Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 1-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 5/3/1, 5 Week, 65%x5/75%x5/85%x5+
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
15 Push Press
For Time:
550m Run
21 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
400m Run
15 Shoulder to Overhead
270m Run
9 Shoulder to Overhead
Post time and Rx to comments.
Henry and Hunter sharing a tender moment at OG on Friday
Want to Go Horseback Riding?
Cruise Director Mare L. wants to know if you’re interested in a horseback riding day trip on Sunday, July 12 in the Hudson Valley.
What: Beginner-friendly one hour trail ride in the Hudson Valley preceded by a half-hour riding tutorial, guided by Netherwood Acres
When: Sunday, July 12
Cost: $95
Email Mare [at] by TOMORROW if you are interested and please let her know if you have a car/can drive.
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the fifth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year!
Event Schedule
Sunday, August 2nd, 9am: CrossFit Queens
Sunday, August 9th, 12pm: CrossFit Virtuosity
Sunday, August 16th, 12pm: CrossFit Long Island City
Sunday, August 23th, 12pm: CrossFit South Brooklyn
Scoring will work “Open-style”: top 3 male and top 3 female athletes from each affiliate will score based on their place finish in each event. Athletes may score in any event regardless of attendance at other events.
The ultimate series winner will be the affiliate with the least points after all 4 events have been completed. In the event of a tie, a 5th tie-breaking event will be held.
As last year, an Rx division and Scaled division trophy will be awarded.
All athletes MUST register for each individual event in advance via EventBrite in order to participate. Each event will be capped at 100 total participants, so we strongly advise you to register ASAP. These events sell out quickly.
If you have questions about the Subway Series, email Coach MeLo at Melissa [at]
Allied Force Rookie
Reddit is an Incubator of Hate Buzzfeed News
6am with JB and McDowell
Hit 115# for the Linear Progression. Starting to get heavy.
Performance WOD Rx'd in 9:50. Broke up the S2O 11/6/4, 8/7, 9. The runs felt great mostly because of the welcome cool breeze.
Great morning in the gym. This was my fourth day in a row so I am looking forward to zero fitness tomorrow.
6:30am SC
LBBS: 140lbs 3 x 5
Felt good, hit dept in first set, might have been a bit shallow on a few afterward. 3 x 5 PR
Press: 60lbs 3 x 2, and what should have been 50lbs rep out
60 was moving quick; messed up loading the bar, so I ended up with a 5lbs plate on left side and a 2.5lbs on right. SO annoying because I could have done more -ended up with 8 reps.
Deadlift 180lbs x 1
Was smoked after squat PR, so called it a day after the first lift and will repeat Wed.
PS: If you've never done SC and want to get past a hump, I can't recommend it enough. I was stuck in the 100s for what seemed like a year before I started SC.
This message has been brought to you by People Who ♥ Strength Cycle.
6am with JB and McD
Press: 33×5, 53×5, 62×3, 68x5x3
It's starting to feel heavier, but still moving well
Perf WOD: 73# in 10:02. I broke up the S2O into 11-5-5, 8-7, 9. Thanks to Stella and Joy for the encouragement to do the perf workout!
Feeling very sore from Cindy the other day. It was a lot of volume after a month without a ton of CrossFit, and then I waited too long to eat afterwards.
73×3, 68x2x5. That 73, which usually is fine for me, just wasn't happening today. Even 68 was rough.
Per WOD with HSPUs instead of push presses: 7:59. HSPUs felt pretty good. Run felt less than smooth.
6 AM again. Unlike last week, when I was all chipper from jet lag, this was rough. Still not planning on making a habit of this…but given that I have 8:30 AM PT appointments scheduled for at least the next two weeks, maybe I will!
Press with football bar, 65x5x3. Just fine. I tried picking up a regular 33# bar to see whether it was comfortable and it wasn't. (Fox, I swear my wrist wasn't bent, either.) Oh well, in the meantime I'm grateful the football bar exists.
WOD performance rep scheme, one-armed bandit version (30# DB push press left arm), 8:24. I should have picked a heavier dumbbell. I feel like I'd use 30 for push press on both sides, but then as I was doing the workout it was clear that since I'm using both hips to drive, but only one arm is bearing weight, that I should have done 35.
Fish CSA peeps: if you haven't made your striped bass yet, you need to cook it today. Here's what I made and I really loved it:
re: striped bass-I just pan seared mine with some olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon, and a teensy bit of garlic and it turned out great! And I really have no idea what I am doing in the kitchen!
11am lifts
Felt better than last week. Not sure where to give more credit to that…Arturo who was benching with me, or the full scoop of C4 I took. I'll go with Arturo.
Felt better than last week also. Carryover Ro?
