We’re loving the incredible photos Thomas H. and Ewan B. got from last Sunday’s fourth and final Subway Series event. Check them out in our Flickr account!
- The following classes are CANCELLED this week and next week:
- Yoga for Athletes on Saturday, 8/29
- Pilates on Tuesday, 9/1
- Congrats to Kristin C., who got married last weekend! In her words: “It was a magical time at Blue Hill Stone Barns in Westchester. Right now we are traveling (and eating) our way through Japan for two weeks!” Check out some photos of Kristin and her husband Marcello at their wedding here and here!
- Lose something recently? Check out our latest batch of lost and found items here and here!
- Happy birthday, Rob U.!
Got Plans Tomorrow? Come Party on Degraw Street!
DanceWave—a nonprofit Brooklyn based dance center—is moving to Degraw and hosting a block party this Saturday between 12-5pm. Businesses on our block—between 3rd and 4th—will be participating. Brooklyn Boulders will be setting up an outdoor obstacle course and the School of Rock will offer music lessons. CFSBK’s Comp team will display their super human skills outdoors from 2:30pm onwards. Come join in the festivities!
Why Eating Late at Night Might Be Particularly Bad for You and Your Diet The Washington Post
Lactic Acid Is Not Muscles’ Foe, It’s Fuel The New York Times
New NASA research points to an “unavoidable” rise of several feet for the Earth’s oceans Quartz
Saturday's Programming
Clean and Jerk
Take 5 minutes to warm up a bit beyond your clean and jerk weight for the WOD.
Post loads to comments.
A) AMRAP, 8 minutes:
1 Clean 185/125
1 Jerk 185/125
2 Cleans
2 Jerks
3 Cleans
3 Jerks
Rest 5 Minutes
B) AMRAP, 8 Minutes:
10-20-30-40-50-… of:
AbMat Sit-Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
C) AMRAP, 8 Minutes:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
6am with JB & McDowell.
No gas in the tank, so decided to stay heavyish and less volume.
1: 3 rounds + 3 cleans. A mix of power and squat cleans. The jerks improved over the course of this AMRAP. Always entertaining dropping 185 back on your shoulders.
2: Completed round of 50. A different workout from Annie, the round of 50 is awful since you already done 100 situps at that point. Alot of trips on the doubles, not sure why.
3: 3 rounds @ 32kg. Grab was the limiter here.
6am with JB doing tomorrows WOD(s)
1. 5 rounds + 1 clean. All power cleans. All ugly push jerks until the last rep of each set where I did much nicer split jerks.
2. 2 rounds + 25 double unders. Double unders magically came to me. Have never focused on them and never strung even 2 together, but got some 3s and 4s earlier in the week and pulled 9 in a row today. Still jumping way too high and doing everything wrong, but they're there.
3. 3 rounds @ 32 kg. Didn't have it in me to push too hard here.
6am with JB, McDowell and McDowell's bug
1. 5 rounds + 4 cleans at 145#. Mix of power and squat cleans. Split jerks were getting quite sketchy at the end.
2. 12 DU into round of 50. BK is right, ascending Annie is tough. DUs were going pretty well until that round of 50 and they said no more. Wore the wrong shorts to be doing sit-ups on the ground. Ouch.
3. 3 rounds + 15 swings @ 32kg. Originally grabbed the orange kb until BK called me out and switched to the red right before the third part started. Good call, right weight for me. Burpees were just unpleasant after all the other work.
8am class
A) 6 rounds + 7 power cleans @ 185
All power clean singles and unbroken mix power jerks and split jerks.
B) 10 sit ups into the 50s
Ab cramps during the 30s.
C) 3 rounds @ 32kg
Had zero desire to move fast here.
FSQ: 110×5, 125×5, 145×5
Deadlift: 190×5, 215×5, 240×5
Ring Dips: 5×3
5 Rounds
3 DeadLifts 225#
8 RingRows (elevated)
I finished the first round in just over a minute, but then the HSPUs fell apart. It was like Matt Frazer in the final event of this year's games. Except I wasn't using parallettes, I was only doing 3, and I hadn't just gone thru 3 days of CrossFit Games hell. Ok, it was not at all like Matt Frazer in the final event of this year's games.
