Fitness: Halting Snatch Deadlift + Mid Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Work up to a medium heavy load on the complex, around where you did last week’s triples.
Performance: 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Snatch
Work up to a medium heavy load on the complex, around 80%.
Post loads to comments.
Behind the Neck Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat
Work up a heavy load on the complex. This should ideally be close to or heavier than your best snatch. If you can’t fully overhead squat, perform the push press and lower to your best depth and hold for :02. Aim to add weight to last week.
Post what you worked on to comments.
THERE’S A NEW BIG ASS FAN IN 608. Here it is keeping Jeremy cool while he texts and Margie while she lifts.
News and Notes
- We have a big ass fan to keep you cool but the bathrooms and showers at 608 are still out of commission for the week. Thank you again for your patience, and we’ll keep you updated!
- Lots of new stuff up in LOST AND FOUND. Claim your gear, or we’re giving it away.
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: Active Recovery is CANCELED tonight.
The Bone Marrow Donor Registry Drive at CFSBK Is This Sunday, June 21 from 9:30am to 2:30pm!
The cure for blood cancer is in your hands. Every four minutes, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer like leukemia or lymphoma. For many patients a marrow transplant is the only life-saving treatment, yet 70% don’t have a matching marrow donor in their family, like little Asaya. CrossFit South Brooklyn is hosting a donor registry drive in partnership with BE THE MATCH, which over the past 25 years has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world and offers support and education before, during and after transplant.
Joining the BE THE MATCH registry is easy! A representative from BE THE MATCH will be at CFSBK on Sunday, June 21 from 9:30am-2:30pm to explain what it means to join the registry, plus help you understand the health requirements and the commitment. After completing the necessary paperwork, all you then have to do to complete your registration is give four swabs of cheek cells, that’s it! Your cheek cells with then be tissue-typed and become a part of the registry doctors around the world search to find matches for their patients for potential bone marrow donation.
Additional Details About the Donation Process
There are no restrictions in terms of not eating/drinking prior to your cheek swab, but donors do need to be ages of 18-44 and in good general health.
If you are selected, donors will be asked to donate in one of two ways:
Peripheral blood cell (PBSC) donation involves removing a donor’s blood through a needle in one arm. The blood is passed through a machine that separates out the cells used in transplants. The remaining blood is returned through the other arm.
Bone marrow donation is a surgical procedure in which liquid marrow is withdrawn from the back of the donor’s pelvic bones using needles. Anesthesia is always used for this procedure, so donors feel no pain during marrow donation. Most donors feel some pain in their lower back for a few days afterwards. Learn more here.
Bierkraft Closes After 13 Years in Park Slope
The First Ever European Games Are Underway in Azerbaijan The Atlantic
Very sad re Bierkraft.
In other somewhat sad news, our nanny is going to be available soon – she's been with us for 13 years (leaderboard material); it's just that the kids are growing… She's loving, caring, dependable – I will put more in the classifieds, but if you or someone you know has a need, that would be great.
6am with Jess and Nick
Worked up to 135# on the performance complex which is a tad higher than 80%. Could have gone higher but instead I decided to hit a couple more reps at the same weight.
Accessory Work
Everything felt much better today than last week.
Bailed on the cash out thanks to an 8:30am conference call.
6am. Snatch complex (kilos): 40, 50, 60, 65×5. Weight felt light today. Accidentally power snatched one of the reps at 65. Was getting down fast on the other reps. Probably should have bumped the weight up a bit. Snatch grip push press + OHS: 155, 165, 175, 185. Paused at the bottom for a 2 count on all reps. Felt good and strong. Did 2/3 of the cash-out.
After a little more than 3 years, tomorrow at 6am will be my last workout at CFSBK before I move to Greenwich, CT. I'm pretty sure I'll be missing the gym desperately. The coaches, the athletes and the culture at CFSBK are all fantastic. I hope our paths cross again some day.
Went to my first session of the new Next Level Weightlifting Club last night and man I am so happy to be back to weightlifting! It looks like there is going to be great social vibez in this club — happy to see my old buds Jimin and Jay-Star as well as some new faces. What I would like is to see more beginner ladies like me — come on over so we can share a barbell and also reviews of pink singlets!
The program is slightly different than what we did in the Olympic lifting cycle but still aimed at the same goals of being really badass with these fantastic lifts. I love that there is a lot more flexibility now for people who want to be able to drop in and get Frankie's coaching while still being able to go to Crossfit classes and OG too. Like all our other specialty programs, Strength, Pilates, Yoga, AR — it's great to have yet another way to get swole and have fun doing it.
