Asta and Rich getting fit post-hacking at last Saturday’s event
- Happy birthday, Harry H.!
Wondering Where to Go This Weekend?
We’re hosting the Catalyst Athletics Olympic Lifting Seminar this weekend, but because of the new space, we don’t have to close down the gym as we have in years past (!!!). Here are all the details you’ll need today throughout the weekend to make sure you’re in the right place.
We will have an alternate check-in method over at 608, so check in there!
Friday Evening (5/8):
Everything runs as normal, with Open Gym in both locations.
Saturday (5/9):
10am Yoga for Athletes and 11am and noon Active Recovery are CANCELED
597: Catalyst Athletics 10am-5pm
608: Normal Group Classes 8-2pm
Sunday (5/10):
11am Active Recovery is CANCELED
597: Catalyst Athletics 10am-5pm | Open Gym 6-8pm
608: Normal Group Classes 8-2pm | Teaser | Strength Cycle Total at 2pm
Annex: 9am Kids Club | 10am CrossFit Preschool | Rings with Ken at 2pm
Can Music Be Used as Medicine? The Atlantic
Saturday's Programming
Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Heavier than Wednesday but still light enough to not be a true 5RM. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats. Add about 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
24 Kettlebell Swings
12 Push-Ups
3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
24 Kettlebell Swings
8 Strict Ring Dips
Post time and Rx to comments.
Abtastic comp class:
Olympic Lifting
Something was just feeling off in my olympic lifts last night, so I stayed kind of light.
1) 5X3 Clean from blocks (just above knee) – work to a max triple for the day, rest as needed
Couldn't organize these. Boo.
2) 5X3 Jerk from blocks/rack – work to a max triple for the day, rest as needed
135-185-225-255 – Only had time for four sets. Also felt heavier than normal.
1a) 4X5 Tempo Ring Dips (3 counts in all parts) + ME Kipping Ring Dips (if you cannot do 5 UB tempo reps, then break and make the 5th tempo rep lead into the ME kipping) – rest 90 sec.
5+8 – 5+8 – 5+5 – 5+ 6 – Tried to focus on truly locking out on the kipping ones. These were spicy.
1b) 4X5 Jerk Grip BTN Push Press – work to a 5rm, rest 90 sec.
135-185-205-215 – These felt better than normal. 215 is the highest I've gone so far.
For time:
50 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/50#
50 GHD Situps (we subbed in 150 regular abmat situps 'cause of the lack of GHDs)
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
50′ DB OH Walking Lunges (25′ L/25′ R – one DB) 70/50#
Finished in 18:53.
Snatches felt great, did these almost unbroken.
Situps took a LONG time. Second half was much slower than the first.
Burpee box jump overs were a slog
Lunges were harder than I thought – it was tough to get the dumbbell stable.
Fun, ab-y workout.
6am. Back squats: 280×4. This was the same performance as last week. First 4 reps were slow, but ok. On the 5th rep I let the weight crush me into the hole and I never recovered. Going to drop back to 275 next week. Front squats: 225×5. Repeat of the weight I managed only 4 reps on last week. Success today, but the reps were also slow. Legs are feeling tired. Perf metcon @ 32KG: 10:00. KB swings and dips were unbroken, though I might have shorted the range of motion on a few reps on the dip. Forearms were fried afterward from the KB swings. Runs were slow. See above about my legs feeling tired.
6am w/ McDowell
BSQ: 235x5x3
The first set felt heavy, the second set felt better and the 3rd moved. Joy mentioned good bar speed, however, it seemed that the bar was slow and not moving…
Metcon: 10:32 @ 24kg
All swings unbroken, 24kg was probably on the lighter side but the only 28kg was taken. Ring dips were 8, 4/4, 3/3/1/1. I'm a bit surprised that ring dips went as fast as they did after the first round felt solid. Legs felt heavy during the runs, maybe the squats.
Are the times for Crossfit Kids Club and Crossfit Preschool correct above? I thought that Kids Club was at 9 and Preschool at 10.
General request: Can we please get more notice (preferably a full week) when stuff like AR, yoga, etc. is going to be canceled? It would really help to know earlier when schedules will need to be juggled. (If I had known yesterday that AR would be canceled all weekend, I would have done it last night, for example.)
Bethany you are correct
Stella we had a coach need coverage last minute but we had originally planned on holding AR