Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start light enough to add weight for 7 weeks.
Performance: 5/3/1
Use training max. Need a Wendler refresher? Check out these resources:
5/3/1: How to Build Pure Strength T Nation
Better Than Before: A Review of 5/3/1 Jim Wendler
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds, or 20 minutes:
3 Deadlifts, as heavy as possible (work up in weight)
5 Strict Toes-to-Bar
270m Jog
Post time/rounds and loads to comments.
The legendary Jacinto B. busting through his push-ups at “Murph”
Our New Programming Cycle Begins Today!
Training Cycle Dates: M 6/8 – Su 8/2
Crush Week: M 8/3 – S 8/9
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting August 10, 2015
Cycle Goals:
- Handstand/handstand push-up work
- Snatch assistance work
- Continue standardized warm-ups + gymnastics warm-ups
Monday: Press + WOD/Assistance
Fitness 3×5 Linear Progression
Start light and aim to add 2.5-5 lbs each week. If you make 5 lb jumps each week the bar will be 35# heavier in week 8!
Performance 5/3/1 (Use Training Max)
Wednesday: Back Squat + WOD/Assistance
Fitness 3×5 Linear Progression. Back off a bit from last cycle
Performance 3×5 Linear Progression. Plan to hit your last Intensity Day number for a 3×5 by week 8
Thursday: Snatch + WOD/Assistance (Overhead Squat/Snatch Balance in NFTs)
Fitness + Performance: Snatch, Hang Snatch, Power Snatch, or Hang Power Snatch
Saturday: Front Squat + WOD/Assistance
Fitness 3×3 Linear Progression.
Add 2-5 lbs each exposure. Back off a bit from last cycle. Plan to hit your 3RM for a 3×3 in week 8
Performance 3×3 Linear Progression
Plan to hit your 3RM for a 3×3 in week 8
Sunday: Clean and Jerk + WOD/Assistance
Fitness and Performance: Clean, Hang Clean, Power Clean, Hang Power Clean (+ Jerk)
Want to Learn More About CFSBK’s Programming? Check Out These Articles:
- The Underlying Philosophy Behind Programming at CFSBK Chris Fox
- A New Dawn for CFSBK Programming: Fitness and Performance David Osorio
- Low Bar and High Bar Back Squats David Osorio
What were some of the biggest improvements you made during last cycle? What are your goals for the upcoming cycle?
Tiny 6am class with Nick and McDowell
Sticking with the Linear Progression this cycle because I always struggle with strict press.Today was at 105# which should allow for some steady 5# jumps for a while.
Squeezed in 5 rounds.
Strict T2B are getting better. Slow and controlled but my knees still bend a bit.
Deadlifts were 225/275/305/325/335. Felt good going heavy with these.
Yesterday: Oly cycle mock meet
There was a little added pressure in going through a meet-style competition, but it was less intimidating with only 5 of us competing.
Snatch: 38kg, 42, 45F
Clean & Jerk: 55kg, 60, 65F
I wasn't feeling my best going into this, but I was happy with the results. The lifts I missed would've been PR's, so I'm excited to keep building on what I've learned over the last 6 weeks.
6am with Nick & McD
Press: 45×5, 55×3, 60x5x3
I was going to start at 55, but Jill convinced me to do 60 and these moved well
Deadlifts: 135 for the first 3, then 155 for the last two. My back was sore after yesterday, so I decided to take it easy and just get back into the swing of things.
Subbed floor levers for T2B
270m jog: still feeling beat up from our soccer game on thurs, but it was good to be moving again
I'm looking forward to focusing on crossfit for this cycle. I've jumped from strength cycle to crash b's to the Oly cycle, so now it'll be fun to take all of those added skills and put them to use.
Press, Perf 6 reps @ 125# training max
WOD NFT, 185# DLs and strict T2B. McDowell helped a lot w/ DL form, hopefully able to use that to add more weight in future. Looking forward to this cycle
6am w/ Nick and McDowell
Good crew this morning. Working on the performance programming this cycle, 85×5, 95×5, 105×10. Hit 4 rounds for the NFT. 225/275/295/315 on deadlifts. Good to do some heavy deadlifts. T2B felt better than usually.
Outlaw Monday
3 Position Snatch Double (2 reps from each position – power position, hang, floor) – 1×1@55%, 1×1@60%, 1×1@65%, 1×1@70%
(warm up, 63), 68, 73, 78, 83
WOOF. Got a little short on the hang reps. I get impatient cuz my hands/grip start speaking to me. Got a bit dizzy on some of these. Also, after doing it as written with 63# (pp-h-flr-pp-h-flr), which was really hard, I did 2pp-2h-2flr for all my sets. oops?
1a) 4X5 Back Squats – work to a true arm (did not do the ME set afterward, as programmed):
(45×5, 95×3)
135×5, 165×5, 175×5, 185×5
-last two sets belted. this was actually fine. decent speed on 185, though knees may be coming in a bit?
1b) 4x 5 strict TTB , 4 strict pull-up, 1 5-sec hold @ top position of pull-up
::break for meeting!::
For time:
21 Power Cleans 135/95#
50′ Handstand Walk
21 OHS 135/95#
15 Power Cleans 135/95#
50′ Handstand Walk
15 OHS 135/95#
9 Power Cleans 135/95#
50′ Handstand Walk
9 OHS 135/95#
17:54 RX. so much grunting. so much sweat.
