Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week. If this is your first exposure this cycle then back off sufficient enough from last cycle and plan to hit your 5RM for 3×5 in week 8.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds or 18 minutes:
5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges* Left
5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges* Right
10 Kipping Toes to Bar or Kipping Knee Tucks
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Is texting destroying your body? Mobility|WOD thinks that the damage caused to the body from too much texting is reaching epidemic levels. The average person is spending 2 1/2 hours a day on their phones–usually in a broken, head forward position. The result is “camel neck,” an unsightly bump on the back of your neck, not to mention a host of downstream disorganization. It’s not just a drooping head at fault here. We’re often holding our phones in compromising positions, from the shoulders down to our grip on the device itself. Learn more by watching this video, and more from K Starr.
- Happy birthday, Jenny M.!
Introducing: Next Level Weightlifting Club at CFSBK
The Next Level Weightlifting Club offers Olympic lifting with strength training and mobility all in one. Lifts that will be performed include:
- Snatch
- Clean
- Jerk
- Front Squat
- Back Squat (high bar)
- Press
- Push Press
- Snatch Pull
- Clean Pull
- Deadlift (Clean/Snatch style)
Weightlifting classes will be held in two-hour windows. While there will be a start to every class, you are allowed to show up at any time during the two-hour training session to lift. Those involved will receive the week’s program which they can either do during the training session or on their own times during open gyms. If you are unable to participate in class on a regular basis, you also have access to Coach Frank via email and can submit videos to be evaluated and critiqued. Think of him as your personal coach.
While there are universal weekly workouts, they can and likely will change from person to person depending on each individual’s needs. All people are different and therefore require different things to be successful. At Next Level Weightlifting Club, we take that into account and make adjustments as needed to optimize progress.
“Participants can expect to build a strong foundation focused around proper technique, mobility, and attention to individual weak points. Building this foundation will not only help lead to higher lifts but also set the base for continued and consistent progress. Moreover, by developing proper technique, mobility, and focusing on weak points, participants will become more confident, less prone to injury, and more consistent lifters. All of this giving you the tools for a longer, healthier, stronger career with the Olympic lifts.” —Next Level Weightlifting
Typical Sessions Include:
- Warm-up/Next Level Oly Yoga
- Heavy Lift (Snatch/Clean/Jerk)
- Light Lift (Snatch/Clean/Jerk)
- Squats
- Pulls/Presses
- Mobility
Class Times:
Monday 7:30-9:30pm
Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm
Friday 6:30-8:30am
Program Price Options:
3x/Oly $200 (Weightlifting Club only)
2x/Oly $150 (Weightlifting Club only)
Please note that you have the option of adding on either a 2x/week or 3x/week Crossfit membership as well:
+2x CF Add-on $100
+3x CF Add-on $150
$30 drop in (non-members), $25 drop-in (active members)
Your credit card will be charged immediately at a prorated rated for the rest of the current month. This membership will then automatically renew on the first of every month moving forward until cancelled.
*All new members must reach out with their relevant experience in Olympic lifting before purchasing a membership. Any questions regarding this program can be sent to info [at] and olympiclifter88 [at]
11 Signs of a Great CrossFit Gym Breaking Muscle
A rare 6am appearance this morning, because telling myself "I skipped the gym to have dinner with friends" doesn't sound very appealing.
Yesterday DIY: Wendler db press week 2, 65#x3, 75#x3, 85#x6. 85 got weird, like I failed rep 3 but re-did it and added another three after that. "Poorly organized." I think I might be going backwards here, because I did 85x5x3 three or four weeks ago. Then I set the treadmill on "stun" and ran a slow, hilly 5k. Felt much more exhausting than rowing the 1/4 marathon on Sunday.
Pretty stiff this morning. HBBS sets felt progressively better until the last set, where I started pitching forward a little. 240x5x3.
Accessory work: no recommended weight for this, too bad. My experience, based off Saturday's front squatx3 numbers: 32%, 37%, 46%, 56%, 66%. Definitely started to feel it at 56% (115), and 66% (135) was real work by the time the last reps were coming up. I think I should have done 135 across. If you don't know what you want to do, I suggest starting around 40%+ of Saturday's weight (conservative) and working up. I definitely started too light.
Knee raises — I can't string together kips, so hanging from the bar and raising my knees a little bit… happened.
6am with Ro and McDowell
Sticking with Low Bar this cycle because I was making solid progress and I wanted to stay with it.
3×5 at 225#. Should be good for a few 10# jumps until I switch to 5s.
T2B were pretty easy. Kipped the whole way. The first three sets were unbroken and the last two were 6/4.
Reverse lunges got rough. 95/115/135/140/140. The last two sets were really taking it out of me.
Coaches: Interesting article in about the sumo deadlift. Writer says those with a short torso will favor conventional deadlift, whereas those shaped like a monkey (which I guess is me) will be more at home with the sumo. Do you have an opinion?
6:30am Strength Cycle
135lbs 3 x 5
A bit shallow on the dept, especially on the third set when I was already tired.
80lbs 3, 2, 3
Heavy enough that we had to scale it down to 3 reps instead of 5.
65lbs 3 x 3
Cleans suck because I suck as cleans
Great article, and I can say that those components are found in CFSBK and are the things I miss about not training with you guys. ;( On a side note, the box in the pictures from that article is CF Empirical in Ft Lauderdale. Awesome place, run by a husband and wife team with excellent coaching. I spend my summers training there and they are on point with the info mentioned in the article.
