Our CrossFit Kids get to play a zombie game for their cash-out, thus learning important skills for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You should probably be jealous.
News and Notes
- Our very own Mel L. penned a witty/intelligent piece about Star Trek and leadership for Idealist.org’s Careers blog. Check it out: “What Star Trek Taught Me About Leadership.”
- We’re still experiencing some plumbing issues and unfortunately cannot offer shower or bathroom services at 608 today. We’ll keep you all updated on their status as the issue gets resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience!!!
- SCHEDULE UPDATES: Yoga for Athletes is CANCELED this Saturday (6/13) and Active Recovery is CANCELED next Thursday (6/18).
Liam M. Wants You to Buzz-Off
Shampoo prices getting you down? Combs too complicated? Constantly running out of Soul-Glow? There’s an easy fix: buzz your head, and help out a great cause at the same time!
The Boston-based company, One Mission, holds a fundraiser every year where individuals register as volunteers ($35) and then buzz their heads in honor and support of kids with cancer; kids who don’t have the choice to lose their hair. Those with cancer don’t just feel sick, they feel different from everyone else. By shaving your head, in less than five minutes you can show them they are not alone and that others really do care (and get a t-shirt as well).
One Mission takes the donations and utilizes them to provide programs and services that lift the spirits of patients and their families, helping the healing and recovery process and make life more livable during treatment and hospitalization. These programs include decorating kids rooms, planning birthday parties, having sports and beauty days, planning special putting and offering family support groups.
If anyone else is interested in registering as a volunteer and taking a little… well… a lot off the top, let me (Liam M.) know using the email below and we can add to the ranks of the bald army at CFSBK. LiamH.Mulcahy [at] me.com
Dear Members: we are no longer asking that you RSVP to any class at CFSBK. We launched this program to help manage class sizes and better utilize our space but to make a long story short, it wasn’t working, we don’t need it and now we’re ditching it. Please show up to any class without the need to RSVP. We thank our pious members who dutifully RSVP’d to their classes, you guys are wonderful. Please spend that extra couple seconds checking our Instagram account instead!
The Spy Who Billed Me Atlas Obscura
The Disease of Being Busy On Being
Saturday's Programming
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Back off a bit from last cycle.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Plan to hit your 3RM for 3×3 in week 8.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP, 5 Minutes:
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Box Jumps
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP, 5 Minutes:
15 Dumbbell Push Press
10 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
AMRAP, 5 Minutes:
15 Hang Power Snatches 95/65
15 Box Jumps
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP, 5 Minutes:
15 Push Presses 95/65
15 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
And I thought my legs were sore yesterday? Holy crap I can hardly walk and stairs, OMFG.
So much for backoff week :p
How do people at the games make it through three events a day for several days in a row?
Ps Woot on the RSVP being dead.
From what I can see it mus be Crush Week at Crossfit Kids . . .
@Keith W – I am sore as a m*****f****r today as well.
8AM with McNoah.
FSQ: 200x3x3
Lost count on the WOD.
6am with Melo and McDowell
FSQ 165 3×3
Felt heavier than they should have
Fitness WOD:
2 rounds with american swings green kb and 24" box
2 rounds + 1 pull-up 35# db, strict pull-ups
First half I took easy and slow to make sure I brace my hip
Second half my pull-ups fell apart and i stared at the bar too long. Need to work on my kip.
Space feels so much bigger without the platforms!
6am, McD and MeLo
felt very sluggish this morning. FSQT – Ended my 3RM at 180 last cycle (PR); and dropped down to 145 for my 3×3's. But it felt heavy and slow right off the bat.
Wod: also quite slow. I think I hit two rounds and change in both exercises. My DB push at 30#'s – slightly under the 45% b.w. calculation – was unbroken on first, but the next two were 10,5.
And then I went to ring rows after a round of chinups.
Resting tomorrow in prep for the row!!
tomorrow is FISH CSA day! it's the inaugural first drop off with our new partner, Big City Fish Share!
i'll be at the gym on saturday from 10-12 to hand out shares. see you then!
8 AM squatting with McDowell. In warmup I tried the new trick Ro and Jackie taught me on Wednesday, using a box to practice pistol squats. SO EXCITING, because I hadn't been able to practice pistols — I don't quite have them, and I can't grab the side of a rack for balance when working my right side. Right now my repertoire is limited enough that it's a real treat to learn something new!
Squatted 160. I had come in thinking I'd do 170, but…yeah. OMG my glutes are sore from doing split jumps on Wednesday. This was plenty heavy.
Fitness WOD with one armed KB swings (16kg) and push presses (30#), 20" box, and ring rows, which I am no longer afraid to do in WODs. 2 rounds + 27 KB, then 3 rounds + 12 push press. My left arm was fried!
Roger the kangaroo soooo buff! Check him out!
225, 245, 255×5
I then foolishly tried to do Wed's WOD (Wallballs & Burpees). Even at half volume, after the Benching, I could barely get the ball over the 10' line. Did 7:00 worth, then stopped and held myself.
I feel like I've been getting weaker on my Squats in the past month. Coach Melo suggests that I deload and not go too hard for a while. She must be unaware of my nickname.
There were some serious beasts all up in OG tonight. And I witnessed Karl do 3 successful MUs. JELLY.
I was at the gym tonight for 2 hours. Unclear what I actually accomplished, but it was lots of fun.
I did a handful of light snatches (35-38kg) and jerks (35-45kg) using jerk blocks.
3 sets of 10 false grip swings on the rings
3 sets of 5 banded transitions hollow straight legs (first 2 green, then red band) with dips
3 sets of 2 pull ups to the rings as high as possible and hold for 10 count
Congrats on your MUs Karl!
Spent some time trying to help solve the mat puzzle in 608. It was unsuccessful but I moved a bunch of equipment around and wielded the sledgehammer
Feel beaten down by the heat and happy to be lounging and relaxing tonight.