April Athlete of the Month: Jay Reingold
By Chris Fox
It seems that April showers bring Jay Flowers… (let’s see if that name sticks over Jay-Star?). This fella has been with us a while and has basically tried every offering the we’ve had to date. He may have even tried to lift at Iron Maidens if we let him. Jay is one of our favorite people in the gym—he brings dedication and focus to his training, works on weaknesses, is part of the larger community, and his blog presence is practically unrivalled. Here’s your chance to learn a bit about the blog jokester, a man who is actually a self-described introvert.
Fox: Jay! Glad that we’re finally here and you’re AOM. Tell us how you first started at CFSBK.
Jay: Well, it’s about time! I expected to be recognized for all I bring to CFSBK a long time ago but I guess late is better than never… Anyway, I started in July 2011 with a private Foundations with Jess. I read an article in Runner’s World about CrossFit and was intrigued. I was a runner (hence the magazine) and had just come off a shitty 2010 NYC Marathon and knew I needed to get stronger. I’d previously worked with a trainer and did some strength training while running and it helped with injury prevention and my various “runner’s itises”… I knew I needed help and the Jack LaLanne in Bensonhurst wasn’t going to cut it. I visited the CFHQ main page and was all set to visit CFNYC until I walked by CFSBK on the way to Brooklyn Boulders.
Fox: So aside from having the hottest woman in the gym do your Foundations, what about CrossFit made you stay?
Jay: I found at all to be new and great. The instruction in Foundations and in classes was so great that I felt like I was getting a graduate degree in exercise science. The word “Athlete” was very powerful for me, that everyone was treated like an athlete felt great.
Fox: So we hooked you and you stayed, and now the whole family is part of the gym!
Jay: Yeah, I never really considered that I’d buy in to the whole community aspect of the gym but after a while it just started to make sense. Pairing up on racks and bars helped with that since you’re not just off on your own for a class and there’s opportunity to chat and get to know people. There’s always something to learn, dudes and ladies all lift together, and the coaching is really top-notch. All of my proselytizing finally worked and Adelle joined about a year after me. Our son Niko loves hanging around and is starting CrossFit Kids. The gym has become a large part of my family’s life. The sell was actually pretty easy for me. My body changed in that I slimmed down and packed on some muscle, but the icing on the cake was my next marathon. I ran a 3:22 which was a 20 minute PR (!!!) and qualified for Boston in 2013. The movements and logical approach to programming stuff just made sense.
Fox: Can you tell us a bit about Jay-Star’s alter ego? The guy that isn’t always crushing PRs at the gym?
Jay: I’m a Brooklyn native. I grew up in Kensington and Bensonhurst and spent a lot of time trying to get out. I lived in Manhattan for a while but eventually ended up back on this side of the river. I work at a marketing firm and spend a ton of time at a desk. It’s challenging work but allows for enough time away from it. Plus, I get to work with friends from college so I enjoy the work environment. Honestly CrossFit is my main hobby. I do like to read and will basically plow through the top of the NY Times best seller lists. Aside from that my main job is to run Niko around to play sports, currently tennis but he was previously super into soccer. I purchased season tickets to the inaugural season for New York Football Club so hopefully he gets back into it a little!
Fox: You’ve done Strength Cycle, Ken’s rings class, the Olympic cycle, private training… what goals are you currently working towards?
Jay: Well my first goal was to improve at the clean. After being told by a not-to-be-mentioned coach that “you’re pretty good at some stuff, but you suck at this,” I’m decent at them now. My current main goal is to improve at gymnastics progressions and work towards headstands, handstands, muscle-ups, etc… That and to have a lift or even a training method named after me. This about programming an entire cycle of Jay-Star Presses, or following the Jay-Star Method… maybe a new burpee version where you flop on your back? It’s a burden since I really just don’t want to disappoint the people but I really feel a drive to inspire the next generation.
Fox: Seems reasonable. Alright, Jokester Jay, last question… what should we look for in a future AOM?
Jay: When I thought about this (since I knew you’d ask), I realized that there are so many people who would be perfect for it. I guess I’ll just say that it should be someone considerate of fellow members and who takes their training seriously. Not like a Mr/Mrs. D Baggy Pants sort of serious, but who works towards progress with a positive attitude and is helpful to other members. I’d also add that the Intros/DROMs portion of each class allows us all to learn a bit about a person’s personality, and I think that participating in that makes a difference.
