Power Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a heavy single.
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For Time:
30 Power Snatches 135/95
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 1.18.2015 and 11.30.2013
Rickke M.’s back art on display at “Murph”
- Happy birthday, Roosevelt M.!
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Drop Off Your Kids, Come Get Supple, and Don’t Forget About Coach Frankie’s Mock Olympic Lifting Meet
- Want to work out at 9am and bring your kids? Now you can, with CFSBK Kids Club, every Sunday at 9am.
- Active Recovery is on at 11am with Coach Fox.
- Come watch Coach Frank’s Olympic Lifting Program athletes test themselves in a mock Oly meet at 2:30pm.
Mister Lytle: An Essay, by John Jeremiah Sullivan The Paris Review
Yesterday OG:
Regionals Event 6 (Row/CTB/DHSPU)
Like 29:30something
That was much longer and harder than I thought it was going to be.
Todays 8:00am Class
Power Snatch 165×1
Isabel as Rx'd 6:44
About :14 slower than last time
Great class!
9am. Power snatch (kilos): 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80F, 80. Got under the bar on the failure at 80, but wasn't stable and bailed it forward. Made the next rep, but my left leg did a little dance before I stood it up. 80 is the same weight I hit last week for a full snatch.
Isabel Rx: 4:49. First encounter with this workout as I've managed to miss Isabel every other time it has shown up. Started out with 3 triples and was trying for a fourth when I failed the 12th rep by not standing it up properly. Switch to doubles for a while and then singles for the last 10. Had some good reps mixed in with some ugly reps. Next time I might try to pace more from the beginning with a strategy of 1 double every 0:15.
9am with Fox and Ro
I think I am one of the strange ones that prefers to drop all the way down to the bottom of the squat when snatching. Power snatching always feels foreign in some way. Same with Power Cleans. Hit 155# on the Power Snatch.
Isabel Rx'd in 6:15. Bailed singles the entire time with no fails. First time doing this WOD. Happy with that time…for now.
9am with Fox and Arturo. I worked up to 125 on the power snatches. This ties my snatch PR and was snappier than usual today. Overall, my snatches have gotten much better over this cycle, even if I haven't added a ton of weight. As Fox noted, the fact that I'm much more comfortable with power snatches, is (yet another) indication that I need to work on getting under the bar and catching full snatches low.
I did Isabel at 95#. I could have probably gone heavier but I wanted to do it at the same weight I used last time we did this. I finished in 3:39, which is about a three minute improvement. I think some of that improvement is because I had a time to chase this time, some was because I didn't do this as quickly as I could have last time, and some is because my stamina and strength have improved a lot in the last six months. It's encouraging to have that demonstrated so clearly.
11am w/ Coaches Ro & Whit
After class, Noah asks me:
"Yun, did you do it Rx?"
Dang, Rikke— NICE TATS.
Isabel in 3:30… with 35#! :***( Only made it up to 55# for my 1rm on the power snatch. Ugh! I felt terrible today, but it's a miracle I came in at all. Just happy to have done it. (My school had a "teacher appreciation" Brooklyn Boot Camp class in Prospect Park this morning. This paired with yesterday's WOD made me pretty sore and worn out.)
At least I can compare how much I improve next time we do Isabelle!
Shout out to Nicki, Worm, Janet, Sarah, Callie, Noor and everyone else who killed in the 12pm class. I definitely copped out compared to you all, but it was necessary.
Open gym tonight to squeeze in Isabel.
52# in 3:49. Snatches are something I should probably spend significant amounts of open gym time working on. 15 mins a week just isn't enough to make improvements on my horrible technique lol
2×30'/5' easy run, then straight into OG for 2×30'/5' medium row. Should have: spent an hour foam rolling and stretching after. Did: cooked all night. Tired now! Looking forward to a rest day & yoga tomorrow.
Congratulations to Bethany on getting her strict pull ups back tonight!
Warm up
3 rounds of:
3 pause pull ups w 5 sec eccentric on last rep
2 rounds of:
10 push ups
16 rev lunges 35# then 45# plate OH
Bbell warm ups
Two reps each of:
35, 40, 42, 45kg – all felt solid
47kg gave up (I hate when I do that), 46, 47 soft in catch and bailed forward. It was as tho I didn't even try to punch up ..
This keeps happening. Arturo suggested working up to a challenging set of this complex..
5 snatch grip push presses and 1 OH squat
15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 42, 45
Trying to be snappy and explosive
Orb left hamstring
Barbell mash forearms, biceps, anterior delta/pecs and quads