From May 15 to May 31, hundreds of CrossFit athletes from around the world competed in eight regionals, and CrossFit HQ made this cool video. The CrossFit Games start in 32 days, on July 21! The Games have been held every summer since 2007. Athletes compete in workouts they learn about only hours beforehand, and the Games are styled as a venue for determining the “Fittest on Earth,” where competitors should be ready for anything.
Community News
- Peter M. took his last class at CFSBK this morning! He is moving to Greenwich, CT. We miss you already, Peter!
- Congrats to Noah S., who wrote a paper about cybersecurity, which won an award from the faculty at NYU Law School, where he just graduated last month! The paper is written so that one could hand it to a business leader who doesn’t know how to code and get them up to speed about overall strategies for managing cybersecurity risk at their firm—which means it might be useful to CFSBKers who are lobbying their bosses for better cybersecurity at work or calling the shots themselves.
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
- Sam P. is on the job hunt, and wants to help you or your company! She recently worked at a start-up consulting firm in the energy industry, and is looking for work in policy, research, tech, government, law, business, etc. In the meantime, she’s also available for odd jobs. If you have questions for her, email her at s.goldman.peltz [at] or learn more about her skillz in her Classifieds post here.
- Need a new nanny? Tom S.’s nanny of 13+ years will be available soon since his boys are almost all grown up. She’s reliable and dependable (13 years!). Please reach out to him if you or someone you know is looking for help. shpetner [at], with “Nanny” in the subject line.
- Looking for tutoring or homework help for your child? Leah is currently an educator in a K-8 school with eight years experience in NYC independent schools. She lives in Park Slope, but will travel to your house. If you are interested, email her at leahwminchello [at]
- Some CFSBKers are looking for roommates or moving out of their apartments. Learn more in the Housing thread!
Have a service you want to share with CFSBK’s community, or a need you think one of us could meet? Or stuff you want to give away/animals in need of adoption/tickets for sale/etc.? Post in CFSBK’s Classifieds! Our members have found apartments, pets, and jobs through our forum.
The Secret Life of Pets
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
400m Run
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
5 Muscle Ups
20 Dumbbell Thrusters, as heavy as possible
50 Double-Unders
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Best of luck, Peter! We'll miss you in the morning!
6am with Peter
Front Squats 3×3 at 185#. Nice and light with room for 10# jumps for a while.
Perf WOD
Used 50# dumbells for the thrusters and they were crushingly heavy. 20 is a lot of reps.
Muscle ups were doubles and singles throughout. No fails which is a big win for me.
DUs were a nice rest and pretty on point today.
Made it through two full rounds plus 2 muscle ups.
Good luck Peter. You were one of the first people I met in the gym and certainly the most intimidating to work out next to. A great barmate and a great friend. Hopefully our next bourbon outing is right around the corner.
6am. Front squats: 235x3x3. Weight moved well. Perf metcon w/ 55# DBs (55% body weight): 2 rounds + 5 MUs + 6 thrusters. Crushing workout. MUs felt good. DUs felt good. I'm going to have nightmares about those thrusters. I love this shit.
Goodbye, CFSBK. You'll always be my first CrossFit love.
6am. FSQ: 200x3x3. Everything moved well. Slowly going to march along at 5# jumps. Perf metcon: 3 rounds @ 45# DB (60% BW). MU: 5, 3-1-1, 2-1-1-1 Thrusters: 8-7-5, 6-6-5-3, 6-6-4-4. Doubles were decent, chipped away with 20's and 30's.
Peter, best of luck. Your presence will be sorely missed at 6am – great competitor and a true gentleman.
Peter's last day?
Best of luck to you Sir. It was great working out next to you. A tremendous benchmark for the 6am class.
Sorry to see you move on Pete. Best of luck in CT
The Secret Life of Pets had me in fits of laughter. The final scene with the poodle is definitely what happens to Cass after we leave the house with classical music on the TV.
Peter. CT ain't so bad. I go to the beach every weekend. They're building a state of the art box in Greenwich. It's gonna be expensive, you should check it out and let me know how it is.
