Front Squat
1-1-1 or 3-3-3
Three attempts at a new 1RM. If you’re new to the lift then test a 3 rep max instead.
Exposure 8/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
15 Thrusters 115/75
30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
45 Double-Unders
The thrusters should be medium heavy, something you could do 15 unbroken of when fresh. The sub for double-unders is 20 attempts + makes.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Past Athlete of the Month/The Tallest Man on Earth Michael C. hit muscle-ups again on Sunday night at Open Gym. More on why this is a big deal below!
Michael C.’s Journey with Muscle-Ups
In May, I got muscle-ups for the first time, and celebrated as you would expect—a mixture of fist bumps with folks at the gym, texts to bemused friends, and all-caps Facebook posts. I felt I had worked hard to get to that point; now, surely, my life was to be much different, right? Soon Dave Castro and I would be best buds, and my ascent to the loftiest peaks of fitness could truly begin!
Things didn’t quite work out that way. For the next few weeks I made attempt after attempt after attempt, and couldn’t quite seem to get myself over the rings again. Exasperated at open gym one day, I asked Coach Ro for advice, and he told me the last thing I wanted to hear: that to prevent myself from reinforcing bad movement patterns, I should refrain from making any attempts for a while, and instead refocus on the progressions that got me there in the first place—kip swings and hips to rings, box humps, and transitions.
After being so excited to have finally performed a complicated movement for the first few times, it was tough advice to hear. It felt like I was starting over. That feeling, coupled with my newfound inability to demonstrate a movement I had told a bunch of people I could actually do, made me feel like a baseball player who had suddenly lost the ability to throw to first. What the hell was going on?
Ultimately, though, I got over myself. Skills, movements, and badass weights are earned, not given, so I swallowed my pride and invested in the process. I swung. Then I tightened the swing. I did transitions, and lots of them. Determined to burn the patterns into my brain, I slowed them down, and got to the point where I felt like I could do them in my sleep.
I tend to go in waves as far as my perception of my own ability—some weeks I feel like I am crushing it, and others I feel hopeless, like I have no business being in a gym attempting anything. Such is life, I guess. But at Flex on the Beach last week I hit a pretty unexpected snatch PR, and it gave me a shot of confidence. I remember deliberately thinking less about what would happen if I missed my attempt, and more on just being in the moment and moving correctly, like I knew I could.
Therein was the cure to my yips. Instead of just assuming I would keep failing, I came into open gym on Sunday determined to make it happen. I had practiced. I had focused. So I warmed up, and decided to make a few passes at another muscle-up. And I failed. Three times. I knew I was close, and with a heaping dose of encouragement from all in attendance, managed to finally get back up on attempts four and five. After a long summer break, the muscle-ups came back to me.
I know now this is probably far from over. I demonstrated to myself that muscle-ups aren’t a fluke—they are something I can clearly do. But the trick now will be taking them from an occasional thing to an on command thing. I’m ready to continue doing the work, but more importantly, I know not to beat the crap out of myself if the road to mastery ends up being a little longer than I want.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update (T-16 Days!)
Congrats everyone! We’re almost at $4,000—which is 23% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Matty C. and Jay-Star are crushing it!
The best part? Once we hit our goal of $15,000 Brooklyn Community Foundation is going to match match contributions dollar-for-dollar. You or your friend puts in $10? Their Board puts in $10, doubling your impact on Brooklyn’s communities. We’re so close!
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 12:30pm Tuesday 9/29):
Top Five Teams:
- I’m Not a Player I Just Squat a Lot: $950
- Awesomesauce: $425
- Artisanal Fitness Coop: $400
- Fight of the Living Dead: $400
- Fight Gone Bad 2015 tied with Who Let the WODs Out: $225
Top Five Individuals:
- Matty C.: $500
- Jay-Star: $400
- Michael A.: $350
- Bob S.: $300
- Morit S.: $225
Send an email to your friends and family! Maybe something like this?
Dear ______ [insert name],
I know you probably think I’m bananas for doing CrossFit, but I love it so much—largely because my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, is so freaking awesome and doesn’t just care about getting “swole” (defined by the Urban Dictionary as the state of being very muscular and/or buff and in good shape), but we also care about helping our neighbors in Brooklyn.
That’s why I need your help! Through this fun competition we’re doing in a couple weeks, we’re raising money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports tons of great and important programs in Brooklyn.