Fun 10am with Noah:
Press: 5X3 at 55– first set was a struggle, came up on my toes a little. Tried to focus on bar path and moving my head out of the way. Helpful advice from Noah to think about staying back in my heels, which made a big difference in my last two sets. The last rep was really hard; I might just go up to 56…maybe 57 next week.
Performance WOD: 7:55. Only did 42# with push jerks, which was way too light. I should have at least done 52, but really wasn't sure how to determine what weight would be appropriate. It's been awhile and I've improved a lot since doing a S2O, for time workout. Now I know.
3 rounds
:10 chin up hold
:30 hollow hold
5X2Yellow Band Ring Dips (Technically 5X1, 4X1… Failed the last rep)
5X1 Red Band Ring Dips
… I'm getting better! 🙂
Bye Brian and Jenn! I will miss you guys! Have fun living the dream in CA.
Yesterday: 103# on the performance clean and jerk complex. 16:42 on the partner WOD, rxed with Kate and Asha.
Today: 65#x9 on the wendler rep out after adding 5# to my training max. Then 10:14 (I think, it was definitely 10 something, maybe 10:41?) on the performance WOD, rxed.
Back in the gym after a two week hiatus and it feels so good!
Was very scary to wake up and have the blog not reset for Monday. Apocalyptic feeling! In the early morning haze it seemed more likely that I was confused and it was still Sunday, than that the blog could be wrong about the day of the week.
53# press, where I ended last cycle, moving really well, and thanks JB for great feedback on keeping my weight balanced. Also did 53# for the push press WOD because I always do whatever Shawn does. We agreed after that was the right choice.
Mostly though wanted to say I am LOVING the cash outs lately! Thank you for the fun variety!!!
Jynne, great instincts! This was all an elaborate plan to help you guys mentally prepare for the end of days.
Not really, I forgot to click the set to publish button. Haven't done that in a while. I'm surprised more of you didn't send me panicked emails. I think I was blinded by rainbows, sincere apologies!!
Press 105#x5. 120#x5 135#x8
Did fitness WOD subbed 400m row and push presses at 115#
Finished in 7:53 went reasonably hard on the row and did all presses unbroken.
Gotta try to get my sleep and eating routine back in check.
Oh my god that Fish CSA is the best thing ever! I pan-seared mine in Kerrygold with lemon, red chili flakes and capers…. Still have one portion left so will check out that recipe Mchele. Thanks! Going to double up next time around I think.
Strength Cycle noon.
Comp Squat (1@8RPE, 3@8RPE, 3@9RPE, 3@back-off)
45 x 10
95 x 10
135 x 5
165 x 4
185 x 3
210 x 2
225 x 1
235 x 1
240 x 1 (8RPE??)
225 x 3 (8RPE)
235 x 3 (9RPE)
225 x 3
OK so this was weird because I probably should have gone heavier for the singe at 8RPE. It is really hard to tell when it is that heavy, how much I have left in me. But I guess I am learning. I was really happy that I managed to squat to depth for all reps today.
Comp Bench (pause) (1@8RPE), 3@8RPE, 3@9RPE, 3@back-off)
45 x 5
75 x 4
95 x 3
110 x 2
125 x 1
135 x 1 (8RPE)
125 x 3 (9RPE)
120 x 3
Matched my PR there and could definitely have done two more reps. 🙂
Should have dropped to 120 x 3 though and gotten that set at 8RPE in but I'll know next time.
Banded Deadlift (5@7,8,9RPE)
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5 (7RPE)
225 x 5 (8RPE)
230 x 5 (9RPE)
Today was awesome and all my lifts went well. YAY!!
Pre Class
Worked some positions on the snatch at light weight. I was gonna go for a heavy single power snatch but immediately changed it to light techinque work when I started moving the bar
1" pull + Power Snatch
55kg x1x5
6:30pm Group with NoRo Medicine Show
2 Rounds:
8e Rev Lunges
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
Fitness WOD at 115lbs
13:08 I think?
Felt like I was running on fumes.
Ripped Steakface came to the gym for one thing today, and that was to blast.
Chinese Rows (im fairly certain thats what these are called)
Reverse Hypers 100# 4×12
Tabata Assault bike: 57 calories
7:30 with Ro
63x5x3 strict press.
performance WOD with 63# push jerks in 9:14. Was trying to keep pace with Michael C!
Running was an obstacle course.
Cashout: hollow hold, chin ups holds but more importantly, SUSHI and beer.
Frustrating Open Gym last night.
Warmed up, got some snatching in but nothing was feeling very on or strong.
Did some MU transitions w red band and dips and called it a night.
Then proceeded to battle a nasty case of food poisoning which had me pretty out of commission thru today. I did get to a yoga class tonight which was great and would have been even better if I'd had full command of my abdominals.
Hoping to get into class tomorrow. I'm in need of a good training streak.
HBBS: 245x5x3
WOD @20kg goblet lunges, 5 strict pull-ups: exactly 6 rounds.