While I'm here, I did the Wall Street Decathlon with D-Fung and Miggy last weekend. It was fun, but as Fung joked, they need to hire DO next year. There was a lot of cheating – we were pretty annoyed watching people kip "strict" pull ups and dips, not reaching full arm extension on many events, not getting their chins over the bar, and using their chests as trampolines on the bench. It was for charity, I know, but it was ugly. We had a good time. Fung ratted me out on the shuttle run, telling the judge I didn't touch one of lines. That DQ'ing my best time. Thanks Pal.
Good luck Dr. Lindstar. Great letter.
6am with Melo and JB
FSQ 175 x 3 x 3. Moved really well. Best my squats have felt in a while. Have at least another 10# jump here.
Fitness WOD: 4 rounds + 100m 35# dbs. About ~40% bodyweight but db thrusters always bother my hip and I knew I only had so many before it would stop cooperating. First three rounds felt good but the last round I was up on my toes way too much.
Enjoy the next adventure Peter.
Good luck Peter; you were always an inspiration (your numbers were intimidating!). Pleasure to work out with you.
6am with MeLo
FSQ: 45×3, 95×3, 135×3, 155x3x3
Aside from feeling like I might choke with the bar so close to my throat, the weight moved well. I'm aiming to hit 185 by the end of the cycle, which would be a huge PR. I haven't really pushed my limits on the FSQ.
WOD: 4 rounds + 130m, with 25lb dbs. First set unbroken, then 10-5. Joy was right and I should've done 30lbs, but there were no 30's left by the time I conceded. I think I've been underestimating how much my overhead strength has improved.
Sad that today was the last class with Peter! He's been a consistent 6am'er since I started and always set the standard, both for the workouts and always being supportive and quick to help those around him. Best of luck Peter!
Best of lock, Peter. Former AOM, you were a staple 6am guy and fun to be around. I always had fun chasing your numbers. Check back in soon.
Ben W – From the look on your face in that pic with Migs and Fung, you are not enjoying life in CT. Stop lying to yourself and come back to BK, you big stud.
10am class
2 Snatch Pulls + Snatch
165x (2+1) x5
Best snatch session in a long time. Feeling good.
Push Press + OHS
Pretty sure that's an OHS PR. I would love to snatch that.
Good luck with your future endeavors, Peter!
Peter was always a staple of the 6am crowd. From my first day he was a guy to look up to – he always brought his A game, always put up excellent numbers, and was always working to improve his technique and work on something. He was an excellent guy to look to for motivation.
Keep us posted on which CrossFit you end up at, Peter.
Thanks for all the love on Monday guys! I miss CFSBK and you all already.
I've survived my move and first week of work. All pretty overwhelming, but I found a Crossfit nearby! I'll post a more thorough review after I've attended a bit…but let me just say this, they are so NICE! I totally contacted the owner like a big d-bag all, "Bro, I'm like totally on this powerlifting thing and I need to just lift things in your gym for like the next month. Then I promise I'll take into account your programming…" I seriously felt like an ass, but he was so awesome about it and let me come in and do my strength cycle programming (thanks, Margie!) at 7am because they're not busy then. (wait, WHAT!?) Since I am still adjusting, I just stuck with what I did last week…
LBBSQ 3×5 @150
Press 2×5, 1×4 @65 (I blame the heat and not being used to lifting at 7am for my failed last rep)
Deadlift 1×5 @180
Smell y'all later.
oh and best of luck Peter!
7 min EMOM T&G power snatchX3: 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93
7 min EMOM T&G power C&JX2 : 93, 98, 103, 108, 113, 118, 123
1a) FSQ: 145×5, 155×5, 160×5, then 145×10 (rep out @90% of 5RM)
got WAYYY over zealous on these. Couldn't finish up my last set of 4 cuz I maxed out early. Was also messing around with a narrower squat stance for shits n giggles.
1b) ME Strict HSPU for 1:00, inbetween squats
4, 3, 3, 1
No abmat. Pretty proud of that set of 4. I'm feeling stronger here.
Conditioning: 12:23 RX
50 alternating pistols
50 alternating DB snatch @ 50#
50 target burpee to 12" (may have been closer to 7 inches)
Burpees crushed my soul, this is an unusual feeling. Honestly I just started to think about what I wanted to eat for dinner in the middle of this workout and I got a bit distracted. (I decided on ribs FYI)