We worked on:
Snatch triples from hang position (70-80%) x 5 — doing snatches for reps is a relatively new thing for me and I love it, really gets your heart going. I was comfortable with this percentage and really able to work on speed, which lately has been a big goal of mine. Missed a couple times on the third rep, so consistency is something for me to work on, as Frankie says, the point of this particular approach.
Power cleans x 3 with 1 jerk (70%) x 5 — I had only been working full cleans for past few months so there is a lot of value for me is practicing the power clean, and the explosiveness that comes with it. Improving the jerk has been my proudest accomplishment in working with Frankie over the past few months. It took a very long time for this movement to click (2 cycles!) but I am much more comfortable with it now.
Squatz — 3 x 10, I had to go very light on this, like maybe just dangling dainty teacups on the end of the 33# bar, so let's not mention the number, mmkay?
Snatch pulls, 3 X 5 (90%) — fun timez.
I then took a quick shower in the 608 water fountain as suggested by the blog, rode my bike home and slept like the dead. Good to be back!
I second Amanda's sentiments
Warm up x 2
270m jog
5 snatch grip push press
5 snatch balance
That's a great warm up
Snatch complex
2 snatch pulls
1 snatch
15kg x1
35kg x3
39kg x3
Feeling dizzy stayed light
1 BTN push press
63#, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103, 108
All felt solid – happy to be working on this
1 mile jog in the drizzle
Left hamstring on the mend so didn't sprint
WTF. I was at Bierkraft on Saturday afternoon and it was both packed and fully stocked (as usual).
6am with Jess and Nick
Worked up to 95# on the snatch fitness complex. Feel like there is still plenty of room to go up. Still a little discomfort in the hip off the floor and it's preventing me from having my shoulders fully back and engaged until the hang.
Accessory work
Got up on my toes on the 120 OHS. Hip still isn't 100% and I think it had just had enough by then and wouldn't cooperate.
Skipped the Fartlek. Out of time and that name just gives me an awful visual in my head.
Hi from Crossfit AKA Westerpark (Amsterdam)!
I promise a longer write up on the travel gym page but I'll say it was nice to find a box here that was willing to work around my injury.
Part 1 of class was handstand pushup practice, so I did pistol practice (to a stack of plates) instead.
Part 2 was 3 rounds, 4:00 rest between rounds:
In 4 minutes
Run 400m
15 box jump overs (20-ish inches? Probably it's something in centimeters)
Then AMRAP split jumps (Rx burpees) in the remaining time
I got 51 total (counting both sides of a jump as 1 rep).
Miss you guys! I'll be back at SBK on Sunday.
@Peter – best of luck in CT!
Nice long session today 🙂
Snatch warm ups:
5ea: hh jump, hh high pull, hh muscle sn
4ea: ohs, snatch drop, sorts press
HH snatch: 63x3x2, just some light warm ups to focus on speed and getting down. felt sharp.
Emom 7:00: 2 power clean + push jerks (start at 65% and add)
(63, 83), 88, 93, 98, 103, 108, 113, 118
Solid. Being patient on pulls so cleans feel so easy. Jerks fine, just stay vertical and smooth as weight gets heavier.
Snatch Balance: this was a hot mess, which is exactly why I'm adding it in to my training.
63×3, 83×3, 93×3, 103×2 (first was basically a jerk) 113×1 (better!), 123 F, F, F
Back to 83… Suck suck suck
Definitely keep this in the weekly rotation, maybe even 2x/wk
Front Squat
83×5, 113×3, 123×5, 133×5, 143×5
Much better than last wk! let knees move forward, keep tight back. didn't pitch today.
4×2 strict with 1 abmat
Conditioning: For Time:
50 pistols (alternating)
50 DB snatch (alt, scaled to 45# from 50#)
50 burpees… were supposed to be to a 12" target, but I just kept them regular
15:00 flat.
-Pistols surprisingly not bad. Able to keep moving, took two quick breaks to shake it out.
-Snatches were the time suck. Putting down and resetting is the hardest part. Focused on beings bit more upright and tight in start position instead of stripper-pulling it up.
-Started burpees at 11:06, so just under 4 minutes for that, which isn't totally terrible after all the other work today.
My legs/glutes will probably not function tomorrow :-/
Peter – Sad that hear that you are leaving. You'll be missed. Best of luck in CT!
Peter! Bummed to see you go! Always sad to see an important asset to our gym depart. Wishing you all the awesomeness and luck in your new ventures in CT!
