Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP, 20 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Compare to 10.5.2014, 6.26.2014, and 10.31.2013
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
News and Notes
- Lots of new LOST AND FOUND items. Guys, there’s some cute stuff in there. Get it before we give it away!
- Happy birthday to our favorite special snowflake, Stella Z.!
Bend, Stretch, and Mobilize This Morning, and Get Your Open Gym On This Afternoon
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney is at 10am.
- Active Recovery is at 11am and noon today with Coach David.
- Can’t make one of our morning classes today? We’re now offering open gym hours on Saturdays from 2-4pm.
Never Rip Your Hands at CrossFit Men’s Journal
LOL, special snowflake. I'm becoming less of one, I swear! At least, I did when I used the regular barbell to squat yesterday, finally. 🙂
Thanks! I plan to celebrate with AR and karaoke (not at the same time, relax, DO).
Still sore from Wednesday!
Yesterday: Press 90×3, 100×3, 110×7? 8?, then 5k treadmill run at an average 5 degree incline. Slow and sweaty.
Today: front squat 220x3x3, getting kind of heavy. This is a little weaker than I was six months ago, but not so bad considering three months off.
Best CrossFit shit talk ever (mid-WOD, certainly not me): "DO, could you please get me another whiteboard? Mine is full." Meanwhile I feel like a blob of meat that has been tenderized and marinated for too long, so that it has started to dissolve into an unsightly but potentially tasty mess. Did not go bonkers today. Finished 4 squats shy of 11 rounds.
Also, big thanks to DO for taking the time to work on my kip with me today. I've been letting it slide b/c of so much else to focus on, but I should be able to practice your tips while warming up. Hard to focus mid-WOD but I did feel a difference. Hopefully with some consistent practice I'll get this back, once upon a time I think I could string these together OK…
10 with Mcd and Melo
130x3x3 for the FS. Switched my hand grip width and it felt much better.
Cindy… RXd …(!!!)
I did singles for the kipping pull ups but Mcdowell encouraged me to just do it so I had a benchmark to look at in the future. Some of the pull ups were a little low (ie: mouth at bar level).
7 rounds +5 pull ups + 5 pushups.
Pushups were surprisingly slow , I think I'm still tight from that Deadlift WOD ?
Front Squat: 210x3x3
Cindy with strict pull-ups: 12 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 7 push-ups. This is a PR.
Jenny! Way to go with the pullups and RX'd Cindy!!!
Front Squat 3X3 105#: my technique was terrible! Definitely staying here next week…it was super hard.
Cindy: 10 rounds + 1 pull-up. Knee pushups. Tore my callous in the 9th round which was annoying…I even read an article about how to not rip your hands in preparation ( Oh well.
Thanks Allie! Slow and steady haha
No worries, DPAK. Smooth is strong!!
Big flowing kip!
Saturday OG
CrossOver Symmetry
3 Rounds
16 GHD Sit-Ups
12 Walking Lunges with 12kg KBs in Front Rack
8e Bottoms up KB Press. Easy on right, earthquake on left
Front Squat
Did the first one paused then two normal. Too much konditori in Sweden
Bent Over Rows
Skipped Cindy since I just did the Goblet Squat/Push-up/Swing Metcon in Sweden.
Back is holding up thus far. Ive added GHD hyper extensions to my warm up which feels key.
Jerk, 1RM
385 PR
Behind neck press
Reverse hypers and ab wheel
Off, DPAK….that was me shit talking. :-/
OG last night:
lots of mobilizing, then
3 rounds not for time
row 20 calories, trying to keep pace above 900 cal/hr (I feel like I've lost power!)
5-6 muscle-ups (all unbroken, tried to get to the point where I felt tired but wouldn't fail. Shoulders were smoked from Wednesday's dips
10 strict hspu (5-6 unbroken, then the rest in 2's or 3's. These did not feel great)
9am with DO
Front squat 3×125. Light, focusing on staying tight and and upright.
Cindy: 21 rounds + 6 push ups, PR! Pulls ups and squats stayed pretty consistent across rounds, push-ups pretty quickly became 5+3+2, but I felt like they held up more than last time I did this (when I got just a touch above 20).
Jenny! That's awesome! Well done!
And BIG congrats to Alona on her first chin-up. What a great feeling 🙂
Pause Squatz (4@7,8,9RPE, 4@back-off)
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 4
185 x 4
200 x 4 (7RPE)
205 x 4 (8RPE)
210 x 4 (9RPE)
200 x 4
Bench Press (4@,7,8,9RPE, 4@ back-off)
45 x 5
65 x 4
85 x 4
105 x 4
115 x 4 (7RPE)
120 x 4 (7.5RPE)
125 x 4 (9RPE)
117.5 x 4
Reverse Hyper (3×8@8RPE)
20 x 8
30 x 8
40 x 8
50 x 8
60 x 8
70 x 8
80 x 8 x 3 (8RPE)
Took me forever to find the right weight and get the movement right as it was my first time actually using this properly. I was using too much momentum for the warm-up sets…obviously will do less sets next time since I know now what it is supposed to feel like. Thanks DO for the help with this.
10 min AMRAP- strict chin-ups
then for conditioning I did one of Margie's workouts.
3 rounds each lift- 30 sec AMRAP,30 sec rest.
Squat @ 40%- 105#
13, 12, 13
Bench Press @40%- 55#
19, 17, 17
Deadlift @ 40%- 130#
20, 21, 15
This kicked my ass. Need to do my deadlifts more touch and go next time as I wasn't getting much bounce and that last set was rough. I'm out of practice when it comes to those!!
Doing these lifts for reps/time is kinda weird but kinda cool. Will be adding this to my weekly program.
I have questions, you guys! Questions about the bands. I want to know which is harder — as in, more challenging, less resistance help: the blue band, or the red and the orange band combined.
I found this: but it doesn't include orange bands, and instead includes purple bands, so I'm not sure what's what. Does purple = orange, do you think? Any idea? Thanks for any thoughts!
Front Squat: 115x3x1, 120x3x2
Cindy: Rx 11 rounds +2
A reminder that I need to do pushups more regularly.
Awesome job, Jenny!
JB that is inspiring!
Thanks ya'll you are too kind!