Fitness and Performance: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a heavy single for the day. Aim for about 90% of your 1RM. If you’re feeling good then go for a new 1RM, if not then back off.
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10, 9, 8… 3, 2, 1, Reps for Time:
Deadlift at Bodyweight
10, 9, 8… 3, 2, 1, Reps for Time:
Deadlift at Bodyweight
Ring Dips
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Some people call it Thursday. Jason and Benson like to call it Friday Eve.
- MURPH IS MONDAY. Sign up now, and remember we need volunteers and food. More details here.
- Happy birthday, Stephen H.!
Sign Up Today For the Next Five-Week Cycle of CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids!
ICYMI, now the CrossFit South Brooklyn programs you love are BIG FUN for all ages!
CrossFit Preschool (3 – 5 years old):
Run! Jump! Skip! Roll! Through playful games and fun activities, children learn to move safely and gain basic coordination and body awareness. Together we explore tumbling and movement using fun, kid-friendly scenarios and games. Your preschooler will flex their mini-muscles as they build their confidence and develop their fine and gross motor skills.
CrossFit Kids (6 – 8 years old):
Building on the skills they developed in CrossFit Preschool, our Kids classes are designed to build strength, further develop coordination, and encourage a lifelong love of fitness. Age-appropriate programming includes calisthenics, basic tumbling, running, climbing, throwing, and other modalities to stimulate bone density and vestibular system development while improving fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and flexibility. On top of physical development, social and cognitive growth is encouraged through teamwork, problem solving, and building the confidence that helps them make healthy choices.
Program Mission
CrossFit Preschool and CrossFit Kids emphasizes good movement through games and activities. Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our program. Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
Our next five-week session will run from Wednesday 5/27 – Sunday 6/29.
CrossFit Preschool:
Wednesdays @ 3:30p – 4:30p (5/27 – 6/24)
Fridays @ 10:00a – 11:00a (5/29 – 6/26)
Sundays @ 10:00a – 11:00a (5/31 – 6/28)
CrossFit Kids:
Mondays @ 4:30p – 5:30p (6/1 – 6/29)
Wednesdays @ 4:30p – 5:30p (5/27 – 6/24)
Pricing, Per Five-Week Session
1x/week – $150
2x/week – $250
1x/week – $127.50
2x/week – $212.50
20% discount for older sibling
“My son recently started CrossFit Kids and loves it. He’s played sports and gotten a lot from his experiences, but on the way home from CrossFit the other day he was so pumped and proud of himself. He felt strong and powerful, and he couldn’t stop talking about what he did. I’m so excited that he has the opportunity to get stronger mentally and physically at CF kids.”
–Adele M.
“My kids loved CrossFit Kids yesterday! I got an earful when I got home from all three at once trying to explain what they did. Then I had to feel their muscles. David and Janelle wore them out pretty well because at around 7pm they asked if it was okay to skip bath and book and go right to sleep.”
–Matt C.
Want More Information?
Questions? Email Janelle [at]
The Living Room Radiolab
Hey everyone,
I'm helping with a fund-raising sprint for the Parris Foundation and we are having a party at the SideBar near Union Square to raise money.
This Saturday from 7-9pm.
The Parris Foundation provides city kids educational opportunities to explore the STEM disciplines and prepare for college.
The party cover includes free well drinks and beer for 2 hours and $15 goes to non-profit. Come drink for a good cause!
6am. Worked up to 90kg. Everything was out of sync and felt wonky. Metcon: 5:53 Rx. Cruised thru the deadlifts but lost the ring dips early on and start breaking up at the round of 8. My kip was out of sync causing me to swing.
Clean and jerk PR today of 72# (extra thanks to Coach Katie for noticing I was catching my clean a little too forward). This PR is extra-exciting because this is the 5th of five classes in a week span. I'm always trying to make all five classes a week, but usually get too sore to eek out that elusive 5th class. So I am excited on both fronts!
6am with KHarpz and Jess
Horrible no good very bad day with C&J. Pulling early, not racking the bar well, forward on the dip drive and just bad footwork on the jerk in general. Just wasn't focused today I guess. I think the rep at 185# was so-so, but everything up from there felt and looked like crap.
Metcon: 6:22 Rx. Broke up the ring dips from the beginning after watching the first heat go to doubles and singles toward the end. Did 2 sets in each round (so 5-5, 5-4, 4-4, 4-3, etc.). Stuck with that plan for too long and should have tried to go unbroken starting at the round of 4 or maybe even 5. Also probably took too long a rest before getting up on the rings for each set.
6am. Clean & jerk (kilo bar, imperial weights): 134, 164, 184, 204, 224, 244. Rep at 244 was ok. Pulled a little early on the clean and had to jump forward to catch it. Caught the jerk decently low, but with an unstable midsection. Should have taken larger weight jumps during warm-up and I might have attempted a PR today. Perf metcon @ 200#: 5:12. Similar to BK, my kip was out of sync on early rounds causing me to swing a lot. Got it dialed in better as the workout progressed. Everything unbroken except for the set of 4 dips where I went 3,F,1. My triceps are swole.
Just gonna leave this here. Thank me later.
Thank you!
@Noah – That author has an intense bio:
"Growing up literally steps from the Bay of Quinte, water, ice, fishing, swimming, boating, and drowning were very early influences and appear frequently in his work."
"JT has witnessed firsthand many traumatic events including the World Trade Center Bombing, the Long Island Railroad Shooting, a bear attack, a plane crash, and numerous fatalities, in the mountains and elsewhere."