Since I am posting, might as well post my Strength Cycle workout today from noon
LBBS 155# 5×3
Getting heavy!! Also another PR (all PRs here on out since the heaviest weight I have ever squatted in my life is 150# for 1 RM) Trying to figure out what the best squat stance that would work with my legzzz, but happy to have done this and excited (and at the same time freaked out) to keep moving up… really tired today and hope some rest this weekend will help!
Press 72.5# 2×4 (F at 5th both sets), went down to 65# 5×1, I am ok with sticking with 65# for another week to work on my trunk strength and keeping tight and squeezing as much as possible
Deadlift 200#x5, still moving well, now switched to mixed grip after double overhand last week, can't wait to see where this lands by end of cycle!
6am with Jess and Nick
Fitness Snatch: 33, 53, 63, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93F
I was feeling beat up last week and moved the weights more easily today. I got the 93 plenty high, but didn't commit to dropping down.
Accessory work: 63, 73, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103
I really like this accessory work, as it's given me a lot more confidence in my OHS. As noted by Jess and others, I'll add more weight next time.
Peter- we'll definitely miss you in the 6am crew! Can't believe tomorrow is your last class!
6am. Perf snatch: 75, 95, 115, 125. All power snatches. Performed two+ sets at all weights. I kept it at 80% at 125. Everything felt good and solid. Snatch press+OHS complex: 125, 145, 155, 165, 175(f). Moved up 10# from last week on the complex. Lost tension at the bottom of 175 and lost the bar forward due to pitching forward.
Snatch complex: 35,40,45,50,55×2… I've been at 55 for the past several weeks. I missed last week, so hopefully I'll be able to improve next week. Texhnique felt pretty solid today at least.
Read about all the praise for the snatch assistant work last week on the blog– everyone was right! It was so fun! Ariel and I worked up to 67! (A 10# increase from last week for Ariel!!) I love overhead squats; 67 is a PR.
Fartlek mile with Klove. Running with her is always a pleasure.
Peter, I don't know you… But I love reading your workouts on the blog! You're amazing!
Bye-bye Peter; best of luck in CT! Come back and visit soon!
Strength Cycle.
Competition Deadlift
135 x 4
185 x 4
215 x 4
235 x 4
250 x 4 (7RPE)
260 x 4 (8RPE)
270 x 4 (9.5RPE)
45 x 5
55 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 5 (7RPE)
72 x 5 (8RPE)
75 x 5 (8RPE)
77 x 5 (9RPE)
Bulgarian Split Squat
45 x10
75 x 6
45 x 10 x 2
This was weird- the goal was to do 3 x 6 @8RPE but I found it extremely hard to get the positioning right because of mobility issues. I did a set at So I did a lot of them with the bar instead and it was pretty difficult to be perfectly honest!! Fun trying something new, even if it was a bit of a disaster.
This was a back off week volume-wise for me. Kind of excited to see what Margie has in store for me next week.
Did a small bit of conditioning afterwards because I am trying to keep on top of that. Thanks Nick for helping me with this.
5 cal row
50 DU's
10 cal row
40 DU's
15 cal row
30 DU's
20 cal row
20 DU's
25 cal row
10 DU's
Did the trick 🙂
5:30 w/ Coaches Ro & Whit
Snatch: Performance:
worked up to 115, but something inevitably falls apart or is discovered to be wrong with my technique every Snatch day. Today, my pulls were popping too far forward/away from my body. And I bailed way too many times.
Snatch PP & OHS:
115, 125, 135, 145 (+5 from last week)
I love these.
7:30 with Noah and Arturo
Not a good day for the snatch. Shocker!
Worked up to 78# on the OHS work, which is a 6# PR. Definitely had some more in the tank.
Skipped the mile run and ran to the grocery store. Eating dinner at 9:30 is bad enough as it is. lol
Fitness snatch: 53×2, 58, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88. I haven't been able to make it on a snatch day in about four weeks and my quads were really sore so I was a little worried about today, but everything moved smoothly! I usually have to use fractional weights to work from 73 to 78, but made the 5# jump today and eventually hit 88# which is a 5# PR! Hoping this sticks!
Snatch push press + OHS: 63, 73, 83 (push jerked by accident), 93
Run with Allie. Glad we did this together, otherwise my sprints would have been fast jogs.
10am class
2 Snatch Pulls + Snatch
165x (2+1) x5
Best snatch session in a long time. Feeling good.
Push Press + OHS
Pretty sure that's an OHS PR. I would love to snatch that.