Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start light enough to add weight for 7 weeks.
Performance: 5/3/1, 3 Week, 70%/80%/90%
Use training max. Need a Wendler refresher? Check out these resources:
5/3/1: How to Build Pure Strength T Nation
Better Than Before: A Review of 5/3/1 Jim Wendler
Post loads to comments.
12-9-6-3 Reps for Time
Deadlifts 315/205
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
5 Rounds, For Time:
6 Deadlifts 225/155
4 Wall Handstand Kick Ups with a :02 or 2 Wall Walks with a :02 hold
Post time and Rx to comments.
Lindstar’s final class at CFSBK last week before she left Brooklyn
A Parting Love Letter From Lindstar
When I thought about writing my goodbye love letter to CFSBK, I immediately wanted to copy and paste Gina’s letter and just change the names of the cats. Her letter was that good. But alas, instead of reliving that glory, you’re going to have to suffer through my rambling.
I found CFSBK when I was struggling with a lot of demons and in a very dark place. And it saved my life. I have no doubt of that. I bribed a friend of mine to come to the teaser class with me after a drunken bar conversation with a nice gentleman who used to work there, Shane. I had no idea what I was walking into. My first thought walking through the door in February 2012 was, “Oh shit, this place is way too cool for me. And these guys and gals are way too intense and good-looking. I can’t do this.” I’m happy to say that though I was convinced I might, I did not die during that teaser. I’ve never been “athletic” and it never occurred to me that I might be able to change this. You know, I grew up hearing stuff like “Oh, you’re think not good at math? Just work harder.” The fact that this could be applied to athletic endeavors somehow never crossed my mind until spending that hour plus with Captain DO, which convinced me (I might have been high on endorphins or something) that I *could* do Crossfit and it was for me. I signed up for Foundations that night.
I’d like to say that the transformation was instantaneous, but it was a process that is still ongoing. I emerged from the warm comforting womb of the double Foxes Foundations, still full of trepidation although much less so than before. But at that time, there was this wonderful option for those of us still scared of *CROSSFIT*, called On Ramp… kinda like a slower paced version of classes… I dunno. I went to those classes, until I was unceremoniously told to GTFO and get into group class. Whatever, jerks. I did. And I haven’t looked back.
I expected to like CFSBK. What I didn’t expect was exactly how much. I immediately enjoyed the awesome people I was meeting, the friendly, welcoming, and supportive environment, and the stellar coaches, who for some unbelievable reason, never mocked my (lack of) skillz. I kid. Mocking is just not the CFSBK way. What also surprised me was that every small victory in the gym translated into increased confidence, a gift I got to take home with me. Now my head was all, “You didn’t think you could lift that. But you did. BOSS. Don’t think you can write your thesis? You can. MOAR BOSS!” And I did. Which is why I have to write this letter, because I’m a doctor now and have to join the real working world.
Final thoughts: At CFSBK I found friends that became family. I found a safe place. I found a home that sustained me when I was not able to create a home for myself. Home, in this sense, being more than the physical place where you sleep at night. There aren’t words strong enough to describe the physical and emotional impact that CFSBK has had on me, but suffice to say you saved me. Thank you. I will always love you, but please stop making me cry. I promise I will be back to visit sooner than you think. And you know, stalking the blog, like ya do.
Groundskeepers Turn Into Acrobats Improv Everywhere
To say we're going to miss Lindsay is an understatement. Kick ass in your next endeavors, lady!
Linds! You will be missed! Your warmth and smiling face has helped me feel welcome and your encouragement had meant so much. So thank YOU! You will be missed but we all know you're going to kick ass as you begin this next chapter. xoxo
Good luck Lindsay!
Make up post from last week: Clearly I need to start Crossfitting again. Sore for four days and countin'. Sheesh. Props to MeLo for helping me make nice strides in my gym-nasty-ics. She rools. Finally, congrats to Heather Farmer for qualifying for Nationals (once again) over the weekend.
FIinally, finally: I cut out pizza from my diet about a year ago to get ready for the 2015 Speedo season. Had two slices at my niece's birthday party yesterday. IT'S STILL SO FRIGGIN' GOOD IT HURTS!!
