Chincy catching some late afternoon rays last Wednesday
- Happy birthday, Johanna N.!!!
Holiday Schedule Updates
- All classes will run as normal.
- Open gym today will begin earlier today, at 4pm (still running til 8pm).
- Open gym tomorrow (7/4) is CANCELED.
- Kids Club on Sunday (7/5) is CANCELED.
CFSBK Doggie Play Date
Ever wished your dog could make friends the same way you do at CFSBK? Now he/she/they have the chance!
What: CFSBK Doggie Play Date
When: Saturday, July 18, from 2-3:30 pm
Where: CFSBK, in 608
Member Lyssa Howells will also be there to share her dog training business, It Howls, with others. But please note: this is definitely not a dog training class, just an opportunity for SBK to support our dog-owner community.
How Fit Are You, Really? You can take a test to find out.
Corporations Are Selling Themselves with #LoveWins. We Don’t Have to Buy It. The Washington Post
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
21 Kettlebell Swings
15 Wall Balls
9 Box Jumps
50-40-30 reps, For Time:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Box Jumps 24/10
Post rounds/reps and Rx to comments.
Thursday (last night):
Snatch 55#. After chatting with Pierre about the technical nature of the snatch, I realized I need to go into Thursday workouts strictly thinking about technique, and not worrying about staying in the 50# range. This will make it more fun, I think.
OHS: 62# 3×3. Could have gone heavier!!
Burpees: 7 the first 4 rounds, 6 the next 3, 8 last round
Saturday (8am):
FS: 3×3 107.5… Thought I was going to 110, but this was the right move.
fitness wod: 11:02. white KB/russian, 14# ball/8ft target–>lazy?, 20in box. All unbroken.
Thursday, 6:30 w/ Whit & Ro. Kept it light, working on form. Back and hip feel very tight but OK.
Fitness snatch complex at 63#. Did maybe 6 or 7 here. Ro helped me a a bit with keeping the bar close to me on the snatch pull. I liked snatching from the mid-hang.
OHS 3×3 @ 78
-All the work I've been doing on my hips and thoracic spine seems to be paying off. I was able to stay more upright than I ever have before in my OHS. Felt very comfortable at the bottom. Granted, this is light, but hopefully I can build on these positions from here.
Second half of a very scaled comp workout with Joe and Brendan:
3×3 Front squat @ 121.
-I was supposed to do 4×3, building up. Had some discomfort on the third set so skipped the fourth. Figured it was better to stay light to day than to build up.
Some very slight deficit hspu in between each. I couldn't get it together on these today.
15 push press (75)
9 muscle ups
12 pp
7 mu
9 pp
5 mu
I think I did this in 8 something? I am not really sure. First time doing a workout with a barbell movement in a long time. The push presses felt hard and I had a little trouble getting into a really solid position at the top. Muscle-ups also felt hard today!
10 am with Noah and McDowell. I did Thursday's snatching with McDowell. I worked up to 115#. These actually felt pretty good today-relatively quick and well balanced. 3×3 ohs at 105. I have room to go up in weight, but I wouldn't call these easy.
The tabata burpee cashout was fun. I did 52 reps, which beat my previous PR by 12. So hooray for that.
According to the test, I have the fitness level of an "under 20 year old"…which is dope considering my 29th bday in two weeks.
Huge 8 AM class today! Fun to squat with beast Linda and Alex.
HBBSQ, 170x3x3. I think I can take one more 10# jump before I go to 5# increases.
Performance rep scheme on the WOD, but subbed air squats for wall balls. I kept the Rx weight for the KB but did Russian one-armed swings. 15:49. Air squats are much easier than wall balls. 😛
Fun 8am class with McDoah
FSQ: 45×3, 95×3, 135×3, 155×2, 165x3x3
This moved well. Will add 5lbs next week.
Perf WOD: 19:49 rx'd
This was a tough one. I ended up doing step ups on the box jumps for the rounds of 40 and 30. Thanks to Stella for the encouragement to push through at the end.
Yesterday- Strength Cycle
Deadlift (1@8RPE, 3@8RPE, 3@9RE, 1@back-off)
135 x 5
165 x 5
205 x 3
235 x 2
265 x 1
295 x 1 (8RPE)
275 x 3 (8RPE)
285 x 2 (9RPE)
265 x 3
Did not attempt a third rep at 285. I would have had it but it would have been close to max effort at that point.
Did not switch grip until 265.
Press (4@,7,8,9RPE, 4@BO)
45 x 4
57 x 4
67 x 4
72 x 4
77 x 4 (7RPE)
80 x 4 (8RPE)
82 x 3 (9.5RPE)*
72 x 4
* Really fought for that fourth rep but alas, I couldn't finish it but I came soooo close!!!!
Weighted lunges (4 x 8 each)
45 x 8
75 x 8
95 x 8
105 x 8
95 x 8 x 2
Felt a bit wobbly. My ass is hella sore today!!!
Today 12pm
Pause Squat (3@7,8,9RPE, 1@back-off)
45 x 5
95 x4
135 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3
215 x 3 (7RPE) (PR)
220 x 3 (8RPE) (PR)
225 x 3 (9RPE)
210 x 3
Bench Press (3@7,8,9RPE, 3@BO)
45 x 3
75 x 3
95 x 3
105 x 3
115 x 3
120 x3 (6.5RPE)
125 x 3 (7.5RPE)
130 x 3 (9RPE)
122 x 3
Chin-ups 10 minute AMRAP-
EMOM- 5 then 3 after that= 32.
AMRAP- 3 rounds each movement.
30 seconds on, 30 seconds off
Squat @ 40%-105#
Bench @ 40%-55#
Margie said I am not supposed to count reps on this at all, so I didn't, as much as it killed me not to!!!
Definitely harder than last week because of soreness but still felt good!
So awesome to lift with my gym wife Serene; it had been way too long!
Alright happy fourth, you guys!!!
Good times with Ro today. Messing around 90-95% on lifts in preparation for max out next week.
Worked up to #114 (ish) snatch PR–solid and fairly easy
#155(ish) clean
#185 2RM BSQT
love working in KGs cause I have no clue what's on the bar and can just focus on lifting while Ro tells me to put _____ on the bar.. My biggest issue is the muscle between my ears. Of course, will work on barithmetic next cycle but….for now… I enjoy being surprised by every lift I make 🙂
Great session today at The Dirty Gym in Dayton, Ohio.
Sumo Deadlift
Worked up to a heavy triple at 405
Everything felt great except for the 257.5 Bench which was supposed to be two doubles. Failed the 2nd rep on the first set and so did 5 singles.
Some HBBS:
225×5, 235×4, 235×3
Some Bench:
160, 185, 185×5
One beer (thanks Dave Fung) :
Yup, tonight's OG was like a George Thorogood song.
Fox! What happend to the FaceTime bench session??