Another way to use the wall ball racks in 597, from the Art Show last Saturday. We’re still digging the art of Inna Aizenshtein, a fellow CrossFitter from CrossFit Virtuosity (pictured above). Many of you already saw her work (and even bought some of her pieces!), but check out more of her stuff on her website.
Thanksgiving Schedule Changes
Today, Friday (11/27):
ON: 10am, 11am, 12pm, Open Gym 5:30-8pm
CANCELLED: 6am, 7am, 8am, CrossFit Kids
Saturday (11/28):
CANCELLED: 8am, Yoga for Athletes, Active Recovery
Sunday (11/29):
CANCELLED: Active Recovery
Join the Global Climate March this Sunday, November 29th at 2pm!
On Sunday, November 29th at 2pm, millions of people across the planet will take to the streets on the eve of the UN Climate Talks in Paris to demand bold, urgent action on the climate crisis. To support this massive mobilization, the People’s Climate Movement is hosting a virtual climate march where thousands will send in photos or messages about why they want action on climate to make sure world leaders hear us.
Whether you’re able to join in the streets, or if you just want to support from home, we need your voice. Get more information about the March here, or check out the NYC Facebook page.
Photographing Veterans Back From War The New York Times
David Osorio says
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Heavier than your last Low Intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week's 3 x 5. Next week is a 1RM test.
Exposure 7/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
50 Double-Unders
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
25 Double-Unders
10 Wall Balls 14/10, 10/9
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Ben Lock says
10am class yesterday
Partner DT rx'ed with Matt "the muscle" Katz in 24:34 (I think) It was either 24:34 or 23:43.
Split up the rows 500 each and kept a 1:45 pace
Did the first round unbroken then broke up the next round in:
11 DLs
5+4 Cleans
6 Jerks
I never wanted to put the bar down for the jerks
Partnering with Matt was a humbling yet great experience. He flew threw the rounds and kept me moving with very short rest. It gave me a much harder workout than if I had done it myself.
The only other time I did DT, it took my 17:08 so I think next time I do it by itself I'm going to have Matt next to me.
Allie B. says
Dropped in at Crossfit Acadia in Maine for open gym today. Love this gym!
C&J: 83, 93, 103×3, 108
5 rounds: 12:25/73# (went light– felt tired; still was really hard on grip!!)
11 deadlift
1 dl, 5 hang power cleans
4 hang power cleans, 6 jerks
Considered rowing 1000m after, but didn't :X good job you guys!!!
Charlie says
10am class yesterday.
Partner DT with Cage.
21:41 with 83# and push-ups instead of jerks for Cage.
Cleans were the limiting factor for me. Somehow the jerks/ push-presses were ok.
Fun times!
Lauren says
1000m row
10 rounds @93# of
12 DL
9 PC
6 Push Jerks
1000m row
30 min with Kelly who moved much faster than I and is a kick ass partner.
Stuck to my plan until the 2nd to last set of Jerks and things really fell apart.
Loved the energy around me and how everyone kept up the support from when I was rowing bat outta hell to hole in the canoe style. Rough workout but so much fun.
Kristin says
Dropped into CF Charlotte today, really nice people, Andy Hendel is the gym owner as I was leaving he mentioned his son is CF games athlete Spencer Hendel, some people may be familiar with. Nonetheless, great coaching and good of people.
Warm up 200m run and mobs
Strength/skill 3 rounds 35#
7 Deadlift
7 cleans
7 push press
Then, worked up to work weight for WOD:75#
1 mile run
50 T2B (5/5/5/5/4…all mixed after that)
25 clean and jerk (sets of 5)
Time: 19:58
It felt so good to run outside in 65 degree weather I was loving it!! Cashed out with
3 rounds
3 strict Chins
30 sec handstand hold
Nice time had all around!
Fox says
Dropped in to Dirty Gym in Dayton, OH for a little lifting. Great space.
Joined Jess for her second 20min erg piece. 20 min at 16 s/m 2:18 avg.
Stella says
@CrossFit Bensalem. Missing SBK terribly.
Bench press: the Rx was 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5 but I really didn't want to *end* my strength workout at only 60%. Fortunately the coach wasn't watching too closely, so I did 95×5, 115×5, 125×5 which is more like 80-85%.
WOD was an open workout, I forget which one — 10 min AMRAP:
5 S2O 75# (I did 24kg KB swings to avoid cleaning the barbell)
10 deadlift 75# (Rx)
15 box jump 20" (Rx)
I got 6 rounds + 16 reps (1 box jump). This was surprisingly awful.
Really missing the group mobilizations and QOD!
K HarpZ says
Study break!
Had some fun hitting benchmarks with Snickers Today!!! Did not see this programming coming at all, came in today feeling pretty blob-like after yesterday's festivities.
135×5, 185×3, 205×1, 225×1, 235×1, 245×1 (PR), 250×1(F) –10# PR!
Shifted forward in the toes at 250 and lost tension. But I'll take it! Haven't tested a 1RM in quite awhile, nice to see some improvement here.
Max Pull-ups: 35
Started out with butterfly, switched to regular kipping about halfway through, squeaked out some floppy, awkward reps towards the back end.
500M row all out effort, for time: 1:47
This was the worst part! I felt so sick after this. I apologize to anyone who was in the same room with me during this time, lady grunts were on point.
5 rds: 8:52 RX
7 unbroken TTB
14 unbroken WB (20#/9')
21 unbroken DU
*30s rest inbetween rounds*
That 20# WB crushed my soul. Fun workout, but definitely wasn't sure if I was going to be able to keep down my breakfast at about round 4.
Fun working out with Lauren today and getting to see her crush the pullups- 20 unbroken!! you go glen-coco.
k2h2 says
Dropped in on Good Morning America today only to see DO and Candice! Nice way to introduce CFSBK to my family! So awesome.
Jenny m says
Messed around with some kipping pull-ups- working in sets of 3 these days (finally!)
Front squat 128x7x4 unbelted.
Saturday's wod :
1st amrap : 2 rounds +50+13 WB
2nd amrap: 5 rounds + 2 double unders.
Fun one!
Lots of laying on the wrestling mat chatting with friends after.
Charlie says
20 DU
5 x kipping pull-ups
Bench Press
45 x 5, 65 x 4, 95 x 3, 105 x 2, 115 x 1, 125 x 1, 135 x 1, 140 x 1, 145 x 1 (PR) 150 x F,
105 x 10 x 2.
Warm-ups were paused. Wotked with Rori, the Starting Strength coach who has a 225# bench press, a couple of weeks ago as part of my prize for the SS meet and she showed me how to bench on my toes as opposed to flat feet- it's not allowed in USAPL or probably generally, but she encouraged me to try it for a while to see if I can improve my arch. I was close to getting that 150 but not today.
3 x 10 GHD sit-ups
3 x 5 ab wheel roll outs
Did some HSPUs to 2 abmats but couldn't quite get to 1 abmats but I am so much closer now!
Then I got on the erg for 20mins at an easy pace.
Lauren says
Warm up x 3
10 OHS 33#
8 BTN Press 33#
4 pull ups (3-1)
35kg x 2
40kg x 2
42kg x 1,f
45kg x f,1
47kg f
All failures were knees coming forward at the bottom (mostly left).
Work on Aggressive 3rd pull and using bar to pull myself under.
3 Rounds:
3 HSPUs 1 abmat
15 GHD sit ups
10 GHR