Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Athletes will have 20 minutes to get through their squat session. Use the running clock to ensure you get adequate rest between work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Perform Five Rounds Not For Time of:
3 Dead start Deadlifts
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3 Strict Chin-ups, add weight or use assistance as necessary
Deadlifts: Work up to a heavy triple, maintain back extension.
HSPU: If 5 is easy for you, add a deficit, if 5 is too hard, minimize range of motion, if HSPUs are too challenging perform 5 strict dumbbell presses
Post workout results to comments.
The Intention of Warm-Ups and a New Format for Group Classes
Classes at CFSBK often start with one of our “standardized warm-ups” which consist of three movements performed for 2-3 rounds not for time. Below is a description of the intent of these warm-ups and a new format we’re experimenting with to better accomplish these goals.
- Provide general joint and soft tissue movement prep via mobility drills and full range of motion, non-ballistic total body exercises.
- Increase heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature.
- Allow time for development and refinement of fundamental calisthenics: Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Lunges, Handstands, kipping movements etc.
- When appropriate, allow for rehersal of exercises that will be seen later in the workout.
- Provide some variance and fun
Previously, we had our standardized warm-ups preset which we would occasionally edit. If you’ve been in the gym the past two days, you’ve seen that the board has changed and instead offers three movement pool lists:
Upper Body Push
8-12 Push-Ups
8-12 Dumbbell Presses or Push Presses
4-8 Handstand Push-Ups or Wall Kick-Ups
Upper Body Pull
5-10 Strict or Kipping Pull-Ups
5-10 Ring Rows
5-10 Strict or Kipping Toes-to-Bars
Lower Body
16 Total Lunges, add extra load if desired
5-15 Barbell Front or Overhead Squats
16 Kettlebell Swings
With this format, the athlete can choose one movement from each pool and create their own standardized warm-up based on how they feel that day. As always, the coach may suggest a particular triplet or assign a specific warm-up including elements not included on the base pools to provide more variance or workout specific movement prep into the warm-up. Give the new format a shot and let us know what you think!
Pavel M wants you to check out his startup
Hey everyone, fellow CFSBKer Pavel M Here. I wanted to let you know that the startup I’ve been working at has finally launched to the public! You may have read about Jet in the past few months. It’s truly a disruptive new approach to online shopping that results in shoppers saving 10-15% on average versus any other online shopping destination by allowing merchants to bid on your shopping basket in real-time, behind the scenes, ensuring you always receive the very best prices from the most efficient source.
I’ve gone ahead and made the promo code “CROSSFITSBK” for everyone in CFSBK, which is good for anyone who enters it at checkout until 8/4/2015. And for an entertaining glimpse into how Jet works, check out the video we made with Portlandia and Silicon Valley actor, Kumail Nanjiai. Click here!
Are you an SBKer with new projects or exciting announcements you want to get the word out about? Email David (AT) for blog consideration!
Our Warm-Up is Our Warm-Up Cathletics
I like the way the new warmups are formatted (thumbsup) team!
6am with McDowell and Arturo
Was pretty conservative with the weights since I've been travelling a lot lately and haven't been squatting heavy with any regularity. 315 felt good though. Will add weight next week for the final exposure.
NFT Work: Only made it through 4 rounds before I had to hustle off to work. Worked up to 315 on the DL, 35 on weighted chin ups, and 5 HSPU w/ 3" deficit.
Great morning in the gym with McDowell and Ro.
Squats are still moving well thanks to 5# jumps the last few weeks. Hit all 15 reps at 260. BK pointed out that I wasn't nearly as slow and grindy as I thought.
NFT work
Not sure but I think I worked up to 280 or 285 on the DLs. Strict HSPUs without deficit. Chin ups with 35#.
I've been using the Catalyst Athletics WU for a couple weeks now and I think it has really done a lot for my programming. I found that I was spending TOO MUCH time on the foam rollers prior to lifting and still feeling not quite ready when warming up my lifts. Since I started the CA warm up, my warm up lifts are stronger and need less "clean that shit up" prompting before work sets. Come time to lift heavy shit, I feel locked in and ready to go.