Pre hike (read: meander) work out (read: attempt to feel normal)
Sun salutations
Lax ball and band mobility
3 rounds:
30 sit ups
20 banded squats
12 monster walks each way
20 box jumps onto a chair
10 push ups
EMOM Snatch and 3-4 Ring Push ups (73×2, 78×2, 83×3, 88×1)
Really struggled stabilizing on the rings, but nice to try something new.
WOD in 13:34. Probably could have stepped it up with the run, but was more focused on the row (all under 2 min)
A) 6 rounds + 7 cleans + 2 jerks @ 103. Brining down that weight was rough, but doable, for the jerks.
B) Just finished the round of 50s (one reverse Annie – much harder backwards in my opinion)
C) 4 rounds + 25 KB swings @ 20kg
10:00 Active Recovery
3 Rounds
16 Reps External Rotation + OH Crossover Symmetry
16 Reverse Hyper Swings 50lbs
2 Rounds
3 Sn grip PP + 3 OHS + 3 High Hang Snatches
18 Walking Lunges
9 Push-Ups
16:00 EMOM
65kg (143lbs) Squat Snatch
1 Strict Muscle-Up + 5 Strict Ring Dips (last two rounds only got 3 reps)
Row Run Metcon
14:17 (much less fitness than matt C)
Although I did have a SNAFU cause my erg was set up outside and the construction next door suddenly blew a ton of debris on me when they broke a wall and I had to go inside and wash the shit out of my eyes and move my erg. So…
Cashed out with some sled work with melo and the crew
DO that sounds awful! (the construction debris that is)
Came to 8 AM for my last day of funemployment. Back to 7 AM next week when I start the new job.
Strict press with the football bar — and a partner! Yay! Noah called Melody and me "the busted-wrist twins." 😛 Anyway, 70x5x3. I expected that weight to be heavy — the football bar is harder than the regular barbell for the same weight — and it was, but we had plenty of rest time so I managed fine.
Then while the rest of the class was doing their EMOTM Things We Can't Do, Melody and I did chinups instead. I did 2 per minute, probably should have done 3 to make it harder.
Then we rejoined the class for the WOD and I pretty much tried to chase Melody in the beginning, and stopped trying in the last round. 15:20. I hate rowing.
Ha Stella,
You totally are a much stronger rower than I am. I thought you loved it 😉
Injured girls corner rocked this am. So nice to have company, hopefully we will both be back up on a barbell soon.
Football bar was a great way to strict peer without my hands going numb…win!
3×5 at 62
I followed Stella's lead with the chin ups, but only did 1 emom. Not sure if I could have done two the whole time
Wod was 14:34. My row splits were
I could have pushed it harder on the run, but I was using it as recovery from the rows. I too hate rowing. My lungs burned.
Did some pullup work before class now up to a 2-1-1-1-1 on the orange noodle. I keep waiting for the day when I jump up and BOOM..I pull myself up, but not there yet.
This is also the 2nd time I posted today because I thought I hit post earlier but I don't think it worked so if I show up twice on here – Hee Hee Hee…oops!
Trapaholic sesh w/ coach @ 4:30
Power Clean Triples @ 56kgx3x4
Jerk Triples @ 45kgx3x4
SLDL @ 70kgx5, 75kgx5, 80kgx5
3 rounds:
1 rope climb
15 GHD situps
5 kipping pullups
Sunday's Squats (missed from Subway Series)
10X3 95#. Went light since I'm going to squat again Sunday.
3 rounds 10 second hold on the rings
3 rounds 20 second L Sit on the pvc things
Lots of rolling out the thighs! Wed&Thurs were killers on the legs!
OG session tonight
1-1-1-1-1 chin ups, but only got through 3 before i got really tired haha. FINALLY close to get two chin ups in a row, tried on 3rd single and oh so close. Gonna try with fresh arms next time and see what happens… i can feel it coming!
Did yesterday's WOD keeping all 500m rows at 2:20, so slow for some but pushed it hard for myself, i dunno if i could go even faster than that! Running was ok 1 for 1/2 rounds then the other half got slow real fast, this was a good one that i needed!
Cash out was tacos and ample hills ice cream… beautiful Friday!!