Every Other Minute for 10 Minutes (5 working sets):
Fitness and Performance: 1 Clean and Jerk
Start at about 70% and add weight as appropriate. Work up to a max effort for the day, heavier than last week. If you’re feeling good then go for a new PR. Press outs are still misses and the goal is zero misses.
Exposure 6/8
Post loads to comments
3 Rounds for Time:
60 Double-Unders
6 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
6 Jerks 155/105
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
For the double-unders, you can scale volume on makes/attempts to around half (30) or you can substitute 20 calories on the erg. The hang power clean and jerk are meant to be medium heavy loads that can be cycled on the fast end. Regular pull-ups or jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups can be subbed for the chest-to-bar.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Yoshi S. has been in Antarctica for the past week or so, staying at the Kiwi base, where Yoshi reports there is a pretty decent little gym. He’s made use of the squat rack, the rowing machine, and the pull-up bar. And of course, he’s representing the home gym!
- Congrats to CFSBKer Haley L. who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on November 13 at 8:54pm. He weighed in at 6lbs 10oz.
Thanksgiving Schedule Changes
Wednesday (11/25):
ON: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
CANCELLED: 7:30p, 8:30p, CrossFit Kids
Thursday (11/26) THANKSGIVING:
ON: 8am, 9am, 10am
CANCELLED: 6am, 7am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, and Comp Class
Friday (11/27):
ON: 8am, 9am, 10am, 12pm, Open Gym 5:30-8pm
CANCELLED: 6am, 7am, CrossFit Kids
Saturday (11/28):
CANCELLED: 8am, Active Recovery
If you want the schedule changes for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, check our Class Schedule page.
The Story of One Block in Bed-Stuy New York
Is AM OG hours still available for next weeks holiday schedule?
6am with Jess
C&J – 135×2, 165×2 then 165, 185, 205, 215, 225 All pretty easy makes. Got forward on the clean at 215, but corrected it at 225. Getting into PR range – looking forward to the last couple weeks of the cycle.
Metcon – this was totally in my wheelhouse – 5:36 Rx'd. First 2 rounds of the DU unbroken. Broke the last one up into 3 sets because I felt like I was going to redline. Barbell was all unbroken. C2B 9, 6-3, 5-2-2
6am across the street with JFox
Clean & Jerk
Felt good having that much time between lifts. Started at 155# and worked up to 205#. Slight press out at 195# but the rest were fine.
WOD in 11:22
Double Unders started out terrible until I realized I was on a small ramp at the entrance to the gym and I was thrown way off. Moved a bit and was able to reel them in.
155# is difficult for me to cycle but I maintained cleans at 3/2/1 and Jerks at 3/3.
C2B were 5/4, 5/4, 3/3/3.
6am across the street with JFox
Clean & Jerk
Warmed up 95, 135, 155. Then 165, 185, 205, 215(big press out), 215. Cleans were all power, but the first 215 had a good drop and balance.
WOD in 12:58 with 30 DU attempts and regular pullups
Double Unders took 1:30-2:00 every round and redlined me as well. Barbell work unbroken except for a break after 5th clean. Pull ups in sets of 3 for the first 2 rounds then singles.
6am with Jess
Clean & Jerk: 83, 93, 93, 103, 103. My shoulder is finally feeling better, so I attempted jerking for the first time in a while. These weren't the prettiest, but a good way to ease back in.
WOD in 10:23. Scaled double unders to 30 attempts, 83 on bar and banded pull-ups (green + blue). A few of the jerks were disorganized and I overextended my lower back to get the bar up, but I know this will take time to rebuild. Happy to be able to do pull-ups in a workout again! I knew it would be hard to go from doing none to 27, so I gave myself some extra support with the bands.
Congrats Haley! And so cool to see Yoshi in Antarctica!
6am with JB
Clean & Jerk – 145, 155, 165, 175, 185. These all moved pretty easy. PR is 190 and the clean and jerk at 185 felt good with room to grow. Last time I cleaned 185 I remarked how ugly it was and this time it felt great. Jerks were a little wobbly today but no press outs. Had fun pushing James to keep up with the weight on this one.
WOD – Went from a good day to a blah day quickly on this one
15:44 at 135#. DUs started off as a complete and utter mess. Think I had 10-12 trips before giving up the first round. 2nd and 3rd were done in about 3 sets. My hang power cleans are absolutely terrible. I have an inability to organize them and drop under the bar. End up catching them with my butt way out. Need to work on these. Jerks were fairly easy and unbroken. c2b were 3-3-3, 3-3-3, 2-2-2-1-1-1. My sweaty hands got me on that last set of c2b.
6am @ 608.
C&J: 155-165-175-185-185. I have purposefully been staying light this cycle to focus on form. This is the first time above 155 in awhile. 185 felt just like 155, so something must be working.
Metcon: 12:20 Rx. Walked into this one knowing it was going to be a grind for me. Hang cleans were 3-2-1, this felt good and caught all of them in a quarter squat. Need to practice cycling jerks, broke them up in 3's, 2's and 1's.. C2B were 4-5 for all rounds. Doubles — 50-10, 10-50, 20-30-10.
