Clean and Jerk
5 attempts at a max for the day. Consider opening up at at around 85% and going up from there. No press outs. If you’re newer to the lift and the load used is more limited by technique than strength, perform 5 or more singles at your technical max, meaning where your form falls apart.
Example Warm Ups (based off 1RM):
Exposure 8/8
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Every Minute on the Minute, 10 Minutes:
8 Burpee-Box Jumps 24/20″
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Throwback to the Lyceum days in 2009, and this exquisite picture of Coach Nick at Fight Gone Bad. #quadgoals
Prevention Strategies to Help You Avoid Getting Sick
Tis the season for a lot of things, including icky colds. Here’s a list we pulled from WebMD to help keep CFSBKers safe and healthy:
- Think of hand washing as a survival skill (more on this below).
- Never touch your mouth, nose, or eyes without washing your hands.
- Don’t share food and other things that go in the mouth, as in guzzling milk from the carton or double dipping chips.
- Encourage family members or friends to cover their mouths with a tissue when they cough or sneeze and to dispose of the tissue themselves. No time to grab a tissue? Cough or sneeze into the inside of your elbow instead of your hands.
- Avoid sharing personal items like toiletries, towels, and pillows.
- Get proper rest and good nutrition to improve resistance and bolster immunity.
- Use paper towels instead of community towels in the bathroom and kitchen.
According to the CDC, frequent and thorough hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent catching colds, flu, or any contagious disease. Be sure to wash your hands frequently, including the following times:
- Before and after you prepare food
- Before you eat
- After you use the bathroom
- Before and after changing a baby’s diaper
- After handling animals or animal waste
- After coughing or sneezing
- When your hands are dirty
- More frequently if someone in your home is sick
To wash hands properly, follow these steps:
- Wet your hands and apply liquid or clean bar soap. Place bar soap on a soap dish that allows it to drain.
- Rub your hands together vigorously, scrubbing all surfaces for 15 to 20 seconds. That’s about how long it takes to hum the song “Happy Birthday to You” twice.
- Rinse well and dry your hands. In a public restroom, use the air dryer or paper towels.
- In the absence of soap and water, use alcohol-based disposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers.
Awe Shots of Awe
Brawn and Brains The New York Times
Anybody have a recommendation for a good physiatrist? If so, please email me at arielarozman at gmail
Not the best day for the C&J
60, 70, 80, 90, 90 (kind of pressed out the first one), 95, 100(f), 100(f)
Hit ~102 (225#) a few weeks ago. Just couldn't get the jerk under control today. I hit my chin with the bar twice. After the fails, dropped back and hit 80 a few more times to end on a more positive note.
Metcon – I usually hate burpee box jumps, but having a relatively small set with some rest allowed me to cycle through them much more efficiently than I usually do. It got tough by the end, but each round was between :28 and :30
6am with JB and Lady Fox
Partnered with Dan L. for Clean & Jerk. I wasn't sure what to expect from today since I spent the last week traveling, eating and half-heartedly working out in hotel gyms.
Hit 198 quickly and easily. Failed the first attempt at 209# because I got soft in the belly at the bottom of catch. Hit the second attempt solidly. Failed at 220# on the jerk with a pretty obvious press out. Got a good note from Dan and Ro that my dip is way too slow. Fixed that and hit 220# with a great bounce out of the bottom and a good jerk which tied my previous PR.
That felt good so I went for 222.2# and hit it solidly for a new 1kg PR.
Burpee Box Jumps started off feeling great and then started to suck at around halfway through. I also technically only did 7 reps on two of the rounds because i slammed my big toe into the box and didnt stand all the way up.
6am with Jess and JB
Cleans only: 143, 153, 163F, 163PR!, 168F
Even though the jerks have been feeling better, I really wanted to test out my clean and didn't think I'd be able to keep up on the jerk. This was a 5lb PR and I know I have more in me. My hip is still bothering me and my heart wasn't in it for 168, as JB pointed out.
WOD – 6 squat thrusts per round to a 16" box.
That picture of Nick is amazing!
