June Athlete of the Month: Micheline Gaulin
By Chris Fox
It’s June, and the warmer weather chimes in with celebrating one of our chillest gals as Athlete of the Month. Micheline (Mich) has been doing CrossFit since 2009, first with a personal trainer and then in classes at CFSBK about a year later. It’s taken a while but she’s been on a tear as of late! Enjoy reading a bit about this 8am gal who recently completed her first full “Murph.”
Fox: Hey Mich, congrats on being AOM! I of course I know a bit of this stuff about you but let’s hear it as if I didn’t. What led you to first start CrossFit?
MG: (Laughs) It’s pretty funny now. I was working out at NYSC in Park Slope and had been through a few knucklehead personal trainers. After the last one left and I had some sessions left I decided that I wanted to pick my own trainer so I didn’t get another dummy. I knew which trainer I wanted to work with but didn’t know his name. A day later I got a message from one of the trainers and I was furious. When he called again I very sternly let him know that I was not interested in training with him, thank you very much. Long story short is that I eventually realized that it was you, and that you were the trainer I wanted to work with. I felt silly for a minute but here we are now. Anyway, when you left NYSC to move on to CrossFit and asked me to go with you I was totally in. In fact I was flattered.
Fox: Yeah, you were pretty rude to me on the phone! (Laughs) Glad we figured it all out. Why did you want to work with “that trainer” and what appealed to you about CrossFit South Brooklyn?
MG: When I saw you training clients at NYSC I could tell that they were really working out. It seemed like fun but was serious at the same time. I wanted to work hard and see results, not waste my time and money. When I first entered the Lyceum in the fall of 2009, I was sold. I thought it was so cool that there were no lights, it was a really sparse place to train with these huge gothic windows providing the only lighting. Only later did I learn that there were no lights because the landlord hadn’t paid the electric bill! About a year later when I left the restaurant I had been working at for a long time in order to open one of my own, I had to stop doing private training for financial reasons. That’s when I started classes. It was intimidating at first, for a while actually, but I believed you when you said you’d come to my apartment and drag me to class if I didn’t show up.
Fox: Yeah, I truthfully didn’t think you’d show up. I’m so glad you did and am so proud of how much you’ve grown both in the gym and outside of it. What was it like to start taking classes after working only with a trainer?
MG: Like I said, it was intimidating. I didn’t know any of the verbiage, I didn’t know any of the people, I was insecure about my abilities (or lack thereof), and I really didn’t know how to monitor my training. It took me about a year but I made a decision to start taking my journaling seriously and do this right. I wanted to get better, not just pass the time. At the restaurant I’m the only CrossFitter and they all think I’m sort of nuts. When I developed a few friendships from the gym I became a bit competitive since I had people to compare my notes with. Susan P., Lauren S., Christina, and I would nerd out about numbers and a friendly competitiveness was born. The first event I attended was a gym potluck. Susan, Lauren, and I all agreed that we could only come if the others did. Well, the question of the day was “Are you coming to the potluck?” and once Susan said yes then Lauren and I had to also.
Fox: It’s been really great to see how the social side of CFSBK has developed for you. It really does become a reason to make it into the gym and to try just a bit harder. Fitting that as a restaurant lifer, your first gym event was a potluck. Tell us about your restaurant.
MG: Left Bank is located in the West Village of Manhattan and we’re going on our fourth year now. The space itself seats 55, plus seven at the bar. The food is as natural and organic as we can procure, and all our meats are humanely-raised and locally sourced. Laurence, my business partner and Left Bank’s amazing chef, prepares simple food influenced by France, Italy, and Germany. We aim to be a place where anyone will feel comfortable—locals and visitors alike.
Fox: I can attest to how amazing the food is. You guys allow the ingredients to speak for themselves. I always describe Left Bank as a place where a first date, a marriage proposal, or simply a few drinks and food with friends after work can coexist perfectly. I’m so proud that you’re a successful restaurateur! Tell me about how you balance out such a demanding career with training.
MG: CrossFit actually played a huge part in keeping me sane when we weren’t sure if the business would be a success. Opening a business is scary. It carries a lot of pressure. The constant fear of failure is there. It felt like if the business failed then people would see me as a failure. There’s also the fact that you don’t really have a schedule. It’s seven days a week, 18 hours a day, whatever is needed. I’d get home from the restaurant at 1am and be at the 7am class. (Thanks for the addition of an 8am class, by the way!) I just kept coming and wanting to make progress.
