“Tommy Mac”
2 Rounds, For Time:
12 Burpees
12 Thrusters 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Power Snatches 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Push Jerks 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Hang Squat Cleans 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Overhead Squats 115/75
“Partner Tommy Mac”
In teams of two with one partner working at a time, complete the following:
3 Rounds, For Time:
12 Burpees
12 Thrusters 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Power Snatches 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Push Jerks 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Hang Squat Cleans 115/75
12 Burpees
12 Overhead Squats 115/75
Partners split the work.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Russ H and his family visited us from Canada for “Murph,” and his son stayed by his side as his personal photographer and judge
CFSBK Sports Team Updates
- The Fighting Tacos have their first soccer playoff game TONIGHT at Pier 3 in Brooklyn Bridge Park at 7:50pm. Come cheer them on!
- The Spiking Tacos had their third volleyball game last night at Pier 6 in Brooklyn Bridge Park, and won all three games (through a forfeiture, but whatever), putting them at 6-3.
- The Boccino Tacos have their first bocce game on Friday… no, lol, just kidding. There isn’t a CFSBK Bocce Ball team but we thought you might need a laugh after seeing the WOD.
Join Steph P.’s Spin Fundraiser on June 20th
While OG Steph Paddock has been taking some time away from CFSBK, she’s been training hard for her upcoming Ironman 70.3 this August—and has been hard at work fundraising for Team Fox, raising money for The Michael J. Fox Foundation. On Saturday, June 20th she’ll be hosting a spin fundraiser at Peloton Cycle in Chelsea. The 45-minute class includes shoe rental, water, and towels and will be followed by free wine and beer, snacks, and raffle prizes. Class starts at 12:45pm but guests should arrive by 12:15pm to get signed in.
All proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly to funding Parkinson’s research! You can purchase tickets here!
Chimpanzees Would Cook if Given the Chance, Research Says The New York Times
The Lean Gains Myth Renaissance Periodization
Nutritional Priorities With Dr. Israetel Renaissance Periodization
I hate missing workouts with all of my favorite movements when I am out of town. Let's move this to Saturday and replace with a 15 minute AMRAP of 50 thrusters 50 wall balls and 50 burpees instead. You are welcome to call it the Jay-Star if you need a name. Thanks. If you change it on the website soon no one will know the truth.
6am with David and Jess. I partnered up with Scott to do this workout at 95lbs. We finished 2 rounds in 23-something, then Jess had us do another round, which we finished at 34:27. This was no joke-I wish I'd have weighed myself before and after to see how much weight I lost in sweat. I actually got light headed a few times. Mad respect to anyone who did this without a partner (at any weight).
6am with the usual crew
Thankfully I got to class before they swapped out Tommy mac with Jay-Star.
Tommy Mac: 26:12 Rx. That was a LONG haul. I broke up everything from the beginning, either sets of 6 or 4 depending on the exercise. Burpees were challenging but good active rest, and the second set of thrusters were hardest for me.
6am with Jess and David
When I saw the work out this morning I was trying to figure out if the burpees were a rest from the bar work or if the bar work was a rest from the burpees. The correct answer is neither. There is no rest. Only sweat.
Finished this Performance style Rx'd in 32:50. Would have been about 30 seconds faster if I didn't miss my last rep twice. (Missing my last rep is kind of my thing.)
Thanks to David for the ongoing whisper coaching.
Thanks to Jess for suggesting I go unbroken on the last set of OHS which I hadn't even considered.
Thanks to Peter for the narrower grip suggestion on the OHS.
7am Oly cycle
Sadly this is the last week and second to last class. We went heavy today and it was great to see the improvements I've made over the last 6 weeks.
Clean & jerk: 33, 63, 73, 83, 103, 113, 123, 133, 138 PR!, 143F – got the clean, bailed the jerk
Clean: 148 PR!, 150.5 PR!
Snatch: 33, 63, 73, 83, 88, 93 PR!, 98F
The 93 felt so crisp and then I think I got in my head too much. Approaching 100 seems much more do-able now. Very happy with these results! Finished off with a quick shower before heading to work.
Didn't bother with the workout today – couldn't fathom how I would have made it through the overhead work which the toughest movement for me at cfsbk (not that burpees aren't hard – but I can at least organize a pushup).
So I rowed 2×30'/5'rest in prep for the half-marathon row in two weeks. Partially inspired by just finishing the book "Boys in the Boat" last night. I kept the pace at 16spm and about 2:30 most of the way. With a bit of warmup/cool down I felt like it was decent workout. But probably not anywhere near the work of the wod.
richard g.
I haven't been posting much recently and I'd really like to get back to it. Today marked 3/3 crush week workouts for me, and I'm going to make it in tomorrow morning to do Saturday's. Unfortunately I'm working Sunday so I'll have to miss the last one, but I'm pretty happy with 4/5.
