Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week. Take five minutes to warm up to work weight. Should be 3-4 jumps to get there.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds for Reps, AMRAP in 3 Minutes:
3 Deadlifts 225/155
6 Push-Ups
9 each Alternating Reverse Lunges
Rest 1 minute. Start over on the barbell each round.
4 Rounds for Reps, AMRAP in 3 Minutes:
3 Power Cleans 205/135
6 Ring Dips
9 Pistols
Rest 1 minute.
Post reps per round and Rx to comments.
The Tallest Man on Earth, Michael C., getting low | Photo by Thomas H.
- THANK YOU to all those that registered to become bone marrow donors on Sunday and otherwise supported the cause. We had 20 people sign up!
- THE PLUMBING AT 608 IS FIXED, YAHOO! Thanks for your patience!
Want to Go Horseback Riding?
Cruise Director Mare L. wants to know if you’re interested in a horseback riding day trip on Sunday, July 12 in the Hudson Valley.
What: Beginner-friendly one hour trail ride in the Hudson Valley preceded by a half-hour riding tutorial, guided by Netherwood Acres
When: Sunday, July 12
Cost: $95
Email Mare [at] by Tuesday, June 30 if you are interested and please let her know if you have a car/can drive.
Join Us For a Paleo Potluck in Prospect Park on Saturday, July 18 From 12pm to 4pm
Mary M. is organizing a Paleo/Whole30 Potluck and Play Date in Prospect Park on Saturday, July 18th, from 12pm to 4pm. If her application goes through, we will also have access to the grills and be bale to barbeque!
When: Saturday, July 18, 12pm to 4pm (or later…)
Where: The space near 15th Street North, off the 15th Street/Prospect Park train station (F/G)
Bring: Foods/drinks/blankets/ice/coolers/etc. + gear for playing or sunbathing in the park!
RSVP and post on the event page what you’re bringing!
If you have any questions, email marymazilo [at]
A Note and Challenge From Mary
When it comes to health and fitness my dear friend Torey A. has been my inspiration and guru (she’s actually the person who told me about CrossFit and inspired me to join a box).
Recently I asked Torey what her thoughts were on juicing as a mechanism for resetting poor eating habits. I’ve had a long struggle controlling my sugar demons and was looking for a solution. She responded by asking if I’d heard of Whole30. I hadn’t. After a quick scroll through their website it became abundantly clear that this was Paleo on crack:
– no dairy
– no legumes
– no grains
– no added sugar (not even agave or honey)
– no alcohol
On a brighter note there is a huge focus on:
– whole foods
– cooking
– reevaluation of my relationship with food
Challenge accepted.
Given summer travel schedules, Torey and I decided it would be best to wait until July before we jump down the Whole30 rabbit hole.
So in the meantime, I’m mentally preparing. I’ve read It Starts with Food and have been experimenting with various recipes from the Whole30 cookbook.
The other important aspect of doing something like Whole30 is to build a support group—and who better to reach out to than the fine people of CrossFit South Brooklyn?
If you are looking for a midsummer fitness challenge, join me for the month of July! Or if you’ve done Whole30, I’d love to hear about your experience or any advice you might have.
And if a fitness challenge isn’t your thing, it’d still be awesome to see you at the BBQ/picnic/park outing!
RSVP and post on the event page what you’re bringing!
Sean “Diddy” Combs Charge With Assault (With a Kettlebell) at UCLA Deadspin
Besides using a kettlebell as a weapon, how else might you repurpose some of the equipment found in a CrossFit gym? Use your imagination!
QOD: I feel like AR has taught me how to repurpose a lot of equipment to mash out muscles with!
Hang wind chimes from pullup bars. (Please, NO.)
The football bar seems like it could be pretty useful in martial arts.
And I bet if you really wanted to, you could find some way to make a vehicle with plates for wheels and barbells for axles.
6am with McDowell and Ro
LBBS still moving well. Hit the LP at 235#. Ready for #245 next week.
Performance WOD
Power Cleans – Used 185#. Rx would have been way too heavy. Even the 185# was tough with bailed singles.
