5 Rounds or 16 Minutes:
5-10 Box Piked Handstand Push-Ups or :20 Piked Hold on box
8e Reverse Lunges with Dumbbells or Kettlebells held at side
This can be done on knees or feet. same points of performance for hand and head placement for handstand push-ups. Review piked handstand push-ups here.
Every Minute on the Minute, 16 Minutes:
Even: 4-8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (1 or 2 AbMats OK)
Odd: 4-8 Pistols, Alternating Legs
Post work to comments.
Exposure 4/8
For Time, 21-15-9:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jake B. doing a muscle-up in his new garage gym in Philly! Read his letter to Coach David and CFSBK below…
- Don’t forget to complete all the necessary steps to get started with the 2016 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge by tomorrow! Get all the details here, or by clicking on the black widget in the upper right corner of the blog.
On Garage Gyms and Missing CFSBK: A Note From Former Member Jake B.
A few weeks ago, former CFSBK-er Jake B., who now lives in Philadelphia, emailed Coach David to see if he had any leftover mats from when we expanded to 608. He needed the mats because he happened to have built himself a mini CrossFit box—in his garage! His gym is equipped with two Rogue racks, a wide selection of kettlebells, 25′ climbing rope, sandbags, 600lbs in plates, an erg, a heavy bag, gymnastics rings, jump ropes, bands, a wall timer, smash balls, wall balls, and a treadmill. He says the gym is inspired by CFSBK, and that he’s not sure he would have built it if not for his time here. Here’s an edited excerpt from one of his emails to David, from after he completed the gym…
“Well, I have finally finished the garage and second floor gym and wanted to send you some photos of the end result. CFSBK was the primary reason I decided to spend an exorbitant amount of money to put a gym on the second floor of my garage. My wife and I have been using it five to six days a week, following your programming. My wife is an unofficial member of CFSBK and has been doing all the workouts. I love the balance and progression of the programming and despite perusing many other programming cycles, CFSBK still has a solid place in my heart.
I can’t thank you and all the staff there enough for the great experience I had working out there for almost a year. I cherished my 7am workout class with all the great personalities. James, whom defected to the 6am class (probably because I moved away), Henry who I convinced to eat prior to showing up, Kristin (Cage) who undoubtedly runs the best Pilates class I never attended, Stella who always has something of great intellectualism to add to the workout, Austin, who was usually hungover like myself, Sarah, my favorite front desk girl and former Lululemon employee, and the many others I am missing. They all made my mornings and my time in Brooklyn memorable.
Thanks again for creating a great culture at CFSBK and giving me a wonderful CrossFit experience. From my experience in the Marine Corps, I didn’t think I could get into a group fitness type thing and discounted CrossFit. Yes, I was wrong. Anytime my former 7am classmates are in Philly and need a free workout let me know or just some Philly knowledge and drink on me, shoot me a message!”
You can reach Jake at evergreenxt [at] if you do find yourself in the area and want to hit him up!
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What pieces of equipment would be in your dream garage gym?
OG last night
Warm up x 3
6 single hand handstand holds against wall
3 chin ups – pause
5 strict press 33#
5 front squats 33#
Snatch —
Bbell drills
35kg, 40kg, 45kg
50kg f, f, f
35kg x 1 x 5
Snatch panda pulls — 85%
42kg x 3 x 5
Thanks to Arturo for eyes and cues on these lifts
10 min OTM Dips
first 5 singles, last 5 doubles
OMG Jake! The Jake and Kristin Comedy Hour was one of my favorite things about 7 AM while it lasted. Thanks for the shout-out, dude. We miss you!
6am with Nick and McDowell
HSPU – 8,8,8,8,6,6,6,6
Pistols – 8×8
Metcon in 2:39 – that was a fun one
Good thing day 1 of strength cycle is easy, because I was a total insomniac last night and I'm a hot mess today.
Squat 165x5x3. Low bar position continues to be a non-issue, yay.
Bench 105x5x3. Looking forward to benching on a regular basis again.
Deadlift 205×5. Why did this feel heavy?!