Did partner Tommy Mac with Peter, which was 3 rounds @ rxed weight (75#). 30:53. Did all movements unbroken except the power snatches, which I had to break up 4/2. I can't even imagine doing this whole thing by myself. Even though we ended up doing 3/4 of the volume, the difference between doing 6 if each movement at a time versus 12 was monumental. I also just love partner workouts, which I find more motivating and fun than going alone. Can't wait to see what tomorrow will be!
6am w/ David and Jess.
34:10 Rx (I think; honestly I looked at the clock and then promptly situated myself on the floor in a ball of agony) This hero metcon would be real w/o the burpess, but the burpees just make it all that more special. Broke everything up to either 4's or 6's and tried to keep a decent pace on the burpees. A great metcon for crush week and awesome way to pay tribute to a fallen soldier.
6am with Jess and David.
The name Tommy Mac sounds like a heavy weight boxer, and true to form, I feel like I got knocked the f out.
I did the 1st round @ 95# and the 2nd round @ 75# (had to sub power cleans for the power snatches and back squats for ohs thanks to my not so supple body).
Finished in 33:17.
6am. Tommy Mac Rx: 28:50. Barbell movements felt good. I was dropping under the bar nicely on the power snatches. The burpees sucked. Hit the redline near the end of this one. Apologies to half the gym who thought I was killing this workout when I accidentally skipped the push jerks in the first round. Realized part way through the hang squat cleans and ended up just swapping the order of the two movements in that round.
Feeling appropriately crushed right now. Good workout.
I mean, not that I'm happy to be injured, but not being able to do burpees is not something I'm terribly sorry about right now.
6am with Jess and DO.
Tommy Mac Rx'd in 31:24. Rough.
Did both rounds the same way:
Thrusters done in sets of 6 (by far the worst barbell part).
Snatches as singles with no time wasted getting into successive reps.
Push Jerks in sets of 6.
Hang Cleans in sets of 4
OH Squats unbroken.
The burpees were just soul crushing. Had to take them super slow to avoid redlining. Now contemplating turning the lights off in the conference room and taking a nap in the corner.
Oh, btw, the Fighting Tacos playoff game is TONIGHT at 7:50pm! Come cheer us on if you're not too sore from Tommy Mac!
4:30 class
Tommy Mac in a very slow 31:55 at 115. This was as painful as expected. The cleans were the worst part for me and the burpees were tough to get through. Low back was feeling smoked. Only thing I did unbroken was the push jerks and the last round of OHS.
Solo Tommy Mac @63# in 29:12.
The first round done at 13:47. Burpees and snatches slowed me down. I can't cycle snatches so they were all done as singles and my form wasn't great. My shoulders were more smoked than anticipated and I also haven't been able to make it on a Sunday in three weeks so haven't snatched in a while. I need to do snatches regularly or I forget all the little details about form. Coach Ro and White game me different cues and both cues helped greatly.
6:30pm Class with Ro and Whit
Did "Tommy Mac" Partner version with LB Bliss
We finished in 33:10. Id it at the Rx'd weight and we split everything up by 6 reps. All barbell movements unbroken. My favorite part was the sitting! 🙂
4:30pm class:
24:34 rxd.
-hot damn was that tough. Finished the first round in 10:39 and then slogged through the second. Thrusters were to hardest barbell component though I could have easily done without the burpees. Broke up most everything into sets of 7-5 except for the OHS which were unbroken.
-lots of fun coaching classes this morning and watch you all push hard. #wealllovecrushweek
Makeup post…
-didn't get a chance to do Jerry yesterday so I've got to make that up.
-Monday's fitness wod was so crushing for me. 17:43ish rxd and it hurt. I in no way wanted to or could move faster. It looked so much easier on paper!!!
7:30 with Ro and Katie
63# for a "partner" Tommy Mac. We ran out of people so I stole Jenny (spelling?), Allie's partner and rested when she worked. Finished in 27:00. Allie and I kept pace together and she made me less lazy on the burpees.
Snatches were ugly- I apologize profusely to anyone who witnessed them.
I came into this really tired and wasn't sure how it would go. Went with what I felt was a pretty safe pace to start and definitely had to slow it down… and and then slow it down again. And again.
Tried to chase Ellie and fell a full movement behind. Finished in 27:34 with 75#
I actually liked the snatches. Did them in singles and it allowed me to focus and catch my breath. Dreaded the push presses even tho I finished those the quickest. My shoulders were killing — even (especially) during the 'push up' portion of the burpees. As expected the thrusters sapped all my energy and zest for life. Squat cleans were gnarly, too. 🙂
Jenny: snatches were not ugly. You looked amazing doing 10# more than Jenn and I.
This is my FAVORITE CROSSFIT WORKOUT EVER. Holy $hit. I got more into it the longer it went on. I'd love to do it alone… And rx'd, if I could only improve my snatches and get stronger!!! I felt amazing after.
27:00– first round was 8:30, each consecutive round faster. Jenn and Jenny were amazing partners. Jenn and I did 53#. Snatches were so hard, I ended up pressing most of them :*(
Fun times.