Donate here, and I promise to send you a photo of me drenched in sweat after I crush this workout on Saturday. Also, I’ll love you forever!
XXOO _______ [your name]
What water on Mars can teach us about scientific ‘breakthroughs’ The Washington Post
Glowing sea turtle discovered: Mutant, maybe, but definitely not a ninja Christian Science Monitor
Samir Chopra says
Nice work, Mike – I saw it all go down (and up)!
Dan L says
6am – FSQ – 245, 260(f) 260 5# PR!
Unfortunately this means that my bench 1RM is still ahead of my FSQ…
First attempt at 260 I went down way to slow and got no bounce. The second one felt relatively easy. Back was a little tight after all of the cleans yesterday, which was somewhat of a factor.
Metcon – this kicked my ass. 3 rounds + 10 KBS. Those thrusters got heavy. It felt like I spent half the workout staring at the bar, the bell or the rope and waiting to catch my breath.
BK says
6am w/ Ro
FSQ: 225 – 235 – 250 (f). I tied my 1RM. 250 is in me, just lost tension when bouncing out of the bottom.
Metcon: 2 rounds + 25 doubles. Broke up thrusters 6-5-4, 3×5, 6-5-4. Broke up swing to 3×10. Thrusters seemed to get easier in rounds 2 and 3. However, spent too much time on the swings.
Brad D says
6am with McDowell and Ro, except that it really just Ro because McD told us we smell bad and took half the class to 608.
Pef. FSQ: Have not done a FSQ 1RM test in quite some time, but figured I'd be somewhere in the 320# based on how things have moved on squat days this cycle. Pleasantly suprised with a 30# PR at 335. Think I could have probably hit 345 if I'd had time.
45x10x3 during warmups
Metcon: 3 rounds exactly. Got the last double under right before the buzzer. First round was 10/5, 15/15, unbroken. Second was 5/5/5, 10/10/10, ~41/4. Last was 5/5/5, 15/10/5, ~5/35/5. Like Dan L, there was a lot of time spent staring at the bar, bell, and rope, but it was needed. This thing is a lung burner.
ken says
Nice write up Mike.
Stella says
I'm baaaaaack!
It was so awesome to come back although I question my sanity in coming back on a humid day with thrusters involved. 😛
I stuck to 3×5 on HBBSQ since I haven't been around for a week and a half and also wanted to be exceedingly careful not to put any stress on the incision. 165x5x3 felt fine, I think I will jump back to 180 or 185 on Sunday, or maybe even go heavier for 3s.
I one-armed my way through the WOD with a 35# DB (AWFUL), a 12 kg KB, and 20 box jumps/round. 3 rounds + thrusters + 25 swings. I lay down in a puddle of sweat for a good minute afterward.
I want to say a very public thank you to the coaches, especially DO, for helping me find so many things to do so that I've been able to keep moving and lifting heavy things. I've spent most of 2015 injured in some way, which has been frustrating but on the other hand has definitely taught me a) patience and b) how awesome our coaches are at making sure that an injury doesn't totally derail you.
Now I just have to wait another week or two for the incision to heal and I'll be back doing burpees with the masses. Is it crazy that I'm actually looking forward to burpees?
Charlie says
Great read, Michael C – congrats!!
Came in for AG last night. Did some Strict HSPU's to two abmats, some matador dips and failed miserably at attempting L-holds on the paralettes.
10 x pull-ups (scaled to 5)
15 x hollow rocks
20 x box jumps
5 rounds, 2 x box jumps.
I did all of the kipping pull-ups!! And I didn't rip my hands 🙂 And I think I figured out what to do with my arms for box jumps.
Love this class!!
Samir Chopra says
FSQ's with Dan and Austen.
135×3, 185×2, 205×1, 225×1, 245×1, 255(f), 255 (PR!) – my first attempt at the PR I got soft at the bottom and couldn't get the tension back to stand up. I tried again, stayed tight, and painfully stood it up.
WOD @115lb front squats, 24kg bell = 3 rounds + 11 front squats.
Sweatiest, muggiest WOD ever.
katie says
Two days of PRs!
Yesterday =
bench heavy single at 155 (not a PR) but fine considering my wonky shoulder
DL = 315F (grip), 315, 340, 350F, 350! (PR)
FS = 205, 225F, 225! (PR) Not the prettiest, but made it.
