Back Squat/Front Squat
Back Squat 65% x 8-12 x 2, Front Squat 65%x8-12 x 2
Leave 2 reps in the tank.
Back Squat 2×3, Front Squat 2×3
Load is 90% of what you used on Wednesday.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8/16
AMRAP 10 Minutes
1 Muscle Up
1 Hang (full) Cleans 205/135
2 Muscle Ups
2 Hang Cleans 205/135
3 Muscle Ups
3 Hang Cleans 205/135
4 Muscle Ups
4 Hang Cleans 205/135
Add 1 rep per round until time is called.
AMRAP 10 Minutes
2 C2B Pull Ups
2 Front Squats 185/125
4 C2B Pull Ups
4 Front Squats 185/125
6 C2B Pull Ups
6 Front Squats 185/125
8 C2B Pull Ups
8 Front Squats 185/125
Add 2 reps per round until time is called. Bar comes off the floor and should be a medium heavy load for you. First reps can be full cleans off the floor.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Have you complimented Penny on her new vest yet? Why not?
All The Good Reps, and Only the Good Reps
By Chris Fox
Originally posted on 1.12.15
We’ve almost all been there before. You’re tired, it’s your 50th pull up, handstand push up, power snatch, or whatever. You sort of, kind of, maybe executed full range-of-motion—but then again, maybe you didn’t. Then, you maybe even tried to squeeze in another (no) rep! Coaches see this, your fellow athletes see this, and you see this.
With a judge in front of you—whether it’s a regular group class, during the Open, or at a local throwdown—you’ll have a harder time getting away with garbage reps. I’d suggest that you shouldn’t let yourself off the hook in your daily training either. Your continued progress over the long haul is the ultimate goal. You want your movements to be truly quantifiable. If you count reps where sometimes your chin gets over the bar and sometimes it doesn’t, then you’re left comparing apples to durian fruit.
At CFSBK, we strive for virtuosity—the principle that you should aim to perform even the simplest movements exceedingly well. With effort and practice, your 300th squat in “Murph” can and in fact should be a mirror image of your first. Be honest about your reps and if you’re not 101% sure, then don’t count them. It sucks, yeah, but don’t be that person who moves really fast but really poorly. Don’t be the person who the next class coming in looks at and says “Uh uh… that’s not a rep.” Be the person with whom you’d be impressed, even if it slows you down a bit. Consider that you may need to scale WODs sometimes. The Rx isn’t for everybody, and even if you do some or most of our WODs Rx’d, there may be some that you should scale load and/or volume. Then, even when you really, really tried to do a good rep but didn’t, resist the urge to count your effort as execution. Only count the good ones.
Ned Overend Is the Champion Cyclist Who Never Grows Old Outside
6 Hacks for Better Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups Boxrox
8am with Melissa and David
Back Squats 200# 12×2
Front Squats 165# 12×2
Hit all the reps. Starting to get heavy.
Perf WOD
I decided to do this at the Rx weight even though it is only 15# off my 1RM. It got pretty heavy but I didn't miss a rep and glad I pushed through. I moved slow with a good amount of rest on the cleans but no more than I needed. Finished the round of 4 and hit 3 more MUs.
GHD cash out with Joy. 15-12-10 kicking it up a notch with a 20# slam ball in the last round.
9am with Melissa and David
Deload never felt so appropriate. Felt really stiff/weak this morning but that cleared up when I started squatting.
Back squat (90% of weds): 285x3x2
Front squat (90%): 250x3x2
This wasn't exactly easy but I didn't have to go into the dark place to put these up. Perfect. Wednesday should be interesting. If I make it through the 2×5 week at this weight I will be super happy.
Really happy that I challenged myself on this fitness WOD, c2b is another goat for me. I dithered for a long time and I'm sure annoyed Melissa until I finally decided on 175#. Limiting factor for me is the clean. I was sloppy on the first few until M politely suggested I try actually dropping under the bar. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ~~so much better!!~~
Made it through the 10-round and 5 c2b pullups, all fsq unbroken. Felt like I was spending all my time resting, but I didn't want to reduce weight or switch to regular pullups, so I'm happy.
9am with David. The strange warmups today actually helped get the sand out of my gears this morning – we did a couple of moves that I'll definitely be incorporating into my at-home AR routine. I did 180x10x2 on the perf. back squats. These felt good, though I was definitely out of breath at the end. 135x8x2 on the front squats. I could have probably put in a few more reps on each set here, but I figured it was worth saving a little for the WOD.
