Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes (10 working sets):
Fitness and Performance: 1 Clean and Jerk
Start at 60% and add weight as appropriate. Work up to a heavy but not max effort load for the day, heavier than last week.
Exposure 5/8
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5 Rounds For Time:
5 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Burpees
The barbell weight should be on the heavy side of medium but unlbroken on the fast end. The burpees should be smooth and steady.
Post time and Rx to comments.
What Happens in a CrossFit Preschool Class?
By David Osorio
Ever wonder how we adapt the CrossFit methodology for preschoolers? Often the Preschool activities are still on the board in 608 into the evening and I get asked things like, “What are Slug Sit-Ups?” or what are “Dinosaur Egg Sprints”? Today, we thought we’d share the programming that Coach Janelle and I ran one week for our kiddos so you can see exactly what they’re up to.
Above all, CrossFit Preschool is about lots of movement and lots of fun. We want the kids running, throwing, crawling, climbing, and above all, laughing. At this age, the primary goal from a training perspective is to stimulate and support vestibular system development as well as good socialization skills with their peers and adults. As anyone who’s worked with this age group knows (3-5), it can sometimes be a little like herding cats.
But over the past few months, we’ve developed a much better and ever improving sense of how to get the kids on the same page and create activities that get the kids moving for as much of the hour as we can. We’ve also learned to go with the flow and as mentioned, prioritize fun and movement above all else. (Parents seem very happy picking up sleepy kids.) So, to satisfy your curiosity, here is a “typical” CrossFit Preschool class:
Activity #1
Triple Three Relay Race
3 Burpees
3 Box Flips
3 Box Jumps
tag your partner
In this activity, teams of two to three work relay style. This is their “CrossFit workout” like mommy and/or daddy (or mommy and mommy/daddy and daddy) do, which they often brag about. The kids start with three burpees (which they love), then flip a 12″ foam box three times before they have to jump on it three times. They then run back and tag their partner. Each kid gets three turns. We try to keep the numbers for the preschool age between three to five as beyond that they sometimes have a hard time keeping track of.
Activity #2
The Obstacle Course
– Climb through a giant tire
– Make it across the balance beam
– Make it across the thick balance beams (benches) without touching the electric trees (m80 Foam Rollers)
– Climb over the building (24″ Foam Box)
– Jump over the lava onto the other building (12″ Foam Box)
– Crawl under the electric Fences (parallettes)
– Make it through the sewer (pop-out tunnel)
The gym has no shortage of things we can turn into an obstacle course. We’ll often let the kids help design the course or contribute to the theme. For example, we might be ninjas or superheroes sneaking through. After a few passes, we’ll often try to make it harder or include more elements into the course to challenge them. Kids love telling us, “I DON’T NEED ANY HELP!” across the balance beam as they cling to our hand for dear life.
Activity #3
Agility Ladder Drills + Ball Kick or Wall Knock Down
For Preschool, the agility ladder drills are pretty straightforward. Two-foot hops in each gap, alternating legs per rung, or simply getting through it as fast as they can without touching the ladder. At the end we’ll usually set up something like a wall (gymnastics wedge) to knock down or a ball to kick into a small soccer net. The hardest part of this is getting them not to run back down the ladder after they’re done while another kid is taking their turn.
Activity #4
Dinosaur Egg Sprints
Kids start on one side of the gym at “home base” and two or three at a time need to run to the other side of the gym with their dinosaur egg (dodge ball) and place it in the nest (hoola hoop) without the T-Rex (Coach DO or Janelle) catching them and stealing their egg. This game is all about running and evading a moving obstacle—which is us. There is always lots of simultaneous screaming and laughing during this game and I’m usually covered in sweat by the end of it.
Check out our article on Inside the Affiliate, called “CrossFit Preschool: 5 Things I’ve Learned From Working with 5-Year-Olds” for more info!
