11 am AR.
Love how we're using the whiteboard in class! Makes it great to set a goal for the workout! But I guess it means I don't have to share my life story on the blog anymore? Oh well, I still want to 😛
113 for the power clean. PR for a power clean. Got great advice from KHarpz to a)rest longer and b) really grip the bar hard and get intense about it. It worked! Love being coached by girls.
88#x25 reps. Awesome because I did 73# for 30 PC for a similar time a week ago!
WOD: 11:56. Row was hard and took so much of my time. Goal was to go for Ellie's 11:51. Close!
Also, I experimented eating a gluten free frozen waffle and egg for breakfast instead of a protein bar. I think I had more energy! Yay LFPB 🙂 boo paleo
Thinking about signing up for gymnastics with Ken– really really want to but I don't think my budget wants me to. #lifestory.
Worked up to 165# on the power clean.
Dropped to 135 for the AMRAP and got 18 on these. Despite not making it to even 20, I'm pretty happy with this score. I don't normally do cleans at 135lbs in workouts, so it was a bit of an ego boost to try this today.
Finished the second WOD in 14:06. My legs are still fried from yesterday!
Oh and also, a reminder of the value of logging and keeping things in perspective. I did the 1000m row in 3:57 and I remember thinking that when I first started at CFSBK oh-so-many-years-ago, that doing a 1000m row in 4 minutes used to kill me. So, you know, it's all goo.
Noon class
Power Clean
These did not feel good today. Foot work was cray and I caught one of the cleans with my right hand entirely off the bar. Meh.
21 reps at 176 on the AMRAP
WOD in 12:33
Power Clean
Fox gave me some good notes on moving my feet and widening my grip. He gave me the same notes before. This time I decided to listen and the end result was a new PR of 211#.
Power Clean AMRAP
20 reps at 168#.
13:13. Row was fast the burpees were steady and the run was slow.
Noon Class
Worked up to 175 on the power cleans, these are still pretty new to me. Need to work on having quick elbows. Everything seems to fall in place when I'm good on that piece.
Used 140 in the AMRAP, hit 16 reps. Quality and movement felt cleaner and faster toward the end of the WOD, I think being able to work on these for several reps at a time helped work out the kinks.
WOD in 11:52, burpees were steady but slowed me the most today.
Squeezed in the group class after coaching!
Power clean: 133, 143, 153, 163, 173, 183(F, psyched myself out, 183# PR (wasn't pretty, but I'll take it)
3 min @143#, 20 reps
This was pretty rough, definitely felt a little sloppy today.
Conditioning: 10:59
Felt great to run outside!!
Post Intro class workout
3 Rounds NFT
Row 18 Calories
1:00 of single unders
20 Slam balls 20#
Power Clean
Worked up to 205×1. I knew from the first pull at 135 It wasnt going to be a good day for lifting. Was feeling slow and not at all explosive.
Forgot to do the 3:00 AMRAP!!
Row/Burpee/Run Metcon
13:20 as Rx'd
Should have looked at Matt C's number to try and give me a little extra push there!
Row in 4:02
Burpees steady and unbroken
Run was actually enjoyable in the cool evening.
500m row
Shoulder mobility
Warm Up 3 Rounds:
15 Am KB Swings 16kg
8 Ring Rows
:30 Hollow Hold
Clean Complex: 1 Power Clean, 1 Clean 70% (slightly heavier)
35kg, 40kg, 45kg
50kg x 1 x 5 — power cleans improved significantly. I liked this.
Clean Pulls 100%
55kg x 5, 60kg x 5, 65kg x 5 — these are awkward and difficult for me.
Rack Jerk 80% (slightly lighter)
15kg x 2, 25kg x 2, 35kg x 2, 45kg x 2
50kg x 2 x3 — these gelt good! Bailed and cleaned after 2nd rep
10 am class w/ Fox.
215 on the clean which might be a PR – or very close. My catch is the limiting factor. Gotta get lower.
32 reps at 165.
11:35 on the metcon.
Hang clean 165#
Amrap: 24 reps in 3:00 @ 125#
Wod (in reverse due to rower shortage) 12:20
@Carlos, I had the identical workout, and then did some crash-b-ing. "Crashbeing?"
Anyway, can someone remind me what that 3 minute amrap was testing? I know (loosely) it's the ability to draw on my energy stores, but I didn't retain the term, (it sounded like something I once knew in 10th grade) and would love to do some more research on it. Thanks!
I've gotten way out of the habit of posting on the blog. Trying to get back into it.
OG tonight
Lots of mobility
Snatch–just worked up to some heavy singles at 44kg (3 or 4 I think). Couldn't get underneath it for a full squat, but my pull was feeling good and I am keeping the bar closer to me. Dropped back down for some singles at 40kg to finish with some cleaner squat snatch reps. My snatch is still a mess, but I am making slow progress.
Saturday's Perf WOD (AMRAP 10 min: 1,2,3,4… of hang power cleans @135#/muscle ups)
-Got 3 reps of the hang power clean in the round of 7.
-Very happy to be able to do this at 135#—mostly doubles or singles, but no fails
-All MUs unbroken except for two sets of three in the round of six. MUs were feeling good tonight.
I'm not doing LFPB, but I have been focusing on eating better (mostly more calories and more protein) lately, doing more meal prep, and have been especially conscious about getting enough protein and carbs in post workout. The difference in my recovery is very noticeable.
Todays workout was brutal.
Power Snatch+Snatch(77%)
Back Squat
Clean Pulls (98%)
70% x 3
75% x 2
80% x 1
75% x 1
70% x 1
RDL & 55% of BSQT 8×4
3×15 leg raises
12PM w/ KHarpz
Power Cleans
95×2, 125×2, 135×1, 155×1 (Failed), 145×1
Positions felt good and crisp up until 135. Was being very methodical and slow about the positions and focusing on timing my pull. I couldn't get under the bar for 155, but 145 looked find and KHarpz said it looked easy. 155 is a mental challenge.
3min AMRAP
21 @ #115
Singles all the way and focused on having a good strong start position. When I didn't I noticed my lower back burning.
WOD 11:39?
Stayed under 2:00 for most of the row. Didn't stop during the burpees – just kept going. The run felt like a slog but managed to sprint the last few hundred meters.
9am with the foxes. Worked up to 155 on the power cleans. This is a good bit off of my power clean PR, but it felt good and crisp all the way through. I dropped down to 125 for the 3:00 amrap and hit 18 reps. I could have maybe gotten a few more reps in, but I was happy with my form and positions on all 18. I liked this little sprint a lot. I hope to do it again before long.
I finished the metcon in 14:26. The row was just over 4:00 and the run wasn't especially slow. The burpees were where I dragged – I think I blew myself out a bit on the first 250 meters of the row and in the first 15 or so burpees. I'd also like to try this one again before long.