EMOM For 16 Minutes:
Even: 1 Snatch
Start at 70% and go up a few pounds each rep if it’s moving well.
Odd: 5-7 Tempo Ring Dips, Tempo Ring Push-Ups, or Tempo Push-Ups
2-2-X-2 Tempo (2 sec down, 2 sec hold bottom, explode up, 2 sec hold top)
Exposure 3/8
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
Row 500m
Run 400m
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach K HarpZ is in Florida on vacation and she tried to take a cool photo doing a pistol on a paddle board for the blog. In her words, it ended up not running so smoothly, as she was a couple beers deep/full of wings and chili after lunch at the local pub… so that may have played a factor… or at least she’d like to think so.
- The following classes are CANCELLED this week and next week:
- Active Recovery today, 8/27
- Yoga for Athletes on Saturday, 8/29
- Pilates on Tuesday, 9/1
A Letter to New CrossFitters: Good Training Habits
The original version of this article appeared on David’s blog, Inside the Affiliate.
Below is a short article we ask all our new members to read when they graduate from our Foundations program. At CFSBK, we believe it’s important to guide our members’ training perspectives early on. The sooner we can get folks thinking about how to make proactive, intelligent training decisions, the more likely they’ll optimize their time under our roof.
While it’s our responsibility as coaches to teach movement, program wisely, and generally take care of folks, it’s your job as an athlete to listen to your body, track your workouts, and maintain a mature perspective about why you’re doing CrossFit in the first place. For some athletes, this may be completely intuitive, but most folks walking through our doors will need to be taught even the most basic components of serious physical training. Many people pursue CrossFit because they want to lose some weight or a friend does it and it sounds fun—not necessarily because they’ve suddenly decided to eat, sleep, and breath CrossFit. (The obsession part happens organically, after they’ve been exposed to its benefits.)
With that in mind, the commercial fitness industry’s claims of quick fixes and supposed “secrets” to success may have influenced peoples’ perspectives and expectations when they arrive at our gym, and it behooves us to disabuse them of such false messaging. Messages such as the one below are part of a larger dialogue that CFSBK is constantly facilitating, with the aim of giving our members the most accurate and honest advice about what it takes to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Hopefully, all of you have already read this article. But a good refresher never hurt anyone…
Good Training Habits
While it’s our responsibility as coaches to teach you movement, program intelligently, and keep you safe, it’s your responsibility as athletes to develop good training habits. Here is an overview of three great habits that will significantly enrich your training experience.
1. Be Proactive With Your Movement Prep
Everyone needs to do a little personalized maintenance on their bodies. Even 10 minutes of DIY movement prep before class can go a long way in keeping you fit and pain free. After you’ve signed in and changed, take advantage of the time you’ve got and start moving.
Row an easy 300-500m on the erg. Get your heart rate up a little and try to get a light sweat going. We recommend holding 20 strokes per minute and rehearsing good form.
Stretch/Foam Roll
Many of us know where our tightest areas are—they’re the ones that make it difficult to squat below parallel or press a barbell overhead. Spend a few minutes mobilizing and doing some soft tissue work (foam roller/LAX ball, etc.) on your “problem areas.” If you don’t know where to begin, ask a coach what you should be prioritizing and we’ll help you out. We also regularly refer our members to out Active Recovery classes and MobilityWOD.com. This is great resource for folks who need simple, effective strategies to help them move better.
2. Log All of Your Workouts
Training without logging is like driving without a road map. You don’t know where you’ve been or where you’re going. Taking notes on each training session helps you track your progress and helps us make informed decisions about how to assist you in choosing weights and scaling movements. Each day should list some quantitative and qualitative notes about your training session. Here is an example:
3 rounds NFT
5 Snatch PP (22lb bar)
5 Muscle Snatches
10 Push-ups on knees
Move up to yellow bar
AMRAP 15 minutes:
Row 350m
12 Overhead Squats, 45lbs
4 Rounds + 320m
Kept rows at about 2:23 splits, felt hard but doable. Don’t shift forward during overhead squats…. Mid foot!
You can track your workouts in a journal or online. As coaches, we LOVE to read the details of your workout in the Comments section of CFSBK’s blog. It gives us a deeper perspective into your training and the programming in general.
