Fitness and Performance
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Hip Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a challenging load. 3 second pause at the hip, then snatch directly from the hip. If you have time before class, check out Catalyst Athletic’s video of the Halting Snatch Deadlift.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
30 Single-Unders
5 Jumping Pull-Ups
60 Single-Unders
10 Jumping Pull-Ups
90 Single-Unders
15 Jumping Pull-Ups
120 Single-Unders
20 Jumping Pull-Ups
…Add 30 Single-Unders and 5 Jumping Pull-Ups per round until time is called.
Be sure to come down fast on the jumping pull-up, no slow negatives.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
10 Double-Unders
2 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Double-Unders
4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
25 Double-Unders
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
…Add 5 Double-Unders and 2 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups per round until time is called.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Lauren B. crushing her clean and jerk at 61kg, at the 2015 Liberty Bell Classic yesterday in Philadelphia. Her best snatch was 44kg, for a total of 105kg. This was her first USAW sanctioned meet, and she worked her ass off to get their. Hell yeah, Lauren! Congrats! (See her fighting for her 3rd C&J attempt at 66kg here.)
News and Notes
- Good luck to Rob Is and Laurent G. who are lifting today between 9am and 2pm at the SBWC Raw Open Powerlifting Spring Classic 2015, right around the corner on 300 Douglass Street. Some CFSBKers will be there to cheer them on, so meet up with them if you can! More on Margie’s results tomorrow!
- We’re all excited about CrossFit Kids, but don’t forget that Kids Club is still happening on Sundays at 9am. Drop off your kiddos (age 3 to 8) TODAY and we’ll keep them occupied with a variety of childhood-enhancing activities! More info here.
The 7am Cycle of CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray Begins Tuesday!
Both the Noon and PM cycles of the Olympic Lifting Program are running, and started last week. If you were on the fence, you can still sign up (details here)! But we’re also introducing a 7am Cycle, which starts on Tuesday, April 28th! Details below:
7am Cycle
What: A 6-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting three times a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 7-8am from 4/28/15 – 6/5/15
Price: $225 per 3 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automantically ot the card on-file one month later
All cycles will end with a mock Olympic meet on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 2:30pm.
There’s Still Time to Sign Up For “Get Fit or Be Hacking”!
May 2nd is coming up fast and we’re in the process now of finalizing teams, ordering t-shirts, and scheduling waves. We’d love a huge CFSBK turnout of both participants and fundraising prowess! Let’s help kids learn to code!
“Get Fit or Be Hacking” is a hybrid fitness and coding competition on May 2nd to raise money for the New York City Foundation for Computer Science (“CSNYC”). CSNYC’s mission is to ensure that all children in each of the 1,700 NYC public schools have access to computer science. A big focus for CSNYC is supporting programs in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods and promoting interest in software engineering among traditionally underrepresented communities.
The heart of the fundraiser will be a competition happening on May 2nd at CrossFit South Brooklyn at 2pm. It will be composed of two workouts, each lasting 15 minutes. LEARN MORE HERE!
Courage and Survival Jim Harrison
9am with the Foxes . The hip snatch was interesting – a very effective means of isolating that last portion of the snatch. I did reps at 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 115(f), 115. Fox's cue to be more relaxed with the bar at my hip was helpful and something never would have occurred to me. My first rep at 115 was by far my best, mainly because I got under the bar and caught solidly overhead.
The metcon was fun. I did this with regular kipping pullups and got through the round of 12 9 double unders into the next round. My double unders continue to improve. I actually banged out a couple of strung-together sets of 20, which is pretty remarkable for me under fatigue. The set of 25 was a disaster for some reason, but otherwise these were pretty good. It's looking like a beautiful day out there. I'm looking forward to getting out and enjoying it.
Hip snatch complex – did a whole bunch of reps at relatively low weights and eventually worked my way up to 154. No misses and most of the reps were pretty solid.
Metcon – 45 DU and 9 C2B – that was a fun one.
Hip snatch: bailed 42# twice right in the beginning. This was really weird because I full snatched 53 last week. Got some very helpful advice from Katie about staying active in the shoulders and staying braced the entire time. It got better and better after she worked with me! Then attempted 57 at the very end, missed it at first, but David reminded me to stay super active at the beginning and to go down/up/down and made it pretty confidently. Engaging every muscle, pulling the bar close, and being really confident makes all the difference.
My kipping pull-ups have gotten so much better, and I think it's really all about confidence here, too. Today I channeled my inner-Dominique Moceanu and just tried to throw myself over the bar. Got to the round of 10 pull-ups.
Thanks for the shout-out today!
This was a great first meet in that there were lots of impressive and experienced lifters, and everyone was friendly and supportive. Going into it I was feeling calm and strong. I put out of my mind the cold coming on, rough night sleep and nagging sense that I shoulda coulda woulda trained a lot more. Any doubts I quashed with: 'Assassin' (get in, kill it, get out)
I'd been training on my own with some programming input from Frank. I planned my openers and warm-ups conservatively, based on my experience at the Oly Cycle mock meet. The biggest differences in my training in the 6-8 weeks leading up to the competition were: mental prep, building strength (nutrition, more lifting, less crossfit) and technique repetition.