Ring Dips – Easy peasy. Unbroken throughout.
Pistols – First time doing this many pistols and I think my first time doing them in a WOD. Slow and steady but I got through them.
Total 140 reps.
I think the weight vests double pretty efficiently as bullet proof vests. Sometimes I wear my weight vest around town to run errands and I find myself thinking, "Go ahead roof top sniper. Take your best shot. You will be sadly disappointed when I get back up and dust myself off."
Spotted — CFSBK shirt in the Park Slope video on NYTImes….
How come I can picture MattyChm walking around with a weight vest on?
with all the dogs, I think next winter we could hook them up to the sled and have some fun.
6:30am SC
LBBS: 137.5lbs 3 x 5
repeat from Monday since I did't go to full dept. Did better today, but just barely. Will go to AR this weekend so I can get down on 140lbs.
Bench Press: 80lbs 3 x 2, 70lbs x 10
rep out, fun, might have had one or two more in me, but as soon as I hit the first one I felt hungry and out of energy
Cleans: 60lbs 3 x 3
bla bla bla – I want to join the 'don't-have-to-do-any more cleans' club
Mare, Horseback riding! Wha? Wow! I think thats going to have to be a yes for me!
Mary, oh I wish I could join challenge but I can't give up legumes. :,(. Look forward to hearing how it goes for you. I am in urgent need of a re-set and was thinking of doing a 3 day juice program next week.
Monday was first day back in group class, 5 weeks post-op, w/ Ro and Nick. OMG my legs are so sore! I am hobbling! It was the wall balls: 6# ball no less. Oh that 6# ball is so much fun, made me feel like a boss! I always thought it was a 9, but nope, it's a 6.
8am class
Also heavy
Bench Press (3 count pause)
45 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 5
100 x 5 (7RPE)
105 x 5 (8RPE)
110 x 5 (9RPE)
100 x 5
First time doing this. We've added in an extra bench day since I really need to improve a lot to catch up with my other lifts lol! Still haunted by a shoulder injury from last year but everything is feeling good, so it's time to ramp it up.
8 min AMRAP- strict chin-ups
EMOM- without going to failure.
Making it my mission to work on these at least twice per week.
Joined 12pm group class ffor Monday's WOD- thanks coaches for accommodating!
20 x Russian KB swings @ 24KG
15 x Wall Balls 14/9
7:55 (maybe 7:22- not sure; I was melting)
My goal was to finish all of the wallballs unbroken which is pretty much unheard of for me even in rounds of 10, and I almost did it but on the 10th rep of the last round the ball came straight down and I missed it! So close!! Haha. Still, I'm really happy with how this went.
15 hollow rocks
15 DB curls @ 17.5#
I honestly haven't done curls in over two years, probably the last time was when we had Fox's Pull-up Club after 8am class a few summers ago!! I was pretty surprised at how hard they were! I guess my arms were shot by that point.
Surely we can hook up our C2s to some generator-wheel thingybob and generate electricity for an airconditioner in the summer? All that mechanical energy not being converted to electromagnetic varietals gets to me.
Re the QOD, I have some really disgusting ideas about how to repurpose the Ring Thing – best not described on this forum.
Jay, I was counting on you!
Josh S. has a great idea that he is reluctant to post, but if you see him, you should all ask him about it.
First time ever taking a class with Jeremy!
HBBS:107.5X5X3 …Could have probably gone up to 110, but I was feeling tired. I need to figure out how to navigate my energy/eating habits to working out in the morning! As for backsquats, gotta keep my heels down and drive the hips through while keeping my chest up. (Don't we all?)
Reps were something like 54/47/45/47 on the workout… Used 130# for the deadlift: I almost stayed at 125 but am so glad I pushed myself a little more. The deadlifts were suuuper hard by the fourth round.
Cashout: Instead of running around the block, I ran up the hill to the park just so I could run back down.
Shoutout to my buddy Justine for her bodyweight backsquat today! Good luck in LA and hope you find a gym with as good of coaching as here!
