Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start light enough to add weight throughout the cycle.
Exposure 1/8
Work up to one heavy set of 8 reps
Consider using the weight you lifted for the first set of 5s (week 3) in the previous cycle, or about 65% of your 1RM.
Exposure 1/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time, 20-15-10-5:
Wall Ball 20/14, 14/9
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to our fierce Beast of the East competitors!
- Attention CFSBK Cyclists! Acme Bicycles will be hosting the first of a series of open house events TONIGHT from 6-7:30pm. You can come by for bike-fitting demos, to check out some beautiful bikes, to get your questions answered, or to just have a drink! Acme Bicycles is above CFSBK on 597 Degraw, 3rd floor.
- Fight Gone Bad Update (T-5 Days!): We are SO CLOSE to meeting our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Once we reach $15,000, BCF’s Board will start matching contributions dollar-for-dollar. You or your friend puts in $10? Their Board puts in $10, doubling your impact on Brooklyn’s communities. Also, we’ve also got crazy cool prizes for our top fundraisers. More on that tomorrow!
- CALLING ALL EXCEL WHIZZES! We need someone to run scoring for Fight Gone Bad on Saturday. If you’re interested and available, for any part of the day, please email David [at] ASAP.
Training Cycle Template
Our new training cycle begins TODAY. You can always find the information below in the left-hand tab under Member Resources, called Training Cycle Template.
Training Cycle Dates: M 10/12 – Su 12/6
Crush Week: M 12/7 – S 12/13
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting December 14, 2015
Cycle Goals:
- Olympic barbell cycling/volume EMOMs
- Continue with more frequent exposures of longer (>15min) time domain WODs
- Stay awesome (!)
Monday: Press + Deadlift + WOD
Wednesday: Back Squat + WOD
Thursday: Clean and Jerk + WOD
Saturday: Front Squat + WOD
Sunday: Snatch + WOD
Performance Press Cycle
8 rotating exposures, 4 work sets each day
Low – 65-70%x7x4
Medium – 75-80%x5x4
High – 85-90%x3x4
Last Exposure is a 1RM Test
Fitness Press Cycle
3×5 Linear Progression
Last exposure is a 1-3RM test
Fitness and Performance Deadlift Cycle
Increasing loads through the 8-week cycle, warm up to one top set of:
1 – Heavy 8 (Start with the weight you did your first 5 in week 3 of last cycle)
2 – Heavy 5
3 – Heavy 5
4 – Heavy 3
5 – Heavy 3
6 – Heavy 3
7 – Heavy 3
8 – 1-3RM test
Performance Back Squat Cycle
8 rotating exposures, 4 work sets each day
Low – 65-70%x7x4
Medium – 75-80%x5x4
High – 85-90%x3x4
Fitness Back Squat Cycle
Increasing loads through the 8 week cycle, 3 work sets
1 – 3×8
2 – 3×8
3 – 3×8
4 – 3×5
5 – 3×5
6 – 3×5
7 – 3×3
8 – Test 1-3RM
Performance Front Squat Cycle
8 rotating exposures, 4 work sets each day
Low – 65-70%x7x4
Medium – 75-80%x5x4
High – 85-90%x3x4
Fitness Front Squat Cycle
Increasing loads through the 8 week cycle, 3 work sets
1 – 3×8
2 – 3×8
3 – 3×8
4 – 3×5
5 – 3×5
6 – 3×5
7 – 3×3
8 – Test 1-3RM
The Olympic Lifts
The dedicated exposures to the Olympic lifts will be on Thursdays (clean and jerk) and Sundays (snatch). We’ll use Every Minute on the Minutes (complexes, multiple reps, touch-and-go reps), and on some days, just the WOD during this cycle to increase proficiency, strength, and stamina on the lifts.
U.S. Reassesses Columbus Day, Native American Plight in Focus The New York Times
Does it bother anyone else that JB used a 10lb bumper on the left and steel 10lb plate on the right from yesterday's picture? Or maybe she misloaded her bar. Either way.. THE OCD CROWD IS WATCHING AND JUDGING YOU JB
Great to be back in the gym after a week in CA
Press – 120x7x4 28 is a lot of reps and I didn't take enough rest between sets. Made all the reps, the 6th and 7th on the last two sets were tougher than I would have hoped.
DL – 315×8. 65% is ~275, but I did 325×5 last cycle for the first week. So I just backed off that slightly.
Metcon – 3:46 Rx'd McDowell said I wasn't opening up at the top of the SDHP on the first set. Need to remember that at FGB
6am with McTuro
Press: 55x7x4. I decided it's time to do the performance programming and these all moved well. Really focused on bracing to help make sure my shoulder was in the right position.
