Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 1-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 5/3/1, 1 Week, 75%x5/85%x3/95%x1+
Off of increased training max.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Deadlifts 155/105
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
3 Push Jerks or Push Presses
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Congrats to Jake L., Alex B., and Amanda Mc., who competed at the Crow Hill Olympic Lifting meet yesterday. Jake and Alex both won their weight classes, Jake won the meet overall, and Amanda went 5/6 and PR-ed both of her lifts. And congrats to everyone who participated in the Strength Cycle Total yesterday. A great day for CFSBK!
News and Notes
- There’s a new post (and video!) on Coach David and Kate R.’s blog Inside the Affiliate, called “How to Properly Spot the Bench Press.” Since you’re CFSBK-ers, you’re probably already awesome at spotting this lift, but check it out for a refresher. And share it with your friendz!
- LOST AND FOUND: New batch of stuff. Check out this photo to see if any of it’s yours!
- Happy birthday, Christopher B.!
Register Now For Strength Cycle!
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
Upcoming Cycle Times and Dates:
A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday July 20th-Friday Sept 11th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday July 21st-Sunday Sept 13th
C cycle: Morning beginners, 6:30am Mon/Wed | THIS OPTION IS FULL
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | THIS OPTION IS FULL
E cycle: Late mornining, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | Monday July 20th – Thursday Sept 10th
F cycle: Noon with Margie, 12pm Tues/Thurs | THIS OPTION IS FULL
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, Sept 13th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Group Class/Open Gym/Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates Add-On Option!
This add-on membership allows our 2x/week Strength Cycle to attend two additional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength cycle classes. This includes group classes, open gym, and Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates.
Price is $100 per four weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill ($100) charged automatically to the card on-file four weeks later. Register here!
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
Serena Wins—Next Question, Please The New Yorker
Captain’s Courage, Fishing in Sheepshead Bay
Over the course of 3 strength cycles (morning 2x) in 2014, I added a full 100# to my squat. My logs show 215 for a 5 RM in January 2014, and I did 315 for 3×5 in January 2015.
My first cycle was just me getting comfortable with lifting heavy. I added 30# in that cycle. Jeremy respected my conservatism, never pushed me to a place where I didn't feel in control and safe.
My hesitancy caused me to miss a few lifts at my first Total so I vowed to work on committing to the lift in my second cycle. Jeremy took that shift in attitude and leveraged it into a 50# gain in 8 weeks. I never once felt sore or out of control.
My third cycle added 20#. I totaled earlier this year and hit 365/175/405.
Going to go back to group classes for a few months with the upcoming baby, but I'll be back under a bar later this year. Gotta chase that 405 squat and that 1000# total.
I can't recommend Jeremy and Matgie highly enough. A strength cycle or two can be life altering. And it's pretty badass.
Had a really really fun time Totaling for my first Strength Cycle!! Had just gotten back from the beach earlier yesterday (humble brag) and was ready to get down to business. PRd all of my lifts at 190/80/240.
Can I say that I didn't think I was going to hit that squat number and especially that deadlift number in the two months I was in SC??? Friggin amazing
Was really happy my last attempt at squat was relatively quick and deep enough, I think 200# is achievable? My last deadlift attempt was the same weight I failed on in my second attempt, and I'm really glad I got that thing up! I recall in Iron Maidens I failed at picking up 235# (which was actually my 1st attempt this time!) so the 15# jump from my 1RM earlier this year for that is HUGE! Thank you everyone who came out and cheered us all on!! Can't wait for the next cycle and Starting Strength Fall Classic! Seriously I can't endorse this enough that Strength Cycle will get you hella strong!!!
Congrats to Jake, Alex, and Amanda and all the Totalers this weekend!!! ♥
8am with McDowell. Repped out at 73# on the press and got to 4. Then performance WOD at 83#, got through 5 rounds + 1 push jerk. Last time I did DT I did it at 73# and finished in 9:34, today I finished the 5th round at 10:12 with 83# on the bar. I'll take it. I kind of weirdly love DT!
AMAZING job Total-ers and Oly beasts! I saw the numbers and my jaw was on the floor.
7 AM with McJB: 70x5x3 on the football-bar press. I had been irrationally afraid of "what happens if I fail with the football bar?" and McDowell pointed out that if I fail, it's going to be because I can't get the bar past my nose, and I won't fail when the bar is overhead. DUH. I feel so much better about putting more weight on the bar now.
Did a Special Flower workout with Katie M afterward: tabata 20" box jumps followed by tabata row. 64 box jumps (perfectly consistent 8/round) and I think 786m? It was inspiring to watch the rest of the class work their way through what looked like an intense WOD.
Wrapped up my first ever Strength Cycle with the total yesterday. Before the cycle, I had been stuck in a gainz-free plateau for what felt like a really long time, and was feeling pretty gloomy about it. This program snapped me right out of that, and every single lift I made yesterday was a new PR. Really stoked about the results, and can't wait to see where the next cycle leads. Final numbers were:
Squat: 240 – 250 – 260 (felt like there was a little more room here)
Press: 105 – 110 – 115f (next time!)