News and Notes
- NEPAL EARTHQUAKE RELIEF: Grace R. has a couple close friends who live in Nepal and they suggested GlobalGiving as the best donation outlet for getting immediate help to those in need.
- Happy birthday, Scott M.!
How Many of These Fitness Classes Have You Taken? Clickhole
What Cities Would Look Like If Lit Only By the Stars Wired
Wednesday's Programming
Fitness: Front Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 3 x 5, Volume Day
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
5 Power Cleans 135/95
10 Push-Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
10 Pull-Ups
20 Squats
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Jay is one of my favorite people at the gym. I did Oly Class and Rings Class with him and we have judged each other in a couple of Open WODs. He is a no brainer for AOTM. He takes his training very seriously but is able to bring an awesome lightheartedness to the whole process.
Great choice coaches!!
JAY! The best!
Jay is a great choice for AOM. Love that guy!!!
JAY-STAR!!! Finally!!! Next time I'm working I will roll out the red carpet for you! You finally earned that VIP treatment!!! 😀
Such a well-deserved AOM here!
Wait, Jay is Jay-Star?! Just kidding. Since Jay-Star emerged on the blog, people have been saying, "Wow, your husband is hilarious!" and asking me if I know how funny he is. Uh, yeah! It's one of the many things I love about Jay. He's a wonderful husband, father, friend and now AOM! Congrats!
Congrats Jay-Star! Well deserved.
Congrats Jay!! You are the man!!
Congrats Jay! I always wanted to put a face to infamous name!
5:30 make up post from last night
I'm liking the press more and more, it really forces good form with pushing the head through and resting at the top to get a little bounce off the shoulders/chest/elbows (whatever will give a little bounce) to get to the next rep.
Perf. 120x3x8 felt really good. I'm going to move up 10lbs next week; I'm curious to see what my new 1rm will be soon. As per calculations it says 152… "supposedly" says Ro so we'll see!
Did the WOD rx'ed in 11:01. I've learned it's better to dog the row a little bit to keep my heart rate down and push through whatever the other part of the WOD either unbroken or with much less rest. For me, dogging it is a low stroke rate around 22-24 and a split below 1:55. But it's different for everyone. Did all the thrusters unbroken.
Rested a few minutes then did Sunday's WOD of 8 min AMRAP C2B and DUs
Made it through the round of 25DUs and 12C2Bs then 14 DUs on the round of 30.
Fun workout, trying to build my endurance for multiple WODs.
Thanks for the cheering Kate R!
Hey Jay!:
Congrats on your AOM status! I know you don't think I post enough, but I do see your wife in Whole Foods…! But, I was astute enough to pick up your well-deserved selection. Something good there. I do keep an eye on you!
I didn't know Jay before rings class a few weeks ago, but I definitely knew the infamous Jay-Star from the blog; glad to know him in person.
The dude truly is an *athlete* who seemingly trains for the sake of fun & fitness! (Maybe the competition of life, too?)
Anyway, pretty sure it was Jay I read on the blog who was practicing DUs before/after class when I was newer to crossfit. It made me realize that staying after class is actually acceptable & encouraged! I've also witnessed him practicing handstands and the gymnastics skills before/after class in recent weeks…so the dude definitely is committed!
Great role model of what athleticism can mean for the average person who is not training for anything in particular! I feel compelled to write this because the other week I was thinking (as I was watching him stay after to practice skills) how committed he was to training. Definitely inspiring because he embodies the idea that working out isn't a chore or obligation but a fun part of a healthy lifestyle–love that!
Yay Jay! Congrats! It made me very happy to see this, on this beautiful morning. So well-deserved! 🙂
Awesome choice! It has been my pleasure to work with J-Star.
I guess the Star moniker is now official.
Congratulations, well deserved.
6am w/ McDowell (& Jess)
FSQ: 205x5x3
All the reps moved well. Definitely felt the hidden 72 thrusters from yesterday.
Metcon #1: 6 rounds + 3 PC
All cleans done unbroken and touch and go. Push ups were unbroken first 3 rounds and then a mash of 3/4/5's for the subsequent rounds. I'm surprised how quickly the push ups went.
