Ben L., demoing the appropriate attitude to display mid-WOD | Photo by Thomas H.
- Don’t miss CFSBK’s Star Wars movie marathon TOMORROW, starting at 3pm. Come dressed as your favorite character and bring along Star Wars snacks (and your own beverages!) to share. We’ll be showing movies 4, 5, and 6.
- Best of luck to our CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge 8.0 competitors! Tomorrow, Bryan B., Rio T., Zach H., Andre L., and Brendan N. will be tackling some big WODs. Let us know how it goes, guys!
Seeking New Managing Editor for Your Favorite Blog
CFSBK Managing Editor Kate R. is heading back to Montana for five months starting in the middle of January and we are considering filling her position with a new editor. We will only fill the position if we find the right person. Maybe that person is you!
We’ve had several people tell us they joined CFSBK because they loved our blog and the kind of community and professionalism it reflects. Maintaining a popular blog has been a huge priority for us since the beginning, and we’ve been posting daily content since Day One. The blog is the primary means by which people get information about our gym.
On top of managing content on the blog, the Managing Editor maintains a consistent style guide for all our written materials, solicits and edits articles from our coaching staff, and writes interviews with community members and staff. It’s important that the Editor is an active member of the community.
- Part-time, between 7-10 hours a week. Compensation will be commensurate with experience, and includes a comped membership.
- Posting daily blog posts before midnight according to the blog’s Style Guide, with an accompanying photo from our Flickr account.
- Posting and maintaining event and program pages (and all other pages).
- Posting and maintaining schedule changes on the Class Schedule page, and staying on top of last-minute changes and closures.
- Managing the gym’s Flickr account and ensuring photography needs are taken care of for relevant events.
- Daily communication with Coach David, and occasional check-in meetings.
- Self-directed, independent working style, with willingness to take initiative in getting the necessary information for daily posts and events.
- Strong writing and editing skills, and attention to formatting style guidelines.
- Strong attention to detail and ability to quickly and frequently assimilate a large amount of information.
- Familiarity with Squarespace or proven ability to quickly learn a new CMS.
- Staying on top of 10-25 emails a day and responding in a professional manner within 24-48 hours to most correspondence. Regular correspondence with Coach Fox regarding programming and other coaches regarding selling out our various programs.
- Staying on top of all gym events and corresponding with our Events Coordinator. Promoting events in a clear, creative manner.
- Weekly maintenance of various forums and ability to repurpose material for daily blog posts (including Travel Gym Recommendations and CFSBK Classifieds).
- Willingness to take initiative in creating new blog material, including soliciting articles from coaches and interviewing members of the community.
- Willingness to acquire a strong historical knowledge of CFSBK through researching past posts.
- Enthusiasm for the CrossFit community in general and the CFSBK community in particular. Clear understanding of CFSBK’s ethos.
- Video and photography skills a plus, but not required.
To Apply
Email both Coach David (David [at] and Kate (Katharine [at] with “Managing Editor” in the subject line. Include a brief cover letter and your resume, along with three suggested article/interview or creative blog material ideas. Please include any relevant clips too.
We will accept applications through December 20th, and will start interviewing potential candidates at the end of this month and beginning of January.
The key requirement for this position is loving the gym and CrossFit. To that end, we are only hiring from within the CFSBK community.
Never Miss the Big Lifts Again Juggernaut
People React to Being Called Beautiful
Saturday's Programming
Rack Push Jerk
Take 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single push jerk from a rack.
Post loads to comments.
(Modified) Open Workout 13.5
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
15 Thrusters 100/65
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
This is a modified version of Open Workout 13.5 where it was a 4 minute AMRAP of the couplet. If you completed 90 reps (4 rounds) in the 4 minutes you moved on for another 4 minutes of the couplet, then another 4 minutes if 90 reps were completed by 8 minutes, and so forth. Begin today's WOD with the intention to go hard for the first 4 minutes and complete 90 reps of the couplet before the 4 minute mark. Whether or not you do, continue as far as you can for the entire 12 minutes. Scale the load on the thruster to be light-medium for you, and the ROM or to bands/ring rows on pull ups as necessary.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Compare to 4.7.13.
Did tomorrow's work. I'm a little curious about Hollyman but I'd have had to modify all 3 movements, so I chickened out. (Then again, now that I think about it, I had to modify both movements for tomorrow's work. Derp.)
I worked up to 115 for a single on push jerk. I know I can do more, but even taking 125 out of the rack felt weird, so I called it at that point and dropped back to 95x3x2. The finish position is actually fine for me on these, but as the weight gets heavier, racking the bar becomes uncomfortable. Still, I'm glad I can do them at all.
WOD: 6 rounds + 12 thrusters using 25# DBs for thrusters and near-horizontal ring rows. Glad that's over.
6am w/ McDowell
Jerk: 185-185-195-205 (f). 205 didn't feel too heavy and is my 1RM, just didn't get low enough. Yesterday has something to do with that. So it is there next time.
Metcon: 4 rounds Rx. I had to break up thrusters and C2B alot sooner than usually. See previous comment about yesterday, just kept on moving to get some work in.
"Linda" NFT (The nicer, but passive-aggressive version)
Deadlift 185#
Thrusters 75#
Even with all of the crying fits, cigarette breaks, and the naps I took in between movements, this was hard. Especially on my back.
