Coach K HarpZ owning all the weight at the CrossFit 718 Summer Games | Photo by the multitalented Coach MeLo
The 2015 Subway Series Continues This Sunday at CrossFit Virtuosity
The event isn’t full yet—you can still sign up here! The workout is below:
“Deficit Diane”
Rx Division
For time (15 minute cap):
28 deadlifts, 185/125
28 HSPU, to floor / 1 abmat
21 deadlifts, 225/155
21 HSPU, to 1″ deficit / floor
15 deadlifts, 275/185
15 HSPU, 2″ deficit / 1″ deficit
9 deadlifts, 315/205
9 HSPU, 3″ deficit / 2″ deficit
Scaled Division
For time (15 minute cap):
28 deadlifts, 135/95
28 incline push-ups, 18/36″
21 deadlifts, 185/115
21 incline push-ups, 12/24″
15 deadlifts, 215/135
15 incline push-ups, 6″/12″
9 deadlifts, 235/155
9 push-ups, no incline
For CFSBK’s event on August 23, we still need judges and a score keeper! Judges are expected to monitor range-of-motion and reps for each workout. Coach David will do a session to review movement standards and protocol before the event. The score keeper needs to do data entry on the scoring system and should be comfortable with spreadsheets. Please email David [at] if you’re interested.
How CrossFit (and a Little Cancer) Helped Me Grow a Bit… Down There The Huffington Post
Exercise May Make Tumors Less Aggressive, More Likely to Respond to Treatment American Cancer Society
Saturday's Programming
Open Workout 12.4
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
150 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
90 Double-Unders
30 Muscle-Ups
Substitute chest-to-bar or kipping pull-ups for muscle-ups.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 11.10.14 and 5.29.14
6am with MeLo and McDowell – Saturday's WOD with MeLo
I had not done this one before, so not a whole lot of strategy – just tried to keep moving. Had a false start at the beginning because I'd grabbed a 14lb red medecine ball by accident… couldn't figure out why it was going to the top of the plywood until 12 reps in, so had to restart the workout at the 1min mark with the correct med ball.
After the restart, did 15 wall balls, then sets of 10 with a few deep breaths between until 125, then sets of 5 to finish. That was around the 10 minute mark (9min in for me).
Double unders: 35-35-19-1. I feel like I always trip on the last one.
Had a little over a minute for muscle ups. Strung 4 together, then back on the rings with about 15 second left, which was plenty of time for the 2 reps I thought I had left in me, but I was actually able to squeeze out a third right at the time cap. 247 reps total… pretty happy with that.
Team –
I signed up for the Subway Series event at Crossfit LIC next weekend (8/16) before realizing that my close friend's wedding (second marriage to same woman – long story) is the night before. If anyone is interested, I am happy to transfer my registration to you so that you can reprezent . . .
I did the 30-minute monster, one-armed bandit version: 30# DB left arm snatch, 15 situps.
35# DB felt heavy in warmups so I put it away and used the 30 for the WOD. This was the wrong choice as I did almost every round unbroken, and I don't think that was the idea. 9 rounds + a little bit of running.
Last night at 8:30pm
Got 6 rounds + 3 snatches RX'd. This wasn't as rough as I thought it would be. I kept a good pace throughout – all snatches were sets of 5, all toes to bar were sets of 6 and then 4 (except for the last round, where I did 7 and then 3).
Cashed out by going to a hardcore show. Woke up with a giant bruise on my thigh from repeatedly slamming a barbell into it during the hang snatches. Ouch.
9:30am session today:
2 rds warm up:
5 inchworm to push up
10 air squat
10 hollow rock
BB Drillz, all the tape.
High Hang Snatch doubles, between 65-75%:
HHSx2, Every 90 sec, for 12 min (8 sets total):
35kg, 35, 35, 37, 37, 39, 39, 41
(77×3, 81.5×2, 86×2, 90×1)
Felt sharp. Pull under is working so much better, not catching high at all. On my toes for a few… get vertical and punch through.
6 sets of: Pause FSQ (4 sec) + FSQ
60kg, 65, 69, 71 (rough, thoracic flexion), 71 (better), 71 (better!)
(132, 143, 151, 156 x3)
@Jay-Star Sounds like a good wedding! I'll take your registration- I am planning on signing up but haven't yet.
6am with McDowell- Thursday's WOD
I feel amazing and energized today after working out in the morning! 6am is cool!
Did 7 full rounds. The goal was 6 after reading the blog yesterday, so I was surprised (and a little annoyed) that I had just enough time to do an extra round.
-Power Snatches at 42# (seems so light, but it was definitely appropriate)
-T2B the entire time! Still can't string them together.
-Run was the best part 🙂
Allie this completely cracked me up. I made it to 8 rounds + 10 snatches at 7 AM today and was horrified/annoyed for the exact same reason (also assuming 6 based on blog!). I only did 35#, and as it turns out 40-42# would have been fine, except for my bloody inner thumb by round 5, increasingly torn each round. But hey. 90 snatches!
The pic of Katie Harpz makes my OCD sooooo happy!
Back in for some moving aorund
Pause Snatch (:03 at knee)
Pause Clean (:03 at knee) + Jerk
20 Cal Row
15 Wall Ball 20/10
10 Pull Ups
17 something…sloooowww
Stella – that was the intention with a light Rx'd load. Good choice.
Last drop in @ CF Dana Point this afternoon.
10e walking lunges
15 hollow rocks
10 push ups
15 banded pull a parts
10 reverse crunches
10e banded lateral walks
HSPU skill work (kipping)
5RM strict HSPU piked-20"box, 1 abmat
4×5 strict HSPU piked-20" box, 2 abmat
WOD: 30on/30off–25min
WB #14/10ft
Box jumps 20"
30 sec handstand hold
Sad to leave the beach. Great little box, will do a longer write up later. Might be dropping into CF Santa Monica on Sunday AM before heading back to NYC.