Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
Every 4 Minutes for 5 Rounds:
20/15 Calorie Row
12 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
Post times for each round and Rx to comments.
Coaches Arturo and Noah get cozy while demoing a partner overhead stretch
- Happy birthday, Chris P.!
Want to Explore the World of the Rings?
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through six weeks of gymnastics strength training. This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Specifically, each class will focus on three to four distinct areas: warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (muscle ups, levers etc), bodyweight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet), and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on for the next four weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
When: Wednesdays from 8:00pm – 9:30pm | July 15th – August 19th
Cost: $120 for six weeks
Buy-in: Previously attended rings class or 1 pull-up for ladies/3 for gents
The class is capped at 8 participants and sells out very quickly, so don’t think twice!
More About Ken
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
To learn more about Ken, check out our interview with him: “All the Planches: How Gymnastics Can Make You a Better CrossFitter, and Getting to Know Ken H.”
Save the Date for Strength Cycle
Upcoming Cycle Times and Dates:
A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday July 20th-Friday Sept 11th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday July 21st-Sunday Sept 13th
C cycle: Morning beginners, 6:30am Mon/Wed | Monday July 20th – Wednesday Sept 9th
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | Monday July 20th – Wednesday Sept 9th
E cycle: Late mornining, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | Monday July 20th – Thursday Sept 10th
F cycle: Noon with Margie, 12pm Tues/Thurs | Tuesday July 21st – Thursday Sept 10th
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, Sept 13th.
Registration will be open next week.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
Ex-Marine Sets New Record For Longest-Held Plank Position The Daily News
Get Drunk, Not Fat
6:30am SC♥
Back off day pre Total
LBBS: 95lbs 3 x 5
solid, hit dept -otherwise I'd be worried
Walk out
185lbs x 3
Bench Press
82lb x 3
Felt good, would like to do a BP total on the side. Anyone up for it next week? Maybe at OG?
Exciting community news!!
A college friend of mine, David Vargas, is an extremely talented massage therapist who is now joining up with the TriBy3 folks upstairs in 2F! I saw him weekly when working through my injury and recovery and I have yet to have had such an excellent massage therapist who understood movement patterns, and muscle structure and function. His hands work wonders.
He will be starting upstairs on Tuesday, July 21st. His hours will be 12-8pm on Tuesdays. He left some cards at the SBK front desk. I encourage anyone and everyone who is looking for massage therapy or even a lovely way to recover and rest the mind to reach out to him. Best massage I've ever had and changed my recovery experience drastically.
I'm so excited to have him upstairs!
6am with McDowell and Ro
Struggled to make it in today thanks to a relatively late night scotch tasting with the 6am crew. Pretty sure I was emitting ethanol through my pores.
3X5 at 250#. Still moving well. As usual my first set is the grindy one and the other two move smoother.
Did this at 115# because I didn't want to vomit.
Fastest round was 1:39. Slowest was 2:16.
Noon lifts
Still hate 'em, but Jess said theyoved well. Using these to build strong quads and a strong upper back.
Was supposed to be 5s but failed the 5th on set one and two, resigned to hit 4 on my last set. Will 3×3 next week to keep it moving through the meet.
I hope "get drunk, not fat" can help me make weight!
Snatch, Work up to opener
CJ, Work up to last warm up weight
Sweaty, beautiful 6:30 class.
Warmup: DO suggested "freestyling on the theme of warmup 1 or warmup 2" so I did 3x{10 20# wall balls @ 10', 10 pushups, 5 baby kipping pullups}. However on-point my wall-balls were on Saturday, they were not today.
HBBS 255x5x3. Everything felt heavy. I blame the dew point.
WOD: I came in thinking I wanted to try this RX, and gradually reset my expectations. Did 2 sets at 115, failed the 3rd at 115, then last 2 at 95. This was way harder than I thought it was going to be. I don't think I'm cycling these right – I'm literally just holding the bar up at the bottom, but I feel like there is something clever you can do with the front rack position that I didn't figure
Warm up
15 am swings 16kg bell x2
10 push ups x2
3 pull ups
170×5, then 170x3x2 — racked it after 3 reps each time. Wasn't feeling it today
Pretty sure that's a record for 5 reps tho
Work-out @83#
15 cal row, 12 push jerks in 4 min for 5 rnds
Had about 1:45 rest each round. So, pretty tough but just right Id say
Looking to be able to handle these heavier weights soon..
