Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
400m Run
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
5 Muscle-Ups
20 Dumbbell Thrusters, as heavy as possible
50 Double-Unders
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Pierre D. showing off his battle wounds | Photo by Thomas H.
News and Notes
- The Bone Marrow Donor Registry Drive is tomorrow from 9:30am to 2:30pm! A representative from BE THE MATCH will be at CFSBK to explain what it means to join the registry, plus help you understand the health requirements and the commitment. Learn more here.
- We’re still experiencing some plumbing issues and unfortunately cannot offer shower or bathroom services at 608. We’ll keep you all updated on their status as the issue gets resolved.
- Happy birthday, Michele K.!
Bend, Stretch, and Mobilize This Morning, and Get Your Open Gym On This Afternoon
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney is at 10am.
- Active Recovery is at 11am and noon today with Coach Fox.
- Can’t make one of our morning classes today? We’re now offering open gym hours on Saturdays from 2-4pm.
A Private View of Quantum Reality Quanta Magazine
How Playing Music Benefits Your Brain More than Any Other Activity Brain Pickings
Science Proves That Watching Cat Videos is Good For Your Health GOOD
Hello from beautiful Sweden! We just got back from the country after celebrating mid summers festival.
Yesterday's three man workout
90 strict handstand push-ups
9 20m overhead carries with 2 24 kg KBs
45 deadlifts at 130kgs
60 burpees
Then we jumped in a very cold lake
Yesterday: DIY wendler oh press week 1: 85×5, 95×5, 105×8. Really fight for the last one so it felt good when that went up. Then ran home from work at a pretty solid effort, maybe 4 miles. I hate running on the city streets, stop & go is the mind killer.
This morning: 9am then yoga, which was great since I haven't taken a class in a while. Fsq @ 210, too light. Probably jumping 10# next week? I dunno. Fitness WOD, finished 4 rounds and a bit of the next run, w 40# thrusters, again a little light. I think I should have used 45s and struggled more. Runs got… Slow.
We had a fellow from Sweden in our class this morning, DO!
12pm with Ro and Whit
125# front squats
4 rounds with 25# DBs
cashout: planks , ice coffee and a huge croissant. Yum
Wore my belt. Felt off.
Was supposed to be 3. FAIL.
Failed a third attempt.
Wasn't feeling the fire today. Sub par OG.
Front Squats:
Worm and I messed up and did one set of 5 (we blame summer break). So, I did 95X5, then 100X3X2. In retrospect, I should have done a third set of three at 100# to be consistent.
4 rounds + run with 20#db.
Cashout: 3X 1:00 planks, 2 sets of 25 hollow rocks and 25 v-ups with Talia and KLove, 5X3 ring dips with red band
Pause Squat
45 x 4
95 x 4
135 x 4
165 x 4
195 x 4 (7RPE)
202 x 4 (8RPE)
210 x 4 (9RPE)
Close-Grip Bench Press
45 x 5
75 x 5
95 x 5
105 x 5
110 x 5 (6.5RPE)
115 x 4 (oops) (7RPE)
120 x 5 (8RPE)
122 x 5 (9.5RPE)
Thanks Jake and Cam for spotting! So happy- it seems this 'back-off' week has done me the world of good as I am now back to feeling good about my bench press. Improving on the pause squats too.
10 x reverse hyper @20#
10 x strict chin-ups
WOD- thanks Lady Fox for this one!
50 x box jumps
150 x DU's
50 x burpees
Box jumps were fine, DU's were in more sets than I know I am capable of but the burpees- as much as I wanted to die, were far better and in less sets than usual.
550m cooldown jog.
Fun times.
Comp class today:
2 rounds:
bb: 3 each HH snatch jump, high pull, muscle snatch. 5 ea OHS, drop snatch, sotts press
24 hollow rocks (12-12)
12 butterfly pull-ups (6-6). felt smooth today.
Hang Clean (prescribed as 70%x5, 80%x5, 85%x3, 90%x3?, 85%x3)
-scaled down the rep scheme a bit since these seemed aggressive and I want to focus on positions and technique as much as possible
(83: HHC+HCx2, 103: HCx2), 110×5, 125×3, 133×3, 143×2 (Failed twice, then put a belt on, got my shit together, and got the double), didn't go back to 85%.
-143 is a hang clean PR
Rack Jerk (prescribed as 70%x5, 80%x5, 85%x3, 90%x3?, 85%x3)
-again, scaled down reps a bit
(83: push jerk, split jerkx2, 103×2), 110×4, 123×3, 133×2, 143 press out, 143 good
-focused on smooth controlled vertical dip and reaching front foot forward. felt pretty fast and solid in footwork, just gotta commit to staying in the legs and not pushing up when it's heavy
50 WB (14#, 9')
1 mile run
2k row
1 mile run
50 WB
Time: 35:15
Wall ball rep scheme on both sets: 12-10-10-10-8
Both run's were around 10:00. slow shuffle. got a bit of a stitch in my side. hip flexors crampy.
Row was 9:10
couch stretch, quad/suprapatellar mash before heading home
FSQ: 205x3x3
Whit had said we could do a drop set if we finished early which Alan and I did, but we both went a little overboard with our 135lb set. I did 20 reps, a mistake given the WOD to follow.
WOD @40lb DB front squats: 4 rounds + run.
My legs are jelly.
Front squat @115# , then did one set of 3 @125# because we had a few minutes to spare and I wanted to see how it felt after a horrible front squat at that weight last week. Moved much better than last week.
Fitness WOD: 3 rounds. First two rounds with 30# DBs. Had to do in sets of three. The last round I switched to 25# DBs because I wasn't holding the 30# in my front rack properly. Jogs were super slow today. Actually, everything was super slow.
Front squat 195 3×3 drop set at 165 x5
The WOD was death on the last round. 5 rds with 30 pound Dumbbells Coach Whit shamed me into running to third and back before time got called.
The planks were aweful as my quads kept threatening to cramp.
Good times