Dan L was superhuman today, made that barbell look very light.
Make up post from yesterday's 6:30 pm 1-on-1 with McDowell. Day #2 back. Warmed up with 3 rds of 5 strict chin ups, 5 push ups, and 15 sit ups. Failed on the last chin up in the last set and came down a touch too hard on my knee. Think I will be fine next time, but need to remember to come down easy off of the bar and in control, even when the chin ups get difficult.
Bench press: worked up to a heavy 5 at 85#, then scaled back to two more sets at 65# (~80%) for the start of a linear progression cycle. I was in the 120# range pre-surgery, so will use that as my goal to steadily work up towards.
Accessory work with 4 rds of 10 seated/bench rows with a 25# dumbbell, 30 second holds on a move I forgot the name of, but was a twisting type motion that worked my obliques and core, and 15 banded good mornings (green band).
Did my own cash out afterwards to get in some leg strengthening for the day. Three 30 second wall squat holds, then 3 rds of 8-10 sit-to-stands, biasing weight to my right leg in order to work towards single leg squats. These are soooo hard for me and challenge me to stay in the right position so I don't put too much pressure on my right knee. Ugh. Well, today is a new day.
YOSHI!! I often find myself thing, where the hell did Yoshi (and Josi) go? I never imagined the answer would be Antarctica. First time a CFSBK tee has graced that continent?
6 am with JB
Clean and Jerk 105-115-120-125-130, a PR, which felt fine after getting some advice from JB on where to position my arms and doing the jerk quicker and straight overhead so I don't get pulled forward.
WOD: Still not getting doubleunders, but making progress. Did pullups, with the first set unbroken, then 5-4, then 4-3-2.
Bench Press
45 x 5, 65 x 4, 95 x 2, 115 x 1, 125 x 1, 135 x 1, 105 x 10 x 2
63 x 3, 68 x 3, 73 x 3 x 3.
Couldn't get low enough at all today but got better towards the end.
12pm with DO
Clean and Jerk
108 x 2, 113, 118, 123 (PR)
Was not expecting this at all! Felt good!
WOD in 9:36 with 83# and not chest-to-bar (but full volume!!) pull-ups.
@JJ Interestingly enough CFSBK has at least two people who have hung out in Antartica, isn't that the best! Jynne has also been down there — not sure about the shirt, tho ;-).
Came in a little groggy and jittery .. Weird combination
C&J Every 2 mins for 10 mins
118, 128, 133, 138 f f on jerk
Workout in 8:55
1st 2 rounds DUs were unbroken (PR for unbroken doubles!), cleans and jerks also unbroken (83#), c2b pull-ups in sets of 3 — finished in 5:22
3rd round disaster.. DUs tripped up a million times, dropped the bar after 5th clean and lost c2b..
Not a great day for me, but I liked this workout.
Looking forward to the art show and Whitney's dance performance tomorrow night.
530p class with Whit & Noah
Lifts felt good today, even though I think i could have gone heavier on the clean, the jerk is still somewhat limiting but I need to get under the bar, instead of relying just on the arms.
5 attempts in 10 minutes: 83# 93# 98# 103# 108# (PR match)
WOD – 3 Rounds
10 DU + 40 singles (I need to get my butt into OG and just PRACTICE my double under, yuck)
73# 6 cleans
73# 6 jerks
9 kip pull up
Time: 9:55
C&J: 88,98,103,108 (PR match), 113 (Pr clean, failed jerk)
WOD:13:37 sloooow!
30 DU attempts (single single double) strung 15-20 together a couple times!
83# Hang clean/jerk. Most I've ever done in a WOD! Hard.
9 kipping pullups
Form was sloppy in jerks first round, helpful advice from Whit to stay tight. helped tons!!
5:30 class with Whit and Dancin Noah (he took c5 before class)
70% would have been 175# but while I warmed up it felt really easy so I moved up my starting weight to 205#
245×1 Old PR
255×1 New clean PR but missed the jerk
The clean went up slow but relatively easily. I got the jerk up with my arms locked out but it was just far enough in front of me that I couldn't reel it back in and had to bail it.
Noah gave me some great advice about getting under the jerk like you're trying to squat. Get down, and bend your knees instead of going really wide and this totally clicked for me!
I'm feeling maybe a 260# in the next week or so.
WOD rx'ed in 9:54
DUs in sets of 15-30 depending on how I was able to string them together
Hang PCs all 5 then bailed and resent to go right into the jerks
Jerks all unbroken
C2B PUs: 9, 9, 5-4
Power Snatch: Work up to something moderate then 1 wave back up to 95% of that
209, 220, 231
Hang Clean+Jerk
264, 275, 308
Clean Pulls: 385×2, 407×2, 426×2, 352×2
Back extensions: 3×15
JJ, I still exist! I assure you that josi does, too. now for consistent routines at the gym… one step at a time.