OK- first time posting so you KNOW this is something serious… I NEED to give my 7:30 PM class a serious shout out! These ladies were incredibly inspiring and DO led the most encouraging class to date. I can't express fully how amazing I feel to have been a part of such a powerful group. Thanks for turning up the WODs, CFSB – and thank you 7:30 PM ladies – you reinvigorated my spirit!
Fun time with Ro tonight. Much better lifts than yesterday.
Snatch– Don't remember what KG we worked up to. Somewhere btwn. 35-40? They felt a lot better than yesterday. Stayed in the tunnel. Pulled elbows high and outside, bar close. However, today's issue: not leading with the bar on the way up so I lost two good lifts when I shouldn't have. Oh well.
C&J– first time jerking with ZERO PAIN in forever. Wahoo! Acupuncture/cupping might be working! Ro thinks it's just cause "I'm starting to believe". Worked up to around 50kg. Obviously not keeping track.
SWATZ: worked up to somewhere around 70kgx2x2. Super fast. Good bounce.
Nice little deload before next Tuesday (Max out/PR Bday party?).
Cash out: 2 servings of ice cream and mobz while watching shark week.
was iffy about training tonight, not feeling 100%, but glad I did a little work.
warm up: snatch drills a few times through with just the bar. did some extra drop snatch, with renewed focus on punching up as i drop. feeling solid.
Front Squat: work up to heavy 3, then ME @ 80% of heavy 3
45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×3, 155×3, 160×3
It's hard to believe I was doing 155x5x3 back in January before iron maidens, but I suppose I was just powerlifting at that point. First two at 160 felt awesome and then I kind of rushed the last one and got a bit rounded in upper back on the way up.
80%: 125×13 before I called it quits. mayyyy have had 1 more decent rep, but wanted to leave a couple in the tank.
HSPU: 3×2 strict. didn't want to push volume, since this was iffy for my wrist. felt okay.
little extra: 3 rounds
7 DB strict press – 25#
15 hollow rocks
voodoo R wrist, L above knee before heading out.
6:30pm class, sweaty.
HBBS: 135x5x3. First set felt a little off, but second two felt solid.
WOD: 1:32 (fastest)/1:53(slowest) @ 73#
Still easing back into WODs with barbells, and this was definitely the most intense workout I have done in a while. Did the first three rounds unbroken, then rounds 4 and 5 as 8/4. That 73# felt heavy!
It's great being back in group class.
Also, today marks my one year anniversary in New York!
@Val – that's awesome!
Also wanted to mention that CrossFit kids was a great experience for my girls this week.
Siena (almost 7) is pretty daring, so the opportunity to learn safe and productive ways to move and channel that energy and adventurous spirit is great.
Elaina (4 and a half) has already demonstrated greater confidence and a desire to try new things since the class — as in climbing on and jumping off objects twice her size. She asks for a spot tho
It's so cool for kids to benefit from CrossFit the same way adults do; working hard to achieve something that seems unlikely or feels really hard instills a sense of accomplishment and trust in your own abilities. What an awesome thing to learn at a young age!
@val GIRLS RULE!!!!!! Had fun in class tonight too!
7:30 pm w/ DO – 608 (Chix only)
Been trying to be diligent with my ankle. Spent the squatting period mobilizing. For those who struggle with ankle stiffness like me and want the info: been focusing mostly on soft tissue w/ PVC, gastroc as well as soleus stretching, posterior distraction w/ rogue band, slow and controlled air squats, threw in some pistols w/ distraction and single leg Deadlifts for a little balance work. Things seem to be loosening up. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Conditioning: 4 min for 5 rds: 2:24, 2:27, 2:27, 2:34, 2:37 RX
15 cal row
12 STO @ 95#
This workout was perfect. I loved every minute of it, regardless of the sweatfeSt
Cashout: beach volleyball: SPIKING TACOS MADE THE PLAYOFFS!! Mighty proud : )
I'm covered in sand.
Great posts! Thanks Val and Lauren!! I love coaching kids and adults!!!!! I guess I just love coaching!
12pm-ish session
215x5x3…except I failed my very last rep. Pretty disappointed with this so I'll repeat this weight next week and make them all. No belt this week but might use it for last set next week.
Rowing/STO Wod:
-Fastest was 1:40. Came off the erg in about :42 and split the STO in 6-6. Went it way to fast t maintain.
-slowest was my 3rd round at 2:38. Still tried to push the erg and that left me gassed. Did 4 then 1 STO and thought I was going to pass out and quit. Finished it out and the remaining 2 rounds though I didn't really want to.
-other rounds were roughly 1:50, 2:12, 2:28
That was a doozy!