6am with JB and Jess
C&J – Partnered with James the Great Beard – 155, 175, 185, 190. 190 matches my previous PR but was much cleaner and technically sound than the previous time. Confident I have 195-200 in there just ran out of time. Good cue from JB to slow down the 1st pull to help with me pulling too much with my arms. Jerks through 185 were just ok until Jess had me drop my elbows a little bit in the front rack to allow me a better grip on the bar and the jerk at 190 was my best one of the day.
WOD – First 3 rounds felt good then it turned into a sweaty suckfest. Finished around 30-37 seconds each round. I would be happy to never do this again.
I didn't even realize that was a picture of Nick. Looks like Dexter!
C&J: EMOM 11 @ 155 (~70% of 1 RM). Continue to focus on form, first pull on the clean and wider lander stance on the jerk.
Metcon: Fastest round: 17 secs, Slowest round: 23 secs, Average: 20 secs.
Suggestion – Is there a way we can start to collect names of doctors and pts that people like or dont like…
8 am with Fox
Loving the energy in the gym this week. The good cheer is infectious.
Clean & Jerk
Previous PR was 135. Didn't have to fight too hard for the 145, so I think I still have room for growth on this one. As for form, Fox tells me I'm pulling too early. As the load gets heavier, I start to worry that I'll get stuck in the hang, so I end up rushing right to the pull. Something to work on next cycle.
24" box. Did 8 for the first five rounds, then 6 for four rounds, then 8 for the last round.
And yes, I felt guilty about the 6-rep rounds on the way home.
Clean and Jerk
117(pr 257#)
121(clean PR, slight press out on jerk)
Happy about the small PRs today.
2x10min row/5 min rest
"Rub your hands together vigorously, scrubbing all surfaces for 15 to 20 seconds. That's about how long it takes to hum the song "Happy Birthday to You" twice."
@Noah told you bruh!!! Happy Birthday Twice. Still though, that's a pretty long commitment.
I for one, take the Dwight Shrute approach to avoid winter sickness:
Nooner with Lady Fox and DO
Clean and jerk
103-113-118-123-128(PR) 133M- ugly clean and pressed out the jerk. The PR was a push jerk because my feet were not cooperating today. I then attempted 128 another few times but could not commit. Still, this was fun. And that's two PRs for this lift this cycle- 10lb total increase from when I last went heavy in March.
EMOM 10 mins
8 burpee box jumps to 20' box
This was unpleasant but I did it and stuck to the 8 each round. I was finishing around 45 seconds until the last two rounds which were more like almost to the 50 second mark.
Looking forward to a nice relaxing recovery day tomorrow.
190 lb C&J
Jess – "You should try to keep the bar closer to you on the pull.
Ryan – Being a bad student, pulls bar directly into his chest on the next attempt for a complete fail. Thanks Jess.
If anyone has reccomendations for docs/orthos etc please email them to David (AT) and I'll compile a list so when people ask I can refer or we can put some of the recommended ones on the blog or on the tac board
4:30pm Class with Coach Hubble Dubblescope
Squat Clean & Split Jerk
225 Got Clean, Missed Jerk just out in front. SO CLOSE!
Burpee Box Jump Metcon
Completed all 10 rounds of 8 BBJ to 24".
Most rounds were :28 one round I missed a box jump and finished in :31
I'd also like to add that teaching kids programs is not a great way to avoid sickness ๐
Hit the 190# I was hoping to get, but felt like there was more in the tank so threw 205# on the bar and failed it somewhere between 1 and 40 times. Thanks to Jess who made me take an extra minute of rest before one last attempt. Focused on my technique and speed underneath the bar and made the lift at the buzzer.
Burpees were "great" (saw end of world/tasted own spleen)
120- C&J PR
125- C&J PR (7#)
128- Clean PR (5#), failed the jerk
FINALLY!!!!! I've been stuck on the same C&J forever. Whit gave me a good weight progression which greatly helped. Almost didn't come in today because I was exhausted and had a headache all day, but so glad I did! Failed the 125 clean about three times. Basically did a clean pull each time. Whit said bar was plenty high though. Told myself I just need fast elbows and to DROP, then I did it! Jerk needs a lot of work at heavier weights. Bar is too forward, not pushing my head through, and stance is narrow.