Metcon #2: 5 rounds
First 3 rounds unbroken, although switched to kipping for the last few on the 3rd round. Then 5's for the remainder. Air squats were brutal after the aforementioned thrusters and front squats.
Congrats Jay! I have a feeling this might blow up your ego a bit.
Congrats Jay!
Did yesterday's work today
Press – 120x8x3 – felt pretty solid
Metcon – 9:55 Rx'd – KB thrusters were awkward but unbroken
Congrats, Jay! Such a fun presence to have at the gym and on the blog.
In addition to the well-deserved kudos, congrats, and huzzahs, it should be pointed out that Jay really is lifting an astonishing amount of weight in that photo.
Go Jay! Love that man.
Congrats Jay! You're freakin' awesome!
Was travelling last week and then had a busy weekend that did not include working out, so yesterday was my first day back in the gym since Wednesday. I had a friend in town so I jumped into the 6:30 class instead of doing the comp team practice:
Press: 5×70, 5×70, 8×70. I'm not really doing any sort of progression here, but the five felt pretty easy so I added on a couple extra reps for the last set.
Metcon: 12 something Rx'd. This was terrible. I hate rowing and kb thrusters are awkward!!
Then the first class of oly cycle this morning! We worked on snatch positioning drills (super helpful) and then did some remarkably hard mobility drills at the end (not-so-newsflash: I am very tight through my hips and t-spine). I did nearly everything with an empty bar, but was still strangely tired afterwards. It will be hard for me to be okay with a ramp-down in intensity during this cycle, but I am so looking forward (and so in need of) working on my lifting technique–it's definitely my biggest weakness!
Congrats Jay, or Yay (if you're sofia vergara)
I remember sharing a bar with Jay many times when I first started and thought to myself, is everyone this nice around here? Anyhow well deserved.
PS: There is something called the Jay-Method, but I dont think you want to be associated with that. 😛
Yeah, Jay! I wasn't surprised at all when I learned the coaches picked him for AOM. I haven't spent any time working out with him, but his presence in our community is unparalleled.
Makeup from yesterday. I visited the 6am class and 6:30am Strength Cyclers with my camera since they haven't gotten much blog/photo love in a while… and to make sure they're actually working out then and not napping. New photos up in Flickr!
Also, serious shout-out to Lisa who was squatting 225x5x3 like a boss.
Instead of doing the reasonable thing of taking the 7am class, I came back at 5:30.
Crossover Symmetry
Press: 45×5, 55×4, 65×2, 71x8x3. Moved fine.
WOD with 25# DB, I can't remember my time. I got horrible bruises the last time I did KB thrusters, which I'm aware means I'm doing something wrong. Noah helped me try to correct it with a 12kg bell, but it still hurt like hell. Yesterday was a long day and I didn't have the energy last night to focus on another thing I'm bad at. 🙂
Did half of the cash-out and went over to 608 with Ben to do my accessory work.
20 kipping HSPUs with an ab-mat, 4-4-3-3-3 and some singles, I think.
DB bench press with 30#, 4×12. Fourth set was accidental.
Single-arm rows with 25#, 12 reps each arm and then I realized how I tired I was.
I also sprinted a mile up and down 4th Avenue at 9:45pm for reasons related to my dying computer, and would like to thank Joel and Asha for their last-minute help.
He's Da Man.
"The word “Athlete” was very powerful for me, that everyone was treated like an athlete felt great."
AH so well put!
Nice to see a fellow silver fox clinch the title! WTG Jay! And now I know who Jay-Star of blog fame is. It's excellent to put a face to the name and read your fun and funny AOM post.
Many congratulations on AOM!
That guy in the picture is so hot!!
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I am both humbled and verklempt – well, maybe not humbled. Before I became a part of this community I only had like 7 Facebook friends (I guess really 6 because “Adidas USA” probably doesn’t count right? And my sister is a gimme, so really only 5 Facebook friends). Happy to report that I have several more now.
Thanks to Fox for sitting down and speaking with me – I guess he drew the short straw! From my perspective, it was refreshing to be interviewed by someone not wearing an FBI windbreaker for a change.
I love coming to the gym – it’s my refuge and playground. I cannot thank all of the coaches and athletes enough for the support, knowledge, humor, etc. that they have shared with my family and I over the years. CSFBK is a special place. I still do not know how David and team managed to foster such a positive and supportive culture and attract such a wonderful membership. I am in awe.