Is This the Worst NYC Apartment Listing You’ve Ever Seen? Esquire
6am with Jess and JB
C&J (kg) 70, 75, 80, 80, 80, 80, 85, 85, 90, 90
This was kind of all over the place. Cleans were solid, jerks were hit and miss. Last rep was good though.
Metcon in 3:14 – only previous time I could find was 4:02 from like 4 years ago, but I kind of remember doing it since then. Either way, this was a PR.
Clean and Jerk
Worked up to 185# and stayed there for the last five reps. They got increasingly snappier as I went so I stayed there focusing on making them perfect.
WOD Rx'd in 6:11. Last set of DLs were all singles. That got heavy quick.
6am with J^2
Clean and jerk – 135-135-145-155-155,165-165-170-170-170
Mostly pretty good, Jess was trying to have me twist around the bar a little better so that I didn't lose as much contact with the bar going into the rack. Jerks all felt good and crisp with just a little fatigue setting in for the last one.
5:36 at 255#. Think that was the perfect weight for me this morning. All deadlifts unbroken and hip felt pretty good. 3:14 is insane. I think I was just starting my 4th round of deadlifts.
C&J EMOM: All reps performed at 71kg / 156#. Failed a jerk, pitched forward on my dip and drive and just bailed the bar instead of forcing the rep. Continuing to dial in movement patterns.
Metcon: 4:19 Rx. My log shows 3:44 @ 255# back in April. Today, there were some pauses from deads but done all unbroken. Burpees were a bit sluggish today, sore from yesterday's back squats and wall ball/muscle ups metcon.
6am with Jess and JB
C&J: 155, 175, 185, 185, 185, 195, 195, 205(f, jerk), 205, 205
This was kind of all over the place. Had a few really solid power cleans, but others where I never really dropped. Jerks were hit and miss with many that I didn't drop under enough.
Metcon in 4:59 Rx'd. This weight has gotten lighter and lighter over the years, but burpees are still slow and steady for me.
By the way, I want to join Crossfit Preschool because I love burpees as well.
w4 C
Mob and X-O Sym
Soft & Tenderful Power Clean EMOM 5' x5
45, 75, 85, 105, 115
Felt great to Clean again, but the shoulder still complains…
400m Row
30 Kettlebell Swings 72/red
400m Row
20 Kettlebell Swings
400m Row
10 Kettlebell Swings
(+1 more) 400m Row
I saw @Allie B destroy a similar WOD a few weeks ago. Meanwhile I took sandwich breaks in between rounds.
6am with Jess and JB
Cleans: 83, 103, 103, 113, 123, 128, 133, 133, 138, 143
I was relatively happy with how these moved. Jess pointed out I was doing power cleans on the 3rd rep and after that I dropped down for full squat cleans.
WOD in 4:59 at 183#. I totally spaced out and forgot I was still using the 33# bar from the cleans and initially only loaded blue and green plates, which would've been 173, but Jess called me out on it and I added 5's to get to 183. Subbed squat thrusts for burpees. The deadlifts were on the heavier side, but all unbroken. Squat thrusts were slow and steady. Legs are feeling heavy after yesterday and today's workout.
That article about the "Worst NYC Apartment Listing" captured so many things that I strongly dislike about New York. It also made me want to sit on the couch, watch Netflix, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, and then read a book without disruption. I pretty much just want to relax and consume culture in peace.
Last night:
Split jerk (from rack)
"Open Test WOD
50 WB
50 DU
40 Box Jumps (24/20)
40 TTB
30 CTB
30 Burpees
20 Power Cleans (145/100)
20 Jerks (145/100)
10 Power Snatch (145/100)
10 Muscle-Ups
I got through the cleans around 14 minutes, then someone stopped the clock halfway during my jerks. I finished the 20, and probably went just a bit over 20 minutes. Everything in this workout felt super measured. Never failed, and stuck to the same rep scheme throughout everything. I was even getting under the bar during the jerks (which I did as power jerks in sets of 3).