Oh Lindstar! What a gem you are. I remember an 8 am class a long time ago when I overheard you recounting some horrible date to someone during deadlifts. I laughed quietly to myself and thought "I'd like to be friends with that girl." And luckily that's what happened. Thanks for being a front desk queen and gloriously complex, interesting and loyal friend. xoxoxoxo and so much love to you Damien and Julien
Goodbye, Lindsay! Always enjoyed your friendly front-desk greeting in the early morning.
6am. Warm-up: kicked up to a freestanding hand-stand and held it for about a minute. Tried to take a few steps and was unable to move so held the handstand for another minute. Total elapsed time was probably something like 5-10 sec, but it felt great. Press (Wendler 3-week): 125×3, 145×3, 165×6. Felt better than last week despite the incredible amount of soreness I have in my traps. Probably had another rep in the tank for the rep-out. Perf metcon Rx: 7:13. The strict HSPUs were the easy part. Deadlifts were broken up as: 7-5, 4-3-2, 2-2-2, 1-1-1. Definitely going to be feeling this one tomorrow.
The Half Marathon Row yesterday was a huge success. Many thanks to Nick and CFSBK for arranging it. It always feels good to challenge yourself beyond the duration of a typical group class WOD and this row accomplished that for sure.
I had a goal of a sub 2:15 average pace and a "secret goal" of sub 2:10. After an hour I put the handle down for about 20 seconds to take in some fluids and I noticed I was at an average of 2:11.4. I did my best to keep the last 30 min sub 2:10 with the last 2K sub 2:00. That was tough and the moment I lost focus I would slow down.
End result:
1:31:19.7 Finish
2:09.9 average pace.
Butt and fingers feeling okay this morning but elbows both feeling a little irritated. Nothing a little ice cant fix.
What a great letter Lindsay! So glad we got to be in strength together before your departure. Congrats on this new chapter doc!
Lindsay, best of luck on your next adventure.
6am. Press: 90×3, 105×3, 115×8. Weight moved well this morning. Interested in the outcome of the Wendler programming. Perf metcon @ 275: 7:12. Deadlifts at 6/3/3, 5/4, 3/3, 1/1/1. The strict HSPU were just rest between deadlifts. All done unbroken and quick. Glad to see my HSPU have returned.
Good bye to the girl with the beautiful bunny tattoo. Hope to see you very soon!
I haven't posted in a while, so here it goes.
I went to AR yesterday after what seemed like months. Not sure why I was surprised at how tight I was. I felt great afterward.
Squat: 132.5lbs 3 x 5
Possibly a PR, I need to check. The weight actually felt good and I was going to dept -my one great challenge. I credit AR, plus proper food and sleep.
Press: 57.5lbs 3 x 5
This is the heaviest it's felt in a while. I may be maxing out, but there's still one more month in the cycle, so we'll see about that. I failed fifth rep in second set, because I got scared of the weight -but I had it.
Deadlift: 170lbs x 5
HEAV.Y but I did it. Trying to cut down on the drama and just do it.
PS: congrats to all the rowers yesterday! Will try to get back into rowing it so I can join you next time (But as Yoda said "Do or not Do…there is no try")
This was wonderful to read! Lindsay was also a BOSS at the Front Desk and got shit done. You'll always be family L-Star and you'll always have a home at CFSBK no matter where you travel.
Did the 1/2 marathon row yesterday in 1:34.59. I hoped to go a bit faster, but about ten minutes in, i realized it just wasn't going to be that day so I relaxed and (kind of) enjoyed myself.. The blisters were terrible, but the comradeship was fun.
I ate dinner with my kids and fell asleep by 8PM without even taking my workout clothes off – then i was up at 5:30Am and i thought what the hell? I'll go to the gym and do my press. CFSBK is really a kind of sick addiction. So I got 130×6 on my rep-out and then 4:34 on todays fitness wod.
Goodbye and good luck to Lindsay!
This is not a goodbye Lindsay, but rather see you later. I'm sure we will run into each other soon probably at NIN concert!!! Good Luck.
Good luck Lindsay! You are awesome and we will all miss you a ton!
Make-up from Saturday:
Front squat: 3x3x115
First time squatting in several weeks. Kept it very light and focused on good positions. No pain. 🙂
Fitness WOD:
KBs+BJ: 3 rounds
DB pp + Pull ups: 3 rounds + 7 pull ups. Used 20 pound dumbells. Took it a little slow on these and focused on trying to keep a good position through my spine and stabilizing up top.
