Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Heavier than Wednesday but still light enough to not be a true 5RM. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats. Add about 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
24 Kettlebell Swings
12 Push-Ups
3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
24 Kettlebell Swings
8 Strict Ring Dips
Post time and Rx to comments.
In case you missed it, there’s a new post over on Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate, called “Elevating the Push-Up,” featuring our one and only Amanda Mc.! Check it out, share it with your friendz, fix your form!
Wondering Where to Go This Weekend?
We’re hosting the Catalyst Athletics Olympic Lifting Seminar this weekend, but because of the new space, we don’t have to close down the gym as we have in years past (!!!). Here are all the details you’ll need today throughout the weekend to make sure you’re in the right place.
We will have an alternate check-in method over at 608, so check in there!
Saturday (5/9):
10am Yoga for Athletes and 11am and noon Active Recovery are CANCELED
597: Catalyst Athletics 10am-5pm
608: Normal Group Classes 8-2pm
Sunday (5/10):
11am Active Recovery is CANCELED
597: Catalyst Athletics 10am-5pm | Open Gym 6-8pm
608: Normal Group Classes 8-2pm | Teaser | Strength Cycle Total at 2pm
Annex: 9am Kids Club | 10am CrossFit Preschool | Rings with Ken at 2pm
What Song Reminds You Of Your Mom? NPR’s All Songs Considered
Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye
Thank G** we have this safe space where we can share our issues ….
8am with David and JB
LBBSQ Heavy 5 at 260#.
Front Squat Heavy 5 at 210#.
Both lifts moved well until the last one which was kind of grindy. I'll stay with the 5# jumps for next week.
Performance WOD in 10:48. All KB swings and all ring dips unbroken. Ring dips were much better than I thought they would be.
OG last night: deadlift 225×5, humblingly heavy. I've lifted that much for 5s many times before and it didn't feel like such a struggle then! Note to self: still in comeback mode.
Then I did the 3 round 1:00 on, 1:00 off thing, except I did rowing, situps, and box jumps. I forget how many reps I ended up with.
10 AM safety bar squats with DO and JB. (JBDO sounds like it could be an ad agency.) 175×5, heavy! Dropped to 155×5 for a second set, the first time this cycle I haven't just done a second set at the same weight.
WOD with 16kg KB one-armed swings and 0:30 plank hold instead of pushups or ring dips. (God, I wish I could've done the ring dips!) 11:41.
Yesterday 8am with McDowell and Noah.
400M run
16 rev lunges, 15# plate
15 ring rows
5 T2B
45 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 3
195 x 1
215 x 5
Front Squat
155 x 5
Same as last week.
3 rounds for time.
400M run
24 KB swings @ 20KG (USA!!)
12 push-ups.
I was able to go overhead!! Yay! But I had forgotten how much longer it takes!! Kept the push-ups strict. 6,6 for first round; sets of 3 after that. Kept solid form on everything (I hope!!) which is my extra special focus right now.
Oly Cycle Yesterday:
Jerk triples: 5×95, 1 at 85. I've made a lot of progress on keeping my elbows up in the dip (at least at this weight). Working on getting my weight onto my back leg (I am still landing very forward). Part of this is a mobility issue (my overhead is very forward), part of it is mechanical.
5x2xhang squat snatch with an extra transition from hang to power @ 68#.
3×5 Back squats with a 5 second descent and five second hold at the bottom at 125. Very light. Focused on getting ass to ankle and leading with the bar (rather than my hips) on the way up, which was surprisingly hard. BUT as long as I did this, whatever has been bothering me through my hip and back felt okay.
Shoulder mobility.
Came in at 7 before my coaching extravaganza with DO and worked on some squat snatches and jerks. Still keeping things pretty light. Felt crappy, but it was weirdly fun having the gym all to myself. I wanted to to the comp metcon for today but ran out of time. Ended up doing 1.5 rounds—oof, it's been a while since I've done c2b's and strict hspu!
Got to jump into the conditioning piece at 11am (thanks DO): 9:something. Everything unbroken. My best Helen is 8:16, so this was a ways off of that, but it still felt nice to move. KBs felt very light today.
Front Squat, 3RM, -5%, -10×3
391×3** PR triple
Behind neck press, 3RM, -5%, -10%x3
203×2, failed 3rd
Rough day of snatching at Catalyst seminar for me today. Didn't hit anything above 154.
FSQ heavy triple
Roadhouse Blues. Walked in on my mom and some of her girlfriends dancing on our dining table after "bridge" night.
LBBS heavy 5 @175#. Need to lead with the bar. Trying. Really trying.
Front squat 5 reps @95#. Wrist/forearm/shoulder was hurting so I went light on the front squat. Also learned from DO that I do not grip the bar properly!
WOD in 11:52
Subbed Russian swings @16kg for American swings because of my arm! Arm hurt doing pushups too so did them slowly.
Redid my front squat but held the bar the correct way. Did 5 reps @130#. No pain. Last rep wasn't the best but I also did this after the WOD.