Snickers prepping her hip for the flexion and external rotation necessary to get deep into a squat. Check out some more hip flossing tricks from Kelly Starrett’s MobilityWOD.
Thanksgiving Schedule Changes
Wednesday (11/25):
ON: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm 4:30pm, 5:30pm
CANCELLED: 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, CrossFit Kids
Thursday (11/26) THANKSGIVING:
ON: 8am, 9am, 10am
CANCELLED: 6am, 7am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, Active Recovery, Comp Class
Friday (11/27):
ON: 10am, 11am, 12pm, Open Gym 5:30-8pm
CANCELLED: 6am, 7am, 8am, CrossFit Kids
Saturday (11/28):
CANCELLED: 8am, Yoga for Athletes, Active Recovery
Sunday (11/29):
CANCELLED: Active Recovery
Our Coat + Canned Food + Book Drive Ends Tomorrow! Bring Your Donations!
We’re combining our coat and can drive with a book drive this year. To keep it simple our collection dates for coats and cans and books (children, to be specific) are going to run from November 15 – 25. Please bring all donations to the Front Desk.
New York Cares Coat Drive
Give the gift of warmth this holiday season. CFSBK is collecting new and gently used winter coats to help keep those in need warm during the winter season. New York Cares aims to collect 100,000 gently used winter coats each November and December and distributes them to thousands of men, women, and children who would otherwise go without them. They work hand-in-hand with a wide variety of Community Partners in New York City to make sure coats are distributed as quickly as possible. We are only collecting coats at this time.
City Harvest Canned Food Drive
CFSBK is collecting canned foods to help stock NYC’s food pantries and soup kitchens. City Harvest helps feed the more than 1.4 million New Yorkers facing hunger each year. They provide free deliveries of food to more than 500 emergency food programs throughout New York City. The most needed foods are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned proteins (like fish and chicken), and peanut butter (plastic jars).
Reading Partners Children’s Book Drive
Reading Partners is a national nonprofit organization that trains students from low-income schools to be confident readers and they need more books! Bring your your gently used children’s books to CFSBK for the Reading Partners Book drive. These books benefit struggling readers from kindergarten to the 4th grade. We’ll post a flyer on the bulletin board with author and title suggestions, please donate new or gently used books only.
Adele goes undercover as Adele impersonator, pranks actual Adele impersonators Mashable
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Add a few pounds to the last low intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week's 3 x 5. Next week is a 1RM test.
Exposure 7/8
Post loads to comments.
"Dumbbell Fran"
21-15-9 Reps for Time:
Dumbbell Thrusters
Suggested Rx load on the DBs is 45# for guys and 35# for gals. Scale as necessary so that the sets can be done largely unbroken. If large volume pull ups will slow you down to sets of 2-3 then consider the following version of today's WOD…
5 Rounds for Time:
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
9 Pull-Ups
Sub bands or ring rows as necessary
Post time and Rx to comments.
Thank you to whoever posted the Adele link. Well done.
Taking a rest day yesterday definitely helped with today's lifts.
Press: 60 x 7 x 4. Last rep of each set was a bit of a grind, but all doable.
Deadlift: 300 x 3. Felt surprisingly good. Really heavy, but better than 290 last week.
WOD: 101 burpees. Glad those 7 minutes of my day are over.
Make up post from 6:30 class yesterday
Perf Press at 115
All reps felt good and fast, probably should have done 120.
Deadlifts felt like crap so I didn't even attempt 3.
I originally wanted to do 395# but after doing 1 at 365 then 1 at 385, they all felt bad and none of it was moving well so I called it quits.
Did 92 burpess in the WOD. Not as bad as I thought. I did sets of 15 with a quick break. Next time I'll do the same but take a shorter break.
I love and hate the snatch, to me it's the most complex lift out there b/c it takes a lot of skill in everything from mobility to core strength to explosiveness. I've made big jumps in the snatch with a current PR of 205#. I hate the snatch because if you have an off day with it you might as well work on something else; it is so finicky. But when you have a good day with the snatch there is no greater feeling (other maybe your first muscle up) than the bar moving almost weightlessly over your head and catching it so sturdy that it feels like you're only lifting the bar. This is how 205# felt and it was hard to control my excitement and focus on standing it up before celebrating. All in all I love the snatch but that's because it's given me more good days than bad at this point.
6am with McD
LBBS: 175x7x4. Ugh. My spinal erectors are sore after yesterday's deadlifts. I almost switched to 5×3, but stuck with the 7×4 and started to move better in the second set.
WOD in 6:04 with 25# dbs and pull-ups scaled to 15-9-6 with a green and blue band. I should've done 30# dbs but I didn't want to kill my shoulders. After consulting with McDowell, I decided to scale the pull-up volume since I'm still easing my way back in.
OG on Sunday: BSQ 105x5x3 – finding it hard to focus on my squats for some reason
Press 43x3x3 – never say never, but this will never be "my" lift
Deadlift 165×3 – still moving! glad I didn't have a lot of time to think about hitting this weight
WOD 55 – ugh. I don't feel like I pushed very hard. I was more focused on efficiency. I don't think I have *that* gear where you push yourself through a workout like this. The monotony kills me.
Can't wait for Pilates tonight!!
+1 to JJ's post yesterday about the art show. I cannot believe how talented this community is. Thank you to Kate for all of her hard work to put it on and thank you to David for hosting!