I am glad I am not charged with picking the next AOM – there are far, far too many great candidates.
(For the record, my marriage vows obligate me to note that I took Foundations with the woman who is TIED for first as the hottest chick at CFSBK. (I am using the word “chick” to try and get a rise out of Serene btw – always a good idea to take a poke at people who are a lot stronger than you.))
@Mike – was Adele with anyone when you spotted her at Whole Foods? I mean, we have an open marriage, but I just like to stay informed . . . .
Jay was such a huge pain in the ass to interview and write up. Had to go through like umpteen edits just to make sure he was OK with the article. Glad that's over… 😉
11am lifts – Slowly building strength back up.
1A) Squat
1B) Press
2) Bench
@Colleen – We should reserve the term “silver fox” for a certain member of the coaching staff. I suggest “Seasoned Slayer” instead.
Congrats J*! Well done. There is only AOM I know of who is more deserving of the title.
Congrats, Jay! Well deserved!
CONGRATS JAY!! You're pretty great, well deserved…the blog is what gets me through my school day, so anyone who can make me laugh is a winner in my books.
Mondays WOD:
Press: 63x3x8
Feeling like i'm right on track with this progression, weight felt just right, still room to move along.
WOD: 11:17 RX
I seemed to have lost my row-mojo. I had a good streak there where I was getting really strong, well-paced pulls. But today it kind of just felt like I fell back into my old ways, need to remember to stay focused here. I also strangely enjoy KB thrusters. They seem effortless if you cradle the front rack with the other arm. All thrusters unbroken, except I stopped for a few breaths in-between switching hands
Went outside to do the cashout…as I was walking out the door the ice cream man was playing his taunting music and waving aggressively, trying to rope me into purchasing frozen treats. I'll have to admit it was one of the toughest dilemmas i've had in awhile…. …truly was seconds away from ditching those hollow rocks. Kind of regretted that decision up until now. My sushi delivery just arrived and it came with FREE ICECREAM!! It all comes full circle. Hard work pays off people! This is the best day of my life.
She was with me …
445×3, racked it. Legs had no leg juice today…
407×4…again, no leg juice
Push press, 5RM
Pullups, chinups, dips, pushups, ab wheel rollouts so i can be jacked.
hahahah @KHarpz. free ice cream with your sushi?! dreams do come true.
Warm up/Conditioning:
Jog to gym (1.7 miles, not fast)
Clean from blocks (5×3):
63×3, 83×3, 113×3, 123×3, 128×3, 93×3 (went down to feel sharp)
-felt slow and tired standing these up today. woof.
Jerk from blocks (5×3)
83×3, 83×3, 93×3
was short on time and did not want to go heavy OH today after all those HSPU yesterday. definitely fatigued. listened to my body and just worked fast footwork and good positions today.
Left it at that. I ran out of time, but even if I had it, I don't think I could have powered through many ring dips today with my triceps and upper body this sore from yesterday!
Some mobility after coaching:
-mash lats, triceps
-hip mobility: int rot, ext rot, adductors
@Whit H ….I kid you not. It seemed too good to be true. At first I thought it was an extra slab of ginger or a funky colored wad of wasabi…..but it was in fact… definitely icecream.
Monday's work out Tuesday.
Press: 1×8 @ 145
2×8 @ 155
My shoulder felt better than normal today. So went for a little more weight. Moved pretty well
Wod: 9:22 rx'd
Worked next to Matt Katz which is always fun pushing myself to keep up. Rows were at about 1:45. Thrusters were unbroken, except when I changed hands.
Yes! Congratulations Jay!
Perfect choice for athlete of the month. I remember Jay from my very first days at the gym and confirmed reading this interview that we did join at almost exactly the same time. Impressive athlete, considerate gym member and bar partner and always someone I'm happy to see. And, yes, big fan of the Jay-Star wit.
Well done!
Noah and Jess let me grab space for Snatch work at 7:30. Thanks!
Halting Snatch DL + Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch
Worked up to 70kg (154lbs) for 3 reps. Hard complex, but no missed. I hate "snatching from the hang..:".
Monday's Row/KB Thruster WOD at 24kg in 13:03. Slow and steady. That was still tough!
Jay and his entire family are such a wonderful addition to our community! Jay has been an obvious choice for so long, happy to see him in the lime light!!!