At the bottom of your ring row, make sure to keep your lats engaged and imagine keeping your shoulders down and back. Never sink or sag into the bottom!
- ATTENTION OPEN GYM JUNKIES: OG on Fridays is now happening at both 597 and 608!
- Happy birthday, Jake L.!
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
- Steph M. and Andrew want to move closer to the gym, with a lease between May 15th and June 1st, 2015. They’re looking for a 1BR for $2K or less in Prospect Park South, Ditmas Park, etc. Hit Steph up if you have any leads!
- Maybe Ruth M. and her building are the answer to Steph’s housing inquiry, or yours? Her building, 421 Degraw St., is a 90-unit building that used to be an old Catholic school, that is rent-controlled for middle-income people. There’s a wait-list, but learn more here!
- Love jerky? We thought so, or at least, Erin Mc. did. She wants you to know about Jonty Jacobs, a meat store in the West Village.
Get Fit or Be Hacking Is Tomorrow!
We’re raising money for CSNYC. The mission of CSNYC is to ensure that all children in each of the 1,700 NYC public schools have access to a computer science education that will put them on a pathway to academic success and a 21st century career. CSNYC supports programs that operate in schools in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods and promote interest in software engineering among traditionally under-represented communities.
Four Ways You Can Get Involved:
- Participate! There are two 15 minute partner WODs between which is a 45 minute coding competition. You can “Rx” and do both WODs and the coding competition. Alternately, if you don’t code, you can do the “Scaled” version, which is just the two WODs. Register here.
- Donate! Support a team or individual and donate to CSNYC here.
- Cheer! Come by the gym between 2-5 to cheer folks on!
- Drink! Come to the after-party and awards ceremony at Three’s Brewing from 5pm to 7pm!
Finally a HUGE thank you to our sponsors – Three’s Brewing, Fleisher’s Pasture-Raised Meats, Ample Hills Creamery, Brooklyn Boulders, EXO Protein Bars, Gorilla Coffee, and Simple Programmer!
The Fitness Workouts:
Workout 1: “Pythons and Pullups”
AMRAP 15 Minutes. Partner workout – one partner working out at a time
Run 270m
10 Burpees
10 Ring Rows or 5 Pull-Ups (** Scale Up: 10 kipping pull-ups)
20 Sit-Ups (**Scale Up: 10 Power Cleans 135/95)
Workout 2: “Jumping Java”
AMRAP 15 Minutes. Partner workout – one partner working out at a time
Buy-in: 270m Farmer’s Carry
12 Dumbbell Push Presses (** Scale Up: 12 Thrusters 95/65)
12 Box Jumps or Step-Ups
24 Double Unders or 100 Single-Unders
**Scale-up options for experienced CrossFitters. Scale-up options must be done at prescribed load.
Improving the Clean Through Better Turnover Catalyst Athletics
Saturday's Programming
Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Heavier than Wednesday but still light enough to not be a true 5RM. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats. Add about 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
10 Burpees
8 Ring Rows
21-5-9, For Time:
Kipping Pull-Ups Fitness
Post time and Rx to comments.
Saturday's squatting, 170x5x2, and this time I know how much the safety bar weighs 😛
Then Thursday's WOD, with one-armed 16kg swings, in 9:24. I'm gonna milk this "I can't do burpees" thing for all it's worth! Kidding. My goal is to be injury-free by June.
8am class with Noah and McDowell.
400M row
16 rev lunges 15# plate
12 hollow rocks
5 x T2B/ K2E
45 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 3
195 x 2
215 x 5
Front Squat
155 x 5
10 x burpees
8 x ring rows
Cash out
500M row
400M run
6am. Back squat: 280×4. Failed the 5th rep. Did 275×5 without problem last week, but my legs are feeling the last couple of days. For symmetry: front squat: 225×4. Did 235×5 last week. Not a good squat day. Perf metcon: 4:56. Most of the time was spent in the burpees. Pull-ups felt strong. Should have pushed the burpees a little harder.
7am Oly Cycle:
Snatch: Worked up to 83 (which is where my form really starts to go), some triples at 78, then a couple sets of the complex:
2x hang to power position (focusing on getting over the bar in the power position)+hang squat snatch with a five second hold at rock bottom.
C+J: worked up to triples at 103, then went down to 83 and worked a couple sets of the complex:
1 clean pull + 3 C+J's.
Then another terrible, tortuous shoulder mobility drill and some hip mobility.
I guess I'll have to quiet my inner meathead for the next several weeks and be okay with going light, drilling form, and working mobility.
Adding my own plug: Please come participate/donate/cheer/drink with Get Fit of Be Hacking!
Learning programming not only allows students the opportunity to explore an expanding career field, but also provides a space for students to explore, create, and challenge themselves in ways beyond their other academic classes. Unfortunately, not enough children in NYC have this opportunity available to them. I will be teaching a new computer science course at my high school this fall and am thrilled that there are organization that are trying to expand computer science to schools with historically underrepresented individuals.
Sweating! Helping children! Pursuits of intellectual greatness! Beer to follow! How could it get any better?! Join!
10:30am outlaw sesh
5×3 Pause Snatch (3-count pause at knee/hang)
53×3, 63×3, 73×3, 83×3, 83×3
-had one or two power snatches at 83 that I rode down. overall: not jumping fwd as much, getting down faster
5×3 Pause Clean (same as above)
83×3, 103×3, 113×3, 118×3
-left it at 4 sets today. 118: first rep solid, second one I threw it way back into my throat and it almost knocked me over, third one overcorrected and had to come forward a bit to get it.
5 sets of the complex: 3 push jerk + 2 jerk grip overhead squats
83, 93, 103, 108!
-Worked up 5# heavier than last wk. jerks felt much more explosive and solid.
-Every moment of those overhead squats is just sheer excitement. laser beam eye focus, reaching up, vertical bar, patient.
-didn't move my feet at all for both reps on 108, and pretty stoked about it
3 sets (in between above complex):
2:00 hollow/arch hold, alternating every :30
-pure torture. the arch hold is a welcome relief, but those hollows suck big time.
conditioning: biking to gym, to carroll gardens, back from carroll gardens up the hill on 9th street (sprint), back down to south slope! feels great to be riding again, though my butt is sore!
Could… not… get… #MuscleUp
What Kayleigh said.
And, Chris Yun; You…are…so…close.