Fitness: Halting Clean Deadlift + Mid Hang Clean + Jerk
Work up to a medium heavy load, around where you did last week’s triples.
Performance: 2 Clean Pulls + Mid Hang Clean + Jerk
Work up to a medium heavy load, about 80%.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of two with one partner working at a time, complete:
AMRAP 16 Minutes:
15 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
10 Burpee Box Jumps
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Stella Z. paid a visit to CrossFit AKA Westerpark in Amsterdam a couple nights ago. Here’s the photo evidence! From left to right: Stella’s husband David, Stella, and coach Alexander Kreuger. Check out her recommendation for the gym in Travel Gym Recommendations (scroll to the bottom), and post one of your own!
News and Notes
- SCHEDULING UPDATES: CFSBK Kids Club is CANCELED today, and will resume next Sunday.
- We’re still experiencing some plumbing issues and unfortunately cannot offer shower or bathroom services at 608. We’ll keep you all updated on their status as the issue gets resolved.
- Happy birthday, Yale M.!
The Bone Marrow Donor Registry Drive at CFSBK Is TODAY From 9:30am to 2:30pm!
The cure for blood cancer is in your hands. Every four minutes, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer like leukemia or lymphoma. For many patients a marrow transplant is the only life-saving treatment, yet 70% don’t have a matching marrow donor in their family, like little Asaya. CrossFit South Brooklyn is hosting a donor registry drive in partnership with BE THE MATCH, which over the past 25 years has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world and offers support and education before, during and after transplant.
Joining the BE THE MATCH registry is easy! A representative from BE THE MATCH will be at CFSBK today from 9:30am-2:30pm to explain what it means to join the registry, plus help you understand the health requirements and the commitment. After completing the necessary paperwork, all you then have to do to complete your registration is give four swabs of cheek cells, that’s it! Your cheek cells with then be tissue-typed and become a part of the registry doctors around the world search to find matches for their patients for potential bone marrow donation.
Additional Details About the Donation Process
There are no restrictions in terms of not eating/drinking prior to your cheek swab, but donors do need to be ages of 18-44 and in good general health.
If you are selected, donors will be asked to donate in one of two ways:
Peripheral blood cell (PBSC) donation involves removing a donor’s blood through a needle in one arm. The blood is passed through a machine that separates out the cells used in transplants. The remaining blood is returned through the other arm.
Bone marrow donation is a surgical procedure in which liquid marrow is withdrawn from the back of the donor’s pelvic bones using needles. Anesthesia is always used for this procedure, so donors feel no pain during marrow donation. Most donors feel some pain in their lower back for a few days afterwards. Learn more here.
Happy Father’s Day to all our CFSBK dads!
Just an FYI to any saint of person considering donating bone marrow. Just be advised that the "donors feel no pain" statement could not be more false. Obtaining bone marrow from the hip is known to be incredibly unpleasant.
Ok Jake, now I'm scared. I always heard it was incredibly painful but since they said it wasn't, I felt like there was no reason not to register. Eek!
8am. Perf Clean: worked up to 80kg substituting power clean and power jerk. Fox suggested a good drill that did translate into a much better push jerk. However, I did crack my chin with the bar on my last rep. Metcon: 9 rounds + 12 pullups w/ Roy. A bit unfair for him, since he was working 2:1 and and I was resting 2:1. All pullups unbroken butterfly, except for the last 5 in the 5th round. Burpee box jumps gassed me more than I was expecting. Humid day at CFSBK — summer is here.
There are two methods of donation: peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) collection and bone marrow donation. PBSC collection is a procedure similar to donating platelets. Blood is drawn from one arm into a machine that separates out the blood stem cells before returning the rest of the blood back to your body through the other arm. It is the donation method of choice 75% of the time. Stem cells replenish themselves within 3-6 weeks. Most PBSC donors return to normal activities within 2 days though more recovery time is needed if regular activities include physical labor, sports, etc. Bone marrow donation is outpatient surgical procedure performed under anesthesia. Recovery time is longer obviously and donors typically avoid strenuous activity for about 2 weeks. If you are one of the less than1% of registered donors that become a match, then whether to donate is of course a very personal decision. But registering is so easy.
9am with the foxes. Worked up to 135# on the C&J complex. My front foot on the jerks was soft and slow. I think this can be improved with more drilling and more reps (and at Fox's suggestion, with more weight).
Partnered with Conner on the metcon. We finished 9 rounds plus 6 pull-ups from me. I did the first round of 15 pull-ups unbroken, which was a PR number of unbroken pull-ups, but probably fried my grip more than was advisable. The next rounds I broke up into something like 5-5-3-2, then the next round I scaled to 10 reps because I had no grip left and I wanted to keep moving. Burpee box jumps were slow and steady. And I'm the idiot that nailed his forehead on the box. Just a little tap on the 4" riser thing, but yeah, proud moment.
10am with Fox and Katie
Worked up to 93 on the C&J. Working on a more shallow dip after Katie's advice and a more active front rack after Fox's. These felt fairly good considering my PR is 105
I blame the fact that i'm still drained from the WOD but I can't remember my partne'rs name. we did 11 rounds with ring rows subbed for pullups. Super Sweaty humid day.
Cash out: I (wo)manned up and signed up for the bone marrow registry. You should too!
Shweaty noon class
C&J complex
Worked up to 220 and then down to 198. Felt a bit inconsistent on the jerks.
WOD with Evan and a 24" box
I think we got 11 rounds plus 8 pull ups. My pull ups fell apart. Evan never stopped moving. Tough one in this humidity.
Fitness C&J: One rep each @ 63, 83, 93, 98, 103, 108, 113. First time in about a month that I worked up to 113 after I hurt my arm. Felt pretty solid.
Partner WOD with Jason. 4 rounds each + one pull-up for good luck. I did pull-ups. I strung together 13 the third round which is a PR for number of kipping pull-ups strung together. The first two rounds I did the pull-ups in 3 sets and the second two rounds they were done in two sets. Fun partner WOD!
Thanks for the shoutout, Kate! AKA Westerpark was super welcoming and I'd definitely recommend it to SBKers traveling to Amsterdam.
Came in for an OG strength session. I used a different bar for every movement because I'm a special snowflake like that. 😛
Safety bar squats: 155x5x3
Football bar bench: 105×3, F4, 95x5x2. This was rough. I know I've lost upper body strength since injuring my wrist but I really didn't think it would be THAT much. Is it possible the different grip changes the movement enough that it's a combination of loss of strength AND difference in movement? I'm hoping the answer is yes.
Deadlift 215×5. Kept on the light side because the last time I deadlifted, my wrist got angry. It was uncomfortable this time but not painful.
I'm going to use the European jet lag to my advantage and come in at 6 AM tomorrow to see whether I can overhead press the football bar too. Fingers crossed!