Fitness: 3RM
Performance: Back Squat 3 x 5, Volume Day
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
Every Minute on the Minute, 16 Minutes:
Even: 3/4/5 Strict Chin-Ups or Challenging Ring Rows
Odd: 3/4/5 Strict Ring Dips or Push-Ups
Every Minute on the Minute, 16 Minutes:
1/2/3 Strict Muscle-Ups
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Memorial Day is a day dedicated to remembering those who have died while serving in our country’s armed forces. On Monday, our community finished what’s probably the longest and hardest workout we’ll do all year, but we wanted to remember why we did the workout at all. Thank you, from CrossFit South Brooklyn, to our veterans and those who currently serve our country!
- All the photos from our “Murph” Memorial Day WOD and BBQ are now up in our Flickr account. Thanks to Coach K Harpz, Thomas H., and Kate R. for their photography skillz!
Hiring Front Desk Staff
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff the Front Desk. Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talking to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym. On top of an hourly wage, FD staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who keep a consistent schedule and commit to six months of work with us (barring extenuating circumstances).
We will be interviewing this month and hiring a new staff member for immediate training. The shifts will start Tuesday, June 9th. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule.
Tuesdays, 5:45am – 9:30am
Fridays, 5:45am – 9:30am
Email Janelle [at] to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
Meet the Wounded Veteran Who Used CrossFit to Battle PTSD and Lose 70 Lbs. People
Why Order a Salad at IHOP? The Atlantic
Off-Season Strength Building For Crossfit: Do’s and Don’ts Juggernaut
6am with Ro and McDowell
Not quite as sore as I thought I would be post-Murph but sore enough. Jumped 5# from the previous week for 3×5 at 245#. Felt heavy but moved well. I might want to do a linear progression next cycle to see how far I can push these numbers.
Performance WOD with kipping MUs. First round I did 2 but I realized that was probably not sustainable so I switched to singles. I failed once at the 13 minute mark but the rest were pretty crisp.
Is anyone interested in doing Murph Friday or Saturday at open gym? I don't know that I have the motivation to go it alone.
Great photo collage, Kate!
Squatted and benched last night to regain use of my lower and upper extremities…
Moved down to 5# jumps. Finally getting heavy again but felt good.
245×3 (epic slow last rep, thanks to Noah not jumping in to spot and letting me continue to press out of base fear)
245×1.1.1 (racked each one and rested about 10 seconds)
Happy to get these reps in. 245×3 ties my 3RM.
Still pretty sore Post Murph.
Love the photo collage!
Lots of hip and shoulder mobility at 7am this morning. I figure these will be good things to work on while my capacity is limited.
Then, 3 rounds, not for time (but at a pretty brisk pace, trying to do everything unbroken and with good form):
4 bar muscle ups
6 strict HSPU (these felt off and a little uneven)
12 C2B pull-ups (it's been a while and I could not get my rhythm on butterfly here. Did 8-9 butterfly and the rest kipping)
30 DU
1 min plank
Then 3×10 dumbbell rows with some more shoulder mobility in between.
Feeling much better but I still want to take it easy until everything feels completely back to normal. I'll be travelling a lot for the next couple of weeks, so I guess I'll be stuck with a bunch of hotel fitness center workouts anyways.
Murph photos are great!!!
A little belated but I wanted to give a big Thank You to everyone who participated, volunteered and spectated! The day was great as usual. We had 161 people that signed up for a heat, though I know we put closer to 200 through the workout. Like others have mentioned, this and FGB are my favorite days in the gym because there is such a large community showing. You guys are the best!
The Murph pics are amazing!!
I very much enjoyed reading about people's experiences on the day. Great job everyone! What an amazing day.
No Murph action for me this year as I did not want to ruin my lifts for the week.
Strength Cycle yesterday.
45 x 5
135 x 5
165 x 5
185 x 5
200 x 5 (7RPE)
207 x 5 (8RPE)
215 x 5 (9RPE)
200 x 5
Bench Press (pause)
45 x 5
75 x 5
95 x 5
105 x 5 (7RPE)
110 x 5 (8RPE)
115 x 5 (9RPE)
105 x 5
Banded Deadlift (blue band)
135 x 6
165 x 6 (7RPE)
180 x 6 (8RPE)
195 x 6 (8.5RPE)
205 x 6 (9RPE)
This one is funny- if I use switch grip I can lift a lot more therefore my 8 might be a 7 but I stuck to hook grip until the last three reps of the lat set. Still getting used to using a band. It kind of slips onto my baby fingers which is kind of distracting…
Overall, feeling great. The extra rest days are doing me a world of good.
Great photos. Love the collage. My eyes keep returning to the top and bottom rows . . . .
@Fox – Ditto re post-Murph soreness. I actually felt a twinge when I was flipping the pages of People magazine last night. Not sure what is more embarassing – the extent of my soreness or my choice of reading material. But you guys know I only read it for the recipes, right?
Dear JB,
You are perhaps the only person I know who can put "HSPU," "bar muscle-ups," "C2B pullups," and "DUs" in the same post as "while my capacity is limited."
I want to be you when I grow up.
Warm up – 8 min of handstands and chatting
HBBS 3×5 (2nd exposure)
Partnered with Sarah who PR'd her Front Squat for 3 and for 2!
155×5 – repeated from last week, knees won't stay out
160x5x2 – this felt kind of the same as 155.
Helpful cue from Jeremy: pull the floor apart with feet (to keep knees out and stable)
16 min prison workout
Odd: 3 chin ups
Even: 5 red band dips – I did 3 dips wo band on the first round but no go on the shoulders.
There's a chance I have tendinitis in both arms. Anterior deltoids continue to be painful to the touch. Not even sure what caused this. Ugh.
Im gunna need an animated gif of Fox running and blowing kisses!
So many great photos!!! Did not participate in Murph this year, like Charlie about not wanting to ruin next day's lifts for class… but really enjoyed the day, and hanging with everyone. So much love to all of you! I'm sure Active Recovery this week is going to be filled up!!
The Murph photos are great, it's the happy/suffering difecta!
Really happy with my 250# "heavy 3" front squat today. It wasn't quite an "RM" but we ran out of time and it was… heavy. Looking forward to squatting again on Saturday.
Co-sign the comments about the amazing photos! Everyone is so talented!
Front Squat: SO glad to have partnered with Lauren & Jenn M! Jenn motivated and pushed me way harder than I would have today! Thanks!!! 95/100/105/110. 105 was good, 110 was really high and I pitched forward a bit. I'm really sad Jenn and Brian are moving to California…
Really glad to have a gymnastics WOD today! I've been missing rings class:
3 rounds of 3 chin-ups, 2 rounds of 2 chinups, and 3 rounds of 1 chinup+5push-ups
8 rounds of 5 red banded ring dips
very glad I made myself move tonight.
WU: 2 rounds: 10 ohs, 10 hollow rock
Squat: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2
Have been doing 4×10, and deloaded last wk, so just wanted to put some moderate weight on the bar and get my legs moving. felt a bit harder than I wanted it to, but fine.
EMOM 16:00: 1 strict muscle up
I did 8 minutes worth with a light assist (thanks Alan!), then switched to kipping. got 2 successful ones in, and had at least 3 fails, then did 1 more strict with assist. just a bit spent on upper body strength and any sort of power, still…
cash out: VOLLEYBALL!