Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Back off a bit from last cycle and plan to hit your 5RM for 3×5 in week 8.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Wall Balls
20 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Nishi U. visited CrossFIt Recursive in Madison, WI with her parents who just started CrossFitting. Check out her recommendation for the gym in Travel Gym Recommendations (scroll to the bottom), and post one of your own!
Showers/Bathrooms Unavailable at 608 Today
We’re experiencing some plumbing issues and unfortunately cannot offer shower or bathroom services at 608 today. We’ll keep you all updated on their status as the issue gets resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience!!!
News and Notes
- Amanda Mc. wrote an article for called “How to Start a Business With No Money,” featuring our very own Captain Osorio.
- If You Haven’t Filled Out Our Feedback Form Yet, We’d Still Love to Hear From You. We have an online feedback form where you can let us know about your experience at CFSBK. We want to know what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to see in the future.
- The Spiking Tacos have their fourth volleyball game tonight at 8pm at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 5. Come cheer for them, as they are ranked 2nd in the “Social League” division.
Beat the Heat
By David Osorio
Originally posted on 6.27.2010
You’ve no doubt noticed that it’s getting hotter in the gym as we creep into our sixth summer at Degraw Street. This change of environmental conditions comes with some new responsibilities of which we all need to be aware. The two biggest risks when working out in high or humid temperatures are dehydration and heatstroke. Dehydration occurs when your body loses more water than it requires for normal functioning and heat stroke occurs when your body temperature rises faster than you can regulate. Both of these conditions are very serious and can lead to sickness and even death in extreme cases. That being said, you can do a few simple things to make sure you’re safe while working out:
1. Hydrate! Drink cold water before, during, and after you exercise. We have water pitchers in the fridge for everyone’s use, and we encourage everyone to bring their own reusable water container but also have cups available if you forget yours or don’t own one. Try to drink water at regular intervals. You want to be taking in more water than you’re losing so don’t wait until you’re thirsty to start chugging.
2. Listen to your body! If you’re feeling lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous, begin to cramp or display anything resembling fever symptoms, it’s time to stop, cool down, and hydrate. Sometimes during hard workouts we try to “push through the pain,” but remember that putting yourself at risk in order to shave off an extra :15 seconds is both dangerous and contrary to why you’re here in the first place—to get fit!
We also have ice in the freezer available in both cubes and cups that you can grab to eat, rub on your body (head, neck, chest, armpits…), put in your drinks, or throw at Noah.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask one of the coaches or post in the comments!
Inextricably Linked: Mind and Body Strengthadopolis
This Is What Women Who Lift Weights Actually Look Like Buzzfeed
Do I Sound Gay? Queerscreen
6am with McDowell and Arturo. I did the 3×5 back squats at 185. I was debating between starting at 185 and 190, but figured I should err in the low side and make a bigger jump later if things felt good. I was actually a little forward on my toes on a few early reps. I just have to remember not to rush these.
I finished 2 rounds plus 30 wall balls (20#/10') and 6 burpees in the metcon. I broke the first round of WB into sets of 10 and the second and third into sets of 5. The burpees were way harder than I anticipated. I felt like I never really hit a consistent pace. Overall, this one was tough.
6am, 215x5x3. Planned on hitting 225 but after much deliberation with my rack mate, decided to ease into the cycle at 215. Metcon: 3 rounds flat. My burpees have returned which is nice. Wallballs got squirrelly after the first round, couldn't develop a consistent bounce of the wall. First round of 10's and then a mash of 7,6, and 5's. Spent too much time looking at the wallball.
6am. Squat: 235x5x3. Easy first week. Metcon: 3 rounds + 21 wall balls. Muscular fatigue on the wall balls at the end. I'm not used to that.
1st BSQs in a looonng time 135# 3×5
89 wallballs 40 burpees in 10 mins. (women's Rx)
Returning to high bar back squat after doing a round of low bar last cycle. 115#x5x3. My PR for 5 is 145#, so looking to beat that this cycle. Metcon: 2 rounds + 22 wall balls. Absolutely miserable workout. Did a row instead of a run on the cash out.
10am Class:
(45×5, 95×4, 135×4, 175×3)
-felt like a good place for me to start. planning on making 5# jumps this cycle.
10min AMRAP:
3 rounds plus 4 WB
-first round of wb's as 20-10, then sets of 10 for the other rounds. shoulders were fried. burpees were just my usual slow but steady.
Quick Makeup…
11am: 'Jerry' in the morning and finished in 27:26.
6:30pm: Press 5/3/1 60×5, 70×5, 78×8
Power Snatch: worked up to 47kg (103.4lbs) which I believe is a PSn PR.
Isabel: 5:49 first time doing this rx'd so I'm pretty pleased that I could just finish it. Not all reps pretty (some pressouts) but at least I didn't split snatch any of them! I've finally gotten over that bad habit.
5RFT: 400m run, 15 DL's @105#, 10 True Pushups
-18:09 all dl's unbroken, first 2 rounds of pushups unbroken.
10am class
Front Squat
Felt good. Grabbing the bar as tight as I can and shrugging up.
30 Wall Ball 20# 10'
20 Burpees
3 rounds
As discussed with my classmates beforehand, I put on the blinkers and pulled over to the right lane on this one. Still had, still fun.
8 AM with superstar AOTM Mich!
Safety bar squats 150x5x3. Even though I just did 192.5×5 on Saturday these somehow felt heavy. WTF?
Special Snowflake metcon with 16kg one-armed KB swings instead of WB and split jumps instead of burpees. 4 rounds + 27 KB swings. This was so much worse than I thought it would be. Even with the narrow-grip KB my left hand got very fatigued very fast. And split jumps are…not easy. I'm not going to say I miss burpees, but they're not easy.
