Power Clean + Hang Clean
Work up to a max for the day on the complex.
Post loads and Rx to comments.
Exposure 2/8
30 Reps For Time:
Power Clean 155/105
Post time and Rx to comments.
5×10 V-Ups
Coach Noah working the knotted rope with Tulsi. Did you climb a rope in high school P.E.?
Holiday Schedule Changes
TODAY (12/27):
Normal Schedule
CANCELLED: CrossFit Preschool
Thursday (12/31) New Year’s Eve:
ON: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm
CANCELLED: 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, Active Recovery, Comp Class
Normal Open Gym hours
Friday (1/1) New Year’s Day:
ON: 11am*(extra class), 12pm, 1pm, Open Gym from 3:30-8:30pm
CANCELLED: 6/7/8/10am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, CrossFit Kids
Evening Open Gym hours only
Want to Work at the Front Desk??
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff our beloved Front Desk! Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talking to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym.
On top of an hourly wage, Front Desk staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who keep a consistent schedule and commit to six months of work with us (barring extenuating circumstances). Preference will be given to candidates with the flexibility to change shifts in the new year.
We will be interviewing this month and hiring a new staff member for immediate training. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule:
Email Janelle [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
Quantum Computers Explained
What Is Something?
Awesome CrossFit Garage Gyms
8am with the Foxes
Clean Complex
Worked up to 205#.
WOD Rx'd in 3:14.
Bailed singles the entire way. I liked this one.
Last workout in Michigan today. Super fun!
Partner WOD for 24min:
5 box jumps
10 sit-ups
15 wall balls
20 kettle bells
While one partner worked, the other did shuttle runs! So fun!!!
Q: If you have an unlimited membership, can you come to morning OG to makeup squats, etc or is morning OG for the specific open gym membership?
A. Skill: Pistols
B. Strength: HSPU
D: Partner WOD: Teams Complete 100 Pushups, 80 Pullups, 60 HSPU, 40 Dips, 20 Pistols, One partner works, one partners holds bottom position
C. Death By Box Jump
9 am
Clean Complex: Worked up to 133. Power cleaned 138, but failed the hang clean. PR for my power clean.
WOD: 2:27 Rx. Started with 5, then 3, then doubles until 24, then quick singles for the final 6.
Did some bench press afterwards because it's been a while and I wanted to feel it out. 95x5x3.
9am with the Foxes.
Felt really sluggish and uncoordinated today, even the warmup sets felt heavy. Complex through 165#, then hit the power clean at 175# just fine but messed up the hang clean and did that as a power clean instead of full clean.
Since hurting myself during 14.05, I've worried about my back with high rep DL/cleans/snatches/etc… even so I went way too conservative with today's WOD. 105#, finished in 2:46 I think. These were basically muscle cleans ๐ Many bad habits to work on in 2016.
10am with Coaches Fox
Worked up to 220 on the complex. Probably had another jump but ran out of time
Metcon in 1:32 Rx'd. Started with a big set (16) and then strung a few together and just tried to hang on. Happy with the time and looking forward to next time we do Grace.
Joined Noon class for the clean complex after a fun and chatty AR.
50kgs-70-80-90-100(failed hang clean)-100-100-100-100-90
Wasn't feeling as strong from the hang as I used to…haven't worked from the hang in a while.
10 am with the Foxes, the wife, and two kiddos on the couches.
195 on the complex.
2:40ish RX'd on the wod. They were getting pretty ugly 20 – 30.
Great work by Dan L at 1:32!
Included in the Unlimited Membership is the AM OG Block. If you plan on taking advantage of that we just ask that you ask me about it so that FD etc knows whats going on. You're gtg
Christmas Day WOD on the street
5 Intervals
10 Burpees
150m Run
3 Rounds
18 Lunges
1:00 Plank
Static Handstand Practice
In seconds :20/:18/:16:/:14/:16/:18:/:20 alternating Hollow rocks and holds
Today went to Full Range CrossFit in Providence. Definitely the gym I would recommend in this area. They only had OG on Sunday which was pretty sparsely attended, only 3 other people there.
3 Rounds:
8 Cals Assault Bike
16 OH Walking Lunges with 45lbs
8 Ring Rows
EMOM 10:00: 1 Snatch
135 x1
155 x4
165 x5
AMRAP 10:00
5 Push Jerks 135
10 Kipping Toes to Bars
15 Air Squats
4 Rounds + 13 reps
Miss everyone at the gym!
12 noon class
Worked up to 135 lbs for both the power clean as well as the hang clean.
Could've definitely gone heavier, but was trying to nail down proper form.
RXed the WOD in 2:40 @105lbs. Did 10 touch and go, then 2 sets of 5 touch and go, then doubles for the last 10 reps.
10AM with the Foxes
Complex: 83-93-103-113 (stood around too long, got tired, didn't attempt the hang)-113 make- 115
2# PC PR, thought it was a HC PR, but it was not.
WOD Rx'd in 3:22
Need to work on keeping tight and having faster elbows.
Practiced handstand walks before class. Went 10ft then 8ft.
Squat, should touches, plank warm-up
12 minute EMOM alternating 3 HSPU negatives with 3 green banded pistols
WOD with Vella in 19:07.
Partner 1 held the position while the partner 2 worked
100 squats
80 pushups
60 pullups
40 HSPUs–> did them piked from a bench with 1-2 ab mats
20 Dips –> matador
This WOD was all about muscle fatigue! Couldn't do even one HSPU with ab mats.
Coming in very late even though I did 10 AM class, which is not so late…
I snatched instead of cleaned today. Seemed like the easiest way to get today's stimulus in, in a way that I can do. Worked up to 88 on the complex. I am clearly still strong enough to get away with caca form. I failed 88 a couple of times despite getting it super high, and I think when I actually made it I was pretty much muscling it up there.
Basically did "Isabel" — 30 snatches at 73#. 3:26. I remember when 75# snatches used to be really freakin' hard. Feeling pretty strong although I know I have a lot to work on technique-wise.
AR was awesome. Xmas weekend was pretty much moving from sitting on one family member's couch to another, so thank you Fox for all those hip openers.