I come from a less-than-healthy family and it’s important to me to control my own health. When opening the restaurant and dealing also with some family issues, CrossFit became a constant in a world of insecure. Not that you’re ever in the clear, but now that we’re doing well and things are running smoother I can relax a bit. I take care of the money stuff, billing and receiving, and work the door, develop relationships. A huge part of the business is simply developing relationships and caring about people. I used to take care of the wine but gave that up. Nowadays I just want to enjoy good food and good wine with good people.
Fox: I recall you looking pretty bleary-eyed at some 7am classes. It must be nice to relax just a bit now. Tell us about where you’re from. How’d you wind up in NYC? What do you do besides work and CrossFit?
MG: I grew up in Toronto, one of four daughters. I’ve always been in the restaurant business and was doing pretty well in Toronto and actually bought a home there. I’d planned on staying but in 2002 I visited the guy I was dating who was in New York on a work visa. I no longer feel the same about the guy but am still in love with this city. I first rented then sold the house in Toronto and moved to 10th Street in Brooklyn that year. Outside of CrossFit and work I don’t do much. I like to travel but have nothing planned right now. I did do Paris solo for my 40th birthday, which was very memorable. Other great trips were Japan, Barcelona, and San Sebastian. My current favorite hobby is reading the paper in Prospect Park with Spanky.
Fox: Spanks! The new addition has been fun to watch, too. Tell us about your little old man.
MG: He’s a senior dog and was adopted at The Humane Society of New York. I was looking to adopt and had seen a few dogs. I almost adopted a dog from Sean Casey but then they told me he hated men. A friend advised me to adopt a pet with no issues as it was my first. I visited HSNY and when they brought out Spanky, my first thought was that he was so ugly. He looked old, and tired. Of course as soon as they placed him in my lap all that changed. He’s the best and I’ve never been happier.
Fox: He really is a funny little dog. Plus, Team Spanky kicked ass at “Murph” this year! You finally own kipping pull-ups! What else are you working on goal-wise at the gym? What are your goals?
MG: Oh my god—I’m so happy to have kipping pull-ups. Double-unders aren’t scary anymore either. I’m working on developing my capacity in the Olympic lifts, specifically the clean and jerk. Christina is at 105. I’m at 98 and I’d like to catch her. I love deadlifts since I feel so strong doing them. I hate burpees. Hate them.
Fox: Speaking of getting strong, you’ve trained for two powerlifting meets now—Tough Titsday and Iron Maidens. Can you tell us about those experiences?
MG: They were super fun and everyone should do it. It’s crazy and scary and nerve-racking, but once you get to the gym and realize everyone is just as nervous as you it becomes a great experience. I really enjoyed training and competing and pushing my lifts into new places. Each meet has had PRs for me.
Fox: Last question. What do you think we should look for in a future AOM?
MG: I guess I’d say someone who is a good rack-mate. Someone who is focused and pushes themselves regardless of the relative amount of weight, who cares about what they’re doing. And this is harder to put in to words, but someone who reinvents themselves through the gym. I know that I’ve gone through that process.
Give Us Feedback!
Your opinions and feedback are extremely important to us. We have an online feedback form where you can let us know about your experience at CFSBK. We want to know what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to see in the future. Information from these forms is discussed by staff so we can continue to evolve and best serve our community. Please let us know what you think!
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Wednesday's Programming
Fitness and Performance: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Back off a bit from last cycle and plan to hit your 5RM for 3×5 in week 8.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Wall Balls
20 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Yay Micheline! Another perfect choice! Congrats!
Congrats, Micheline! Loved learning more of your story through Fox's interview.
Makeup post from yesterday's 7:30 class with Arturo and DO
***Hey all check out the app sugarWOD, it's a pretty awesome tracking system for crossfitters***
Rowed a 30 min piece before class because I got there too late for the 6:30 but way too early for the 7:30. Hit 7120m in the 30 mins with a 2:06:4 avg split.