Makeup from 6:30pm last night
Work has been nuts lately and my sleep schedule is all messed up. Missed 6am class but was able to get out of work early to do Monday's work. Will probably have to pull the same move today.
Perf. Press:
Big Lifts told me that 11 was the target, but my shoulders were feeling not so great, and rep 10 was pretty grindy. Think I probably had 11, but decided to leave a rep in the tank as the whiteboard suggested.
Metcon: The running and T2B went fine. I tried to move through those as quick as possible and minimize the rest to changing DL weight and grabbing a sip of water each round. DL went like this:
Deadlifts felt good. Heavy deadlifts still freak me out with my back, but I think the anxiety makes me move better.
Makeup post: Been hella busy!
After taking a week off after my episode of strep throat (yuck) over the weekend, just easing back into exercise as tolerated. Still feeling a bit sluggish and weak in the limbs. Should be good to go by next week though!
HBBS: worked up to 170# 4×5
This felt absolutely miserable. As compared to last week where I worked up to 200#x5, happy I listened to my body and stayed at this weight….because I was sore as bajeezus the next day.
Conditioning: 14 min EMOM
even: 10 TTB
odd: 40 DU
This felt ok, really worked on cranking that RPM rope, that thing is speedy! Actually was finding that double unders are easier the faster i spin that rope…..if i go my usual pace I trip up a lot more. interestingggg
Press: 63# 3×5
Wednesdays WB/Burpee WOD: 3 rds + 19 WB
WB completed in sets of 10 throughout, glad I stuck to this. This was pretty rough, but exactly what I needed after a week of bedrest!
5:30pm, hbbs 235x5x3. This felt fine, still like work, and glad that this didn't bother my back. Doing these as 2+2+1 so I still have room to go into another gear and slow down my sets as they get heavier.
I did a DIY wendler db bench yesterday followed by a longish uphill run on the dreadmill. Was surprised at how well I was recovering… until I hit the first set of burpees and I realized my quads were done. That's what I get for not having a recovery meal after running. Finished 90 wall balls @ 16#/10' and 47 burpees, which was plenty hard enough.
I've been thinking about how I should approach WODs these days. I want to get back into distance running, so I have the longer time domain workouts covered reasonably well on my own. I think for my CF workouts I want to keep moving and spike my heart rate for shorter workouts, which is going to mean lower weights and more consistent movement (which is what I prefer to standing around gasping anyway…). I still spent a lot of time catching my breath during today's workout, but I think going for 16# instead of 20# was the right call so I could at least get in more reps.
Calf started to cramp during the cashout so I walked the last bit. Time for some mashing. Mad respect to everyone rowing for 2 hours after class today, see you on Sunday!
5:30 class
First Noah had us run around in a big circle doing weird stuff. I excelled at backward bear crawls.
Hand stand warm up
HBBS w Dan and KR
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 150×2
160x5x3 took some serious effort (jumped in at the end of last cycle and this is where I ended up — maybe ambitious for the start of a new cycle)
10 mim AMRAP
30 WB 14# 9'
20 Burpees
3 rounds + 3 WB
Thanks for the pressure McDowell.
Hips and legs have been feeling very sore. Maybe it's all the bike riding lately.
And probably not enough sleep or mobilizing to sustain my sudden increase in working out these last 2-3 weeks.
8:30 with Melo
Hbbs 155x5x3
WOD Rxd with 14/9 on the WB.
Finished 2 rounds plus 30 WB plus 7 burpees
Shoulders fatigued on round three and actually dropped to fast singles but that meant less time staring at the wall so it probably worked out faster.
Sweaty one!
LBBS 3×5 @150#
WOD: 2 rounds + wall balls + 8 burps
Saw three former students from my first year of teaching (2004) on my walk home today! Made my day!
If anyone is interested in playing FIELD HOCKEY Sunday evenings in the city, here are the deets:
Ladies only. Sorry guys.
All levels of experience. Some girls stopped after high school, others played through college.
Age range: early 20s to a bada** women in her 50s who's still got it on the field!
You can buy a stick online or post on the group below to see if anyone has an extra stick you can borrow.
Google group to join so you get updates about cancellations due to weather.!forum/brooklyn-womens-field-hockey-club
Non-competitive, on turf- We scrimmage, but play smart and skillfully (no hacking). It's a great workout! Not intense like the Greenwich league. Sometimes we only have enough people to play 3 on 3, other times, nearly a full field.
*SUNDAYS – June 29th-August 31st, 2014*
*10 weeks of outdoor rooftop play!*
*We will call it by 2pm on Sunday if there is not enough interest or if the
weather is bad. We *WILL* play in light rain. We will *NOT* play in
downpours or lightning. So keep track of the board….*
*TAKE: 1 train to Houston St and walk all the way west — check
out <> for any weekend service advisories before
heading out*
*BRING: Sneakers or turf shoes, shinguards, sunscreen, mouthguard, water,
*For insurance purposes, all players must sign a waiver in order to play. *
*COST:$65 for entire season*
Quick shout out to Coach Whitney who has helped me come as long a$$ way with my low bar back squat. Between her coaching and this cycle's LP, I have really been able to get comfortable under the bar, and some heavy weight. I topped out my 3×5 at 155# this cycle. My legs feel super strong it is definitely translating to all my other lifts. Today we tested my 1RM and I was able to conquer 175#, what an awesome feeling. Just couldn't stand up on 180#, at least now I have a new goal to reach. Also, thanks to Coach McDowell also today for spotting me on that last rep.
@Klove I could be interested in this "pay as you play" deal. I haven't played since high school and I was kinda sucky then but I'm still a decent defender! Email me at!!!