Big 6am class with Nick and McDowell
Perf EMOM Work
Pistols – Sets of Four
Strict HSPUs – These felt better than they usually do. Sets of 5 slowly regressed to sets of two.
Fran Ballin' in 3:37
WBs all unbroken
PUs – 15/6, 10/5, 9
Wondering if I could have hung on to do these unbroken.
I would love to pimp out a garage one day with a full box but right now I would settle for enough room for my very own squat rack.
Jake! Miss you in class buddy. And congratulations on your home gym! I think the reason I don't have a home gym is because I'm just not thinking positively enough. You're truly an inspiration.
7 am class:
This one made me feel winded after a week of travel and taking time off before that. At least my handstand/hspu from a box felt stronger.
Fitness work: 5 hspu piked from a 30" box each round, 35# dumbells
Wallball Fran: 5:47 Rx
6am class
Fitness EMOM Work
Box Piked Handstand Push-Ups
16 Reverse Lunges with 25lb Dumbbells
Franish Wod
Wall balls @ RX weight all unbroken
Ring Rows
Today's WOD was a good one. I finished in 5:02. Could have probably finished much sooner…but I am nursing a cold and dealing with some chest congestion so I was just trying to keep a steady pace. I'm looking forward to the day when I can do pull-ups.
6am with NickDowell
HSPU – Like Matty started off with 5 and quickly regressed to 4s and eventually 3s. At least they are slowly getting better
Pistols – First time playing with these and used a plate and held on to a rack. Matty had some good pointers for me so will probably try to work on these some more. Pretty sure my ankle doesn't bend like his though.
WOD in 4:37 Rx. Wall balls all unbroken and easy. Pull-ups were off today, think my shoulders were pretty shot from the HSPU. Planned to do all in 2 sets but didn't work out that way. 11-6-4, 7-4-4, 5-4.
HSPU: 8×8 unbroken.
Pistols: 8×8 as well.
Metcon: 3:45 Rx. wall balls unbroken. 21, 8-7, 3-6. First round of pullups felt great but lost my rhythm for the last two rounds. I was dropping straight down instead of pulling myself under the bar.
Back to 6am…
Piked Handstand pushups – 5 per round. Tried to go very vertical with one abmat. I want to start adding negatives to my routine…I think I'm just afraid to try this on my own.
Lunges with 30# DBs.
FranBall was 7 something with lots of scaling on my pull-ups. I wanted to go 2/3rds volume for pull-ups (14-10-6), but just wasn't happening, so went half instead (11-7-5). Really want to get up to Fran-volume soon so that I can get a base time for a true Fran.
I have a question about rest days/recovery:
Is it better to take a full rest day then do monday's workout and AG together on Tuesday or should I do Monday's workout today and do AG tomorrow?
What's best for recovery? I'm now terrified of cortisol.
QOD: Rings, balance beam, uneven bars, the giant trampoline and foam jumpy pit… in fact, just put the entire gymnastics Olympic training center in my garage. Glitter the walls and add a unicorn stable, because… why not!?
Open gym last night with Packer.
Did the partner DT sandwich from november's crush week:
1000m row + 10 rounds of DT + 1000m row
We finished in <34 minutes (wall clock, so no seconds measured)
14,1+8, 1+6 the first round, then 14, 1+5, 3, 1+6 every other round, though my pauses got longer and longer. Hook grip was hurting my left thumb (still is numb/tingling) so I did last round without it.
Good 6am class, nice to get back in the swing after almost two weeks away. Shoulder still gimpy so I avoided the HSPU's; otherwise all fine.
Good on Jake B! Miss him. Valiant comrade on team Donde Esta Mis Pantalones in FGB 2014. (Speaking of which, I did manage to find a crossfit box in Norwich, England, and showed up the Monday after Christmas to find that the WOD was…Fight Gone Bad. Oof. Well, I got a workout.
I'd love a home gym with a solid squat rack with pull up bar.