3. Start Slow and Maintain Perspective
We take our training seriously at CrossFit South Brooklyn and with that comes with a good deal of responsibility. Our movement pool uses serious strength and conditioning exercises in order to develop broad, inclusive fitness. If we don’t treat these movements and workouts with respect, training plateaus and injuries are sure to follow. The best way to ensure your success and training longevity with us is by starting slowly and developing a rock-solid technical base. In fact, the first few months you start CrossFit, intensity should not be a significant concern. The movements are potent enough that just consistently performing them will create a favorable adaptation. After you feel really comfortable with most of our exercises and have a working knowledge of your weights, only then should you start ramping up the intensity.
Training with a lifelong perspective is incredibly important. Remember that you’re here to build yourself up, not break yourself down. Scaling workouts properly, listening to your body and checking your ego at the door will allow you to work out successfully for years to come. Most importantly, have fun with this stuff and enjoy the process.
Coach Fox wrote an article in May of 2014 that expands on many of these themes, called “Tips on How to be Prepared and Get the Most Out of Group Classes.” Check it out!
Ben Smith: 5×5 Front Squat CrossFit
I'm living by this 'Everyone needs to do a little personalized maintenance on their bodies. Even 10 minutes of DIY movement prep before class can go a long way in keeping you fit and pain free. After you've signed in and changed, take advantage of the time you've got and start moving.'
Snatch, 115x1x2, 135x1x2, 145x1x4 – mostly good. Caught out in front a little twice
Ring Dips – 7,7,7,7,6,6,5,5 – these got difficult
WOD in 12:16. Had no gas today. Combination of stress, not enough sleep and some travel.
Nice and small 6am class with D.O.
EMOM Snatch
Worked up to 135# focusing on good positioning at the start.
EMOM Ring Dips
Tough to call these "tempo" dips so let's just call them slow and controlled.
7s for the first two sets and then 5s thereafter.
I have no idea why when I checked the blog this morning I thought this was a row, run, row for time. When I saw Dan L. go out for another run the truth smacked me in the face that I had a lot more work to do.
Finished in 12:56. (Which should be 2-6 seconds faster than D.O.)
A little beat up from yesterday's metcon.
EMOM work:
– Snatched: 115×8. Focus on jus 8 good, solid and constant reps.
– Ring dips: sets of 5 with a focus on positioning and control.
Metcon: 12:54. Kept the splits between 1:48 and 1:51. Run were slow.
6am with David and the guys
Snatch: kept it at 63 since my shoulder is still tweaked. All went well except for the last one where I surprised myself with a little too much power and had to stand it up.
Banded matador dips: DO was kind enough to set this up for me after I was headed towards the benches. Did 5 for the first 5 rounds and 3 for the last 3 as I was starting to fatigue. Gave me a nice stretch through the pecs, which is great for me.
WOD in 13:54. Thought I might be able to keep up with the guys, but was last on the row and couldn't catch up on the run.
6am with a solo DO
EMOM- really enjoyed the mix-up work on this
Snatch – Kept it at 95# today. Shoulders are still fatigued from do Fran until you die so didn't want to push it any heavier. I always have a tendency to immediately stand my snatches up so DO had me pause for a 1 count at my bottom which really helped. Think after getting comfortable with that may finally be able to ride these down. One day I'll squat snatch.
Ring Dips – Mix of 5s and 4s trying to focus on good positioning.
WOD – 11:59. Rows between 1:48-1:50 at 25spm and fast runs. Think I could have pushed 1:45 on the rows. Nice to have a workout up my alley and some cooler weather to run in.
Snatch – started at 95# today went up to 115# and that was difficult due to yesterdays Fran on roids.
Ring Push Ups – Mix of 7 and 5, was my first time doing these so it took a little to get use to.
WOD – about 14min, I think, this one killed me but was good because I need to work on my endurance.
The WODs have been awesome, killer but awesome.
Ha this made me LOL right in the middle of the office! Happy vacay to you KHarpz! Looking strong!
HBBS: 155×5, 180×5, 205×5
Bench: 145×5, 167×5, 187×5
DB Lat Pulls: 70.5 (red KB) x10x3
2K Row: 9:01 (2:16 avg)
I've been using the Wendler Calculator app to help figure out my weights. Check it out here.
Just arrived in Bergen, Norway for one night before heading into the fjords and got an hour in the hotel gym which boasts DBs, an elliptical and a treadmill.
The last five days in Copenhagen were full of action, but it's been weird not to get to the gym for so long. I had a hard time getting going, and keeping on going, but here's what I did..