EMOM completed. Kept it slow and steady at a pace of 40-47s per round. Def uncoordinated and took what felt like a million steps to set it up properly.
5:30 class
I was thinking about the c&j ALL DAY today!
Worked up to an opener at 235 which felt really good
250 (pr)
260 hit the clean really well but didn't get under the jerk enough. I can get 260 I just need to focus a little more!
Happy all in all with the lifts.
Did the WOD in about 30-40 seconds each round. Best round was the last one when K Caps looked at me and said, "race?"… I still lost but it was a quick round!
530p w/ da' dream team!
Like Ben, I took was mentally prepping for my C&J all day.. as the weight felt heavier, I really got in my rhythm. Both Whit and Noah, mentioned dropping the elbows, opening the hands, I was so focused on acceleration in the legs, I think I forgot to be loose and easy in the hands..
113 PR Jerk
118 PR C&J
120 PR C&J, this was a last min decision to try, glad I did. Wow I'm so HAPPY!
The WOD was a fun one, I was averaging 35 seconds a round, I may have done 7 in round 4 or 5, I lose count from time to time. Ben, thank you for accepting my challenge, glad we pushed each other over the finish line!!
@Charlie: You really are amazing!!!
YES, Kelly & Kristin!
No PRs for me this week..was feeling under the weather, so I skipped class last night to rest. It was very much needed! I'll have to do back squat & the DU wod at OG tomorrow.
C&J: 83, 93, 103, 113 (missed jerk), 113 missed clean, 113 missed clean.
I was setting up wrong–leaning back after getting on tension. Great advice from Whit & Pierre– I know I have this and more…just not tonight.
Burpees: Steady at :31 every round, except for round 5 where I finished at :26. I think I miscounted, so I did 9 burpees in the final round to end at 9:40.
Feeling a *tiny* bit discouraged this week, but trying to remind myself I'm just exercising for fun and I've made tons of progress in one year.
Fookin' grrrreat 5:30
93 1×3
100 1×2
116 1×3
124 1×2
Snatch Pull:
120 x 2
126 x 2
133 x 2
Front Squat:
130 2×3
Most solid day I've had in a long ass time. Screw a PR, sometimes just a solid day of weightlifting after months of SHITE is all you need to put some pep in your step.
10 days out. Head down, eyes forward.
Fun coaching tonight and seeing all the good lifts and PR's go up!
Feeling unmotivated today, and a bit rushed. But glad I did *something* :
Clean & Jerk
drillz – took hands a little wider still and practiced hang to high hang patience/vertical since I've found myself pulling early A LOT lately…
35kg: 3 position clean + 2 jerks x2
Kept it just under 80% today (121#) and hit some mindful singles there. Jerks are feeling slightly wonky. Need to spend some more time with oly again in the next few wks, just feeling unpracticed, esp. with footwork.
I have never posted on the blog before but randomly decided hey what the hell. This post is, therefore, a day late. Heh. ๐
PR-ed my back squat!! My previous 1RM was 170 lbs, and I hit 175 lbs today! (Or, rather, yesterday.)
Many thanks go to Fox for the super helpful coaching. 175 actually felt pretty dang easy, considering, so I think I actually had it in me to do at least 5-10 lbs more if my technique had been on point. Fox gave me some helpful tips to actually go lower at the bottom of the squat so that I'll bounce out of the bottom — which I am definitely not doing right now with my squats. Currently, my squats tend to be slow and almost paused at a few inches above where my lowest point in a squat actually is. Fox explained that, by squatting lower and using the bounce, I'll ultimately be able to move more weight. So, I'm feeling pretty excited to start focusing more on this in the next cycle.
As for the WOD: I kind of love burpees (because I'm so much worse at everything else endurance-related in Crossfit!! Cough wall balls cough), so this was enjoyable for me. Was consistently finishing around 0:29-0:31 for the first 7 rounds, and that time increased dramatically to around 0:35-0:40 in the last few rounds.
Overall I am feeling super grateful for my health, for continued (albeit slow) progress, and for the CFSBK community. <3