For Time:
Run 1 Mile
Row 2000m
Run 1 Mile
Post time to comments.
Compare to 4.14.2012
Want to learn more about our CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids programs? Info about these programs now lives on our Programs and Membership Options page here. The mission of both programs is to emphasize good movement through games and activities. Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our program. Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up! If you want to sign your kids up, check out the latest sessions and options in our online store under “Kids.”
- Happy belated birthday, Ben A.!
Meat CSA Pickup Today! And How about Fish?
The Herondale meat pickup is today, 6-8:30pm. Remember to bring bags to carry your share home. Any issues or questions, please text Michele at 347-645-4524, or email her at mignyc [at] gmail.com.
If you are still looking to sign up for the new fish CSA with Big City Fish Share, the deadline to get in before the first delivery is Wednesday. Sign up here; the first delivery is next Saturday, June 13.
Bone Marrow Donor Registry Drive at CFSBK on June 21
The cure for blood cancer is in your hands. Every four minutes, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer like leukemia or lymphoma. For many patients a marrow transplant is the only life-saving treatment, yet 70% don’t have a matching marrow donor in their family, like little Asaya. CrossFit South Brooklyn is hosting a donor registry drive in partnership with BE THE MATCH, which over the past 25 years has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world and offers support and education before, during and after transplant.
A representative from BE THE MATCH will be at CFSBK on Sunday, June 21 from 9:30am-2:30pm to explain what it means to join the registry, plus help you understand the health requirements and the commitment. After completing the necessary paperwork, all you then have to do to complete your registration is give four swabs of cheek cells, that’s it! Your cheek cells with then be tissue-typed and become a part of the registry doctors around the world search to find matches for their patients for potential bone marrow donation.
Additional Details About the Donation Process
There are no restrictions in terms of not eating/drinking prior to your cheek swab, but donors do need to be ages of 18-44 and in good general health.
If you are selected, donors will be asked to donate in one of two ways:
Peripheral blood cell (PBSC) donation involves removing a donor’s blood through a needle in one arm. The blood is passed through a machine that separates out the cells used in transplants. The remaining blood is returned through the other arm.
Bone marrow donation is a surgical procedure in which liquid marrow is withdrawn from the back of the donor’s pelvic bones using needles. Anesthesia is always used for this procedure, so donors feel no pain during marrow donation. Most donors feel some pain in their lower back for a few days afterwards.
Learn more here.
Natural Born Heroes Outside
Gregg Glassman Interview with Sean Woodland CrossFit
CrossFit.com’s Original “Jerry” Post
'Twas a fairly sparsely-attended 6am with Arturo and McDowell. I finished Jerry in 23:57, which I'm pretty happy with, though I think I have a better time in me. I finished the first mile in 7:11, then took about 9 mins on the row, and another 7 mins and change on the second mile. I was able to sprint the last bit of the second run from 3rd ave to the gym, which tells me I probably could have done it at an overall faster pace. Rowing next to Rytas was humbling, but probably helped me to maintain a pace that wasn't shamefully slow.
Celebrated national running day with "jerry" at 23:24
First run was 6:00
Row kept a 2:00-2:05 split the whole time at 30-33 spm and got off the erg in 9:07
The last run was difficult. My allergies shut down my nose, had my eyes watering and the truck exhaust on the streets didn't help.
Closed out the last mile at 8:17
Fun with Jerry at 6am.
First time doing this WOD and finished in 23:52. I decided to stay on Nishi's heels for the first run because I know it would keep me at an honest pace. She pulled ahead during the last lap though and my first mile was at 7:08. Lost a few second in transition getting my erg programmed and then the row was kept at a 2:00 pace and I finished right at 8 minutes. Last run was a slog for the first 300 meters or so until I got my legs.
Awesome watching Rytas kick this WOD's ass.
When I saw the makeup of the 7 AM class (all dudes except for Melody and me), I knew I was going to finish Jerry dead last. And this was indeed a slow mofo of a workout. 28:23. I can blame erg issues (error message!) only for about 0:15 of that. I'm just…not a fast runner any more. I sure felt like I was pushing pretty hard, though!
I'm just happy I made it in. You have no idea how tempted I was to just pull the covers back over my head today.
First time doing "Nasty Girls" yesterday! 22:30 RX
Not an incredible time but I'll take it! I was on the fence about this one, I've never attempted more than 14 muscle ups before, so I felt like 21 was a stretch. It wasn't pretty, but I did it!
Ripped on the sides of my wrist early into the second round of muscle ups, which made it almost impossible to keep my false grip. Failed about 5 total because of this. Spent a solid 3-5 min whimpering about it too : ) So thankful for Whitney who got me tape in the middle of the workout.
Not an amazing time but I'm still glad I fought through this one. Thanks so much to everyone at the 6:30 who stood by and cheered me on, I probably would have quit if I didn't have the support. You all are the best!
Jerry at 6am at 23:04
Thanks for the shout outs, Shawn and Matt!
It was fun kicking this WOD's ass
Gotta love the WOD's that are big-guy friendly!
THANK YOU! for taking part and setting up the bone marrow donor registry drive.
These are my 2 worstest events, so I'm actually pleased to still be amongst the living let alone having come in under 30:00. It was truly awesome watching Ryan get 21:03, but not so truly awesome watching him (as well as Rickke and Chris) lap me.
Good times!
@Kate Reece: love those CFKids photos!
My daughter looks so happy doing burpees.
I swear, she is mine.
I encourage everyone to sign up for the bone marrow registry. I signed up several years ago and just learned that I am a potential match. I've since submitted a health history questionnaire and consent form and provided a blood sample which will be analyzed to confirm that I am the best match. The sign up process is so easy and it has the potential to save a life so do it!!
55x1x2 plus a clean and missed jerk
60x1x2 plus two cleans and missed jerks
65×1 *Previous PR that I haven't hit in months (before meet). Really happy that's there
Power clean, FSQ, 2 jerks
45 x 1 x 2
50 x 1 x 3
Focused on committing on jerks. Felt good!
35 x1
40 x2
45 x1x3
Ran out of time
Wow, really impressed by all the good times people are putting in!
Jerry in 25:41, which is right in line with what I expected… I love (love!) distance running; this was not that.
Was anyone else surprised by how long they spent in transition between the pieces? My triathlon "career" was defined by being one of the last people out of t1, but here it was just a walk over to the erg…
Oh and happy belated bday Coach Whitney!
7:30 with Ro and Nick
Jerry in 25:40
Mile 1: 7:52
Row: 8:40, took this fairly easy and avoided a ton of hard drive from the legs. My pace was very consistent at 2:10-2:13 for 95% of the strokes (~26spm)
Mile 2: around 8:30 i think?
Rowing is more my thing, but I felt like I could make more time up on a run if my legs weren't like bricks vs on the erg where I'd make up 20-30 seconds max by pushing it.
Stella I am so sorry! I confess to pulling the covers back over my head after my 6:30 alarm went off today and abandoning the 7 AM mothership!
I kept thinking about the QOD about which workouts are harder for each of us to push through as I did Jerry today.
I do "hate" rowing, but I realized today…it's not really the pain or toughness– yeah it burns your quads,abs, arms and back muscles a bit (a lot if you really push it)– but it's more so how BORING it is that makes it so hard to keep going. I was trying to channel Soul Cycle by rowingto the beat–it didn't work too well :/
Anyway, I'm actually pretty proud of how I fared: 23:54
Run 1: 6:57
Row: 10:17–> Best I've ever rowed, I think.
Run 2: 6: 40
9:08 on the erg.
Hoping to improve my running, just so uninspired by it…