@Noah: I'll wear a blazer next time.
6am with McD
Jerk – 155-165-175. 165 had a slight press out, 175 moved pretty easy. Had more in there but my shoulder told me to stop.
WOD – Did 15 thrusters, got on the pull-up bar, did 1 c2b and my shoulder said no way. Shook it out for 30 seconds, tried again, and switched to ring rows. Front racked the bar for round 2 and still felt discomfort so decided to take a DNF and do some mashing instead.
Think my right triceps just needs a few days off after all those HSPU. If you were on the fence I suggest taking a day off after Hollyman..
7am with Nick doing Saturday's work.
Got to 145 on the push jerk work, but was feeling some limited overhead strength. There's room there.
WOD – Echoing Steve's sentiments of taking a day post-Hollyman. This was a 12-minute hate session for me. Got through 1 round at 95. Got a couple over my head for round 2 and it felt like it was gonna come crashing down. Dropped down weight from there and just slogged through it. Fox, doing his finest Burgess Meredith impression, told me from across the gym to stick with it. Should have listened and just gone slower. For the 3+ rounds I got through in the end it wasn't worth dropping down. Good note for next time.
7 a.m. w McD doing Hollyman.
HSPUs left me after round ten. Missed on two in a row so switched to pushups. That sucked.
Lower back totally on fire. 155 on the power cleans.
Life Goals:
1. Climb Everest
2. Climb Denali
3. Make it on the CFSBK blog CHECK! Woohoo!
10am class with Noah doing Hollyman
RX'ed in 40:31 (thanks for letting me finish Noah!)
Ever since I saw Noah's write up on Murph about RXing and going hard on Hero WODs I really took it to heart.
225 was about 85% of my 1rm of 260; I did everything unbroken but in the later rounds 20+ I fell off the wall for the HSPUs but just kicked back up. My main rest was between the HSPUs and the PCs.
I finished the HSPUs on the last round at 39:45 and really wanted to finish under 40:00 so I rushed the last PC and missed it which was TERRIBLE. I settled back in took about 25 seconds and hit the last one slowly.
I really tried to set each PC as if I was pulling 275# like Fox suggested and that helped a TON!
This one was HARD but I really liked it. I really pushed it and I think if I pushed too hard I'd start missing the PCs which I didn't think I could afford and still finish the WOD, which wasn't an option at all.
Modified today's workout to 115lb front squats and 8 strict pull-ups each round. Finished 2 pull-ups short of 5 rounds. Four straight days of crush week workouts is not a smart move.
Much like Steve et al, wish I had a rest day in-between, but schedule won't allow for that.
Push Jerk – 118-128-138F. McD said the bar got plenty high – would like to try this again when feeling better rested.
WOD – Frustration central. Started planning to scale pull-ups to 8 per round, but after just 5 in my first round I knew my hands and body weren't up for it. Switched to ring row, trying to make them as difficult as possible. Finished 12 thrusters into my 5th round. Thrusters were unbroken first round, then 9-6 for each round after.
Row 2x20min @20s/m with 5 min rest
Felt good to get the blood flowing
Waned to snatch but wasn't sure what to do and was probably going to half ass it. Luckily Todd was short a training partner so I jumped in the platform with him.
3 waves around 70% (65kg)
No misses
Skipped C&J because Holleyman has my collarbone like whoa…
DB Split Squats
25x10ea x3
Good Mornings
Guys, let's just face it. No one could ever replace Kate R. Let's just shut the whole thing down.
Did you ever read a job description and say to yourself, "This is perfect for me!" Well, I thought I did just now until I reached the "Regular correspondence with Coach Fox . . . " part.
MGMT – my offer to serve as fashion and lifestyle editor is still open.
"Jay" rhymes with "slay." Coincidence? I THINK NOT
12pm with McD
Hollyman 26:10
125 & 95 clean, 14lb 10' wall balls, push-ups
I don't like push-ups, and I don't like wall balls, but I love long workouts. I was uneasy about 125lb cleans (80% of my 1RM) but after some reassurance from McD I got after it.
Found a great pace at the start and kept with it throughout the end. The cleans were going really well and I was feeling good, until halfway. With 14 cleans left, I couldn't get 125 done. After 3 missed attempts I scaled down to 95.
I'm attributing the misses to a lack of focus and not strength. 95 felt too easy. Trying to settle down when you're moving quickly and really think about things is tough. I wasn't getting under the bar, and I had a hard time changing things up.
The push-ups were adding up, but doing only 3 at a time helped a lot more than I thought.
Not an amazing performance on my behalf but I love long WODs.
113 x3
143 x2
163 F (mis-loaded)
153 x1 (recent best 155)
158 F, F, F just to make sure… :/
3 sets:
3 :03 Pause ring dips (singles and doubles)
60 DUs — 50-10, 40-20, 20-18-22
Shoulder DROMs and Mobs in between sets
Easy 10 min row
35 x 1,1
40 x 1,F,1
42 x 1, 1, F
44 X 1
46 x 1
47 x F, F
45 x 1,1
50 x 1
55 Clean x 1, Jerk F
55 Clean x 1, Jerk F
Frustrating day