PC: 6-5-5-5, last 2 rounds were all triples
OHS: 8-7-6, 6-5-4, 9 (!! did not plan to go unbroken, but did not want to put the bar down again)
HS walk was basically 1-1.5 panels on the floor at a time. try to lead with heels, which works, but then I feel like I break and get out of control. this hasn't gotten better b/c I haven't practiced it (except during these workouts, when fatigued).
biggest improvements in last 6 wks: put 7# on my snatch, 10# on c&j, 15# on clean. muscle ups are consistent.
goals for next 6-8 wks: 125# snatch, 165# c&j, string muscle-ups together (2, 3 at a time), 3 strict HSPU with no abmat.
Strength Cycle
Competition Squat
45 x 10
95 x 4
135 x 4
185 x 4
205 x 4
212 x 4 (7RPE)
218 x 4 (8RPE)
223 x 4 (9RPE)
212 x 4
Competition Bench Press (pause)
45 x 4
75 x 4
95 x 4
115 x 4 (7RPE)
117 x 4 (8.5RPE)
120 x 3, F
115 x 4
Supplemental Deadlift (blue band)
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5 (7RPE)
210 x 5 (8RPE)
215 x 5 (9RPE)
205 x 5
5:30 w/ Coaches Noah & Ro
What?! Well I'm just going to have to reassess my membership at CFSBK!
6:30 class
Moving well.
Felt heavier than I expected. Playing this exposure by exposure. May use a belt on Friday.
I built my squat back up last cycle and also my press. Although I'll be heavily modifying group programming over the next 8 weeks in preparation for a powerlifting meet in August, I'll say that I hope to get into PR territory in my training as well as hit 3 lifetime PRs at the meet to set a PL Total PR. Lofty. There, I said it.
4:30 group with NoRo.
Shoulders are doing interesting things after a couple weeks of intense OLY training with Ro. Took a break from overhead and hit some incline DB bench 5×10 #35, with banded pull aparts in between.
WOD w/ Carissa 🙂 accidentally started 2 mins late?!
#95, #125, #155, #175, #195 deadlifts
Strict T2B
270 m job
Should've just pulled 200. In hindsight, I don't know why I didnt do that. Bummer. But 195 is a PB, and felt heavy but moved with plenty of speed. So that's exciting.
It was fun being back and visiting some group class action 🙂 it's been a while.
@chris lol!
@lauren thanks for the motivation! I was planning on doing 110 for deadlifts, but did 125 instead. I could've done even heavier. Now I know 🙂
press: 48# 5X3
Fun wod. Rachel and I snuck in an extra round before the time cap 😛
I'm really excited for handstand push-up work and continued snatch work next cycle!! I also have a tendency to drink on Tuesdays (rest day!)Gunna have to quit that if I want to improve my backsquats on Wednesday!!!
Hi from Flagship CF in San Francisco, where one of the coaches saw my SBK shirt and immediately wanted to know whether I knew Lil JB. You're famous, girl! 🙂
The coaches were SUPER nice about working around my injury, especially since today's work was snatching and row/OHS WOD. My wrist has been feeling a bit better lately so I had hoped I could maybe snatch an empty barbell but it was a no go. 🙁 so instead I alternated between snatching a PVC to practice the movement and left arm snatching a DB for weight. 35x5x2, unfortunately the next heaviest DB was a 45 which proved to be too much. I bet I could have done 40.
WOD 5 RFT, 500m row and 15 squats with a 35# slam ball held to my chest (Rx was OHS at 65). I probably should have gone with 50# slam ball but this was brutal nonetheless.
7:30 with Ro and David
55x5x3 press
Worked up to 165 on the DL
Nice Allie!
Whit – that's some awesome progres. Congrats!
Linda – wish I could have come back to watch you guys. Nice work! And congrats to everyone who participated.
My goal is to hit all exposures this cycle as well as olympic lifts, body weight & rings accessory work.
I just want to be able to put in the work. I don't have set numbers I'm looking for.
I liked everything about today's work-out.
MU transitions
1 green band transition and 1 strict dip x 10
Thanks for the tips, Noah
1 RM 75#
TM 67.5#
35# x8
45# 65% x5
50# 75% x3
57.5# 85% x12
5 Rounds NFT
3 DL (165, 175, 185, 195, 195)
5 strict t2b
270m jog
Side Planks
:30 each side
1:00 each side
Last cycle I focused on the Oly lifts, as I did the class with Frank. I definitely learned a lot about snatching, though I don't feel like I've quite put it all together yet in an instinctive way (as I showed at the total Sunday when I basically power-snatched one and then bombed the others.) I did see a real tangible improvement in my clean. Something about the movement pattern grooved in a different way than it had before. At the total, I cleaned 92 kilos and it felt like I did it right, more or less, and that I wasn't at my limit. So that was exciting.
So one of my goals for this cycle is to keep working on the snatch and clean&jerk.
The other really positive thing in the last cycle was the improvement I saw in my strict press. I ended up doing 145 for reps (3×3), which had been my 1RM. Happy to see real improvement after 2 plus years of doing crossfit.
Today at 4:30 Wendler press: 95×5 110×5 125×8 Then NFT: DL 225 275 315(x3)
6:30 Noah & Ro
115x5x3 these moved well
DL 135, 185, 225, 255, 285
These felt great. It's nice to be deadlifting again. The runs were fun. T2B not so much fun.
My goals this cycle…
10 DU… in a row, 200# C&J, 150# Snatch, 1 MU, sub 21m 5k, complete a 10k, sub 9m Helen, and complete 3m swim in open water