I recommend really moving through the warm up–AKA no lolly gagging around. I hit the erg for 500m, get 10 good passes on the foam roller over my thoracic spine, scaps/lats, glutes, hamstrings/adductors, VMO/adductors, quads, TFL, and finally calves. After that, I move right into the dynamic warm up movements which I actually really enjoy. By that time, I've got some beads of sweat forming and I feel prepared to grab a barbell and warm up my lifts. Whole process takes about 15-20 minutes. Of course, always a little Burgener warmup with a PVC or light bar, even on days that don't involve snatch/cj work because…..speed through the middle, folks. Speed through the middle.
Besides the physical benefits of this warmup, more than anything, it has helped me get my mind right befor my session. Coming into the gym, I tend to have a lot going on and need a little extra time to focus and put work/grad school/life on the shelf for the next 2 hours. Folks tease me for consistently showing up anywhere from 30min-1hr early, but setting aside that time to muck around (aka visit all the dogs), warm up and visualize on what I gotta get done (what Ro calls–"you gotta believe") has made a huge difference. That and static stretching afterwards. Static stretching saves lives. Put that on a tshirt….that and sitting is the new smoking.
Day 2 of strength cycle:
Low bar back squats: 180x5x3. Moved well, still getting used to low bar.
Bench: 165x5x1; 155x5x2. 165 was a little grindy for this early on in the cycle, so Jeremy had me move down to 155 for the last two sets. I think this was the right call – they moved much better. Also, I really love bench pressing and I've missed it.
Power cleans: 95x3x3. I'm very happy to have some time to break down and work on cleans. I definitely need it.
Posted this in the classifieds too, but in case anyone who likes grants and budgets missed it…
My office at NYU is hiring for a grants and budget administrator. The position involves assisting faculty and PhD students in the Department of Sociology with the submission of grant proposals to various government organizations and foundations, and managing post-award activities for all funded proposals. Ideally, we are looking for someone with a couple years of experience relevant to grants management; a background in Sociology is not necessary.
The full job posting can be found here:
Having worked in the Department of Sociology for a few years now, I can say that the faculty, staff, and students here are great to work with. It is a wonderfully friendly and easygoing environment.
Please feel free to email me at mike.west[at] if you are interested in the position or you have someone you would recommend. If you or anyone you know applies, let me know so I can make sure HR reviews the application. Thanks!
Does anyone have a verizon Fios login info that we could use at the gym to steam the games??
Because we have internet but not cable service (same at my apt) its not letting us log in and stream. Time warner login for an account with a cable subscription would work too.
Email david @ if you can help out!!
Took advantage of OG this AM — nice to have some cooler weather.
I started out with Crossover symmetry activation — I did take the AR orientation with DO, which was extremely valuable, however I think I forgot everything.
Have started mobilizing my wrists with the voodoo bands before Oly lifts. This has been a huge lifesaver for me. The only part of my body where I have any sustained discomfort (knock wood) is my wrists and voodoo banding has been amazing. Cleans and snatches now with pretty much no discomfort after this warmup step.
The Next Level programming for today was:
CJ complex: pull, clean, hang clean, front squat, jerk X5 @ 70%, started this as 73# and then bumped it up to 78 for last 2 sets. Moving well though my front squat fell apart a little on the last set.
Hang snatch 3 X 1 @ 80%, 3 singles. Did this at 68# — first one, arms like car wash noodle man, second one solid, third on caught on toes, need a stronger and quicker pull to execute solidly.
High bar back squat: 3 x 10 at 60%, did this at 75#, it was great to have the volume. Tiring toward the end but doable. I probably dropped too fast on the squats sometimes if I am honest.
Press: 3 x 10 at 60%, did this at 38#. OMG. You got to start somewhere. Again, nice to have the volume. Last rep tested my will to go on.