This morning:
C&J EMOM: Worked up to 128. Felt very tired this morning, jerks got iffy once the weight got heavier.
WOD: 3:07. I think I did this sub 3 last time we did it, but I'll take this time too.
Clean and Jerk EMOM x10
70kg-75-80-80-85-85-90-90-95-95 (209#)
Felt pretty good, light enough to really dial in my pulls in the cleans.
Clean Pulls
Solidarity CBs row with the wife (who is doing CRASH-B's).
2x20min/5min rest @16s/m. Took this pretty easy and played little mental games with the monitor. First one I tried to pull a consistent 2:30 split and wanted to finish at exactly 4000m. I kept paying attention to the 'projected finish' line to finish at 4k. Went over by 8m. Second one I rowed a little faster at about 2:25. Twice I tried to close my eyes for 5 minutes and see if I could pull 160 strokes in exactly 5 minutes…I kept seeing squirrels and getting distracted though.
Cleans: Started at 103, ended a few at 133. Not as solid as I would have liked to feel, especially on the jerk. Felt rushed, but I guess thats what EMOM does.
WOD in 3:49 Rx. (I also spaced out initially and almost did it at 173). Kept up with Dan for one round, then just tried to keep moving. Deadlifts felt heavier than usual – I blame yesterday's thrusters.
12pm class with Lady Fox.
It's been a very long time since I've come in hungover but today was the day. I got through it though.
EMOM- up to 103 which is the most I've clean and jerked in a while. Cleans were harder than usual because I am sore from yesterday's squats and WOD. Worked on dropping more aggressively under the bar. Jerks were better as it got heavier.
WOD in 4:58 Rx
I will never be fast at burpees. It's a hip thing I think. Deadlifts were fast, glad this was over quickly. Hangover- vanquished.
I love CrossFit Preschool. They're all my little babies. I could teach that class all day!!
12:00pm Group Class
Clean and Jerk EMOM
Did first 5 Reps at 80kg/176lbs
Did latter 5 reps at 85kg/187lbs
Really like these EMOMs. The short rest periods help me get aggressive and fired up.
DL/Burpee Metcon
5:45 @ 245lbs
Wasn't feeling great, so despite having done this workout Rx'd several times in the past I thought I'd drop back a little and take my time with it. Did all the Burpees with strict push-ups
Made up yesterdays Performance Squats
When was the last time i worked out without some sort of hangover? I'm already getting started on tomorrow's hangover right now!
Power Clean
98 x 2 x 2
105 x 1 x 3
Hang Snatch
92 x 2 x 2
99 x 1 x 3
best these have ever been. tight. pulling under.
Heavy single @ 135–have more, needed a mental break after some disappointing attempts at snatch.
15 back extensions
weighted planks, :30 25kg plate
KB swings x 20, 24kg KB
tomorrow….heavy singles.
goals: push the CJ numbers, and hit solid snatch positions at 80-90% of 1RM. I'll take a new PR, but gotta fix my confidence/mental game right now. Angry.
Just stopping by to say that watching DO work with the cf kids yesterday before class was genuinely heartwarming. Also they're all way better at rope climbs than I am, and the guy next to me on the subway has been taking selfies nonstop for the last 10 minutes and it's kinda creepin me out.
C&J: 83,93,93,98,98,103,103, 108(f) only because I was rushed. should've just stayed at 103.
WOD: 133 felt super heavy. legs were shaking the entire workout! 5:37. At lest burpees were fast.
@chris thanks for the shoutout! Had I done your version of the wod with you, you would've beat me even with sandwich breaks!! Rowing is way harder than running!!
C&J: 93-93-98-98-103-103-103-108-113-113
Was soft in my arms and pressed out a little bit, but otherwise felt solid.
WOD in 4:13 with 165#
On April 13th, I did it in 4:46 @155#