Fitness: Halting Snatch Deadlift + Hip Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a challenging load. 3 second pause at the hip, then snatch from the hip.
Performance: Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Snatch
Balanced weight, get to the hips, and jump vertical. If you have time before class, check out Catalyst Athletic’s video of the Halting Snatch Deadlift.
Post loads to comments.
Team WOD
In teams of three with one partner working at a time:
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
10 Calories Rowed
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Congrats to our strong dudes who competed at Hail to the King yesterday at CrossFit Queens!
Next Weekend, Don’t Miss: Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshop
Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Workshop is back with a vengeance and some added wrinkles! This is for folks who have yet to accomplish their first kipping pull-up or need significant work organizing the movement and linking them together. Buy in for the class is 3 chin-ups or pull-ups (special cases can be considered, email Noah [at] By the end of the hour class everyone will have gotten their chin over the bar, will likely have strung a few together, and will definitely have a plan for practice and perfection of their kip.
When: May 17, 2015, 3-4pm
Cost: $20
Capacity: 10 spots
REGISTER HERE (scroll to the bottom!)
And the Following Weekend: Coach Noah’s Muscle-Up Workshop
Coach Noah returns with a Muscle-Up Workshop! This is for folks who have yet to accomplish their first muscle-up or need significant work organizing the movement and linking them together. Buy-in for the class is 5 strict pull-ups and 3 ring dips (special cases can be considered, email Noah [at]
When: May 24, 2015, 3-4pm
Cost: $20
Capacity: 10 spots
REGISTER HERE (scroll to the bottom!)
The Grandeur and Limits of Science On Being
Congrats to all the Hail to the Kingers including Michael C. who took 6th in the Knights' Division!! Great to catch and cheer everyone on at the last event!!
Also hope everything went awesome at Get Fit or Be Hacking!
9am. Perf snatch complex (kilos): 40×2, 50×2, 60, 65, 70, 75, 75, 80M. Power snatched the first rep at 75 and was unbalanced on the catch. Second rep was much cleaner. Missed the rep at 80 out in front. Not enough pop in my pull and pulled too early. Probably related. Partnered with Shawn and Juan for the metcon. Made it through 5 rounds each using 45# DBs. Felt strong for the first 4 rounds. 5th round was hard. Very glad there wasn't a 6th.
PS Brought my youngest daughter to kids club this morning. She wanted to know if she could come back tomorrow…at 6am.
9am with Noah and McDowell. Fitness snatches at 85×1; 95×1; 105×2; 115×2; 125(f); 125(f). 125 was probably a little too ambitious here, but 115 was moving so well I figured if go for it. My pull was quick enough on my last attempt, I just didn't get under it. It's always something… I've really liked these hip snatches the last couple of weeks though.
Finished 5 rounds of the metcon partnered with Peter and Juan – though I was using 40 lb dumbbells. These were the heaviest I've done db thrusters with, but I did them all unbroken. Rows were what they were – I'm consistently at 1 calorie per pull, which is an improvement over where I was on the erg just a few months ago.
Hail to the King Recap! I am 79th in line for the throne!
First, congrats to my fellow competitors and our support crew: Melo, D-ton o' Fung, Aileen, Cam!
The event was exceptionally well organized the CFQ crew did a great job and atmosphere was great. Very cool vibe among the competitors.
So I competed in the Knights division with Karl and Mike. Y'all are welcome to call us Sir or
"Ser." This event brought out the super heavy hitters. More meat on display than at Fleishers, Herondale and Whole Foods combined. Games / Refional athlete dudes.
I did about as well as expected. First WOD was 4 minutes to establish max power clean plus push press them max clean plus push jerk. Hit 135 and 150 . I am not a fan of push jerk for pounds. Prefer to hit it and split.
Second WOD 7 min chipper. .30 power clean at 95, 80 singles 15 shoulder2OH, 20 WB 5 power snatch 10 box jump overs. made it to snatches before time was called. That moment when you think you are crushing the cleans them you look around and everyone else is gone.
WOD 3 " The Long March". 10 minutes. 10 burpees to plate. 10 American KB swings then 2x KB shuttle "runs". 6 rounds. That was the buy in. Then max pull ups which is your score. Made it through five rounds. Kept moving all the way through just not fast enough.
If anyone is on the fence about competing just do it. Have fun. Worst thing that can happen to you is fitness. I will take care of bringing up the rear.
Yeah Hail to the King was awesome! Glad I signed up. Props to the whole team, and thanks to the crew that showed up to cheer us all on! As for results:
Wod 1:
Hit 165, 195 for the power clean and push press, then 195, 205 for the clean and push jerk. Total score: 400. Basically went with the upper limit of what I knew I could hit. Had I not spent four days this week in Mexico and two sick as a result I would have maybe tried for a couple of modest PRs.