This is my sixth week of the Next Level Club format and I am really starting to see strength gainz like whoa! I am gainzing like a beginner in the squat (maybe because I had taken some time off to do running immediately before taking up Oly again). If you could only see me shakily stand up a overhead squat like a newborn colt in the beginning vs now. Really enjoying the varied and comprehensive programming. Also Nancy H has joined us bringing the total of strong ladies in the club up to 4!
I had great plans for today.
Then I pushed the prowler for six intervals and almost died.
I have never felt sick after a workout before.
Lesson learned.
D.O. I just shot you an email with my Verizon Fios log in password. Let me know if there is an issue.
10am class
Felt good
Missed last rep.
Thanks for the handful of folks who supplied passwords!
Also- At the ripe old age of 30, I certainly feel how much more important a good warm-up is versus when I was in my early 20s and could just jump into a .com style workout if I needed to. Like gracie, if theres time to cultivate a ritual or incorporate a mental element to it you can double up and get into the right headspace before a workout or hard lift. Depending on your prior mental state this could be the difference between a successful training session versus something you drag yourself through.
@Amanda.. use the board to remind you about crossover symmetry and ask me at the gym and if Im not working with someone or a class I'll refresh your memory
Had a great 8am class! It was really fun and supportive.
400 m. run
2 rounds:
8 push-ups
15 OHS with 22# bar
5 strict T2B–> Helpful advice from Ro about how to string these together. Really propel legs down and push head through and then really pull down on the bar. Had the same lightness-at-the-top feeling like during kipping pull-ups, so I think I understand how to kip these better. Looking forward to working on it.
HBBS: 120# 5X3. So proud! Was super scared (this was my 1rm at Iron Maidens, so it seemed daunting), but I loved partnering with Worm because she made me super comfortable. They weren't perfect, but they weren't as hard as I thought they'd be–> a slightly wider grip also helped. Worm was also really scared of 125#, but she killed it! Yay!
WOD: 5 rounds. Thanks again to Worm who really pushed me here–adding the weight to the deadlifts and going for weighted chins.
3 DL/round: 125, 135, 140, 145, 150(also my 1RM at Iron Maidens)
HSPU: All kipping: 2 with 1 ab mat, 3 with 1 ab mat, then 3 rounds of 5 with two ab mats.
Chin-ups: 3, 3+5#, 3+5#, 3, 3+5#
Cash-Out: Beach day with KLove and Worm 🙂
2 Rounds
16 OH Walking Lunges with the fat bar + 50 (70lbs)
270m Run
205x3x3 A2G
4 Rounds
3 Deadlifts 315
6 HSPUs with a 6' deficit
3 Pull-Ups
I think we should put @GD's whole post on a t-shirt…
Sunday: north face endurance challenge ontario, "a mere 10k." I actually thought I had over prepared for this – 90-120 minute workouts, speed work, hill repeats.
I was wrong. The *winner* took 57 minutes. My 95 minute 10k bought me 8/20 in my age group which… Is pretty good for me? I lost several pounds over those 95 minutes. Even my shoes were dripping wet from sweat after I finished. All I ever wanted/all I ever needed was to run a 50 miler, but ffs it won't be this one. I like a little running with my hiking.
The good news is that it highlighted some defeciencies in my training. Squatting isn't enough, and I'm going to have to add in calf- and glute-specific work. After making sad noises last week, weighted lunges are 100% in my future.
Today: pre-work work and post-work work means no gym, but I snuck in 265x5x3 hbbs and 0 weighted lunges. Very heavy but tolerable. Also worked up to 90×7 db bench, fewer reps than last time I tried this weight. Something's gotta give and if it's upper body strength, so be it.
Hopefully can make it in tomorrow? That would be awesome.
5# down from last week – eh
3 DL (185, 195, 190, 185)
5 HSPU (1 strict, 4 kipping)
3 chin ups (2.5#, 5#, 7.5#, 10# 2 reps)
MU transitions and dips
8+ singles, lost count, green then red band
Squats are disappointing but i liked this NFT-er