Do you keep a CrossFit journal or otherwise record your workouts? If so, how have you found it to be helpful?
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: Active Recovery is on at 11am tomorrow, but the noon class is CANCELED.
- Happy birthday, Nicole B.!
Join Olympic Rower Coach Nick For a Rowing Clinic on May 31st, at 2:15pm
Do you want to improve your effectiveness on the erg? Do you dread rowing workouts? Or maybe you love them and want to row more on the side? (If you answered that last question with a hearty “yes,” you are a crazy person. Just so you know.) This one-hour clinic will include the following:
- Review of the machine: foot height, drag factor, how to set up workouts, how to review scores after workouts, etc.
- In-depth breakdown of the rowing stroke (recovery, catch, drive)
- Drills to improve common technique errors
- Workout
Nick started rowing in junior high school. He competed at two World Rowing Championships (1998, 1999) and the Olympic Games (2000), as well as various other international meets.
There’s a 20 person cap on the number of participants, so sign up now!
Sign Up Now For the Next Five-Week Cycle of CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids
ICYMI, now the CrossFit South Brooklyn programs you love are BIG FUN for all ages!
CrossFit Preschool (3 – 5 years old):
Run! Jump! Skip! Roll! Through playful games and fun activities, children learn to move safely and gain basic coordination and body awareness. Together we explore tumbling and movement using fun, kid-friendly scenarios and games. Your preschooler will flex their mini-muscles as they build their confidence and develop their fine and gross motor skills.
CrossFit Kids (6 – 8 years old):
Building on the skills they developed in CrossFit Preschool, our Kids classes are designed to build strength, further develop coordination, and encourage a lifelong love of fitness. Age-appropriate programming includes calisthenics, basic tumbling, running, climbing, throwing, and other modalities to stimulate bone density and vestibular system development while improving fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and flexibility. On top of physical development, social and cognitive growth is encouraged through teamwork, problem solving, and building the confidence that helps them make healthy choices.
Program Mission
CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids emphasizes good movement through games and activities. Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our program. Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
Our next five-week session will run from Wednesday 5/27 – Sunday 6/29.
CrossFit Preschool:
Wednesdays @ 3:30p – 4:30p (5/27 – 6/24)
Fridays @ 10:00a – 11:00a (5/29 – 6/26)
Sundays @ 10:00a – 11:00a (5/31 – 6/28)
CrossFit Kids:
Mondays @ 4:30p – 5:30p (6/1 – 6/29)
Wednesdays @ 4:30p – 5:30p (5/27 – 6/24)
Pricing, Per Five-Week Session
1x/week – $150
2x/week – $250
1x/week – $127.50
2x/week – $212.50
20% discount for older sibling
Want More Information?
Questions? Email Janelle [at]
What to Do About Raccoons Park Slope Parents
No more dieting, and 7 other things we do differently after reporting on health care Vox
Saturday's Programming
Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Add 5-10 lbs to last week. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats 5-10 lbs heavier than last week. Should be at or close to 5RM territory.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, with one partner working at a time:
For Time:
100 Calories Rowed
100 Overhead Squats 115/75
100 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Make up post from yesterday's 5:30 class
QOD: I don't keep a Crossfit Diary although I really need to start b/c I think I have been doing the same backsquat numbers for the past 3 weeks.
235 (locked out then rebent my left arm which I do for the snatch too)
My PR is 245 so that's where it's staying for now.
These felt pretty good. MY hips were a little tight but not restricting. I also started switching to my right leg forward on the jerk but I'm still not getting low enough in the catch to stabilize and then pressing out on it. More work needed.
180# DL and Ring Dips on the WOD in 6:24
The DLs were all unbroken and kept a steady but quick pace. The ring dips I broke up from the beginning to 6-4, 5-4, etc. which helped keep them moving the whole way through.
I'm staying as far away as possible from pushups until Monday!
I started keeping a workout log (for my running) in 2011, and it's been a total gamechanger. Now I have context for all of my workouts/ paces/ weights, etc, so I can check progress but also better understand how I'm scaling up (more applicable to mileage) and whether I should pull back. Also provides accountability.
Highly recommend this practice for anyone looking to make improvements!
FYI – 11am AR is on for tomorrow. 12pm is cancelled
Did another mashup of Saturday squatting and Thursday WOD-ing:
Safety bar squat 185×5, 170×5. This went better than I thought it would, though it was still pretty fricking heavy. I wonder whether my FSQ 1RM might be 200+ these days, given that safety bar squats are more like FSQ or HBBSQ than like LBBSQ.
My wrist is still sore — I'm hoping it's because of the exercises my PT has me doing and not because the cortisone shot didn't work — so I did yesterday's WOD with situps instead of pushups. 4:32 at 150# (bleah, I would really like that to be more like 140-145).
6am. Back squats: 280×5. Front squats: 235×5. I had a bit of a psychological roadblock with 280, having failed the 5th rep at the weight 2 previous attempts. Nice to smash that barrier. First front squat rep went a little deep, but the others were fine. Partnered with Scott for the metcon: 18:26. We broke up the row as 35-50-15 to minimize transitions but give the middle rower a bit of rest after their piece. Squats and burpees were done in sets of 10. The first burpee after the OHS was shocking. I thought my wrists were going to break.