WOD 2:
4:46. Moved really well until the snatches. Shoulders felt smoked at that point, and they took forever.
WOD 3:
Got through the buy in with maybe 20 seconds left. Due to general smoked-ness, I only put up three pull-ups, for a total score of…3.
All told, I ended up in sixth. Pretty happy with my performance overall. Hopefully next year I'll be ready for the Rx division.
11am with DO and KHarpz.
Snatch complex
Halting snatch deadlift + hip (power) snatch + OH squat.
Worked up to 83# then took some weight off because it wasn't looking amazing.
Had a major 'A-HA!' moment, thanks to Katie. She told me to stay connected to the ground, to forget about jumping, because I land too wide and on the outside of my feet which means I lose my balance. It didn't really make sense to me until I tried it but when I did the difference was pretty amazing!!! Must practice this more! Very excited! Thanks Katie!
Team WOD with Ellie and Talia.
AMRAP 15 mins
10 cal row.
10 DB thrusters.
4 rounds each.
35# DB for the first round, then 30# 'cause that was heavy enough!!
1pm w/ Coach Harpz & DO
Snatch complex:
75 to 115 (PR)
WOD: w/ Big Joe & Big Chris
5 rounds at 35#
Congratulations to the Hail to the King competitors!
Snatch Complex today
Up to 45kg. Then some snatches back and forth bw 45 and 46 w 2 failures at 46 – wonky over-aggressive pull on one and soft shoulders on another
2 attempts at 47kg that I just gave up on. Frustrating, but I hit 46kg twice solidly, which is an itty bitty 1kg PR
Partner workout w Lauren S
I think we each got 4 rounds plus a 10 cal row for her. DB thrusters at 25# ea
Unfortunately couldn't stay for cash out
I have been listening to and reading about Margaret Wertheim recently after hearing her speak on NPR. I really like the way she sees the world. The link to On Being is worth a listen.
HBBS – 230x5x3 – each week has been moving a little better than the previous
Metcon in 3:13 – quite a bit faster than the last time I did this one.
Felt a little off on the Snatch – did a ton of reps on the way up to 155. Hit all my attempts, but a few were a little wonky
Metcon with Brian and Azam – finished just about 5 rounds each
Guys! I learned tonight from a few people that my volleyball post last week came across as a bit too intense. I'm sorry if I scared people off! We still need three people to join our team, and I promise, our main commitment will be to having fun! Email me at katharine [at] if you're down. We're registering this week. 🙂
I've been out of commission a bit since Tuesday night since I pulled my hamstring doing the, uh, splits. Cool move, I know.
OG Friday to move a little after a couple days of rest, ice, and Advil: :
Bench 45×5, 75×4, 90×2, 109x8x3. I was stoked to get these. My last rep of sets 2 and 3 was tough, but I got it. Yahoo.
Light front squats yesterday: 95x5x3.
WOD in 6:30, with push-ups and 9-6-3 kipping pull-ups.
OG tonight, Arturo wrote me a fun warm-up and WOD:
3 Rounds:
5 muscle-up transitions on the rings. I've never done these before because muscle-ups seem so far beyond my realm of possibility, but it was cool to move through the progression.
5 kipping pull-ups
10 box jump overs
For time:
40 cal row
80 wall balls
40 cal row
11:19. I can't remember the last time I had to break up wall balls as much as I did with this, though I did have about three Bloody Marys this afternoon…
Fitness snatch: Worked up to 83# and hit it 3x!! 83# is my PR for a full snatch. It felt LIGHT!! Last week Katie pointed out that I wasn't pulling the bar towards me with my lats (probably not describing it correctly). DO noticed this today as well. Somehow I got it together and implemented the advice. It worked! I caught the bar with more tension in my shoulders and arms. In the last minute I attempted 88# and failed…just wanted to give it a shot! I fell at the bottom of the squat and dropped the bar, but am still happy because I COMMITTED to it and it didn't feel that heavy! I normally wouldn't have even dropped under the bar at this weight so huge improvement.
Did the WOD with Allie and Maggie. We each did 4 rounds. I attempted to use the 30# DBs, but they were just too heavy! Switched to 25# and still had a tough time holding them on my shoulders. Poor mobility, weak shoulders? Probably a combination of the two.
Congrats to everyone who competed at Hail to the King. I went to Hail to the Queen last year to support my friend and it was a bit intimidating. Jay Star, I hope I can take your advice and sign up for a competition one day. I've been to so many CF events and know how supportive the community is…I just can't get myself to do it! Ugh.
2 second Pause squat, 1RM
Push press behind the neck