Deadlift: 185×8. 65% was somewhere between 180 and 195, so I went towards the lighter side since I'm all kinds of sore from yesterday.
WOD: 3:59 Rx'd. I <3 wall balls!
@DO – I didn't even notice that the plates were different! I was too focused on JB's ridiculous muscles!!
Feeling rather destroyed from crush week so I took it a little easier today.
95#x7x4. This is a little over 65% and moved well.
My 5 in week three last cycle was 300# but 65% is 245#. I opted for the latter and focused on form. Still feeling yesterday's DLs.
WOD Rx'd in 5:07. SDLHP are so foreign. Glad I got a chance to practice before FGB.
6am with McTuro
Press 100 x 5 x 3. Easy peazy.
Deadlift 255 x 8. Moved fine. My hips and hamstrings said that is enough pulling after yesterday's workout.
WOD 4:44 Rx. First time doing SDLHP. I really don't think I could shave a minute off this time.
Dammit DO now that you've pointed it out I can't see anything else!
7 AM with McTuro
Press 65x5x3. No more snowflake football bar for me!
Deadlift 185×8. This is just about 65% and was surprisingly heavy.
Snowflakey WOD (15# DB thrusters and 16kg Russian KB swings), 3:46. I think maybe I should have one-armed this — 16 felt too easy with both hands but I didn't want to challenge the wrist with a heavier bell just yet.
Fitness press at 100x5x3. These moved well and left me plenty of room to add weight throughout the cycle, but I should end up adding a decent amount to my 5RM.
DL at 225×8. 225 is 64% of my 1RM. These moved pretty easily.
Finished the wod in a painfully slow 6:26, rx'd. I did the first set of wall balls unbroken, which was a mistake since it put me in the red zone immediately. I hate sdhp's and I'm glad we don't see them often-though I'm glad to have had a chance at them before FGB.
Took the last week off. Last two weeks have been hectic/unorganized/overbooked. Did some prioritizing and reestablished some goals for work/grad school/training. Woke up 166.8lbs and feel like I'm kind of shrinking…which is not what I want on my path to 165. We'll see if getting my hands back on the barbell and eating more to fuel my workouts will help me feel more "filled out" at this new LBS.
Great time this weekend watching the CFSBK teams at Beast of the East. Very impressed by SBK and their ability to band together and crush that last day despite pain/injury and other competition variables. Awesone watching our women on the clean ladder.
There were some impressive athletes at the competition. It made me miss my CrossFit training and all the conversations I've had lately with Coach, Rob and J are really at the forefront of my thoughts about my training. I love all the weightlifting training but I think it's time to add some CF into it. We'll see. I'm also curious to see if my lifts will hold fast or be stronger at 165.
If anyone is thinking of going next year, do it. It's a fun event, very well organized. And hit up the Cheesecake Factory in West Hartford. Cause….cheesecake.
Press: 100x7x4. Last couple of reps on the 4th set were tougher than expected.
Deadlift: 255×8. Back is a bit wrecked from yesterday's metcon. The real number is probably 285, but I'm more interested in walking tomorrow.
Metcon: 4:42 Rx. SDHP is just awkward. Rounds 20, 10, 5 unbroken. Broke up the round of 15 into 8/7 because the bar was moving all over the place. All wall balls unbroken.
Press: 55x7x4. Moved well.
Deadlift: 225×8. Above 65% (215), but below where I did my first set of 5 last cycle (230).
WOD: 4:21 Rx. Glad to get in the practice, though I think this is making me nervous for Saturday.
Haha DO- what Linda said! But now I can't un-see it!!!
Make-up post from Saturday OG.
Squat (1@9RPE, 3@9RPE, 10% drop)
45 x 19, 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 185 x 2, 205 x 2, 225 x 2, 245 x 1, 265 x 1, 275 x 1 (8.5), 260 x 3, 235 x 3.
This matched my PR from the meet in August and was a million times easier! Need to make sure I bury it though as I might have been a little on the shallow side.
Press (1@9RPE, 3@9RPE,10% drop)
45 x 5, 65 x 3, 75 x 2, 85 x 1, 90 x 1, 92.5 x 1 (9), 85 x 3, 75 x 3.
Deadlift (1@9RPE, 3@9RPE, 10% drop)
135 x 5, 185 x 4, 205 x 3, 225 x 2, 255 x 1, 275 x 1, 295 x 1, 310 x 1, 320 x 1 (9.5), 295 x 3, 265 x 3.
Disappointed with how heavy 320 felt but I was really tired at this point. But I did not switch grip until 310 so that was pretty cool. 320 felt like about 50lb heavier than 310.
Ahh, you guys RULE! Only a few dollars away from $15K!