QOD: I keep what I think of as my "formal" workout journal in an app called MyWOD. It's great for tracking benchmark WODs, because they have names and are easy to find when they come up again, and you can store notes about that particular performance, whether it was Rx or scale, and whether it was a PR. It's not so great for tracking some of the more "random" workouts we do on a daily basis because you can't search by time domain or a combination of movements, or anything like that.
For that, I post on the blog, and make liberal use of the search bar to find similar workouts and try to get some information.
MyWOD is also really good, in my opinion, for tracking lifts. I keep a current estimated 1rm for every lift at all times, and also log each exposure during the cycle with notes so that the next week I can make educated jumps. At the end of a cycle I usually update the 1rm if I PR'd, or using a chart if we were doing 3x5s or something. Rinse and repeat.
I log my workouts pretty religiously daily both in a journal and on the blog.
After every work out I log the weight lifted and what I think I should jump to for next week. This is pretty quick and simple like, "LBBSQ 3X5 at 265#. Go for a 10# jump next week." Or "Failed the last rep. Same weight next week."
This way I can give a quick glance at the journal before I leave the house and know exactly what i am doing that day.
Sometimes I go into more detail on the blog so if it is a hero wod I will look back to that day in the archives and read about my experience last time around.
10am class
Clean and Jerk
Worked up to 235 for a few that felt, meh, backed off to 185 for Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Jerk x2.
Deadlift @BW (185)
Ring Dip
Kept on ring dips, deadlifts all unbroken and felt like rest. The outside of my upper arm/elbow is raw. Been a while since I'd done that many ring dips.
Pretty much what Matty Chym said. Plus, journals are an affirmation that what you're doing is working, and they can also let you know where you can improve. When a client or member has a rough day of training that involves "failure" I love to have them look back in their journal to see how far they've come…I've been journaling my workouts since long before CF, I can't imagine not doing so. Unless you have an amazing memory you can't really train without a workout journal.
I log my workouts pretty consistently on the blog. I don't keep a journal of my own though.
I've been fairly out of commission recently with some sort of injury (symptoms like sciatica, though with some lateral numbness too). I went to the doc the other day and he thinks I might have a herniated disc. 🙁 Getting x-rays and MRIs tomorrow to look into it. I will say though—taking it easy and not doing anything that aggravates it (it took me about two weeks to implement this brilliant idea), has worked wonders (imagine that). I still have some discomfort, but I'm in a lot less pain.
Came in and mobilized hips, glutes and shoulders this morning, and spent some time rolling out my spastic back. Crossover symmetry, then:
Not maximal, but I am trying to be careful. Overextending my lumbar spine (which I have a tendency to do) in uncomfortable.
Little untimed metcon:
50 du/15 ring dips
40 du/12 rd
30 du/9 rd
20 du/6 rd
10 du/3 rd
It felt good to move.
Agree with BD, MC and CF regarding the importance of keeping a journal along the road to your swole goalz. I also find that it is a useful way to keep track of the outfits that I wear to the gym each day.
WU: 3 rds: 5 push-up, 15 hollow rock
5×3 T&G Power Snatch @ 80% of best from cycle:
(63, 73)
5×2 T&G Power Clean + Push Jerk @ 80% of best from cycle:
(78, 93)
FSQ, 4×10 @ 75% of best 10RM
(45×5, 75×4)
-so much nicer at this weight 🙂
Conditioning, adapted from the other day:
For Time:
Run 550m
10 muscle ups
Run 550m
Time: 12:36
Did the 10 muscle ups as singles in about 7 minutes (from 3:15-10:04). Last time I did 10 MU in a row, it took about 9 minutes, so this is good! No misses.
To answer the QOD: Anal-retentive me? Keep a journal? Fancy that!
I'm fairly obsessive about posting on the blog AND logging my workouts in a paper journal, but this question made me realize that I put different things in each place. My paper log is almost entirely quantitative info — weights and times. I may add a word or two (or smiley face or sad face) about how it felt, and I do include warmup weights as well as work weights. But the blog is where I put more detailed descriptions of how a WOD felt, and usually nothing about warmup info.
This is mostly a function of coming to class at 7 AM. I want to jot down my numbers before I forget them, but then I need to run home and get ready for work so I don't spend extra time writing more qualitative notes in my journal. Then while my breakfast is microwaving, I have time to say a little more about that on the blog.
I generally use the paper log to check back to numbers from the previous week, less often to check further back in time. I have yet to find an online/app tool that I like dealing with. Beyond the everyday usefulness of knowing what weight I did the previous week so I can plan my work sets each time, the log is useful, as Fox said, for reassurance. I've been leaning on it a lot lately to remind myself that being injured has not eaten into my strength as much as I was afraid it has.
Journal – I have kept a journal since foundations. Usually I'm only looking up last week's workout or lift since my short term memory is shot. I've used – Dan, from a few years back was the founder of that website I think. It's mostly lifts & benchmark workouts, not for daily logging. So I supplement with the journal.
Lift: hit 83 on C&J, which is close to as much as i've ever done.
WOD: 140# deadlifts and I did the pushpus unbroken throughout, so finished in 5:11. Next time I might try the ringdips.
Clean Pulls
Tabata Assault bike: 54 Cals
**QOD: I record all my PRs. Not just my 1RMs, but my best doubles, Pause 1RMs, 10RM Squats…etc. PRing a 3RM press or a 5RM back squat makes the other aspects of training , besides just the Snatch and CJ, more exciting.