12pm Group Class yesterday with McD and Big J.
15 KB swings @20KG
10 x push-ups*
5x strict chin-ups
* push-ups were all very fast and unbroken. That has never happened before.
Cleans ( thanks Coaches for letting me sub)
The last set was a bit weird and I power cleaned the second rep because that's what I do when it feel heavy. So hard to do this just once per week. May need to look at that.
5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Left
5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Right
10 x T2B
Rev. lunges- 53-63-73-83-88
T2B unbroken but still not strung together, if that makes sense. These have come along so much in the last few months!!
50 hollow rocks (25,15,10)
400m jog
Not getting much conditioning in at all at the moment and I wanted to get my heart rate up a bit so….
Erg Tabata for cals- 7-7-6-5-5-5-5-5…next time maybe I will know how to pace myself and aim for 6 across the board.
6:30pm with Fox and Noah
Press 3×5 @ 65
Performance Metcon (12-9-6-3 Deadlifts/Strict HSPU)–scaled DL's to 135, 5:24?
–focused on keeping my back really straight on the deadlifts; felt pretty good
–foolishly did 9/3 on my first set of hspus, and was smoked for the rest of the work out. Some failures and lots of singles towards the end.
Last night: Pilates with KH for the first time. Felt great.
This morning: Oly lifts on my own
-first time oly lifting in more than a month. Kept it light, focused on form. Felt OK, but my back definitely felt very tight.
5×2 hang squat snatches with a transition from hang to power before the first snatch @ 65lbs
-these felt really solid actually. I think my shoulders and hips are more mobile than they have been in a long time.
5×1 hang power clean + 3 jerks @ 85 lbs
-focused on keeping elbows up, and bending the back knee. Also felt pretty good.
Started to warm up for back squats but started having some pain around 140, so called it quits and did mobility.
It's been a while, but I can never stay away from the blog for too long.
My post however, is not back squat related, but, in fact, employment related.
I have recently parted ways with the company I was working for, due to it not being a good long term fit. I am searching for a new job. Here are some things about me: 1) I graduated from Columbia in 2014 with a degree in Political Science and Sustainable Development (or as I like to call it (benevolent econ) 2) for the past year, I have worked at a start up consulting firm in the energy industry. 3) I am looking for a job in policy, research, tech, government, law, business etc. with the idea of going to law school in a couple years.
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to email me at I am also happy to widely disseminate my resume to any and all willing to look at it.
Additionally, I will be available starting Monday, June 22 for odd jobs. Here are some things I am good at: 1) organizing things, 2) typing, 3) making sure your children remain alive, well fed, and happy aka babysitting, 4) walking dogs/turtles/cats/birds/lizards, 5) Powerpoint/excel. I also speak a small amount of both Hindi and Chinese, in case you would like to learn some basic survival phrases.
Alright, that's all! Back to your regularly scheduled fitnessing.
Noon class
Bench Press
Failed last rep epically, Jess tried to let me die.
bierkraft closed. definitely the end of an era for SBK'ers.
@michele–yes, it's pretty crazy. Zito's Sandwich Shoppe, their next door neighbor, closed on Sunday as well. Employees were informed on Thursday night. I hear Bierkraft's employees had even less notice!
I would love to take Frank's class but I can't make any of the times 🙁
Warm up
550m jog
5 c2b chin ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
160×5 felt good
165x5x2 not too bad!
Did 6 rounds…
5 Front rack rev lunges each side
(35, 55, 65, 85, 95, 100)
10 kipping T2B
Hollow rocks (20-10-20)
550m jog
Felt slow but strong today
Wow Bierkraft closed
Happy Birthday, Jenny!!! And congrats on getting toes to bar!
Also, shout out to Colleen! Hope you read this! Thought about you today…I hope you're doing well!
HBBS 105X5X3. Felt heavy, will probably just go up 5# next week.
5 rounds +10 t2b:
Reverse lunges: 33, 45, 53, 58, 58
10 T2B: Tried really hard to get these kipping, but I haven't quite figured it out… or I'm not strong enough? Ended up doing some strict, some slightly kipped singles
I was feeling really tired today but was so thankful to see a NFT workout, otherwise I may not have made it. NFT work is perfect on hump day! [Insert Cam's meme here]
LBBS @155# Still working out some issues. Making 5# jumps each week instead of 10# this cycle.
Lunges: 33, 53, 63, 63, 63. I struggle with lunges so was happy to work on them and not be pressed for time. Allie, if you did your last sets of lunges on my bar, you did 63#, not 58#.
Toes to bar: I can do singles (kipping), but can't string them together so I worked on the modified kipping version. Noah said I was pulling up on the bar instead of pushing away and wasn't bringing my knees high enough. I think I can get them if I keep working at it, but wow are they difficult and my hands are still red!
12pm group class:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 175×2)
-all felt good and got a good bounce out of bottom
(45×5, 55×5)
65×3, 73×3, 82×7
-feel like I could have had an 8th rep here on the rep out but played it safe.
Just posting since I spent the night eating delicious italian food at Frankie's (thanks for the bday wish Allie and everyone I saw at the gym!)
5:30 last night with Mcd and Noah
HBBS 160x5x3. Trying to "trust the bounce" as Arturo would say. Gotta get used to the timing on this so I don't lose balance.
It was a birthday miracle but I tried T2B and randomly had them? I think Noah saw the disbelief on my face lol also worked up to 83 on the lunges. My booty is sore already haha