Fitness: Snatch Pull + Snatch
Work up to a medium heavy load on the complex, aim for a few pounds heavier than last week.
Performance: Snatch: 80%-90% x 1 x 3-5
Warm up and perform 3-5 singles between 80% – 90%.
Snatch Pull: 110% x 3 x 3
For more information about the snatch pull, check out this article and video.
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Heaving Snatch Balance: 3 x 3
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
To learn more about the Heaving Snatch Balance, check out this article and video.
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Accessory Work:
Row 1K
Run 800m
Post total reps to comments.
The Spiking Tacos took second place in Big City Volleyball’s Social League last night at Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier 6. They were slightly upset that the winning team won all of the prizes, which included beach towels and backpacks, but they were happy with their progress throughout the season. Go Tacos!
- Happy birthday, Shawn T.!
Introducing: Anti-Gravity: An hour-long gymnastics strength, skill, and conditioning class with Coaches Noah and Arturo
Is your kip krap? Are you muscle ups more like muscle downs? Are your pistols mere pop guns? Coaches Noah and Arturo have designed Anti-Gravity: an hour-long gymnastics strength, skill, and conditioning class.
The class will focus on the gymnastics skill and strength components that are most commonly demanded in CrossFit workouts, using a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your bodyweight movements. Our goal is to improve not only skill, but gymnastic work capacity and muscular endurance.
When: Tuesdays at 7:30PM and Sundays at 2PM (starting this Tuesday, July 21st)
Cost: This counts as a regular group class
Each class will consist of skill work, strength development, conditioning, and flexibility training. Every class will include dedicated strength work and a WOD, so it can stand alone and fully take the place of one of your group classes for the day.
If you are a brave soul who wants to take Anti-Gravity along with group class, please ask Noah or Arturo first and make sure to take group class before Anti-Gravity.
There’s Still Space in the Upcoming Strength Cycle—and Still Space For You to Get Hella Strong!
Upcoming Cycle Times and Dates:
A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday July 20th-Friday Sept 11th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday July 21st-Sunday Sept 13th
C cycle: Morning beginners, 6:30am Mon/Wed | THIS OPTION IS FULL
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | THIS OPTION IS FULL
E cycle: Late mornining, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | Monday July 20th – Thursday Sept 10th
F cycle: Noon with Margie, 12pm Tues/Thurs | THIS OPTION IS FULL
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, Sept 13th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
WWE Champion Seth Rollins on the Power of CrossFit Men’s Journal
How Anecdotal Evidence Can Undemrine Scientific Results Scientific American
Good news/Bad news.
Bad news first: I am pretty damned stoked about the epicness that is Anti-Gravity and I hope to be more than a semi-regular.
Good news: Now that youse are aware of this, there is still time for youse to back out ….
For anyone who is even halfway considering it, I HIGHLY recommend joining Strength Cycle. I'm signed up for my fifth cycle in a row and I still just put up brand spanking new PRs on all my lifts at the last total – 10lbs on the squat, 5lbs on press and 20lbs on deadlift. That is the power of incremental linear progression and a sharp focus on strength as a foundational aspect of overall fitness.
Also as an aside – strength cycle is not just for folks who want to GOMAD and bulk like crazy. I posted those numbers while actually cutting weight this cycle. It can be done! Grab your spot now while you still can!
6am w/ David & Jess
worked up to 57 on the snatch. This was my first Thursday this cycle so I'm sort of just starting out.
the second part – heaving – was rough. Instead I worked on OH squats. Steadily lighter in weights until i reached the yellow bar (33lbs) and was actually able to do 3/4 OHSqt – not bad for me.
WOD: didn't run (hurts my heels, knees & hips) so I rowed a 2k. Not surprisingly way off my 2k pace. But I was able to keep the /500 splits decreasing – from 2:10, 2:07, 2:06 to 2:04 in last bit. that felt more successful than the snatch.
Hope to front sqt at the 6am tommorrow because I"m headed to Burlington VT for the weekend – anyone ever drop in up there?
Lonely 7 AM OG…just me and Fox's Foundations class at 608. C'mon, I know I'm not the only one who wants to be a nonconformist in the morning!
Deadlifts: 225×5. This was so damn heavy. Need to remind myself that the goal with pulling movements is to maintain a good base level of strength, not go crazy and set back my progress with the wrist.
Then I did a little experimental session in which I tried various movements that I've been avoiding to see whether any of them are now okay, or at least okay under controlled conditions. It looks like I may be able to do two-armed KB swings if I have the narrow-grip bell, and I may also have graduated from the football bar back to the regular bar for pressing! YAY! DO also had some good advice for me (wrist wraps, baby-step progressions back toward Oly lifting without hurting myself).