Anyway, last night at 7:30:
For high bar back squats, did 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 250×2, 270x5x3
These all felt pretty good – depth was solid, and not very grindy at all. Might try for 300×5 for my heavy set this week, but we'll see.
For the WOD, I used a 55# dumbbell. Fastest round in 2:23, slowest in 2:36. I think I maybe could have gone for 60# here.
Cashed out with some Tacos beach volleyball action.
@Noah that's brilliant. The author needs to get together with the famous PR Resurrector and go on an epic book tour.
C&J'd Tuesday up to 100kg. Felt heavy. Will do this and the WOD tomorrow. Today did:
Snatch Pull + Snatch
Generally feeling tight and have been having trouble committing in my jerks so mixed in some mobility and stayed light to ingrain good technique.
For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
123# DL; red band strict dips
7:59 – next time tell me I have to get it done in 7 min or something 😉
155 x 5 x 3
Didn't feel heavy, moved fast, core stable but knees moving around
4 Rounds
270m run
20 DB power snatches from deck @ 35#
I can't wait to read the crap out of that fine novel this weekend — it combines my two great loves, #killerWODS and fiction. And it's only 99 cents on Kindle!
9am solo session doing today's group programming.
Clean & Jerk: (in kilos)
(35, 45, 50) 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 (165#)
-started pushing the bar out in front on the jerk at 70 so I hit it again and made it much better. 165# felt good. Had to tell myself to commit and get my head through.
6:01 at 155#
-all deads unbroken and easy. Push-ups only unbroken for 10,9 then had to break up mostly in 2 sets.
6am at Elliot Bay Crossfit out here in Seattle
Beautiful morning run from my hotel to get down to the gym. This is a new box opened by some friends of mine; tomorrow I'll be headed back to my old stomping ground Crossfit Belltown.
Strength was a heavy 5 x 3 deadlift. I worked up to 385 and stopped as my 6+ hour flight last night left my back pretty toasted.
WOD was more skill than speed: 12min AMRAP of:
3 wall walks
5 snatches at 135#
10 weighted pistols
I got four full rounds in at the Rx weight for snatch but not weighting the pistols. Note to self: work on pistols.
C&J – worked up to 198. Felt a little off on the jerk. Didn't quite split wide enough.
Performance metcon in 5:10. Dips started to go away in the later rounds in part because I was somewhat inefficient with my kip in earlier rounds.
Noah – JAKE FOX eh??
Congrats Jynne!!!
FYI I gave up my 10 am prime Murph spot because I have Strength Cycle that day if anyone wants to sign up!
Speaking of that, my second SC class with Margie has been great!!
LBBS @ 115# 3×5
Press @ 55# 3×5
Deadlift @ 175 1×5
Learned lots so far about my squat stance helpful being narrower and also getting my knees down first before the rest of my body. As for press, I need to reach up a little further on press and get my arms forward a little more and back my chin up a little further when I press up. Deadlifting now without lifters (thanks to Fox's advice at Iron Maidens) and learning about the start position that I have not tried before, but I think it will help me remember to stay right on the back and not rip that bar off the floor! First heavy deadlifting I've done since Maidens also, everything felt a tad heavy! So glad to take this class so far!!! Learned so many things about myself already!
Sorry I have strength cycle the next day I meant!!!
12:00 today with Lady Fox and a bunch of jet pack wearing Aqua Man gum chewing dreamers.
I PR'D my jerk! I hit 225# solid and then managed 235# but it wouldn't fly in a comp but I'm stoked I got it overhead regardless!
Did the wod Rx'd in 7:33. I decided to try the ring dips over push-ups but it was def challenging for me as I don't have the kip down.
Strength Cycle
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5 x 3 (7,7,8 RPE)
45 x 8
55 x 8
65 x 8 (7.5RPE)
67.5 x 8 (8.5RPE)
63 x 8 (9RPE)
Pause Squat
45 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5 (8RPE)
165 x 5 (8RPE)
That WOD looks like fun 🙂
253, 264
253, 264
253, 264
That book looks like the perfect read for an NYC beach hang. Especially if you buy a couple homemade nutcrackers to go with it.
One day you have the worst workout to date, and the next you have the best! Plenty of sleep/paleo diet/no alcohol = winning everything!
PR'd c&j at 85.5#, and did the wod at body weight, even though I was definitely having doubts. Did it in 7:30… But still, I feel amazing.
I wonder if any of this is psychological, but I'm going to think it was mainly the 8.5 hours of sleep and healthy diet yesterday and today. Yay crossfit!
C&J worked up to 103# and hit it 2 or 3 times. My arm felt fine all week, but not today, so I stopped at a lighter weight than what I wanted to do today so I don't get a real injury.
WOD @143# in 7:24 or 7:28 or 7:38…don't remember! Push ups were slow and broken up from the start.
Awesome job, Allie!
I signed up for the rowing clinic! Excited!
Quick solo sesh in the gym this afternoon before coaching:
5×2 Clean from Blocks (kilos)
(77, 99,) 110, 121, 130, 130, 110
5×2 Jerk from Blocks (pounds)
(5 PP, 5 PJ, 5 SJ @ 45#)
99, 110, 121, 126, 99
Tempo Ring Dips (3 counts in each position)
These are definitely getting better!
Did some free standing handstand work in between for fun.
Hit 2 single muscle ups later on as 5:30 class was starting, just cuz it's been a minute.