Do you get any hip discomfort while in the catch position of rowing? The reason for that may be hip impingement (when two structures in your body “run into” each other), which can happen at the catch position if your femur is not externally rotated (think knees slightly out). The top of your femur and the socket it sits in can run into each other and trap the labrum which is a ring of soft tissue that surrounds the socket. This can lead to ouchies. Coach Fox says he is prone to impingement of his left hip when rowing a lot, and what he’s found works is to push his knees out a bit in the catch. He’s also found this to be a successful solution for other CrossFitters who experience anterior hip pain. Coach Fox also advises the hip capsule stretch above (skip to about 3 minutes in).
- Did you sign up yet for your “Murph” heat? Do it now, and remember that the earlier heats will be far less muggy and humid!
Veggie CSA Sign-Up Deadline Is Tomorrow, May 20!
Interested in our new weekly veg/fruit/egg CSA with Common Hands Farm? The deadline to sign up for this year is tomorrow, May 20th. The pickup will be weekly on Tuesdays at Brooklyn Boulders beginning June 2.
Veg shares are $615 for a weekly (“full”) share or $375 for an every-other-week (“half”) share.
Fruit and eggs are bundled together; a full share is $280 and a half share is $140. There are also options for combining veg with fruit and eggs.
To see full details, visit the Farm’s sign-up page and fill out your contact info; after you select NYC as your pickup location, you’ll see the full offering with pricing. Remember, your pickup spot will be Brooklyn Boulders, just down the block.
Questions? Email the farm at hudsonlocale [at] gmail dot com, or the gym’s CSA coordinator, Michele, at mignyc [at] gmail dot com.
How to Become Gluten Intolerant Devour
Photographic Portraits of Famous Artists’ Paint Palettes Colossal
Watching the World’s Forests Disappear on Google Earth Mother Jones
Wednesday's Programming
Fitness: Front Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 3 x 5, Volume Day
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds For Time:
270m Run
20 Dumbbell Power Snatch
Rest 2 Minutes
Score times for each round. Post best and worst to comments.
6am with Jess doing Monday's work
Peformance Press:
Still moving really well, had at least 1, probably 2 in the tank on the last set. Makes me wonder if dropping my 1rm by 10lbs after missing reps the first two weeks was the right move. Might have to do a rep out next week, or come in and test the 1rm during open gym to see where things stand.
Perf. Metcon: 13:41 Rx. Double unders in 2 sets of 30. KB swings in sets of 10 every 45s. Cracked my right little finger on the box on the first jump and then wasted a bunch of time bandaging it up. Did 4 sets of fast bounding jumps with about 10s rest once my finger was taped. 6 sets of 5 for the c2b pullups – all butterfly! 5-5-4-4-2 on the HSPU.
Came back in from the 550m run around 16:30.
6am with Jess and McDowell – doing Monday's presses with Jess. I did 45×5; 95×5; 105×5; 115×3; 120×5; 120×4 (failed 5th); 115×5. 120 was going to be tough under the best of circumstances, but Jess pointed out that I did too much in the warmup sets, so I really hosed myself here. I'll stick at 120 next week.
I finished the fitness metcon in 17:05. This was a real bitch. The wall walks took more out of me than I expected. Pull-ups were in sets of 5. Box jumps were in sets of 10, and the kettlebell swings started with a set of 20, then went to 15s and 10s. DU's, to my pleasant surprise were mostly in a couple of big chunks of 20ish with an additional couple of small sets.
I walked a bit of the cash out by the gas station on 4th and I don't even feel bad about it. So there.
6am. Squat: 265×5, 270x5x2. All the warmup sets felt super heavy so I went with 265 (the weight I did last week) for the first work set. It moved well so I bumped up to 270 for the remaining 2 sets. Everything felt slow, but the observers said it moved well. Metcon @ 50#: 2:02, 2:05, 2:12, 2:08. We were in 608 and 50# was the heaviest DB available. Could have gone heavier. All snatches were unbroken and a mixture of muscle and power snatches. Slacked a bit on the run in the third round which caused the slower time.
6am. FSQ: 210x5x3. The weight moved well. Metcon: 2:07, 2:07, 2:07, 2:06 @ 45#. Peter and Michael snagged the only 2 50# DBs. Legs felt sluggish during the run. Initial started with power snatches and moved into muscle snatches for the final 3 rounds.
Im looking into purchasing a digital tracker.
Fitbit Surge, Misfit Shine, Nike + or even a watch.
Which ones are you using? and do you like them? Would you buy something else now that you have worn one for a while?
Are there activities they they dont track that you would want them too?