Glad to hear you're back and killing it, Colleen!
Oh, and considering how hot it is at the gym, I propose using barbells to roll out some very large pizza crusts. Threes brewery will hire CFSBK as their next pizza residency…forget about Roberta's and Franny's.
To the coaches / anyone who is a doctor and or podiatrist : I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my left foot over the weekend, likely caused by running. The doctor that diagnosed me (no X-ray; I explained the pain and location and answered some other questions and the doc said stress fracture) said I would need about 6-8 weeks of rest to recuperate from the injury. I don't want to have to put my training at CFSB on hold for that long but I also realize that rest is impossible if I keep showing up to WODs every week. So my question is : How can I get adequate rest for my foot without having to completely stop working out at Crossfit? I would think I can still do most if not all strength work that would show up in the daily WODs but perhaps I would have to dial it back for any cardio/Met-Cons? Any thoughts / suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Hi all! I posted this on the classifieds as well, but we need MEAT HELP! We are going on vacation next week and need someone to help us pick up our Wednesday meat share. Does anyone happen to have extra room in their freezer? We will pay in meat and/or Uber fares! We can pick up on July 4th or 5th.
@ Sean. Sorry to hear about your foot. Neither a coach nor a podiatrist but I had a stress fracture in my left foot several years ago that required wearing a boot and not putting pressure on it for 11 weeks. I was still able to workout at Crossfit though I had to modify many of the workouts. There were some movements I could not do, i.e. squats, olympic lifts, running, rowing, box jumps. I focused on upper body, i.e. benching, seated DB presses and curls, GHD machine, sit ups, push ups with left foot resting on top of right foot, pull ups. I also did KB swings with my left foot on a bench. You can definitely still work out but it will be different and you should talk to the coaches about what movements you can do/sub and what the class size can accommodate. Speedy recovery.
I used the bathroom today at 608. It rocked.
Thanks for that, Management!
6:30 class today, sharing the bar with none other than Michael C, who does indeed squat to all the depth that's fit to squat.
245x5x3. Not exactly easy but fine. I've been feeling my lower back lately, if it feels the same next week I'll start wearing a belt just to be safe.
Fitness WOD – 155# dl, wanted something I was confident I wouldn't hurt myself on. Doing some upper body work is paying off, I flew through the pushups today with no fatigue at all. Total of 397 reps, the limiter was absolutely reverse lunges which started to get really exhausting to cycle quickly. Also lost a few reps stopping my bar from rolling away, should have prepped for that before the WOD ๐
Legs currently feel like jello.
Huey Lewis! Thank you for that awesome playlist today during warmup, coach JB and Noah.
Fitness WOD Rx: 83+77+73+73= 306 total reps
I took one full breath between each pushup so I wouldn't fatigue, but I think I could have gone faster. Right quad seized up from the lunges but I kept moving.
I signed up for THREE of the subway series events. That is SO unlike me as I've never competed (Well, I did one time but it was so poorly organized that I don't count it). I'm so nervous!! Since standards and WODs aren't posted, I signed up for scaled, but hopefully I will be able to do at least one Rx. Friends, please sign up and do it with me. You know who you are!
Thoroughly enjoyed my drop-in at McNoah's 5:30. Really appreciated the Huey Lewis cool down.
Partnered with Samir (some things don't change) for 240x5x3, which felt much harder than I would have wanted it to.
Performance WOD at 205 — went heavy on the cleans knowing the pistols would slow me down anyway. Managed 25, 21, 20, and 23 reps. Slippery bar towards the end there, but this one was lots of fun.
7:30 with Melo and JB
165x5x3. Was a little unsteady on my feet. This was the issue last week too, I've been experimenting with foot placement and depth so maybe that's why. Depth is definitely WAY better than in the past.
Fitness WOD RXd. Pretty consistent here. Scored as each round=18 reps but not sure if that was correct. I liked this one! Sweaty one.
50, 2 rds+3+6+10 lunges
52, 2 rds+3+6+14 lunges
51, 2 rds+3+6+12 lunges
49, 2 rds+3+6+9 lunges