Working my way back in slowly!
Love u Lindstar! Not gonna lie when you make me shed a tear with that letter and in SC class. I'll miss you my fellow cat lady friend. WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE STEWED FRUIT!! xoxoxo
Good luck Lindsay!! Really enjoyed reading your letter and miss you already!
6am with NickDowell
Press: 33×5, 43×5, 57×3, 62x5x3
Still moving well and will add weight next week.
Fitness WOD: finished in 8:22. The deadlifts were easy-peasy, but it was my first time attempting handstand kick ups in a workout and it was tough. I like the handstand assistance work and this at least makes HSPU's seem attainable at some point.
Best of luck Lindsay!!! We'll miss you up here!
Had a FANTASTIC time at the Outlaw Barbell Camp this weekend out at CrossFit Lindy. SBK was rolling deep, and we represented well 🙂 I learned so much from the video analysis, drills, lift breakdown, feedback, coaching, etc. etc. Very excited to apply what I got to my own lifting, as well as in my coaching. Invaluable experience.
Brief recap of the lifting after drills…
3 position snatch: 53, 63, 73, 83
Snatch: 83×2, 88×2, 93, 98, 103, 108F, 108, 113, 118F, F, F, Make!
-2# off my PR, was determined to get this at the end of a longgggg day.
Biggest notes:
-from hang to mid thigh: keep ass back, shoulders move up and back, THEN explode at hips
-get down. the make at 118 was practically a power snatch that i rode down. add in accessory work in training b/c it's not getting solved and there's a lot of potential to go up in weight!
3 pos clean and jerk (1 jerk after each position): 63, 83, 103, 103
C&J: 113×2, 123×2, 135, 143, 155F, F.
-issues in pull are same in the pull, be patient, shoulders up and back first, then get hips to the bar.
-moved grip wider for my long-ass arms
-jerk. control down, vertical, then reach front foot. never pushing up, footwork and push under
-footwork drills are awesome!!!
3 position snatch doubles:
63 (single), 73, 78, 83 (woof; started power snatching again), 63 (single)
Squat: Switching back to HIGH BARRRRR! Here goes nothin!
45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 145x5x3
-just wanted some volume at a moderate weight today to get back into it. positions are good, feeling fine. L hip a little funky just watch position and work stability on non-squat days
Pull-Up complex:
4x 5 butterfly pull-up, 4 c2b (2-2, 4, 4, 2-2)
Miss you already Linds. Xxx
Strength Cycle.
Today was tough. The heat really got to me.
I'll be doing less volume (no back-off sets) this week and it is coming at a good time for me.
Competition Squat
45 x10
95 x 4
135 x 4
185 x 4
205 x 4
215 x 4 (7RPE)
220 x 4 (8RPE)
225 x 4 (9RPE)
Competition Bench Press
45 x 4
75 x 4
95 x 4
115 x 4 (8RPE)
118 x4 (9RPE)
Not sure what's going on here as I seem to be moving backwards. Is this mental?
Banded Deadlift
135 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 5
210 x 5 (7RPE)
220 x 5 (8RPE)
225 x 5 (9RPE)
By this time it was actually 10 degrees cooler in the gym and I finally found my groove. This is a big improvement on last week's numbers. Win some, lose some?
Oh man! Sorry to hear your leaving Lindsay but best of luck to you and come back to visit!
Outlaw Bbell Camp this weekend was incredibly worthwhile as a lifter and a coach and was so much fun.
Jared and Dave Fleming shared some new perspectives on the lifts and the individual analysis was enormously helpful.
I stayed around 90% on the snatch and 80% on the clean & jerk. These were long days and it was super hot and humid and my focus was on executing the new positions and correcting the things they pointed out, so I wanted to keep it light enough to practice but heavy enough to see where the real problems were.
Sweat-fest continued today..
2 rounds
20 tricep pull-dows
10 ring push ups
10 M & Ws w 2.5# plates
12min AMRAP
Even: 5 Power Snatches @65#
Odd: 5 Kipping Pull-ups
This was a weird mix of hard and not hard. Hard because my hands were so sweaty and tender from the weekend I couldn't hold on to anything and my pull-ups need lots of work. Not hard because 65# didn't feel very heavy and 5 reps was just enough to keep things unbroken without being painful. Opportunity to work on cycling snatches while maintaining decent form.