And then I did the 1K row and 800m run at a, shall we say, leisurely pace.
6am. Worked up 135 on power snatches. Everything felt good and crisp. Getting more comfortable catching in the quarter squat position. Snatches pulls: 165x3x3. Focused on keeping the bar in close. Heaving snatch balance: 115×3, 135×3, 145×3. I like this accessory work, forces me to focus on pushing up on the bar while dropping down. Cash out: easy pace jog and boring row.
OG with my swole sisters Serene and Sam.
Squats (beltless) (4@7,8,9RPE, 4@BO)
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 4
185 x 4
205 x 4
215 x 4 (7RPE)
220 x 4 (8RPE)
225 x 4 (9RPE)
215 x 4
The most I've ever lifted without a belt before today was 205 x 1 so this is an unbelted PR.
Bench Press (2 count pause)
45 x 4
75 x 4
95 x 4
115 x 4 (7.5RPE)
118 x 4 (8RPE)
122 x 4 (9RPE)
115 x 4
I really feel like this should be going a bit better for me but I think I know what is happening now because Sam said it looks like I am not engaging my lower body at all and actually, she is dead right. Need to figure this out. I am kind of scared because my lats/ tspine area start to cramp up if I arch too much but maybe it is something as simple as putting plates under my feet, which I will try on Saturday. I used to do that and I am not sure why I stopped..
Reverse hyper 8@8x 3
50 x 8
70 x 8
80 x 8 x 3
3 EMOM for 8 mins.
I also got 4 kipping pull-ups but they definitely weren't pretty so I may need to drop into that new class, which is all sorts of exciting.
6am with David and Jess
Kept it lighter than last week and stopped at 75#. Back and hip didn't enjoy 85# last week so kept it in the comfort zone. Need to pull less with my arms.
Heaving snatch balance 80# x 3 x 3. Also lighter than last week but moved much better. Jess's cue of really focusing on locking out the shoulder really helped.
1k row in around 3:45 and untimed 800m run. Hip/back felt muuuccchhh better after this week's lighter snatch work than last week.
7:30 with Ro and Noah
Worked up to 63# on the snatch complex for 6 singles. Didn't even matter what weight it was because Ro finally got me to just drop under it and stop being a power-snatching baby. I'm really happy about that.
53# on the heaving snatch balance 3×3
some kipping PU work. I attempted to string a few together. Some were better than others.
1000m row/800m run at a moderate pace.
excited for the new anti-gravity class too!
Lol, Jenny! Now I don't feel so bad I only made it up to 57# since I was full snatching… 😉
52# on the heaving snatch balance. Hard but valuable. Kristy looked amazing doing these and gave me great advice to really shrug up in the bar. Helped.
Congrats to Sarah M on the *perfect* looking PR today. Looked like one of those @hookgrip videos.
1000m row in 4:22- angry metal music pushed me through. Run was no prob and snippy.
Now that I purchased an *unlimited* membership, I'm super excited about anti-gravity!!! Please move Pilates or offer multiple classes so I can do both! A double WOD on Sunday might be hard… And clean & jerks are my fave!!! So yeah, add another Pilates class not at the same time as anti-gravity?
Can't wait for yoga on Saturday! And OG tomorrow to practice double unders and bench press!!! Unlimited is the best idea ever!!!
7:30 class with Ro and Noah.
We are going to karaoke next Monday, who's in!?
Worked on some performance snatching in kilos
40×2 pause at the knee
60×2 pause at the knee
70×2 pause at the knee
92×1 PR!!! At 202.8lbs!
This was unexpected bc I was really sore from DT on Tuesday but it went up pretty easy. I had a long pause at the bottom to steady the bar and then started up with my ass first and not the bar which I have to work on buuuuuut it still went up and I stilled PR'ed!
After worked on snatch balance in kilos
Row and run was good bc I'm working on transitioning from a workout to run, until my calfs started cramping so I ran the rest on my heels.
Fitness snatch: 53-63(f)-63-68-73-78-83-88(PR Match)-90 failed, but definitely achievable. Feel on my knees then dropped the bar. My confidence and form on the snatch have improved tremendously since joining SBK because of the snatch drills and regular feedback from the coaches. I avoided snatching my first year of CF, but now they are my favorite lift! Thank you, coaches. All of you!
Heaving snatch balance 3×3@63#. Could have gone heavier but this was my first time doing a snatch balance with weight on the bar, so just concentrated on getting comfortable with the movement.
Leisurely run and jog. Today's WOD was exactly what I needed after 8 days of not doing CF, then doing DT and mini Eva. I'm SO SORE!