6am with McD
HBBS 215 x 5 x 3. Still moving well and hip is still feeling good. Was not envious of the perf crowd's 4×7
WOD – 6:59 Rx. Last time (and first time) I did Fran in 11:21 so a solid improvement. Even though I generally hate DB thrusters it made this workout less grippy which definitely helped my pull-ups. That and a better kip. Also enjoying this not ripping your hand thing during high volume pull-ups.
DB thrusters in 13-8, 8-7, 5-4
Pull-ups in 7-7-7, 5-5-5, 5-4
Like Kayleigh I'm glad I took an extra rest day. Helped get the ouch out of my mid-back area from tweaking it on Friday.
Also, I don't know whether there's magic dust in the air at 6 AM, or maybe it's that eating more protein is working for me, but lifting went quite nicely today.
Press 80x5x3. I realize that my last couple of reps were ugly as sin (weighted back bends, anyone?), but I've still never managed to get that weight to the top for that rep scheme before. My apologies for anyone whose eardrums I blew out when I shrieked on my last rep.
Deadlift 255×3! Historically I fail at that weight for 3s, but this went up like a hot knife through butter. Feeling stoked to test 1RM next week.
I did slam balls instead of burpees since I felt nervous about doing so many of them, even as squat thrusts. 158 reps, which really isn't that many — I would say one burpee = 2 slam balls.
Skill: Bar Muscle up
10 total Rounds :20 V-up, :10 transition, :20 superman
Tabata something else with a twist
T2B/Knees to elbows
HSPU/Push up
Sit ups
6am with Jess. 115x5x3. Last week I missed my last rep of my last set. This week, they all moved reasonably well – with my last set actually moving a bit better than my second, for whatever reason. I'll move up to 120 next week.
DL's @ 305×3. These moved way easier than the 295 last week. These felt, not light, but good. I'm very interested to see where my 1RM is at this point.
I managed 81 burpees in the metcon, which is just about on pace with the last time I did 100 burpees for time. I really like doing these onto the bumper rather than clapping. I'm not sure why exactly, but it is what it is. This was actually the best burpees have felt in quite a while – I got a little more sleep than usual last night, which probably accounts for that – but it was only like 30 mins more than usual, so who knows?
Also, @Stella, we don't like to talk about the magic 6am dust. Keeping that cat in the bag keeps the classes to a reasonable size.
DIY Wednesday workout, still recovering a bit from being sick.
Lbbs 246x5x4. I figured out why I dislike this compared to hbbs, my back strength is limiting here. So good to do this variation after all, even if it means less weight lifted.
Db fran rx in 7:30. The pull up bar at my work gym is super knurly and pretty thick so my grip is tired. Definitely missed doing this in a group environment. Are people finding this variant easier or harder than bb fran? My last fran time was 9 flat and I thought I was going to die after. Now I just feel un-good. Huge improvement!
BS – 3×3 145
This is about where I end up at the end of every cycle (or at least the last three cycles) with my squat weight. I am still seeing noticeable gains on my DL and even my press, but my FS and my BS just stay around the same. I chatted with Jess about it and next cycle I am going to think ahead and plan out my goals. I always seem to hit this 145-160 threshold, so I need to be a bit more strategic about where I am starting each cycle. Start a little heavier, hit these weights mid-cycle, and push myself more towards the end of the cycle.
25lb DB
Did about 10 pull ups with a green band and then switched to ring rows.
In the 6:40-6:50 range. I cant really remember the exact number…
HBBS: 235x7x4
Press: 115x5x3
Deadlifts: 295×1 (failed on second rep); tried again, failed on first. Tired, bad position etc. Will reset next week.
Came in for a little session with Whit:
3 rounds
12 walking lunges 23#
15 hollow rocks
3 strict pull up, felt great didn't need that slight kip to get moving!
6 snatch width grip, push press
63, 83, 93, 103, 113 (PR), 118 (Fail, confident I can get this next week, need to initiate with the legs and stop by relying on the upper extremities)
12-9-6: I can't recall the time, 6min something. Winded but loved the movements!
Power snatch
20" Box jumps
100 sit ups
2 min headstand, ahhhhh
lots of foam rolling – getting my fill before Turkey Day.
Hope everyone has a great holiday.
Lifting session tonight since we hit the road tomorrow at 6am for OHIO
Bench Press
Bent Row
Everything moved well. My varied 'itises' are feeling better.
Hope everyone enjoys some time with friends and family over the next few days.
Did 45# OHS today during warm-up. Technique has immediately improved after reading the article yesterday! Excited to see progress.
HBBS: 135 3X3
Breakthrough!!! Whitney pointed out my left foot is slightly in front of my right when I squat. Even though it felt uncomfortable, I aligned my feet and got to depth so much easier!!! It also exposed some tiny areas in my right quad that feel weaker; I think I've been using my left leg more… VERY excited for next cycle.
5 rounds of 9: 8: 26? 36? 25#. Wanted to go for 30, but it felt too heavy.
Pull-ups were 5/4, 3/3/3, 3/3/3, 3/3/3, 3/2/2/1/1
REALLY glad I did the 5 rounds instead of Fran. I don't have the consecutive volume yet. Or athleticism for 21 heavy thrusters in a row. Goals!
Great times at AG.
Bar Muscle Up practice. Need to work on pulling to the hips instead of the chest as in a pull-up. I think box humps are the thing to practice.
– HSPUS: 2-5 per round
-Sit-Ups: 10-12 per round
-Squats 15-18 per round
-TTB: 3-5 per round (ha!) Was dead by then.
Congrats on the 113# PR, Kristin!!!
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. Looking forward to dropping in at Crossfit Acadia. Hopefully I can match your C&J PR, Caps!