Performance work this cycle with the Wendler training (I expect to look at least like if not bigger than Matt Katz… just sayin)
Training max for the Press is 140
65% x 5 – 90
75% x 5 – 105
85% x ME – 120×12
These last ones felt really good, rep 7 was way out in front but I just lost some concentration. The last 2 were getting a little grindy so I cut it off there. I might have been able to get 15 but I didn't want to fail or ruin my form.
This is the first time I got through 5 rounds in a nft workout, usually it's 3 rounds and some conversation between but since I missed most of crush week I tried not to slack today.
DLs were 155, 245, 295, 315, 335.
This was the heaviest I've done on an overhand grip, it felt like my thumbs were going to explode on the last set but it worked out well.
MICH!!! What a wonderful choice!!! Truly enjoy the Fox story. Always a great day when I see her and Spanky! Congratsss strong lady!!
6am. Press: 115×5, 135×5, 155×8. NFT: 135, 225, 295, 325, 345. Hook gripped every set. Nice little intro to "transition week". Tomorrow's WOD doesn't look nearly as fun.
Congrats, Mich! Loved reading your backstory.
Mich is all of the awesome and so is Spanky!
Congratulations Mich! Great story especially how you met Fox. Will definitely be going to the Left Bank.
Congrats, Micheline!
Yay, I'm so happy to see an 8amer represent! I always enjoy working out with Mich. She motivates me to work harder and encourages me to write in my journal which I'm horrible at doing. And she's also not a bad surfer.
Congrats Micheline!
I was so happy to see Mich (and Spanky) as AOTM this morning – and not at all surprised, very deserving! So proud of her amazing progress lately.
Mich has an amazing attitude – another reason she is AOTM – some of our conversations about crossfit and life, will include Mich saying something more or less, "you are going to get 'this', do 'that', and it's going to be AMAZING!!!!!" As someone who can get caught up in frustration at times, that friendship, support and enthusiasm! is so appreciated ๐
Congrats Micheline! Hope to see you sometime at a 6am class. ๐
6am today with McD and Jess
First, I'd like to change my answer to the question of the day. After cutting my nail to short this morning I've realized the lesser of two evils is stubbing my toe.
Next, back squats. I worked out the math to hit my 5RM (325#) and did 3 x 5 at 265#. I'm going to jump in 10# increments until halfway through the 8 weeks, then switch to 5#s. Lift felt good and crisp.
Last, the metcon. That had one of my least favorite movements (walls balls) and my favorite (burpees), so I put my energy into the burpees for speed. Did the WBs in sets of 10 with a 3 second rest, but did the burpees fast and unbroken. Hit 4 rounds + 2 wall balls, then almost passed out. My legs now refuse to work.
Loved this write-up on Mich! She's a true CFSBK OG and has been a staple of the AM crew forever. Always a pleasure to have in class and always fun to chat with.
Also I'm sorry I keep calling your dog "stinky" instead of spanky by mistake. I got it in my head early that his name was that and I keep defaulting back to it. Spanky smells great!
6am with Jess and McDowell. I started the presses this cycle at 100#. They were moving well this morning, though I need to work on cycling reps efficiently while the weight is low(ish). As much as I like bench presses, I'm glad we're doing another cycle with these.
I got through 5 rounds of the NFT work. DLs were 135-185-205-225-245 and toes-to-bars were all strict, though I definitely had to bend my knees early and often.
Re. the QOD yesterday, last cycle my kipping pullups definitely improved, I got better and more confident at handstands (against the wall, but hopefully some freestanding time is to come). But the most noticeable improvement has been in my endurance and stamina levels. I feel like I just have a bigger gas tank lately. There are probably many factors to that, but whatever the cause, I'm very happy about it.
Congratulations, Micheline!
Yeah to Micheline and Spanky! Hefner, Martiika and I love running into you in the neighborhood. (We discovered we live around the corner from each other). Congrats!
Outlaw Tuesday
3 Position Clean (2 reps from each position โ power position, hang, floor) + Jerk (2 Jerks per set, 1 after each 3 position clean) โ 1ร1@55%, 1ร1@60%, 1ร1@65%, 1ร1@70%
(warm up, 63)
85, 93, 100, 108
-had a couple rough lifts in there, particularly the first HH at 108, but otherwise this felt much better than last week. focused on sharp footwork and fast elbows.
-stay braced when catching, sometimes i arch too hard and lose my ribcage.