4 rounds
20 hollow rocks
20 air squats, then 20 DB thrusters w 6kg, 8kg, 10kg
10 push ups
3 rounds
10 seated shoulder press, 8kg DBs,10kg, 10kg
10 Bulgarian single leg squats 8kg DBs, 10kg, 10kg
10 bent over rows 10kg DB
Mat Pilates medley
10 bent over rows 10kg DB
For some reason my forearms are worse. Limited ability to execute practical movements like picking up a bottle of seltzer, unscrewing the top and pouring it into a glass
Strength Cycle
Front Squat (3 x 4@8RPE)
45 x 10, 95 x 4, 115 x 4, 135 x 4, 155 x 4 x 3
Pause Bench (3 x 5@8RPE)
45 x 5, 65 x 5, 90 x 5, 105 x 5, 110 x 5, 115 x 5 x 3
Deadlift (3 x 5@8RPE)
135 x 5, 185 x 5, 235 x 5, 250 x 5, 260 x 5, 265 x 5
Super-secret comp class blog isn't working, so here's what I did today:
Clean Complex – every 2 minutes, paused clean pull + hang clean + clean
185-205-225-235-245-255-265-275 – all felt great, came a tiny bit forward on the 275.
EMOM: 210-265-315-365-420
then every 2 minutes
then 445×5 rep out. Also felt good.
3 timed rounds:
400m row
20 strict HSPU
270m run
1: 4:30 (7-7-6 on HSPU)
2: 5:04 (7-5-4-4 on HSPU)
3: 5:49 (5-5-4-2-2-2 on HSPU)
HSPU fell apart at the end, but glad we're doing them strict. Tried to really sprint on the run and lean into it. This was tough, but fun.
I go back to work on Monday so today was my last noon class.
Snatch/Dip EMOM:
Snatches: 63, 63, 68, 68, 73, 73, 78 (power snatch with a press out), 78- fail (didn't drop under the bar), 73
Dips on the matador: Did 5 singles the first two rounds with pauses. These got hard, fast. The remaining rounds I did three strict singles + 2 blue band dips (skipped one set of blue band dips to get a bandaid for my bloody shin).
WOD: 14:56
Rows: One was 2:04, the rest around the same, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was able to keep my pace around 2:00- 2:10 (with some strokes under 2 minutes) for each round which is a major improvement as I used to maintain around 2:15-2:20 pace. Still room for improvement though.
Runs: just slow. Always slow. Need to push harder here.
Snatch: 52# the entire time. Still figuring out how to get under the d@mn bar. I'm gunna drop into Frankie's class soon.
5 pause matador ring dips for all rounds.
WOD: 13:21. I really wanted to be under 13. My quads were burning on the rower from all those thrusters and squats last night!! Even though I didn't meet my goal, at least I pushed pretty hard.
5:30pm class with Ro and Fox:
Snatches: 35, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 47f
-the first at 47kg (103.4#) wasn't the best and had to step forward. stayed there for my last one but just rushed it and failed.
Matador Dips: scaled to 3 each round with the tempo. should have done 5 each round.
-splits at 2:01, 2:03 and 2:10 for the rows. Runs were faster for me than usual because I was trying catch Ellie and her gazelle legs!
6:30 class
Snatch – Started at 70%: 65kg (143#)
Added 5kg each minute. Worked up to one miss at 90kg (198#) then got it the on next minute. Went to 95 for the last one and missed. This went better than I expected, my all time best is 91kg.
Ring Dips were mostly 5 per round, did only 4 on two rounds.
WOD in 14:14. I have a hard time pushing on WODs like this where there is exactly zero reason to rest. Rows were consistent at about a 2min split. then I'd walk to the gate and run (jog) about a 2 minute 400.
Legs were thankful for the movement.
6:30pm group class with Ro and Lady Fox.
Snatch/dip EMOM-16mins
Snatch-63, 68, 73, 78
Couldn't quite get it today. Wasn't catching low enough.
Matador tempo dips- 5 for the first round, 3 after that.
Row 500m
Run 400M
Paced myself pretty well on this one. Didn't want to do it at all but was glad I did.
53-60 on the snatch. Kept it lighter and worked on form
Tempo Push-ups since we didn't have the matador at 608
Wod in 12:55. shout out for Michael c to give me something to chase !
cash out .. sushi and beer