I did that with 135# on the bar and scaled to Kipling pull-ups. The weight might have been a little ambitious, but it didn't slow me down TOO much. I got through the round of 10 plus 6 pull-ups in the round of 12. Squats were broken up starting in the round of 8 in sets of 4-4, and 5-5.
8am @ Crossfit E-Town in Evanston, IL (Will do a travel write-up later this week):
Partner WOD // 17-minute AMRAP
– G2OH 95# / 65#
– Row for Calories
Two athletes worked at a time, one on the rower and one on the barbell, while the other two rested. We did 10 reps on the bar (rower stopped when lifter finished) before the next pair started. Before jumping to bar / erg you need to complete 3 TTB. Got 5 rounds @ 85# and averaged ~12 cals on the erg for 5 rounds so 30 TTB peppered in there for 140 total reps myself.
Immediately after the WOD, we had 10 minutes to find a 1RM OHS. Hit 125# which was a PR. Shoulders were very warm and this felt good. I have some more here.
Cashed out with 2 x 10 GHDs. Fun morning. Off to Milwaukee for a bachelor party where I'm sure I'll be taking a -7 for the challenge. Make it up tomorrow.
HBBS – 205x12x2 – No problems here
FSQ – 172.5x12x2 – Getting heavy, but still able to get 12
Metcon – 205 was no joke, especially after all the squatting we'd already done. Made it 4 muscle-ups into the round of 6 and was pretty happy with that. No misses on the cleans, though the last couple of reps were more like PC/FSQ than cleans really.
Back squat: 135x9x2
Front squat: 113x9x2
Quads are gonna be sore again after that!
WOD: at 93# and regular kipping pull ups
68 reps.
Got through 8 reps of pull-ups in the round of 12
HBBS: 215 2×3
FSQ: 200 2×3
WOD: 12 rounds + 1 rep into the 13th at 135
Front Squats and pull-ups were good in the WOD. Looking forward to getting better at cleans so I can go at this harder next time.
HBBS: 95 12X2
Front squat: 85 12×2
WOD: made it through 12 pullups and 4 front squats 73#. Even though this is a relatively light weight… Every front squat my quads were shaking! I had to take a deep breath and reset every rep! Pullups felt great– tried to pull as high as I could, but no c2b I don't think. Gotta work on those!
Can't wait for the day I can raise my hand to say, "yeah, I'm doin muscle-ups" 😛
Hung around to roll out, Practice DUs, and did 2 rounds of 15GHD sit ups, 15 reverse GHD sit-ups whatever those are called, with Lauren S. Fun workout!
Snatch waves
66-71-76kg x3
Had a miss at 71 on the 2nd wave and overall felt a little off today.
C&J waves
81-86-91 x3
No misses.
DB Split Squats
40 x10e x3
Good Mornings
LBBS: 117 x 10 x 2 – bar speed was still solid, Whit said I could have done 2 more (agree)
FSQT: 91 x 10 x 1
91 x 11 x 1
WOD @83#
C2B all solid through the round of 10 – big a$$ rip on the right hand to end the round.
+ 12 ring rows
HBBS: 195x12x2
FSQ: 165x12x2
Getting heavy. I was grunting at the end.
I did the WOD with light cleans @115lbs (my back was feeling fried) and one muscle-up per round. By the time I had finished the round of 7 cleans, I couldn't do any more, thanks to my back being lit, so I decided to close out with 4 muscle-ups.
LBBS: 160x12x2
FSQ: 125x12x2
So many squats.
Then the WOD with more front squats at 123#. Regular kipping pull-ups. Finished in the round of 10 with five squats in. Legs shaking throughout.
Bench: 100x5x3, 95×3 with a pause
LBBS: 135x10x1 Left hip was hurting again.
FSQT: 105x10x1
WOD: @103# with C2B got 4 C2B on the round of 12.
C2B: Could only get three sets of doubles, rest were singles. Had trouble getting the push off the top to keep my kip going.
FSQT: Broke up round of 10 into 7-3. Rest were unbroken. Missed two of the cleans bc I didn't drop under the bar.
Bench: 3×3 @105# then 95#x3 (paused)
DL: 210x1x5 Had to do singles bc I got light headed after each rep. If I did all 5 consecutively there would be a meme about passing out after DLs….
