For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty-pound vest or body armor, wear it.
The full version above is a bit too much for most folks. We’ll explain how to scale for volume and movements at the gym. The average times for this workout range from 45 minutes to just over an hour. Blazing fast times as Rx’d are in the mid to low 30s.
Post time to comments.
Compare to 5.27.2014
What is “Murph”?
- To learn more about Lieutenant Michael Murphy, check out his page on the Navy Seals website and his biography on Wikipedia.
- To learn more about “Murph Day,” read, “At CrossFit, a Military Regimen With Geek Appeal” from the New York Times. This article was based on their visit to CFSBK and CrossFit NYC in 2012.
This workout is dedicated to everyone who has sacrificed their lives in the US Armed Forces. Take a moment during the day to thank someone who has served and reflect on those we’ve lost.
Participation Reminder
Please be ready to go at the time you signed up for. That means you’ll need to get there early and warm up on your own. Here is a good mobility|wod if you’re not sure what to do. The gym will provide beer and meat for all who attend. If you can bring a side or other food/drinks, it would be much appreciated. We’ve also got commemorative t-shirts in-house, which are first come first served!
Good Luck Today From Our Friends in Kabul, Afghanistan!
A few weeks ago, we shared a note with you from John Nawoichyk, a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army, currently deployed in Kabul, Afghanistan as an advisor to the Afghan National Army. John and his team loved our posts in the comments, and they wrote to tell us good luck today! His note is below:
On Friday, we spent the morning reflecting on the sacrifice made by our fellow Service Members and their Gold Star Families by doing a great workout—the “21 Gun Salute”—and sharing our thoughts on friends we lost. It is an awesome workout that really pushed us to the max, especially at over 6,000 feet.
The “21 Gun Salute” is a 21-minute AMRAP: 400 meter run, 21 push-ups, 21 box jumps, 15 burpees and 9 pull-ups. To add to the challenge, we did two rounds with a five-minute break in between.
Next week, we are doing “Murph” in order to bookend the Memorial Day week with challenging WODs. We will post an update next Friday.
Thank you everyone for the amazing show of support on the last blog! The team says hello from Afghanistan.
The gym will open at 7:45am. We’ll start grilling around 11:00am and be done around 3pm… maybe. There are no evening classes today.
Hi – I can't edit the doc on my phone, but Andrew and I are planning to join the 11:30am heat. It's not too full right now so hopefully not an issue. See you in the morning!
Murph in 43:22.
Thrilled with this time. My first Murph was 52:34. Last year was 48:34. My goal this year was under 45:00 and I crushed it. Could it be that Crossfit makes you faster and stronger?
Used the Cindy Method of breaking these up.
Pull-ups all unbroken.
Push-ups unbroken for the first three rounds and the last round. Middle rounds were 5/5s and 5/3/2 with very little rest.
Squats all unbroken.
Great vibe in the gym as always.
So much fun today! The endorphin rush was the best, but the burger, community, and amazing fruit was also pretty good 🙂
Feeling really good about my effort and scaling. Did full murph with half the volume of pull-ups and from-the-knee push-ups in 37:14.Started with strict push-ups but after 5 rounds, I knew I wanted to do 20 rounds and wouldn't be able to with strict push-ups. I know I left at 29:something for the final run, so it was about a 7:30 mile at the end.
Jess made the point that this workout is favorable for someone with a lower body weight. If giant dudes in weighted vests can do this workout RXd, then so can I! Next year full murph, strict push-ups, full volume pull-ups, and cut down time on the final run!!
Last note: not drinking saturday or Sunday, getting plenty of sleep, and eating heathy definitely helped me out! Better do the same next year 🙂
Good job everybody! Especially Grace who surprised herself with full murph, KLove who did it RXd, and my workout twinsie Kristin C.! Watching the last heat was super inspiring for so many reasons!! Yay crossfit!!
First time doing Murph with the 20# vest. It slowed me down quite a bit, but I managed 44:39, which I was happy with. The extra weight really makes it a slog.
Fun times at the after party!
10am Murph heat. Finished in 48:16. I'm ecstatic about this result. Last year I subbed ring rows for the pull-ups and finished in 59-something. I set the goal then to finish Murph this year with pull-ups and didn't think much about a goal time, so obviously I'm way happy about not only doing what I set out to do, but beating my time by 11 mins. I broke it up into 20 rounds of 15-5-5-5, squats, push-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, so I wouldn't do more than 5 push-ups at a stretch and so I wouldn't finish on squats right before the last run. I stuck to my rep scheme, kept a reasonable, always moving pace, and pretty much just ground it out. I got a minor callus tear on my last pull-up, but otherwise all went very well.