Deadlift: 280 – 295 – 305 (last rep was ugly as sin)
Congrats to all the other lifters this weekend. Rah rah fitness!
7 AM and thanks to encouragement from JB and Shawn I jumped up three pounds to 57# on the press, and the bar zoomed up and down no problem. Clearly I've been jumping too conservatively this cycle, but no more! Shawn and I have a pact to press 60# together next Monday.
Also I wanted to say yesterday's 8 AM with Jess had the best music soundtrack in a long time – the Prince station I think? Thanks for the awesome tunes Jess that made C&J very fun.
And congratulations to Amanda Mc on a triumphant Oly lifting day yesterday! So proud and amazed by you!
Strength Cycle Total
Squat: 145/155/165PR
Press: 65/70/72.5PR
Deadlift: 180/195/210PR
It was a great total overall. Lots of PRs yesterday. If you want to get stronger, sign up to SC. This was my eight strength cycle in a row. Through the cycles I've seen people get a hella lot stronger and more confident on the platform. The camaraderie that exists between strength cyclers is very special and lasts well after the cycle ends. Jeremy and Marggie are excellent coaches; they'll listen to you and give you the individual attention you need to get stronger, both physically and mentally. And if that wasn't enough, it's a burpee free zone! 'Nuf said.
Press: 122.5 3×5. Happy with how this moved given my sporadic attendance recently.
Performance WOD Rx'd (and with 15-12-9 rep scheme): 2 rounds + 11 HPC. This got really grippy very quickly. Was hoping for 3+ rounds, but it was not to be.
6am. Perf press: 100×5, 115×3, 130×3. Hit my goal of 3 for the rep out, shoulders were a bit tired from yesterday's metcon. Perf WOD (15-12-9 rep scheme) @ 135: 2 rounds + 5 push jerks. Goal was to hit 3+ rounds but push jerks slowed me down. Adding 3 reps per movement is a game changer compared to DT.
Made all 15 reps at 57 last week, so I went to 59 this week.
59X2 (Failed third rep)
58X4 (Failed 5th rep)
58X3 (Failed 4th rep)
Impressive, Jynne & Shawn! I WISH I could press 60 with you next week. Helpful advice from Fox to keep legs further apart like my squat stance. I'm continuing to work on bar path and moving head out of the way. I feel like I understand the technique, I just can't do it properly. No matter how committed I am, I just can't press it up!! Will do 3X3 next week.
WOD: Fitness at 53#. 11 rounds. LOVED this workout. I was going to do 63#, but considering my 1rm for clean and jerk is 87, Ro gave me helpful advice to consider how close that is to my 1rm. I'm so glad I went lighter because I got a better conditioning workout and the push jerks got super hard by the end anyway!
10am sesh
3 rds: 12 hollow rock, 5 push up, 5 air squat
Did not eat this morning and paid for it dearly in my training today. Sometimes can get away with it, but I really needed something on my stomach. Was light-headed and over caffeinated through all of this.
3 position snatch: 1@65%, 1@70%, 1@75%, 2×1@80%
78, 83, 90, 95 (failed from floor), 95
-fail from floor was a dump behind, just tired and lost tension
-hh and hang with 95 felt surprisingly good. using bar to pull myself around/under.
-still power snatched very last rep from floor. wtf.
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 160×2
-no belt. light-headed. i know my hips are sitting back a bit more than they need to, but these lifts felt relatively okay, all things considered. focus on brace and keeping chest up without over-arching in my back.
-this is my old 1RM on high bar from september
Butterfly pull-ups: 5, 5, 8, 8, 10, 9
muscle up mini practice: 1 (F2), 1 (F2), 1, 1
couldn't fathom conditioning. mobilized/smash quad, hamstring, ant tib, calves.
wrist feeling much better, but L knee and R ankle are a bit cranky still.
Guess this had to happen eventually.
6am with JB and McD
Press: 45×5, 65×3, 72.5x5x3
This ties my 5×3 best from strength cycle. Hoping I can hit 75 next week.
Fitness WOD: 5 rounds + 3 pcs at 83#
I originally started with 93#, but did the first push jerk and overextended in my low back, so dropped the 5's. Deadlifts and power cleans all moved pretty easy. My push jerks basically end up being push presses. One day I'll get it.
Congrats to all of the totalers and Oly lifters!! It's so awesome to see such huge gainz!
Posted in classifieds for sale a Levenger 3 drawer lateral stacking wood file cabinet and giving away a 6 drawer cabinet.
Congrats to the Strong and Powerful who lifted yesterday. I have to mention that at first glance I thought Jake and Alex were holding hands in the above photo, and that it was adorable.
2pm lifts
Moved great.
Moved well enough. Tapering to 215x6x5 next week.