Metcon RXed (even all those DUs!) 1 rd + thrusters + swings + 33 DUs
This was 10 min of doubles + some other stuff as a break very occasionally. Needed the practice though and happy to not scale… says
Loved the write up, Mike!
Joy says
I have three tickets (2 adult, 1 child) up for grabs to see The Rise at Old Westbury Gardens this Saturday Oct. 3 at 7:00 p.m. The Rise is a 1/3 mile walking trail of hand carved illuminated jack o'lanterns. The tickets are for 7:00 p.m. rain or shine. I've never been but it sounds pretty cool. I can't go but would love for someone to take them and enjoy the event. Here is a link to the event: If you want them, email me at
Cam says
I was wondering if I would ever see Mike do a muscle up, I only heard about the incident at Noah's muscle up workshop! Mike had been working so friggin hard to get that back! At open gym I was across the street at 608 and I walked back and heard the joy over him getting a muscle up again!! I didn't see it and thought maybe I am not meant to see these damn things!
Before you know it I finally saw it!! Congrats to Crum for his hard work!!!!
Love hearing about these new PRs! Congrats to Katie!!!
Dan G. says
Rough day the gym for me:
6am with Ro
Front Squat: warmed up to 225, but it increasingly bothered my tweaked groin, so I called it before any attempted singles.
Wod: subbed push press for thrusters. 1 round + 31 DU. Like Katie, I used this as DU practice. Happy to make some progress on a skill in an otherwise frustrating workout.
Melody says
Welcome back Stella!!!! And I have to second your shout out to the excellent coaches at CFSBK. We really are so lucky. Thanks guys for helping the injured folks to be able to remain active and be a part of this awesome community.
Another pr this morning 1 x 145 on the front squat!!! Went for 150 but failed. I'll take 145 though. This cycle has been awesome. Even with weak wrists, missing a week and my Sunday's being a bit dodgy, I have seen some great gains this cycle.
3 rounds plus 3 on the WOD. Started with 25lb DB thrusters but switched to 20s in the second round. My arms are shot from the cleans yesterday. I also was able to jump rope this am (first time in about 10 weeks) without any wrist pain. I scaled the doubles to 20 attempts. If you saw me it was very obvious I had not picked up a jump rope since July.
Heading off on my honeymoon tonight. See everyone at FGB!!!
Jude says
Stella – Yes, it is crazy. Glad to hear you had such a speedy recovery!
Stella says
Melody! Have the awesomest honeymoon, (no longer) busted-wrist twin!
Linda says
Congrats Katie! Those are some impressive numbers, especially on back to back days!
Welcome back Stella!!
Chris A. says
FSQ: 245#, 265#, 275# (PR).
Rope broke mid WOD so that threw me off. Not sure what I got.
But in big news of the day, I'm listening to the west coast feed of the Howard Stern Wrap Up Show while doing "work" and former CFSBK member Jon Gabrus is sitting in for the hour as a guest! Homeboy has made it! I'm so proud for him.
Brad says
(Wall-Balls && Rowing) Tall People > Everyone Else
(Everything Else) Everyone Else > Tall People
Sweet write up Mike…sad I now have to go back to MU transitions.
Sam P says
back from the stalker-level beyond to say that i am a huge fan of mike, his muscle ups, and this article. miss you all!
Kate R. says
So much good lovin' happening on the blog this week. You guys rule.
I'm in my second week of PT for my hamstring and am making progress. She said I should be back to running/CrossFitting in another three weeks or so. The end is in sight! I totally relate to Stella's desire to do burpees. What a gift it is to have a healthy, strong body.
Matched my old bench PR last night: 45×8, 75×4, 95×2, 115×1, 125×1, 130×1, 135×1, 140F, 140F. Given how erratic my training has been the last few months, I'm happy with that.
Did "Annie" since I couldn't do the WOD, 8:35. Doubles unbroken, sit-ups not. Definitely not a PR.
Chris A. says
Btw, Mike, terrific write up!
Fox says
Loads of good stuff on le ole blog today! Especially stoked to hear good things from OG AOM Chris A and to hear that Gabrus is doing big things. Also, watching the Mrs squat big weight…she's so dreamy 🙂
Noon class
305 PR!
Previous best was 289. Really happy for this 16# PR on my most hated lift. Had a rough lifting day on Monday so this was particularly satisfying. Could have made 315, the 305 wasn't that bad. I feel a 275 C&J in my future.