Thanks to all for a great day at the gym!
Congrats everyone who did Murph today! Last year was my first year trying it and it was a great experience. I was looking forward to trying to beat my time this year, but am still in this knee brace and on crutches, so it's not exactly in the cards right now! Can't wait to be back in the gym soon, hopefully within the next couple of months, and get a crack at this next year. In the meantime, I have physical therapy kicking my butt. Hope everyone is well…miss you guys!
Sounds like a great day over there. Sorry I missed it.
Solitary Murph for me today — quite a different experience from the prior two years but a good one.
Solo and silent in the wooded part of my parents' yard. Barefoot except for trail run
I subbed sit-ups instead of pull ups, which I know is not comparable but I couldn't find a suitable spot or even rig up some sort of ring rows and I mean abs every day right?
1 mile run
20 rounds
5 push ups
5 sit ups
5 push ups
15 air squats
1 mile run
Push ups unbroken and very hard. 5 sit-ups wasn't much of a break between push-ups but not doing pull ups gave my arms a break
Didn't time it, but doing it alone is a PR
Now ready to join the family BBQ
Full Murph, no vest. First time doing it. 1 hr 33 sec
I did 20 rounds of
5 pushups
5 pullups
5 pushups
15 air squats
All pushups were strict which was my goal. They were strong going into the 5th round, but decided to break up the 5s into 2+3 (a few times 2+2+1) each set so that I would make it through 20 rounds. It worked, no snaking!
Pull-ups were unbroken except for 1-2 rounds where I had to pause to reorganize my kip. They took more wind out of me than expected.
Had good form on air squats. About halfway through had to pause at reps 7 or 8 each set. They were also super slow. This is where I can definitely make up more time next year and push myself harder.
First run was done in 8:45, second run about 11 minutes. I had to walk three times during the last run. That was the most challenging part. I couldn't get my breathing in order and it was so hot. Maybe I'll sign up for an earlier heat next year.
Def took everything slowly, including transitions. Next year will move faster between movements now that I've done it and know what to expect. I was worried about burning out the second half and not making it through so gave myself lots of breaks.
What a fun experience. My goal was under an hour (if I could get through a full one at all) so I can't complain bc I was pretty close and I know where I can improve my time for next year…can't wait!
What a great day – felt inspired, strong and happy to be surrounded by great people. I finished my first Murph in 46:11 – only scaled the pull-ups (got my first kip a couple months ago, and it felt good to get 50 total in). My push ups failed me 1/4 of the way in, so I took it to the knee position. Shout out to Allie B. who gave me a great scheme break up the work out, 5 push up, 2 pull up, 5 push up, 15 squat (each round.. flipped between 2 & 3 pull- up per round). Ended up with one huge blister that popped on my left palm with 3 rounds to go. If that is all the pain I must endure, I'll take it. Grateful for all those who serve our country. Really pumped for next year, nice job everyone!
Two years ago: 48:00, green band pullups
Last year: 53:00 RX
This year: 51:57 RX
I was happy with my breaking-it-up strategy. I came out of the gate with 10/10/15 for a few rounds, which basically put me a few rounds ahead of the Cindy pattern right away on the pullup side of the ledger.
Then I was able to gobble into that headstart on the pullups toward the end and do rounds of
0 pullups
5 pushups
8 squats
5 pushups
7 squats
… for the last three or four Cindy rounds.
Got through all the non-running in about 34 minutes that way at a fairly relaxed pace without major breaks.
Good times! Cold beer afterward always appreciated as well as the welcome attitude toward non-xfitter guests. Looking forward to the photos.
11:30 Heat
Scaled: 75%, elevated ring rows (bum shoulder), +12lb backpack
I wanted to scale it even more by getting Rikke to do the running parts, but he declined.
To Murph and all of the men, women, and animals who have died serving in our armed forces: thank you and RIP.
I really like when John and his team get some love on the blog. I find it really cool that they visit the blog at all.
If they read this- thanks for your service!
Awesome job everyone! The guys over here in Kabul are proud of your hard work, dedication and determination!! Keep up the fire because it motivates us knowing how hard you are working.
Have an outstanding weekend – Always remember!