QOD: not equipment, but I'd want training partners. I have a scaled back home gym now (rogue rack, bar&bumps, DBs, sandbag, kettlebell, airdyne) and I barely use it because it's no fun to work out by myself when I could work out with all of my friends at SBK. I'd also add a snack bar. Training partners and a snack bar.
I'm with you KMo. Training buddies make all the difference.
Today at 4:30
Warm up x 3
15 KB swings Russian 20kg
:20 hollow hold
3 HS kick ups – bouncing off wall
16 min OTM
Even: 5 HSPUs strict 1 abmat
Odd: 8 pistols – 4 consecutive each side
These all felt good today
Work-out Rx in 4:21
Accessory stuffff
:10 L-sit, :20 rest x 5 rounds
2 Rounds of:
15 GHD sit ups
15 Hip extensions w :03 pause
Mobility and learning about Micro-Aggression
Pretty stellar day overall ๐
Havent been posting for a while…
Clean+Hang Clean
Clean Deadlifts
*Tried to do all reps with no hook grip.
Worked on some gymnastics skillz with Whit today.
Two breakthrough's : 3 HSPU (1 ab mat) in a row & solid chest to bar pull up's!!
Still working toward my butterfly kip, getting there.. slowly..
Chest Press
75 x 5 x 3
EMOM 12 Min
18 Wall Ball 14# to 9'
30 sec plank
3 C2B pull up
Fitness NFT Work:
Took this easy today because it should have been a rest day.
5 strict HSPUs to two ab mats
Lunges: 30-35-35-35-40
Wall Ball Fran Rx'd in 5:52
This was torture. Prefer real Fran because I'm so bad at wall balls. If Asha wasn't there providing constant encouragement, I wouldn't have made it through them. Pullups were tough today after 50 burpee-pullup-K2E yesterday in AG, but I was still able to string decent sets together. No rips, but my hands are red and sore.
Walls balls: 15-6, 5-5-5, 3-3-3
Pullups: 11-6-4, 6-4-5, 5-2-2
Attempted handstand walks. Couldn't get that sweet spot. Either kicked over or didn't kick high enough. Made it about 4' purely by luck.
7am with NickDowell
4 rounds of 5 box-piked HSPUs + 1 round of shooting the s and losing track of time. Lunges with 35lb DBs and these were harder than expected.
WOD Rx in 5:49. Flew out of the gate in the round of 21 and realized by my 8th wallball into the round of 15 that I had redlined. Rest of the wall shots were unbroken, and the pullups wound up being a messy string of doubles, singles and staring at the bar / hating it.
QOD – A Rogue rack setup sounds pretty tight. Neighbors would be bummed.
@KCaps, my favorite part of that post is that you said "Chest Press." My second favorite part is the CTB pull-ups ๐ Killing it, woman!
2016 is really off to a bang! Fun afternoon session:
Mobility: mash calves, ankles, peroneals, tspine, infraspinatus
2 rounds:
12 band steps side to side
10 band steps fwd and back
8 inchworm to push up
8 lizard lunges
45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2
-PR for my LP!!! Belted. This is the 3×5 I failed on a little over a year ago before iron maidens. Ended up with 185 as my 5 RM. Today it was challenging, but still moving relatively smoothly, no real sticky points. First set had most tension and control. After that I started taking the express train to the bottom a bit, like I do.
-After not squatting for about 2 months this fall, I am very happy to be back with heavy weight on the bar and NO PAIN IN MY HIPS ๐
Butterfly CTB pull-up practice mixed in: 5×3… decently successful! don't overthink. big swoop, stay tight.
JERK (in kilos, from blocks):
35: push press, push jerk, split jerk
45: push jerk, split jerk, split jerk
60x1x5 … these were okay, not amazing. always need to push under/through more.
AMRAP 8 min
18 WB shot (unbroken, 10-8, 10-8, 10-8)
5 HSPU (unbroken, but not super strong today)
9 GHD sit up
3 rounds + 18 WB
Fun little one
Front Squat
Side Plank
:30ea x4
"Chest Press" wins!
Doh, Whitney! I think Chest Press was burned into my memory from high school gym class. I mean – Bench Press ๐