WOD Rx'd
2 Rounds + 20 KBS
This was hard AF. Almost fell back on my ass on a clean for the thrusters at some point. I could have gotten 1 round and been happy though. PRs on goat lifts will have that effect. Cashed out with a long, boozy lunch afterwards with good friends.
Overall I'm pretty happy with programming this cycle, I hope y'all are, too.
lady fox says
12pm group class. Great day today to make up for Monday's bad day.
(45x10x2, 135×5, 165×3, 205×2, 235×1) all warmups as HBBS then went straight to FSQ singles.
200, 212.5 (PR), 225
-fucking stoked about this. really didn't think I'd have this in me but today felt so good. pretty sure I could have had 230, maybe even 235 had I had another attempt.
-my hubby didn't approve of me using the hbbs as a warmup, but I figured it worked throughout the cycle so why change things now. This allowed me to not think about how uncomfortable the FSQ rack position would be…which is what I've always hated about the FSQ.
3 rounds plus 20 du's rx'd.
-thrusters in 9/6 for the first 3 rounds then 6/5/4 for the last. only first round of swings and du's unbroken.
-should have finished the 4 full rounds. Just couldn't find my lungs. That and the humidity made it feel like we were working out in a swamp (stealing Joe's words because that's exactly what it felt like.)
Guys, congrats to all on the hard work this cycle and the related PR's! Also, Mike C., great write up!
Allie B says
Definitely enjoying the programming this cycle!!!
@katie you are amazing! Those numbers are incredible. So many inspiring people at this gym.
@melody! Have fun!!!!!
@mike your article inspires me and speaks to the beauty of hard work, practice, & patience.
Had a humbling day at the gym. Really blew front squats, which are typically a strength. No PR. 125 was shallow… So the best I really did was 120 (what I did by 3 last week) my goal for next cycle is to really nail quality over quantity so I don't develop bad habits (thanks, mike)
Did RX today's workout aside from doing 20 DU attempts though. It was a real physical challenge to do those thrusters– got lightheaded! Broke them up: 5/5/5, 5/4/3/3, 3,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,3. Glad I did 73#.
2 rounds +15 thrusters + 30 KB+ 10 DU attempts. says
7:30 with Katie and Melo
New 1RM front squat at 162.
i'll take it. Been front squatting in nike metcons and liking it , but not sure why I like them more than the Romaleos?? Any theories are welcome.
the trigger points in my shoulders were not enjoying the overhead as usual. They started feeling better around round 3, so note to self to just warm up way way more than I think I need to.
4 rounds at 63#, 20kg Russian swings instead and 45 DU. says
Oh and Mike- you rock.
Fox- been really loving the programming this cycle. It feels like there's more barbell work in the wods. I'm into it. Thanks! says
Good day at the 6:30 class
I love these PR weeks after all the work put into the cycle.
FSQ old PR was 245# prior to this cycle but I hit a 250# clean a few weeks ago so I was excited to test out my FSQ
245×1 felt really good
265×1 felt strong also so I figured I'd go for the gold
280×1 PR! hit with a bit of a struggle but it felt awesome!
I was not expecting anywhere near 280# so the fact that it went up was great.
WOD rx'ed did 2 rounds + 6 KBS
I really just wanted to work on my double unders when. Ya shoulders were shot and I had PLENTY of practice on this one. says
Thanks for the kind words on my little spiel, y'all! says
post will not be joining the good stuff….
today was…rough. hoping for a good stress relieving positive session, but it did not play out that way.
started some snatch OTM and discovered that it was time to strip it down and work on technique. lately i've been hitting my pubic bone stupid hard and just couldn't deal anymore. Have lost the "sweet spot", so we messed around with some snatch from the power position and high pulls.
yup, totally shed some tears of frustration. super lame. cheers to my coach/therapist/friend as I try some master some life moments right now.
got some squats in which felt great! no knee pain, so hope to work those back in.
all in all, some lifts were awesome today, and most were shitty. but, identified some technique things to focus on—which I hope will produce big numbers down the line.
André says
730 with Katie and MeLo
45×15 (during warm ups)
185×1 (PR)
195×1 (PR)
185 felt really good so decided to jump 10lbs, 195 was rough but I made it.
WOD: Thrusters are my worst enemy, did them at #95, KB Swings went well and my double unders moved surprisingly well given how tired my shoulders were from the thrusters. Completed 2 rnds
Brian says
Front Squat 1RM @ 225 (PR)
230 (Failed 2x)
WOD – 2+32 Rx