Warm up:
Partner Med Ball toss
5 Green band MU transitions & Dips (Singles)
10 Ring Rows
1 RM 75#, TM 67.5#
33# x 6
48# (70%) x 3
54# (80%) x 3
61# (90%) x 9 — failed 10th rep, thought I had it..
5 Rounds for Time:
6 DL @ 155#
4 HSPUs strict, with 1 abmat and Supple Leopard
All unbroken 3:44
Also a strange work-out for me in terms of where I'm at currently.
Moved fast but 155# was hard. Maybe go heavier and break it up? Maybe eliminate the textbook and break HSPUs into sets of 2? Not sure.
5 sets of 10 weighted sit ups (35#, 40# for the rest)
week 3 ish of a shit back
Press: 176x5x3
Some rows whilst laying on a bench
Tabata Assault bike: 54 cals
Reverse hypers: Im hoping this is the secret to glorious back health
Beautiful letter, Lindsay! Loved getting to know you! You're an amazing role model–good luck with everything!
4:30 class with several Allies!
Press 50# 5X3. Felt heavy even though it's only two more pounds than last week (which felt great!) Hmph. Need to remember how finicky press is!!!
Don't remember my time for the WOD, but kicking up to handstands was easy and 120# deadlift was hard but good.
Cashout: 10X5 weighted situps with a 20#db, 5X3 ring dips with Mare… and a single attempt at a handstand push-up with two mats: not even close to having the strength for that.
Loved watching the videos on instagram from the CFSBK ladies at their training this weekend and watching the rowers show such dedication and perseverance…then reading Lindsay's letter just solidifies what an amazingly hard-working community this is. We're so lucky to be a part of it!
Lindstar, I never had the pleasure of getting to know you, but I definitely know what you're talking about in your letter. CFSBK is a special place filled with special folks. Now, -1.
5:30 w/ Coaches Noah & Fox
Press: Performance:
75×3, 80×3, 95×6
My shoulder sucks.
WOD: Fitness: 225# DLs/Wall walks:
I kept an overhand grip throughout which caused me to breakup the last 2 rounds, and I went as close to the wall as possible with the walks.
Dear Lindsay: wishing you the very best in your new adventure, and huge congratulations on your doctorate – true commitment!
Good luck out there Lindsay!
Been meaning to start posting workouts again. So:
45×5 135×3 185×2
45×5 65×3 80×1
135×5 225×3
250×3 260×2 250×3
I think this is the heaviest I've ever gone in a linear progression in the squat and press. Exciting!
lindsay! awesome letter! good luck lady! all the best to you and the cats on your awesome new adventure, more exclamation points!
Performance Press: 33×3, 43×3, 48×3 (70%), 53×3 (80% -1#), 63×6 (90% +2#). There weren't enough fractionals in the new space so my numbers were a little off.
Fitness WOD @155# with handstand holds done in 3:14. Not sure if I held the handstands long enough.
Lindsay will be missed. Great gal, hard worker, and fun person to talk about metal, tattoos, and cats with. Best of luck, Doc!
Had to use dynamic start for last rep.
Lindsay! I didn't know you left and I didn't get to say good-bye! :,( I loved reading your farewell letter – such an entertaining and meaningful read! Pretty brilliant. I loved hearing about your journey – had no idea that you weren't a fitness badass before you joined CrossFit. Congratulations on being a doctor, what an extraordinary accomplishment! Thank you for your input in the get well card – I really appreciated your message. Please be well and best wishes in the new chapter of your life!
4:30 class
108×3 123×3 138×6 was using kilos I can't remember the exact weights
Did the performance wod in 3:47
I had an abmat for the hspu all of which I did unbroken
The 315 # deadlift went 12, 5-4, 3-3, 3
I enjoyed this even though tired all day.
Good luck lindstar! ?
Lindstar, I will definitely miss seeing your smiling face. You are coming back for all Paleo potlucks and making those incredible Paleo cookies, right? right!?
WOD on Tuesday after snatch
Moved deliberately for 4:39
DL: 8-4, 6-3, 6, 3
HSPU: same