Press: 115x5x3. A bit tougher than expected and I did 120 for the middle set by accident.
Deadlift: 335×8. 65% is 310, but I did 355 for the 3rd week last cycle.
Metcon: 4:56 Rx. SDHP is just awkward and surprisingly bothered my hip more than wallballs. Broke up all the rounds except the 5. All wall balls unbroken.
I learned an important lesson this crush week, "there is no eye-rolling in CrossFit", per Coach JB.
😀 Loved that!
BTW – when will heat times for FGB be posted?
Huge noon class today!
Performance Press: Went at the low end (65%) because my shoulders are still fatigued.
DL: 8 reps at 185#. Felt heavier than expected.
WOD in 5:16
Wall balls unbroken. No air balls, but probably had a few no reps knowing me. SDHP was just awkward. Took some breaks bc my shoulders were tired. Transitions were slow too bc I took a few seconds to catch my breath in between movements.
7am McTuro
Third class back after long injury break. Felt pretty good. Looking forward to a lot of DL this cycle to balance out my legs.
80x3x5 press – smooth sailing
185x3x5 DL – felt pretty heavy
5:59 WOD
Beast of the East was a very humbling experience! Brief details/highlights from my end:
-lots of fun hanging with our comp team! good people, good times 🙂
-tweaked my neck on the very first workout. so frustrating. I've done this same tweak probably 10-12 times in the last several years. it's so painful when it first happens. made the rest of Saturday pretty rough… heating pads and tiger balm to the rescue
-the infamous black and blue toe did alright
-was really proud of our team (Steph, Jason, Alex N, and I) for showing up and doing our best, particularly on the last workout!!
-In WOD 5, I ended up doing 3 sets of 2 split jerks at 145#. this is 10# under my best split jerk, and I've never even tried re-racking that weight and putting it back overhead. Gotta love adrenaline!
10AM session today to keep things moving:
-hip mobility/warm up
-crossover symmetry
-3 rounds:
8 glute bridge L, :08 hold at top of last rep
15 hollow rocks
6 ring dips into :10 L sit ring hold
135×5, 165×3, 185×1
(superset with 4×10 air squats)
Pendlay Row:
3×5 @ 95#
12pm group class with Fox, Ro and a bunch of good peeps.
(45×5, 55×5) 65x7x4
-wouldn't call it cake but totally doable.
(135×5, 185×3) 220×8
-Technically a little more than 65% of best, but 5# less than last cycles exposure 3. was going to do 225 but back (and my whole freaking body) was pretty fatigued from yesterday's wod so went a little conservative. all hook grip.
3:53 rx'd.
-all unbroken…though I really wanted to stop during the round of 15 wall ball and fake an injury. yep, I thought that.
Popped into CrossFit POP on my lovely day off…yes, Columbus day is still a thing
Took the week off so I didn't have any high expectations today. Just wanted to move, get under a bar and do my best.
WU: 3:00 min erg +
3 Rounds:
3e DB TGU #25
3 Kip Swings + 2 Kipping Pull ups (band across chest)
5 e banded pistols (green + blue)
Snatch Singles:
133×1 PR (1lb)
135 F -caught
135 F- caught
135 F- caught
checked out the videos–frustrating. Had each lift. NEXT TIME!
2K row–> 20 sit ups every 500 m
Wanted a larger PR (don't we all), but it's good to know that the lifts are there even under this lighter weight (-6lbs).
Press: 57 5×3. Was too challenging for week 1… Helpful advice from Ro regarding switching to performance. I'm gunna see how the LP plays out this cycle.
Deadlift: 145 8×1. Had to use switch grip because of a bad year on my left callous- for some reason switch grip hurt less.
WOD: 6:17. Yikes!!!!! The SDHs killed me! I finally started pausing at the descent then thought of them as singles instead of cycling. I will get many more reps this way. Wall balls were 18/2, 8/7, 10?, 5. I finally remembered how to use my legs and jump, so they definitely improved. Hard to go fast…these movements are not my friends!
A bit of conditioning tonight…
10 cal row
10 slamball (20#)
10 wb (14#, 9')
lots of grunting
7:30 with Ro
55x5x3 press. Easy.
170×8 deadlift. Switch grip. Not terrible
wod RXd in 4:27.
I can't believe I did that! I am usually very ocd about loading by barbell! Maybe it's an optical illusion created by the angle of the camera? That must be it.
I find it very hard to believe that JB would do that…
Warm up x3
10 SDLHP 45#
3 chin ups
20 hollow rocks
Work out Rx but took my sweet time
Press at 85.
DL at 185.
4:57 on the wod. Bicep was right at the fatigue point from all the SDHP, but not sore the morning after. Progress.