Can't make AG tomorrow so…
3 kipping HSPUs with 2 ab mats
3 strict pullups
3 strict ring dips
COMP team fun times today!
SQUAT: work to heavy single…
45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2
215 (PR match from iron maidens last Feb)
220 (5# PR!)
-it feels so good to squat heavy again and not have pain in my hips. this felt pretty good, albeit sticky about halfway through on the way up. just gotta stay tight, keep chest up, and drive through it! think there's more to be had!
2×5 @ 60% with 1 sec pause
big bad conditioning piece with a running clock…
3 Roudnds
7 power snatch @ 60% — did this at 83#, which is closer to 65%
500m row (capped at 2 min — my rows were around 500, 470, 460)
Rest 2 min
(Then rest extra 3 min before…)
3 Rounds
5 OHS @ 75% — did this at 103#, which is just slightly over 75%
400m run (subbed to row b/c my left foot has been f*cked up when I push off…)
Rest 2 min
(then rest extra 3 min before…)
21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlift 155
Box Jump
Time: 4:00
DL: hands were so sore after all the BB work I did Wed+Thu. Did 3 to start and had to drop the bar and re-grip. So… 3-10-8, 6-5-4, 5-4
BJ: jump up step down for 21's, then bounded. last 9 were quick!
Open Gym
20 mins DROMs and mobility targeting hips and shoulders
Then a variation on today's class with Ryan
HBBS – 65% 130# x 12 x 2
FSQ – 65% 100# x 12 x 2
10 min AMRAP
1 C2B pull up – kipping
1 Ring dip – strict
1 Hang Clean – 115#
2 C2B PUs
2 RDs
2 Hang Cleans
5 Pull Ups & 2 Ring Dips at the 10min mark
Hatch Week 9 Day 2
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 180 x 5, 205 x 5 x 3 ( no belt)
Front Squat
135 x 5 x 4
Made sure I buried all of my reps. Finally found the right place for the safeties with Lauren Snisky's help, and practiced what might feel like if I actually failed and had to bail. I think this will make a big difference to my depth. I am going to repeat this week's work next week as I feel I could have achieved more depth on my heavy day and because I missed a week, I think it will give me more confidence as I'll be trying 103% on Week 11 and that's just scary right now.
Michael C's Happy 36th Birthday WOD with a fun crew.
36 pull-ups ( I did 24)
Calories rowed, wallball 14/9, hang power cleans @63#
then (just for fun)
36 burpees
Pull-ups- thought I'd aim for 18 but got to 24 and I wasn't too far behind everyone else.
Nothing in the middle was more awful than anything yet there was nowhere to hide.
Wallballs were pretty awesome actually, which is a statement I never thought I'd ever make as they used to be my nemesis (front squats helping, perhaps?)
HPC- wasn't confident with these and was not really able to cycle them as efficiently as I would have liked. It's kind of an unfamiliar movement for me right now and Mike was in front of me, flying through them and I was trying to copy him but it was kinda like I was adding in an extra step or something. They got better towards the end.
The burpees were pretty gruesome but I managed to save some gas till the very end and I did my last 12 pretty fast. And then died. Sorry I'm rambling- think I'm still kinda high from this workout lol.
Anyhow. Happy Birthday weekend Mike and thanks for the funWOD!!
1) 3 position Snatch (high hang, knee, deck) EMOM every 90 secs
35kg, 35, 35, 37, 40, 42, 42 failed at the knee
-overall all were feeling pretty good and my last fail felt like it was just out of fatigue. probably should have done this every 2mins instead of every 90 secs.
2) 3 position Clean (high hang, knee, deck) + 1 push jerk EMOM every 2mins.
55kg for all.
-felt like I couldn't figure out the appropriate width of my grip for any of these. so frustrating. almost like I've never cleaned before. No misses but everything just felt off.
3a) Split squats 3×10 at BW. Back foot on bench. hard stuff!
3b) Good mornings 3×10 at 75#
4) Crash B's: 20min recovery row at ~2:43 pace while I watched the madness that is comp class. 😉
1) Press: 3×10 at 50# (easy)
2) Muscle up skill work: False grip ring rows and high ring hangs, proximal strength transition strength, matador dips–about 4 sets of 5-6 reps of each.
3) Crash B's 10 x 250m with 2' rest
-happy with the consistency after the first 2 rounds. these were hard!