@Fox: That's what I thought too! Tots adorbs, as the kids say these days.
Press: 110x5x3
WOD @115lbs (fitness). I was doing front squats subbed for the S2O but Ro suggested I do DB presses instead, and so I did those @35lbs. Finished 6 rounds + 5 deadlifts.
Congrats everybody!!! Love reading your posts!
Did some lifting today.
Pause Squat (3@7,8,9RPE, 3@BO)
45 x 5, 95 x 3, 135 x 3, 165 x 3, 185 x 3, 205 x3, 220 x 3,(7RPE),225 x 3 (8.5RPE),230 x 3(9RPE) (PR!!!) 220 x 3.
Bench Press (3@7,8,9RPE, 3@BO)
45 x 3, 75 x 3, 95 x 3, 105 x 3, 120(115?) x 3,* 125 (??)x 3, 130 x 2, F, 125 x 3, 130 x 2, F. 120 x 3.
Messed this up completely. Possibly misloaded that warm-up set at 120 and may or may not have done 125 at all as 130 was a big shock and I totally got in my head then and wasn't sure what I had just done and failed the third rep and tried 125 again and thought maybe 130 would happen but it didn't and it really should have because I was aiming for 135# and I did 130# just a couple of weeks ago but maybe the squats/extended hangover got to me.
Oh well. #winsomelosesome
Strict Press (4&7,8,9RPE, 4@BO)
45 x 4, 65 x 4, 70 x 4 (7RPE), 75 x 4 (8RPE), 78 x 4 (9RPE), 70 x 4.
Congratulations on all the hard work and incredible feats of strength.
@Fox & Samir – They totally look like they're holding hands! Hahaha
Pressed w Allie B today
45# x 5
50 (75% of TM) x 5
57 (85%) x 3
64 (95%) x 5 for rep out
Fitness version @93#
9 DL (8,1)
6 HPC (4,2 for first 5 rnds then 3,2,1)
3 PJ (3)
7 RNDs + 5 DL
25 x 3 Hollow Rocks (unbroken, but long rest in bw)
Brought S & E back later for CrossFit Kids after camp. They were super pumped to come back again this week
5:30 w/ Coaches Ro & Noah
Press: Performance w/ Kate Reece!:
80×5, 90×3, 100×4, 75×8
Meh (me, not Kate)
WOD: Fitness:
115# 5rounds +9 DLs
To CFSBK bicyclists:
A bicyclist was killed horribly this morning around 7:30am on 4th Av and Atlantic by an SUV driver who lost his mind and went tearing down the wrong lane. (Click here for news story)
That area is a hot mess of bad street planning and idiot drivers, so try and avoid it if at all possible.
Just signed up for the 630am beginners strength cycle. I'm super excited, despite the fact that I'm just bouncing back from a nasty bout of food poisoning and the thought of lifting anything heavier than a pencil makes me dizzy.
Congrats to all of the Totalers and the rest of the CFSBK lifters yesterday! It was almost as fun to be a spectator as it has been to participate.
Even though I didn't total yesterday, it was a great cycle for me. I didn't fail on my squat until the second to last week at 170# (I got 4 reps, then did a 2 sets of 3), which is 20# higher than I ended for reps last cycle. and only 10# below my 1RM My last deadlifting for the cycle was a double at 200#, which was also only 10# below my 1RM. I got my press up to 80x2x2, and my 1RM had been 80. My bench 1RM also went up 7.5# to 92.5. Besides how great it is to see my continued progress, it was fun because Jeremy starting throwing in some new rep schemes.
I've already signed up for the next cycle, and I'm really looking forward to it. This will be my fifth cycle in a row. I don't think I could have put it much better than Michelle B. did in her post to explain why I keep going back. I'll admit I was intimidated when I signed up the first time, but I'm so glad I did…and I still don't miss the burpees!
Great classes today and fun kids class with 5 kiddos!
5:30pm Group Class
Performance Reps @ 135
Only got 3 Rounds + 6 Deadlifts
Not enough food, too hot, wasn't terribly motivated to get after it today, just wanted to move for 12:00. alas!
Solid meet yesterday despite a shitty back and lack of consistent training the past 2 months. Also, It was HOT AS BALLS in that gym with zero air circulation. This added another dimension to the meet that I found very challenging.
**Havent snatch 286 since my back injury. Felt really good. Had the 297 Locked out just a bit in front and the back felt a twinge
Clean and Jerk
**Didnt take a 3rd attempt. Did not feel it was worth risking any further stress on the back.
It's always good to practice competing and it was fun doing the meet alongside Alex. B. Thanks to Melo and Lauren for coming to support us!
7:30 with Ro and David.
65x5x3 Grindy but they all went up. Not bad considering I was on vaca for 10 days. This is where I ended the last cycle.
Performance wod at 63#. 6 rounds +12+ 9 cleans
Ro encouraged us to do the higher volume and scale the weight more.