Monday did perf press 147.5 x3x3
Did the fitness wod in about 15 mins and change.
I'm signed up for noon heat for murph. Im thinking I'm bringing a couple of guests so I'll try to bring something to eat or drink. Any suggestions?
245×2 failed 3rd rep
I was the only 12 o'clock squatter so pretty much got a private with McDowell!
Squat: 130x5x3 – I'd missed the last two "volume" squat days so I just kept at a heavy but safe 130
WOD: w/ 25 pound DBs – best round was 2:43, worst was 2:55. Could maaaaybe use 30 next time?
Hey Colleen! Hope you're doing well. All the best on your rapid recovery and a return to CFSBK soon!!
Richard G.
12pm with Jess and McD.
400m run.
16 x reverse lunges
10 x push-ups
5 T2B
Mobilized while people pressed.
WOD (fitness)
10 x wall walk 2 sec hold
25 x ring rows
50 x box jumps (20")
100 x KB @ 24kg (Russian)
50 x DU
550m run.
KB swings were the worst part, surprisingly enough. This kicked my ass. I liked it.
@ k2h2
I have the FitBit Charge HR and I love it. I don't have it for exercise tracking purposes but more to make sure that I am moving enough the rest of the time. It also tracks your heart rate so may be give you a more accurate calorie burn than other devices but I don't pay a whole lot of attention to that. If you get one let me know- we can be friends and I can beat you on challenges :p
Hey Colleen- ditto Rich's post. Thinking of you. Looking forward to doing 20' box jumps with you again soon!
Jill C.
7:30 with Noah and Jess
HBBS 165x5x3. Moved pretty well. Slow and steady as always :).
Definitely going to PR a 1RM at 200+ at the end of this cycle. Not hoping anymore- it's going to happen.
WOD with a 30# dumbbell. 2:40, 2:29, 2:41, 2:40. I'd say that's fairly consistent.. and makes me assume that 2nd round might have been a mistake and it was really 2:39. Noah had to remind me to lock it out at the top a couple times. It wasn't that I couldn't, I think I was just rushing so I made sure to hold it for a full count overhead for the final reps.
P.S. Thinking of you Colleen!
and…. that gluten free video is amazing.
Mixed Bag of Fitness tonight at 7:30pm…
WU: 3 rounds
6 each side pistol (first round was just 10 air squats)
5 butterfly PU (third round best)
10 push-up
Squat: de-load week (4×10 @ 80% of best set of 10 during cycle)
45×5, 95×4
-no belt. good speed. still spikes my HR.
Monday's Performance WOD:
60 DU's – unbroken
50 KB Swing – 24kg American, 5×10. brutal.
40 BJ – 20"
30 C2B pullup – sets of 3 until #18 then 6 sets of 2 reps to finish. no misses, no singles! yay!
20 Strict HSPU – scaled to 10 reps w/ 1 abmat. this is HUGE improvement in the last 4 months.
Time: 13:39
Went out for the lap around the block, back at 16:57
Got to the pull-up bar around 7:20. Finished C2B and on to HSPU around 10:20. (So the last two movements took me about 3 min each to get through.)
rolled out my R hamstring. inner portion is feeling really ropey. need to seriously mash and mobilize my legs in the next few days.
I'm pretty sure I left my phone by the espresso machine. It has a taped broken screen with a silver sparkly case. I will be by tomorrow 5/20 @ 8am to pick it up. Please set it aside
for me.
@k2h2 I have the FuelBand SE and dig it. Similar to Charlie, I just use it to make sure I'm moving a certain amount everyday. I also like it as a super minimalist watch. It doesn't do much, but serves me well.
Nike stopped making them (and started focusing efforts on Apple Watch software), but I bet you can get one on eBay brand new on the cheap.
6:30 class yesterday:
Press 90x3x3
Modified Fitness WOD for my hamstring:
25 kipping pull-ups
50 wall balls
100 AbMat sit-ups
50 DU – unbroken
10 :02 wall walks
Time: I didn't check.
5:30 class tonight:
LBBS 150x5x3
WOD Rx-ed with 35# DB. First round was the slowest run of my life. The right side of my butt is so stiff. Switched to 400m on the bike. I wrote down my times but didn't actually calculate how long each round was. Ellie gave me some great cues later about being more efficient with my snatch. I'm bad at Olympic lifting.
French curls with 30# DB, 3 sets of 10 reps
I also benched earlier: 108x3x6
HBBS, 3RM, -%5, -10%x3
**450 was my old PR.
Behind the neck press, 5RM, -5%, -10%x5x2
185×4, failed 5th
Thinking bout you Colleen! Sending you love!
Hey Amy– your phone is behind the desk!