-jerks are feeling f*ckin' awesome
1a) 4X8 Paused Strict Ring Dips (3 count pause in bottom, 3 count pause at lockout, add weight if 8 UB with pauses is too easy) โ rest 90 sec.
I did 3×3. Hope to do 3×4 next wk.
1b) 4X3 Jerk Grip BTN Push Press + 2 Jerk Grip OHS โ heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.
83, 93, 98, 103 (F on third push press. overextended and just couldn't finish the press out. cleaned and jerked it up to do the two OHS, which were fine. bummed I missed that, b/c I know I had it!)
no conditioning today. not sorry.
also god bless clickhole
7 Weightlifting Poems That Will Get You Pumped
Congrats to Micheline! I don't think we've actually met (though Ive seen you around) but I have been to The Left Bank and it is truly wonderful. Unpretentious but delicious food, wonderful service, just a great place to sit and talk with friends.
Nooner with McDowell and Jeremy.
15 x Russian KB swings @ 20KG
10 x push-ups
5 x T2B
Worked on squat cleans while everyone else squatted- thanks McD for allowing me to do that! It had been a while! Just tried to focus on keeping the bar close and dropping under. Worked up to 113 x 3 x 5 and timed it perfectly.
AMRAP 10 mins
30 wall ball (14/9)
20 burpees
2 rounds and 30 wall balls.
Safe to say these are my two least favorite movements. Tried my best to focus on movement and on pacing myself.
50 x hollow rocks.
400m run.
500m row.
Yay Mich! One of my faves at the gym, for sure.
Monday's programming: 61#x9 on the Wendler rep out. 5 rounds of the accessory work at 185# for the DL. Strict toes to bar are hard.
6am with Jess and McD
LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 175x5x3
These felt pretty good this morning, with room to grow through the cycle.
WOD: 2 rounds plus 6 burpees
I haven't done burpees in a while and I spent a lot more time resting than I should have. First round of wall balls unbroken, then in sets of 5.
Congrats Micheline! Great interview too!
Micheline is easily one of my favorite people to be around. She's a genuine, caring person and while I try not to have favorite clients or members, I have to say that the session I spend training her each week is one of my favorite hours. We talk way too much about food. Congrats, Mich!
Congrats, Micheline!!
7am with Jess and McD
Press: 53, 63, 73×6, with a big over extension on this rep. First weight lifted in a while. Felt week.
NFT @ 135, 145, 155, 165, 165 on the DL. Working my way back slowly. Tried to go make the eccentric part of the t2b as slow as possible, though I didn't use any strict tempo.
Hooray for Mich! Such a great attitude – totally capable of pushing me to do things I wouldn't otherwise do (ahem, 15.5 rx'ed) and also agreeing to ditch the cashout to go get coffee when that is appropriate. I can safely say I would never have tried to do Murph rx'ed if it wasn't for Mich. I sometimes feel like we are the crazy old ladies of the 8am class, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Bummer alert!
We won't be able to use the bathrooms or showers tomorrow until a plumbing issue in 608 is resolved. There seems to be a problem with the sewer line and we'll have to get that cleared out before any water can be flowing in the space.
OMIGOD!! Hooray Micheline!! Easily one of my most favorite people!! And everyone needs to go to Left Bank. The food is stellar (and it was recently on Real Housewives of NY)
Congratulations Micheline!
Monday's Workout
Performance Press: 45×5, 50×5, 58×9
NFT work:
Deadlift: 113#, 143#, 163#, 183#, 203#. I usually have to switch grip around 165#, but was able to do hook grip up to 203# today!
Floor levers. A few failed attempts at strict toes to bar first though.
Power Clean
10 DUs
Started PC at 205 and fished at 225
Snatch Balance doubles
Maybe I'll get to know Micheline better over the summer when I venture into morning classes. I hope so.
Seems like an incredible and lovely lady! Way to be a badass female, restauranteur, AND athlete! Role model for us all!! With that said… I'm down anytime to go to left bank! Hit me up if you want someone to go with!
Thank you everyone for all your kind words!! ! I am so grateful to be a part of this awesome community. Thanks especially to all the coaches for creating it!
An extra big thank you to Christian for being as patient as he is and for helping me as much as he does. (I can be a bit of a space cadet in the early morning!).
And David, sometimes I call Spanky, Stinky too… ๐
I'll check out Left Bank soon! Take my money!