I did not win (What?!?!) Actually, as a Master I may have but that never came up.
I went 4 for 6 with some pretty decent lifts that Im proud of. Total: 105k
The key for me is to stay calm, focused and confident — snatch is not heavy it's all mental
40, 44 both felt easy, 47 failed.
On the third lift, my name was called, and I was about to lift, but there was a mix up. The order changed, so I had to go back to waiting. There was a bunch of joking around that ensued and I lost focus. It was a lame miss — I rushed the pull and altho it went up easy, I bailed it forward.
The key for me is to feel strong and commit — c&js don't mess with my head, they get heavy
55, 61 solid and strong, 66 failed.
Also impatience — pulled early, caught it forward and couldn't stand it up.
The second attempts were lifts I've made before and I do feel stronger, so of course making at least one of the third attempts would have been exciting. I now know the potential is there and that I can set a plan and do my best to make it happen regardless of the circumstances.
8am. Hip snatch (kilos): 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75. The halting snatch deadlift felt awkward. The hip snatches felt great. No misses, lots of snap in the pulls and descent speed getting down. Metcon: 35 DUs + 3 CTB. DUs tripped me up. Not as bad as last week, but not even close to pretty.
Snatch: 2 reps @53, 58, 63, 68, then did about 5-6 reps at 73, then back down to 3 reps @68#
73# got a little messy. I failed one attempt, had a few press outs, and wasn't keeping my shoulders active.
WOD: Performance with pull-ups subbed for C2B. Did 30/40 DUs. Last week double unders were horrible and pull-ups were fantastic. Today, double unders were improved (used a different rope and focused on slowing down my jumps and timing them with flicking my wrists), but pull-ups were pretty bad.
Congrats Lauren!!! So cool
11am class with MeLo and KHarpz.
3 rounds
10 x KB swings @ 16kg (USA!! First time in a while!)
10 x hollow rocks
Snatch Complex
Halting snatch deadlift
Hip (power) snatch
OH squat.
33, 53 x 3, 63 x 2, 68, 78, 83, 88…
Which matches my PR for power snatch from the floor. Kinda surprised by this. Once I figured out the positions it made sense. Think I'll practice this more. Now if I could just land in a full squat…
8 min AMRAP
Here was my version… Low bar 16" box.
15 x double-unders
5 x jumping pull-ups
30 x double-unders
10 x jumping pull-ups
45 x double-unders
15 x jumping pull-ups
60 x double-unders
20 x jumping pull-ups
I was so happy to be able to use my newly acquired DUs in a workout! And then my rope broke in the first round and the only ones I managed to pull were too long but I got through them even if it may have been in more sets than I can now do but it was still WAY faster than ever before so yay! Might have gotten into the next round if that hasn't happened but it doesn't matter because I am SO happy with my progress here. Need to keep practicing and focus on relaxing my shoulders.
Spent a lot of time mobilizing and doing Crossover Symmetry before class and it really helped with everything, I think.
Great work. Lauren! I think in our first session ever I told you that you should do an oly meet one day and you thought it was a ridiculous idea 🙂
Did 1/2 Murph with Noah after teaser class
2nd Run was slow and push-ups broke down sooner than anticipated. Still nice to just get out there and move on a beautiful day!
Rehab presses: 80x8x3
WOD: I did C2B strict at half-volume till the 4 round and then switched to just regular strict pull-ups. Finished the 7 round, got into the 8 round and did 3 there. Got a PR of 53 DUs in the 45 round. (Yes, I didn't stop at 45.)
Noon class
Snatch complex up to 75kg/165# with one miss at the top weight.
I kept losing track of how many doubles I was supposed to do :/
got to 12 C2B plus 21 DU. I tripped up SEVEN TIMES trying to restart the round of 35, at 33 reps…
Noon w/ Melo, Harpz & DO
Good, strong, consistent hits. But the 2001 Space Odyssey chimp-like fear of the Snatch Balance lives…
Reached the 12/35 round
DUs fell apart as usual
Serious congrats to LB and Margie for their feats of strength yesterday. So impressed by both of you.
Makeup from yesterday:
Perf LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 155×2, 165×5, drop set of front squats at 125, last rep was fugly.
Fitness WOD with 30# DB in 12:30. This kicked my ass but I was able to do everything unbroken.
Cash-out was being dazed and confused for a good 15 minutes afterwards.
OG tonight.
Did todays Perf. WOD with kipping pull-ups. I also got confused on where I was at with the doubles. Made it into the round of 12 pull-ups (I think?) and only got three there. Sets of 3s and 2s and singles, with some no reps. Arturo had me switch to a high bar halfway through so I could get more leverage from my legs and that helped. Still a work in progress, but I'm loving being able to use these in workouts.
Sled pushes, not sure how many yards each one was? Bike shop to dialysis clinic is how I gauged it. All weights plus the sled: 45×1, 90×1, 135×2, 90×1, 45×1. Woof.
Some handstand walk work and recovery Crossover Symmetry, and rolling out my quads so I'm not super sore tomorrow. I need to sleep more on the weekends.
Wow Lauren congrats!