Fitness: Halting Snatch Deadlift + Mid Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Work up to a medium heavy load on the complex, aim for a few pounds heavier than last week.
Performance: 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Snatch
Work up to a medium heavy load on the complex, aim for a few pounds heavier than last week.
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Overhead Squat: 3 x 3
Jerks okay to get the bar overhead. Aim to do these at 100% of your best snatch. Use your snatch width grip.
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Coach David demo-ing a lava-rock-jumping move for our CrossFit Kids. DO, we miss you!
- Happy birthday, Michael B. and Scott K.!
Register Today For the Starting Strength Fall Classic
This is the second annual Strength Meet put together by Starting Strength. On the weekend of October 24, 2015, nine Starting Strength gyms across the US and Canada will host meets contesting the Squat, Press, and Deadlift. CrossFit Gantry will be hosting in NYC. Not only will you compete against lifters in your own area, but results will be compared to lifters across all 9 sites.
Top female and male lifters will win a spot at a Starting Strength seminar, a $900 value.
Where: CrossFit Gantry, LIC
When: October 25, 2015 8:30am-5pm
Everyone is welcome and spots will fill up fast, so sign up soon! If you are also interested in competing as a CFSBK team member, contact Margie [at]
CrossFit and the Chinese Buffet: How Whole30 Changed My Life SunHerald
Mary Oliver’s Cancer Poem, “The Fourth Sign of the Zodiac” On Being
I'm registered for the Starting Strength Fall Classic!! JOIN US!
Please tell me DO is back in time for AR on Saturday. If AR is canceled on my birthday I will be a 37-year-old pouting like a 7-year-old!
Bethany — awesome!
Also doing the SS Fall Classic, hoping Charlie's singlet fits me, so I can parade around in it. Hope more people sign up too!!!
6am with Jess and Nick
Fitness Snatch: 33, 53, 63, 73, 83F, 73
I should've easily hit 83, but I am still sore from Tuesday's workout and was in my head a bit. Also I haven't improved my commitment issues with dropping under the bar (but the accessory work is building my confidence).
OHS accessory work: 63×3, 73×3, 83×3, 93×3, 98×3?
Partnered with Joy and can't remember if I also hit 103. Ran out of time/took too much time to figure out what my work set would be to do 3×3.
Cash out: 400m goblet KB carry, using the 20kg. This was much harder than I expected. My pecs/arms were already fatigued and this didn't help that any. Beautiful morning to be outside though!
10am w/ Coach Jess
Snatch: Performance:
up to 115#, then just did pulls at 125#
OHS: 135×3, 145×3, 145×3
Yet another no-so-great Snatch day. I was like one of those Inflatable Arm-flailing Tube Men
you see in car dealership parking lots.
Wednesday afternoon session. deload week is great:
WU: 3 rounds 12 hollow rocks and some squat mobz. snatch drills.
-3 position clean: 5×1@70%: 108#. felt good. threw the bar into my throat once. blergh.
-5×4 strict ring dips. these have gotten so much better with training!
-4×3 jerk grip btn pp + 2 jerk grip ohs @ 80% of max
83#. easy peasy.
Accessory work: 4 rounds
8 ghd sit up
6 pistols
client canceled, so then I had time to force myself into some conditioning:
3 RFT:
25 kb swings (24kg American)
50' DB OH walking lunge (25# DB's)
Time: 11:50. woof. swings were in 10's 8's 6's. was afraid of tearing calluses.
cash out: volleyball, food, beer, and not enough sleep.
Thursday morning session:
knees feeling REALLY cranky, achey, bad. lax ball supra patellar smash helped a bit.
EMOM 5:00: 3 T&G power snatch @ 70% of 1rm power snatch
73#. focused on being patient and getting bar to hips. I think mostly successful?
EMOM 5:00: 2 T&G power clean + push jerks @ 70%
98#. feeling sharp. brushed my chin on one jerk.
FRONT SQUAT: 4×5 @ 75% of 5rm: 105# felt great!
HSPU: 5×2 strict with 1 abmat. getting there.
finished with voodoo floss above and below both knees. will do this again later. think my calves are also super tight.
10am with Jess: rarely take class with her! It was so fun!
Snatch Fitness: I did 52, 57 for one rep, then had to go back down to 52. Great advice from Jess about moving knees out of the way and keeping the bar away from my thighs slightly. Made a big difference.
OHS: 57X3X3.
I was feeling weak…I think I need to eat a bigger breakfast before working out.
I miss you all too!!
Took a class at CrossFit Medis in Stockholm today. Really small gym (one little room) in the bottom of a professional building. Overall it had a good vibe, everyone was friendly and there was a down to earth vibe. Coaching was good. They had showers too
Lots of dynamic movement prep followed by a Kettlebell progression meant to prime the movements we'd see later.
Bench press 7-7-7-7
Worked up to 160x7x2
AMRAP 9 minutes
9 push-ups
12 goblet squats
15 kb swings
I used a 24kg and got about 3.5 rounds
I recommend them if you're in Stockholm
I signed up for the SS Fall Classic too! YAY!!
Strength Cycle 12pm
Competition Deadlift
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x3
255 x1
275 x 1
285 x 1 (9RPE)
255 x 4 (7.5RPE)
265 x 3*
250 x 4
Ummmm…. this didn't go as well as I had hoped. 285# was supposed to be an 8RPE but it felt heavier than that today. I dropped the bar on my last rep of the set of 4 at 265#. I picked it up and then decided I didn't want to pull it. Felt really stupid after but had to gett on with things. Seems each time I left, one of my lifts goes badly and the rest go wel…which leads me to…
45 x 5
55 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 5
72 x 5 (7RPE)
75 x 5 (8RPE)
80 x 5 (9RPE)
72 x 5
80# is a PR for 5!!!! Finally making some progress here. YAY!
Weighted step-ups (DB's) to 16' box
25 x 8 each
35 x 8 each
40 x 8 each
45 x 8 each
Finally back in the saddle with some light lifts today
No hook Clean dead lifts
Oooh! Totally forgot to mention that I used a hookgrip for the DL up to 255# which is a PR in itself so actually the DL's were not a complete disaster lol!!
12pm fake out but made it back for 7:30pm class
Snatch Complex
2 Snatch Pulls, 1 Snatch
35kg x 1 x 2, 37x 1 x 2, 39 x 1 x 2, 42 – caught funny stood up and bailed forward
40 x 1 x 2 good place to finish
1 Push Press, 3 OHS
85#, 95, 105, 110, 115 – all felt solid
125 on the bar, bailed the push press..
400m Goblet Carry
24kg – put it down 3 times. Harder than I thought. Disconcerting burn in anterior delts
Cool misty air tonight made for a nice bike ride
Fitness snatch: One rep each at:
78 F Thought this was 68 when I attempted so was surprised at how heavy it felt. I hit it the second time bc I was expecting it to feel heavy.
88 fail x 4
BUT I was SO close. Caught it at the bottom almost every time. The first time, I stayed at the bottom too long, then my weight shifted onto my heels and I fell over. Whit said I'm looking down instead of having a neutral head position.
OHS: 3 reps each @ 63, 73, 83, 93, 98